• • • • • « v « « « « » * » « 4 *. *. *. X \ X *» \ *» X \ *» \ \ X \ \ * * * • • * • *- * ' X X *4 •% \ r< t í r « i r v * *‘ <^r w ♦ * ♦ O r x Page 10...The Portland Observer...September 30,1992 i Portland Observer CLASSIFIEDS Administrative Assistant Systems R e sp o n sib ilitie s include gathering and c o m p ilin g data, generating reports, m a intaining filing sys­ tem s, a ssisting in grant w riting c o o rd in a tio n o f files and d e v e l­ o p in g in fo rm a tio n a l m aterials. R eports to m anagem ent team w ith in a pregnan cy, parenting, a d o p tio n services program . A p ­ p lic a tio n s available at The Boys and G irls A id S ociety, 018 S. W. B o unda ry Ct., P ortland, OR 97201. D e adline O ct. 7. Equal O pportu­ nity E m ployer. Administrative Assistant C le rica l: R eports to the m anagers o f a pregnancy, parenting and ad o p tio n services program . R e­ sp o n sib ilitie s include typing, fil­ ing, m ail processing, establish­ ing a nd m aintaining filing and record keeping system s, special projects, and coordinating hiring pro ce ss. A pplications available at T h e Boys and Girls Aid S oci­ ety, 01 8 S. W . Boundary Ct., P ortland, O R 97201. Deadline O c t 7. Equal O pportunity Em ­ ployer. Alcohol/Drug Counselor Im plem ent an effective preventive alcohol and drug program pro­ viding support, inform ation and re s o u rc e s to youth 16-25 in ­ volved in a residential vocational/ education program . Q ualifications: Bachelors Degree in Social Sciences and O regon A lcohol/D rug C ertification. by 10/5/92 P le a s e s e n d re s u m e /to J u lie Blanchard, S pringdale Job Corps C enter, 31224 E. C row n Point H ig h w a y , T ro u td a le , O re g o n 97060 E O E/M FVH Data Processing Market Survey Job Code No. 808802-PCPA Portland Center for the Performing Arts 1 - Full-time Position Salary: $9.41/Hr. The MetroERC is recruiting fora full-time secretarial position for the Portland Center for the Per­ forming Arts . This position is open to in-house employees and Tar­ get Area residents only. Target Area applicants applying for this position must live within the fol­ lowing boundaries: Colum bia Villa and Chautauqua on the west; Colum bia Blvd. on the north; Banfield Freeway on the south; and N E. 42nd on the east. Essential Duties will consist of a wide variety of responsible sec­ retarial and clerical duties in sup­ port of m anagem ent, profes­ sional and technical staff; and provide general information and assistance to the public. Some specific duties will include proof­ reading; responding to co m ­ plaints; maintain calendars and schedules of activities; maintain payroll reports; prepare billings; perform special projects, and other duties as assigned, this position closes October 5,1992. Applications and supplemental requirements must be received, or postmarked no later than 5 :00 p.m., Monday, October 5,1992. Applications and supplemental requirements can be picked up at: G reat opportunity to work with large telem arketing /m a rket research com pany. M ust have good phone skills. Job requires conducting s u rv e y fo r c u rre n t re s e a rc h project. Transportation n e ce s­ sary for location Evening and w eekend openings. Phone 503-297-8037 Nike, Inc. has an im m ediate op e n ­ ing for a Local A rea N etw ork A nalyst in Inform ation System s, to Design and Im plem ent LAN system s across a G lobal C om ­ m unications N etw ork, provide direction as a technical expert, assist in establishing C orporate standards and procedures, iden­ tify and develop new and em erg­ ing technologies, provide input to departm ental operating and strategic plans, and provide tech­ nical assistance and instruction w orldw ide. Q ualified applicants m ust have a BS in com puter-related field or equivalent, plus 4-5 years rekated experience, to include a min of 3 yrs experience supporting large co m plex LAN s. Know ledge of Data C om m unications Networks and P rotocols, w ith extensive know ledge of LAN operati ng sys­ tem s and PC base technologies required. E xperience with Ban­ yan V ines and Apple M acintosh required, as well as experience supporting groups o f networked PC users. Strong oral and w rit­ ten co m m unication s skills and ability to w ork w ith vendors, c u s ­ tom ers and as a m em ber of a p roject team required. P lease forw ard your resum e indi­ cating source code O R TD LC to N ike, Inc. Em ploym ent-C enter, 3700 S W M urray, Beaverton, OR 97005. Nike, Inc. is an Equal O pportunity Em ployer. Job Shoppers, Inc. “Tem porary Services" 5319 S. W. W estgate Dr., #146 Portland, OR 97221 Equal O pportunity Em ployer Drafter Civil AutoCAD Excellent long term opportunity for Civil AutoCAD Drafter with a m ini­ mum o f 1 1/2 years w ork e xperi­ ence on AutoC AD . M ust also have plans and profile experi­ ence. Street/sewers exper. a plus Job is in Portland. 297-8037 The Metropolitan Service District Job Shoppers, Inc. MetroERC & the Oregon convention Center Administration Oltices 5319 S.W . W estgate Dr., #146 Portland, OR 97221 No Fees Est. 1979 RESUM E FAX LINE 297-8030 Equal O pportunity Em ployer The Urban League The N.E. Workforce Center Metropolitan Service Disi. 2000 S. W First Ave. Portland, OR Oregon Convention Center 777 NE Martin Luther King Jr., Blvd Portland, OR S heet M etal/Precision W e have im m ediate openings for Journeym an level: Resumes will not be accepted. AAÆEO Employer Welders & Installers & Fabricators & Machinists Office Assistant Class No. 012-0992B-SW Solid Waste Department 1 Full-time Position Salary: $7.03 - $9.90 The Metropolitan Service District is recruiting for one full-time Of­ fice Assistant position. The per­ son in this position will perform the following essential job duties: Performs department reception functions such as screening calls, and visitors, and taking m es­ sages; opens and routes incom ­ ing mail for the Solid Waste De­ partment; performs general cleri­ cal duties including typing, filing, copying, and providing general information to the public; prepares outgoing mail. This position closes on October 9,1992. Applications and supplemental requirements must be received, or postmarked no later than 5:00 p.m., Friday, October 9,1992. Applications and supplemental requirements can be picked up at: “T em porary Services” 5319 S. W. W estgate Dr. #146 Portland, OR 97221 No Fees! Equal O pportunity Em ployer The Metropolitan Service District Case Manager MetroERC and Oregon Convention Center Administration Offices H o u s in g : S afe P lace H o u sin g Project: Provide intake, assess­ m ent and short term case m an­ agem ent service to pregnant and parenting w om en. B.A. degree oar equivalent in volunteer or w ork/life experience. Aw areness of shelter/foster care. A pplica­ tions available at The Boys and g irls A id S o c ie ty , 0 18 S .W . B o u n d a ry C t., P o rtla n d , O R 97201. Deadline O ct 7. Equal O pportunity Em ployer. The Urban League Metropolitan Service Dist. 2000 S W. FirsT Ave. Portland, OR Oregon Convention Center 777 NE Martin Luther Klng, Jr. Portland, OR METRO M u ltih a n d ic a p p e d P rogram B F O Q - requires personal hygiene assista n ce and training 7 hrs d a y /1 90 days school year A pp lica tio n D eadline: 5:00 pm , 10/ 19/92 M E S D applications qualifications and salary inform ation available M on-F ri, 8:00-5:00, or send a se lf-addresse d, stam ped legal envelope, indicating position of interest to M ultnom ah Education S e rv ic e D is tric t, R e c ru itm e n t O ffic e , 11611 NE A in s w o rth C ircle, Portland OR 97220-9017. A n E qual O pportunity Em ployer & D rug F ree W ork Place ’■*' ■ « 5 — Ì ‘-‘. * * * *’ <4. . sk-**"*. ? , • '< ‘ » • • •• • ■ * • • .*< »* ' * ,- • - Administrative Assistant Library Aide System s: R esponsibilities include gathering and com piling data, generating reports, m aintaining filing system s, assisting in grant w riting coordination of files and developing inform ational m ateri­ als. R eports to m a n a g e m e n t team within a pregnancy, parent­ ing, adoption services program . A p plication s a va ilable at The Boys and Girls Aid Society, 018 S. W. Boundary Ct., Portland, OR 97201. Deadline Oct. 7. Equal O pportu­ nity Em ployer. Salary: $647-743 20 Hrs/Wk. T he C ity of Eugene is accepting applications for a 20-hr a w eek position a the Eugene Public Li brary. D uties inclu d e sorting, shelving and desensitizing books. M ust be available to w ork any four hour shift S un-Sat, 9:00am - 9:00pm . Application packets are available at H um an Resource and Risk Services, 777 Pearl S treet, Rm 101, Eugene, OR 97401 Opening exists for a high energy, professiona l individual to jo in Regional Trng & Sim ulation C en­ ter at Sherw ood location o f 340 em ployee Fire D istrict. W ill a s­ sist R TSC adm in staff in coord projects, im plem enting and coord marketing strategy and program s and m aking initial client contacts. Serves as office m anager and as adm in asst to RTSC adm in staff. M ust have 2 yrs exp in m arketing dept or function w /high degree of public contact: 3-5 yrs of office exp including directing w ork of others. Proficient in W ordPerfect and M S DOS applications in the areas o f W P , databases .sp re a d ­ sheets and graphics w /w orking know ledge of M acintosh. Ability to type 60w pm and transcribe m achine dictation. HS degree or G ED equiv; supplem ented by c o lle g e o r b u s in e s s s c h o o l courses in m arketing preferred. M ust hold driver's license valid in the state of Oregon and be insur­ able by D istrict insurer. Salary at $1919-$2686/m n. Full range of em ployer paid benefits. Required D is tric t a p p l a v a ila b le 8 a m - 4:30pm at Tualatin Valley Fire & R e scu e , 2 0 6 6 5 S W B la n to n Street, Aloha, OR 97007, 649- 8577. C losig Date: O ct 9th at 4:30pm . Equal O pportunity Em ployer Executive Director A m erican Civil Liberties Union O f O regon (AC LU ), a statew ide, nonprofit organization headquar­ tered in Portland, seeks Execu­ tive Director. Position requires m anagem ent experience, ability to supervise program s in legisla­ tion, litigation, public education and developm ent, and de m o n ­ strated com m itm ent to civil liber­ ties and civil rights. Salary range $30,000 to $35,000, depending upon experience, plus benefits. S ubm it w ritten resum e and a statem ent show ing applican t’s com m itm ent to civil liberties to E . W alter Van Valkenburg, 900 SW Fifth Ave., Sute 2300, Portland, O R 97204. T arget date for re­ ceipt of applications 10/15/92. W om en and m inorities are encour­ aged to apply. Equal O pportunity Em ployer. Program Coordinator Office Assistant 2-Full and Part Time; $8.64 per hour; apply by October 9. Program Developm ent Technician- Juvenile Justice D iv is io n a l 1.33 per hour; apply by O ctober 9. Staff C oordinator-B oard of C ounty C o m m is s io n e rs ; $ 3 6 -4 0 ,0 0 0 ; apply by O ctober 2. For 24 hour job inform ation, call 2 4 8 -5 0 3 5 or v is it M u ltn o m a h County Em ployee Services, 1120 S W 5th Ave., Room 1430, P ort­ land, during business hours. Equal O pportunity Em ployer C om m unity M ental Health C enter seeks a Program C oordinator to supervise a psychiatric re habili­ tation program . M ust have e xpe­ rience w ith CM I, program d e ve l­ opm ent, evaluation, and ability to w o rk on a in terdisciplina ry team . An ideal position for a c re ­ a tive ou tg o in g in d ividua l w ith good interpersonal skills. Min. qualif: O TR , M SW , M S o r BS w ith equivalent 2 yrs. experience in m ental health. C o m petitive salary and benefits. R esum e to: R odney R. H arry/Per- sonnel O fficer G arlington C enter N/NE C o m m u ­ nity M ental Health Inc. 4950 N.E. M artin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Portland, O regon 97211 Phone (503) 249-0066 C losing Date: O ctober 0 9 ,1 9 9 2 E-O-E M inorities and the D isabled Encouraged to Apply A dm inistrative A ssistant needed for non-profit business o rganiza­ tion in N/NE Portland. Prior a d ­ m inistrative experience neces­ sary and volunteer experience helpful. Successful candidate will be able to prioritized a variety o f constantly changing tasks and possess excellent interpersonal com m unication skills in order to w ork with a diverse com m unity. Salary is $12,000 to $14,000 per year. Send resum e w ith cover le tte rto PO Box 11565, Portland, O R 97211 R ES TA U R A N T P O R TLA N D O BSER VER The Eyes and Ears ol the Community O ffic e : (503)288 -0 033 F a x # : (503)288 -0 015 O k k u h I U N IT IE THE EXCITEMENT IS GROWING IN GRESHAM! Challenge. Excitement. Fun Rewards It's all waiting for you at our brand new Olive Garden location. Vtc have more than 100 opportunities immediately available: | H o s ts & H o s te s s e s | W a ite rs & W a itre s s e s | B u s s e rs | B a r te n d e r s | C a s h ie rs I I I I P a s ta M a k e r s P re p C ooks L in e C o o k s D is h M a c h in e O p e r a to r s Take advantage of the rewards The Olive Garden has to offer you: paid vacation; profit sharing; server sales achievement awards; meal discounts and medical/ dental (with certain eligibility requirements). Applications will be taken Monday-Saturday between 8 a.m. and 7p.m. Apply for any of the positions listed above by visiting with us at our newest location: 2 3 3 0 SE B u r n s id e R o a d (W est o f P o w eU & B u r n s id e ) G r e sh a m An Equal Opportunity Employer RTSC Marketing Asst. Job Shoppers, Inc. The N.E. Workforce Center SAIF C orporation is looking for a Program m er A nalyst to perform a blend of pro g ra m m in g and analysis according to the follow- ingguid elines: journey-level pro­ gram m ing skills com bined with m axim um opportunities for pro­ gram m ing tasks; apprentice-level a n alysis skills co m b in e d w ith m inim um kn o w le d g e o f SAIF system s and m inim al o p p o rtu ­ nity for analysis tasks. M inim um q u a lific a tio n s in clu d e three years of business program ­ ming and analysis experience in a team environm ent or an equiva­ lent m ix of education and experi­ ence. Proficiency and/or fa m il­ iarity w ith m ainfram e C O BO L, OS JCL, EZPLU S.C IC S, VSAM , R oscoe, design m ethodology, database system sconcepts, and/ or a personal com puter language such as FoxPro or C is required. In addition, successful applicants will be fam iliar w ith significant PC s o ftw a re such as W ordP erfect or Excel; and pos­ sess su p e rio r c o m m u n ica tio n skills. Q ualified individuals are encour­ aged to subm it a resum e and cover letter to: SAIF Corporation P.O. Box 988 Salem , OR 97308 FAX: 503-373-8628 This recruitm ent m ay close at any tim e. Equal O pportunity Em ployer M ental Health Multnomah County M arketing Your 2-5 years industrial experi­ ence is just the ticket for our day,sw ing or graveyard op e n ­ ings. S hort & long term assign­ m ents. Top D o lla rs paid w eekly! Call Now: 297-8037 Resumes will not be accepted AA/EEO Employer Male Educational Assistant H o u s in g : S a fe P la ce H o u s in g Project: Provide intake, assess­ m ent and short term case m an­ agem ent service to pregnant and parenting w om en. B.A. degree oar equivalent in volunteer or w ork/life experience. A w areness of shelter/foster care. A pplica­ tions available at The Boys and g irls A id S o c ie ty , 0 1 8 S .W . B o u n d a ry C t., P o rtla n d , O R 97201. Deadline O ct 7. Equal O pportunity Em ployer. Programmer Analyst METRO LAN Analyst II Case Manager M arketing Secretary ^Advertising Employment & Bids/Sub-Bids RESTAURANT ITALIAN E A C C EN T'S J W S T U C C E S S SALES X&TSAMTVS i OFFIC E SYSTEMS AN ALCO STANDARD COMPANY Graphic Systems Specialist Automated Office Systems has an opportunity available for a Sales Specialist in our Graphic Systems group Responsi­ bilities include marketing the new Canon CJ-10 Color Bub­ ble Jet Copier and Canon Bubble Jet Printers The ideal candidate will be computer literate and have a strong background in color graphics applications At least two years of successful sales experience is preferred Excellent working environment in our dynamic growth com­ pany with the best ot company paid benefits For immediate consideration please send resume with earnings history to Sam Kress/Sales Mgmt Color/Graphics Automated Office Systems 12100 S.W. Garden Place Portland, Oregon 97223 An Equal Opportunity Employer Canon Restaurant/Management -k ¿2 -k ¿2 -k ¿2 -k -k ¿2 ¿2 -k -k ¿2 -k -k ¿2 -k ¿2 -k ¿2 -k ¿2 -k -Í2 -k SEEKING ENTRY LEVEL AND EXPERIENCED MANAGEMENT CANDIDATES. S ta rtin g in 1972 w ith a s in g le re s ta u ra n t a n d g ro w in g to w h e re w e n o w o p e ra te 29 re s ta u ra n ts in th e P ort- la n d /V a n c o u v e r m e tro p o lita n a re a a n d still e x p a n d ­ ing. If you are m a tu re -m in d e d , e n e rg e tic a n d have P R ID E , com e o v e r to B u rg e r K in g . W e h a ve e x c e lle n t tra in in g p ro g ra m s a n d b e n e fits p a c k a g e . R e s ta u ra n t M a n a g e m e n t N o rth w e s t, Inc. is a fra n ­ ch ise o f B u rg e r K ing C o rp o ra tio n . ¿2 C o m e into o u r m ain o ffic e & fill o u t an a p p lic a tio n or ¿2 se n d y o u r re s u m e to: R e s ta u ra n t M a n a g e m e n t N o rth ­ w e st, Inc. 1410 S W J e ffe rs o n , P o rtla n d . O R 972 0 1 . A tte n tio n : D e n ise R ib b e c k -k -k -k -12 -k ¿2 -k <¡2 -k ¿2 -k ¿2 -k ¿2 -k •12 -k ¿2 „W ♦ Sk * • » ¡® * * • • • ' ' . . . , • * ■