.« • • • * « r v r« * * » ♦ • Page 2... The Portland Observer...September 30, 1992 “ Gang Banging” Is a Business, Too. JAMES L POSEY James Posey is a local small busi­ ness owner with a background in social w ork and comm unity activism. “ Gang Banging” - It may not fit the traditional notion o f a business en­ terprise but a close look reveals some surprising sim ilarities. For example, a lot o f successful people have developed their own business because they could not gam oppoitunities through regular employment. I ’d say that’s real true o f “ gang bangers.” Surely everyone knows that one goes into business to f ill an unmet need, to satisfy a market. Young people know that there is an unlim ited market fo r violence and corruption sea­ soned by fear and frustration, particu­ larly in Northeast Portland. There is a sense that they can have a fie ld day because when they weight the other options, there is very little risk o f fa il­ ure, and success is virtually assured. Just ask the little young dudes riding around on bicycles selling crack co­ caine in broad daylight! The not-so-obvious benefits to our alienated youth is the recognition and a sense o f rcspectthey obtain. Recogni­ tion is important to an otherwise invis­ ible existence, labeled by many a lost generation. Negative attention is better than no attention at all. One wonders i f a more sophisticated business could have gotten as much attention and pub­ lic ity as these “ gang bangers” are get­ ting. This publicity has been a w indfall for the “ gang banging” business. As far as respect is concerned, young people have discovered that everybody in­ stantly respects a .45 or a 357 magnum. And, since many young people can’t seem to gain respect in traditional ways, to them, negative respect is certainly better than no respect. True, it may be a false sense o f respect, but many see their stock rise w ith every T V news report, newspaper portrayal, or special youth program designed to contain their activities. The M afia, Jesse James, A1 Capone, Bonnie and Clyde combined couldn’ t raise enough hell to get scared NE residents to demand calling out the National Guard. The most powerful comparison to business and gangs is the notion o f ownership and belonging. Check out General Motors, IB M , Nike or som eof the other big boys when they come under attack and their p ro fit position is compromised. It may not be from the b a n d o f a gun, but you can bet there is guts i f not blood involved. When it comes to the need to belong, hey, le t’ s face it; it is a major, i f not the most powerful, m otivation in human behav­ ior. That’s largely what gang colors, “ home boy” , and the other gang sym­ bolism is all about. A ctually, it ain’ t too much different from the swoosh and N ike Town. But more than anything else, it ’ s about economics. As one form er young “ blood” members said on a T V inter­ view, “ We a in ’t stupid, i t ’s about eco­ nomics. I f we had other options, we would take 'e m .” I guess to me that’s why it ’s a sad irony to hear residents asking fo r the intervention o f the Na­ tional Guard. Instead o f asking that the National Guard come into the commu­ nity to quell the unrest, residents should be demanding that the National Guard make sure it hires and trains as many o f these Black youth as it does a represen­ tative number o f white youth. I have first hand knowledge that the National Guard is not a part o f the solution, but in fact, is a part o f the problem. The A ir National Guard, in particular, is main­ taining a v irtu a lly all-w hite, private flyin g club. The Guard is a large, far- ranging economic system in which Black youth, especially those with a poor education or crim inal record, w ill never participate. Northeast residents should be sure that when they are at­ tempting to drive out the demons, they don’ t risk getting the devil himself. The N ational Guard has re la tiv e ly few people o f color in their ranks, and many in the Guard are likely to come from places like Grants Pass, M edford, North Bend, and Albany. They would arrive in the com m unity, packing M-16s, w ith little or no training in how to contain riots and c iv il disobedience, or conduct law enforcem ent operations. Some guardsmen have never seen a Black person alive and up close. It m ight be a b it hard for them to distinguish between a gang member and a teacher at the Black Education Center. Residents should be careful what they ask for; they just m ight get it. As far as economics goes, the local police are not much better. It was about four years ago that I had breakfast w ith then Captain Potter at the L lo yd Center Red Lion Inn. The discussion was about how the police hiring process through the c iv il service system and police union politics almost totally excludes the re­ cruitm ent and hiring o f Blacks. We dis­ cussed a strategy to address the problem by establishing a pre-employment train­ ing academy made up prim arily o f North­ east residents. The police already have a reserve o ffice r or deputy program that has fo r years been serving the same purpose, p rim arily for w hite residents. W ell just the other day, I saw now C hie f Potter coming o u to f the K ing Neighbor­ hood Center. He had j ust finished a news conference outlining measures to stop the latest outbreak o f gang violence in Northeast Portland. I asked him about our discussion o f several years ago. He indicated that his o ffice is trying to establish acitizen training academy, but it has been slow in coming. I ’d say it ’ s damn slow in coming, about five or six deaths too slow. I hope Northeast resi­ dents demand that he get on w ith making this happen w ith the same insistence that they are demanding the intervention o f the National Guard. Because it w on’t be the armed forces or the National Guard that w ill put the “ gang bangers” out o f business. Rather, it w ill take the efforts o f the National Guard and the rest o f the com m unity to include them and share the fruits o f their business. - V- Letter To The Editor: I deeply disagree with Senator Mark H atfield’ s stand against Oregon in itia ­ tive 9. Environmentalists must agree that Homosexuality is not ecological. As an unnatural behavior. Homosex should be eligible for medical assis­ tance. There is a fu ll medical cure fo r Homosexuality practiced in China. Per­ haps another cure could be found. Mea­ sure 9 w ould redefine Homosex as an illness thus making victim s eligible for medical aid. Even stronger is my disagreement w ith reasons H atfield cited fo r taking his stand. H atfield wanted Christian love for homosexuals. Im plied was to support and do nothing to cure them. This reasoning applied to AIDS frus­ trates many sufferers who want a cure. True Christian love helps heal prob- lems, not hide them. H a tfie ld claim ed separation o f church and state. That fallacy has been disproved on Christian television and the Supreme C ourt by Christian lawyer Jay Sekulow. The same Congress that approved the firs t amendment also es­ tablished m ilita ry chaplains. M ilita ry chaplains have Federal support to spread the gospel but their command authority is separate. This prototype should be duplicated through­ out government, all the way to public schools. Instead o f fo llo w in g the o rig i­ nal prototype, modem liberals rede­ fined separation o f church and state to im ply total abstinence from God in affairs o f state. Congress must reestab­ lish the correct interpretation and act accordingly. H a tfie ld said C h ris tia n view s should come from the heart and not be legislated. Legislation should reflect the highest ideals, providing an envi­ ronment which supports a society o f virtue and continuous growth toward perfection. The heart needs training to be right; such training is no longer given in schools, by the examples o f our elder statesmen, business leaders, or many traditional churches. H atfield could be healing major social problems by turning this nation toward God. Instead like any liberal he uses misapplied, twisted, illo gica l, and false reasons to condone, thus spread the mental disease Hom osexuality, now growing in epidemic proportions. Be­ cause o f gross incompetence, H atfield doesn’ t deserve another term in office. Sincerely, K irk W . Fraser Portland Observer encourages our readers to write letters to the editor in response to any articles we publish. '(Fíje (©bserlier (USPS 959-680) OREGON’S OLDEST AFRICAN AMERICAN PUBLICATION Established in 1970 Publisher Alfred Henderson Contributing Writers Production Staff M cK inley Burt Dan Bell M attie Ann Callier-Spears B ill Council John Phillips Operations Manager Joyce Washington Accounting Manager Gary Ann Garnett Dean Babb Gary Ann Garnett Rea Washington S ubscribe Up- 'Pcrrtlanh (©bserüer I T he P ortland O bserver CAN BE SENT DIRECTLY TO YOUR HOME ONLY Public Relations Chuck Washington Sales & Promotions PER YEAR. I P lease Tony Washington and The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions. Manuscripts and photographs should be clearly 'abeled and will be returned if accompanied by a self addressed envelope. 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The Portland Observer-Oregon's Oldest African-American Publication-is a member of the National Newspaper Association-Founded in 1885, and The National Advertising Representative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc., New York, NY. i * r ; - * ’ ■ ,•• * • . > * X . ‘ k , ... . * M ail to : S ubscriptions T he P ortland O bserver PO Box 313 7 P ortland , O regon 97208 Deadline for all submitted materials: Articles: Monday, 5:00 p m -A d s : Tuesday, noon 3137, P ortland, OR 97208 Second class postage paid at Portland Oregon. fill out , enclose C H EC K OR M O N EY O R D E R , The PORTLAND OBSERVER is published weekly by Exie Publishing Company, Inc. 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97211 503-288-0033 • Fax 238-0015 POSTMASTER: Send A ddress Changes to : Portland Observer, P.O. Box $25.00 I I I Name I I I ! Address Jc/fy, State I zip-code I I T hank Y ou F or R eading I I T he P ortland O bserver p e r s p e c tiv e s I T M t y Professor M cK inle y B urt ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ “I Will Do Anything To Win This Election” Sincerely, George Bush W ho said the man was a liar? You watch your mouth. Who are these Demo­ crats and media pundits, not to mention B ill C linton, that maintain you should not expect to hear the truth from these presidential lips. That headline state­ ment above is absolute proof -positive there are times when you may safely read his lips (and he does mean “ any­ thing” ). As the administration was telling it, there was no money fo r many o f the vital programs and initiatives being offered up by congress or requested by federal and state agencies seeking to maintain a decent service level in a deteriorating economy. The number o f “ vetoes” exceeded the number exer­ cised by any president since the found­ ing o f the republic, despite the fact that m illions more (including children) were dropping below the poverty level. And though growing unemployment and pro­ jected layoffs are approaching “ depres­ sion” ’ not recession, levels. But suddenly, as the polls in d i­ cated that the president’ s confidence level had slipped by double digits in many places, Bush did exactly what he has been accusing congress o f doing the past four years. He dipped into the old “ pork barrel’ and began handing out money like a sailor on leave. Bush quickly indicated the targets o f his “ gen­ tler-kinder” philosophy, scrapping a ca m p a ig n s ch e d u le to v is it the M cDonnell Douglass plant in St. Louis where they were told they could sell 72 F -15s to Saudi Arabia. This move re­ quired billions in advance payments to finance the company just as in the re­ cent sale o f fighter aircraft to Taiwan. During the same tw o week period, Newsweek Magazine reported that Bush announced $23 b illio n in foreign arms- sales contracts, federal subsidies and disaster relief (“ Bush has made a career o f doing whatever it takes to win an election” ). Now, this is the man who paints B ill C linton as a “ Tax and spend democrat’ and who says that the thou­ sands o f American schools that are ill- equipped w ith the modem science equipment needed to reach the goals o f yesterday, let alone any “ Year 2000” projection, “ do not need more monies to w aste-give’ em choice” . The schools are having trouble just financing the removal o f the lead from the plumbing. Then, o f course, we have the b il­ lions the Department o f Agriculture used to subsidize grain shipments to Iraq not long before the invasion o f Kuwait. As though we were stupid c h il­ dren, we are told that this was a “ non­ m ilita ry transaction” . A well-rounded- idio t could perceive that i f a nation did not have to spend its money on food, then, it could spend that same amount on “ weapons” -a n d Iraq certainly did just that!Perhaps, i f none o f this idiocy seems to make sense, we should re­ member that George Bush is a former head o f the C IA , and that the region ;. where the “ Comedy O f Errors” plays daily, is the o il-rich M iddle East. “ Who knows but the shadow, what goes on in the hearts” and schemes o f man? E vi­ dently, a number o f folks do , as a number o f defectors blow the whistle before congressor a special prosecutor- -or write a book. The Iraq-Iran war is now seen in a new light. The strangest scenario is where the Bush administration fla ils away at the “ arms dealers” and asks for penalties against those nations who are jeopar­ dizing world security by selling weap­ ons o f mass destruction to third world countries, the United States is now the w orld ’ s biggest arms dealer, nd this country screams in dismay as Russia tries to sell three elderly submarines to Iran, the “ defectors” mentioned above now document, along w ith foreign jo u r­ nalists, that this country happily sup­ plied both sides in that Iraq-Iran war which left m illions upon m illions dead on the desert k illin g floor. D id we ever collect on these bills? That w ill not raise the dead, o f course. We note in passing, that Bush be­ trayed his beloved “ fam ilies” by veto­ ing the “ Fam ily Leave” b ill, and that other potential republican voters and campaign contributors are being wooed by dangling before their eyes the huge profits that w ill result i f all those jobs are shipped to M exico under that “ Trade A c t” . Things may get better, but I don’ t know when. •..... •••• g B ’ * S? *'• Dear Fellow Oregonian: As a concerned Oregon citizen, I am asking you to jo in w ith me in voting No on Measure 9, i f passed, would be the first piece o f legislation in this Nation’s history which would take away C iv il Rights from any o f its citizens, and would encourage hate, intolerance, distrust, and violence. Measure 9 was designed by the Oregon C itizens’ Alliance (O C A ) and is intended to amend the Oregon State Constitution to relegate gay men and lesbian women to the status o f second class citizens. It would make it legal to discriminate against them in housing, insurance, finance, employment, po­ lice protection, health care, and in all other aspects o f daily living. The O C A is a neo-Nazi, fanatical religious hate group, which is targeting a vulnerable segment o f our society by spreading half-truths, and out and out lies about the sexual orientation o f gay men and lesbian women. The O C A, w ith its Measure 9, is attempting to equate the sexual orientation o f a large segm ent o f o u r p o p u la tio n w ith pedophilia, sadism, and masochism, none o f which has anything to do w ith sexual orientation. Gay men and lesbian women do not want “ Special Rights” , they want Equal Rights, and Measure 9 is struc­ ... . tured, not only to take away their Equal Rights, but to take away the Equal Rights o f all those perceived to be gay or lesbian and from all those who sup­ port them. Measure 9 is a dangerous piece o f legislation and has the a b ility to open doors to a ll kinds o f abuse, not only to gays and lesbians, but to all minorities, as well, and to any person or group o f people, whom the O C A considers not to be in agreement w ith its own biased, hate-filled and bigoted agenda. Please jo in w ith me in voting NO on Measure 9 in November. Sincerely, John Kurka This Way For Black Empowerment By Dr. Lenora Fulani T -E • D • D • Y On Monday, September 14-the day before the New York primary-Congress­ man Ted Weiss died. M r. Weiss, who had represented the predom inantly white and Jewish 8th Congressional D istrict on the West S ide o f Manhattan fo r 16 years, was one o f the few liberals left in his party. It was common k n o w l­ edge that M r. Weiss, who had under­ gone m ajor heart surgery twice in the last few years, was dying. W ith in hours o f his death, state Democratic Party leaders swung into action. New Y o rk election law allows party leaders-without consulting the voters-to appoint a replacement i f the winner o f the prim ary dies or is other wise unable to run in the general elec­ tion (in a one-party town such as New Y o rk, whoever wins the Democratic Party prim ary is assured a victory in November). So party leaders needed to make sure that Congressman Weiss, though deceased, would win the Demo­ cratic prim ary. This would not have been a serious problem except fo r the fact that the New Alliance Party, which I head up, had mounted a challenge to M r. Weiss (who otherwise would have run unop­ posed) in the person o f A rthur Block, a progressive Jewish attorney w ith im ­ peccable credentials as a legal scholar, an educator, and a c iv il rights and de­ mocracy lawyer. Suddenly all hell broke loose! There was achancc-remotq, but theanti-demo- crats don’t like to take any chances­ urging voters in the 8th C .D. to pull the lever for M r. Weiss despite the fact that he was dead in order t6 make sure that the candidate o f the New Alliance Party- which he said “ opposes democratic idc- als” -lost. David Dinkins, the c ity ’s first Black mayor, said they should vote for Ted Weiss and against the New A l l i ­ ance Party, whose Policies he called “ offensive.” The Manhattan district leader, a Black state assemblyman from Harlem, chimed in on the same note. In response to reporters’ questions, M r. Block extended his condolences to M r. Weiss’ fam ily, colleagues and friends- and that was thaL He refused to partici­ pate in turning Ted W eiss’ death into a political football. On Primary Day voters woke up to editorials in every major newspaper obediently echoing the shamelessly antidem ocratic scare tactics o f the Democratic Party honchos. I was appalled that these Demo­ cratic Party politicians and their friends in the press had turned the death o f a human being into a platform for a p o liti­ cal attack on the New Alliance Party. 1 was particularly offended by the com ­ ments made by M ayor Dinkins. The mayor chose to attack the New Alliance party in the liberal Jewish comm unity he routinely courts at the expense o f the Black and Latino com ­ munities which delivered his victory in 1989. As his own re-election bid next year looms on the horizon, he is again seeking to ingratiate him self w ith Jew­ ish electorate; trashing the Black-led N AP is one way to do it. Now if M r. Dinkins is so dead set against my “ offensive policies,” I chal­ lenge him to bring this anti-NAP atti­ tude up to Harlem! I challenge him to level the same charges against Barbara Taylor, an African American educator and New Alliance Party leader running in Harlem’ s 70th Assembly D istrict! I dare him to run the same line on the Black youth in the Crown Heights seo- tion o f Brooklyn-the same youth I pre­ vented from rushing the cops last year in what would have been a bloodbath (justifiably angry, they had come out into the streets in the hundreds when a seven-year-old Black child was kille d in a hit-and-run accident and the cops helped the driver and his passengers get away before the little boy was even treated)! M ayor Dinkins (who is more at home at the U.S. Open Tennis Cham­ pionships than in the Black commu­ n ity) had to sneak in and out o f the comm unity w ith a police escort. 1 nstead o f taking pot shots at Arthur Block, why didn’ t the mayor come into the Black comm unity and take a shot at me? Because, like the state chairman o f his party, David D inkins is playing a vulgar and opportunistic political game. He’ s using N AP as a smokescreen to cover the crim inal and imm oral corrup­ tion o f the Democratic Party. Just as he forced N A P ’ s candidate for the U.S. Senate, the prominent Arab scholar, Dr. M .T. Mehdi, o ff his Christopher Columbus Quincentcnnial Commission underpressure from New Y o rk ’ s Z ion ­ ist mafia, he is using the occasion o f Congressman W eiss’ death to score some more points w ith Jewish voters. He w on’ t come to Harlem to take me on because he doesn’ t think it w ill help him p olitically. He doesn’t have the guts for that fight. The only balls he has arc tennis balls. To speak to Dr. Fulani, call 212- 996-4700. For inform ation or fo r media booking, call Madelyn Chapman at C a stillo C om m unications 212-941- 5800.