' > V * • ► ’» > • ’• > • •• • / • 4 , > J * > < r * * a * S’ , ♦ ♦ ♦ * * r < »<**<«**«» v r ' September 2 3 , 1992...The Portland Observer...Page 9 NASCD Selects New Poster Child Young Professional Host Talk On “Career Development Through Quality Management” “C areer D evelopm ent Through Total Quality M anagem ent” is the sub­ ject o f a workshop to be presented by quality expert Lafayette Howell on Thursday, September 17th at 6 p.m. at the State O ffice Building, 800 N.E. Oregon St., Room 120C. The event is sponsored by the Urban League Young Professionals. A dm ission is $2 for Young Professional members, $3 for non-members. Mr. Howell is responsible for train­ ing and im plementation o f total quality m a n a g e m e n t fo r C o n s o lid a te d Freightways, Inc. in Portland. He has trained more than 1,500 people in total quality managem ent principles, which can be applied to any business. The Urban League Young Profes­ sionals is an auxiliary o f the Urban League of Portland created to provide a forum for networking, professional de­ velopment and community service. For information contact 280-2600. We merged with Washington Mutual Local Teacher Helps Develop Award- Winning Workshop T he N ational A ssociation For Sickle Cell Disease, Inc. is pleased to announce the selection o f Ms. Patrina Laquis Davis as their 1992-93 Poster Child. The panel of judges consisted o f Five (5) well respected professionals who selected Ms. Davis from twenty on e(21) young men and women, ranging from age 5-11, whose picture and bio was subm itted by local sickle cell chap­ ters throughout the U nited States. Patrina Davis is 5 years old, enjoys singing and dancing and has sickle cell anemia. Ms. Davis is the daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Garfield, who also have two other daughter and two sons. Only Patrina has sickle cell disease, however, four of the other family m em ­ bers has the sickle cell trait. Patrina is a joyful, lively and extremely outgoing child who perseveres in spite o f having sickle cell anemia. She isquite verbally expressive and will attempt any task set before her. Patrina’s talents include, but are not limited to singing and danc­ ing, activities which she both performs well and enjoys. Patrina is very intelli­ gent, dem onstrates leadership qualities and gets along with her peers. Patrina auditioned for and was selected for a part in the play, “Tuxedo Junction’” however, due to script changes, and older child was recruited for the part. Patrina is quite excited about her new role as the Sickle Cell Poster Child and intends to make this on of the best years o f her life. The North Central Alabama Sickle Cell Foundation, Inc. and its Executive Director, Sharon Lewis, chose Patrina as their entry for the National Sickle Cell PosterChild for 1992-93. Ms Lewis is delighted with Patrina’s selection and vows to assist the National Sickle Cell office in making this a memorable year for Patrina Laquis Davis. Patrina will be featured on the National Sickle Cell Poster; she will make personal appearances throughout the year, she will do a National Public Service A n­ nouncement; and, she will represent the organization at events as requested. For more information about the 1992-93 Sickle Cell Poster Child or if you want information about sickle cell disease, please call 1-800-421-8453 New Bandages For People Of Color M ultiskins International has in­ troduced “ M ultiskins” (TM ), a new line o f adhesive bandages that are spe­ cifically designed for people of color. Available in boxes of 30 brown strips, M ultiskins blends more naturally with darker skin tones than any other first- aid bandage. Multiskins are sterile, have non-stick pads and are made in the United States. They ar being sold at prices that are com parable to other adhesive bandages. According to Amy Bryant, vice president o f marketing, “ Multiskins was developed to satisfy the needs o f people of color who, until now, have been forced to wear bandages that were not designed for their skin tones. Multiskins, unlike other bandages, pro­ vides significant cosmetic benefits by allowing people o f color tc use a ban­ dage that more closely matches their skin. We believe that Multiskins is an exciting new item that will fill a void in the marketplace for such ethnically sensitive products.” M ultiskins are currently available in several national drug store chains and wider distribution w ill be avail­ able soon. The company is also devel­ oping M ultiskins in a broader variety of shades and sizes. “W hile the present bandage is appropriate for most people with darker skin, we w ant to fulfill the needs o f as many people as possible,” said Ms. B ry an t A light brown ban­ dage is expected to be ready for distri­ bution by the end o f September. Ms. Bryant also indicated that a promotional campaign was underway to introduce the bandages. “We know from our market research that there is a large dem and for Multiskins; we just have to let people know that there is a more appropriate choice for their first- aid needs.” Gordly Sponsors parents Resource Fair; Saturday Event Bring parents And Programs Together District 19 Slate Representative 1 Gordly will host a Parents Re- ce Fair Saturday from 11 a to 2 p.m. eaumont Middle School. The Fair allow parents the opportunity to t with representatives o f a wide ;e o f school-based and community ¡rams available to our youth. “It’s rare that parents have the op- unity to sec a number of these orga- tions under the same roof, said dly. “ 1 want to let parents know t resources arc out there as this new >ol year begin we can make sure r children ar receiving every oppor- ty available. Local services and programs in­ vited include after school activities, parent support groups, cultural pro­ grams, family services, recreational activities, tutorial services, education programs, child care service public safety activities and back to school health and medical services. “ The best way we as parents can help our kids is to give them the tools, the guidance and the opportunity to make the right choices,” said Gordly. “This Parents Resource Fair seeks to provide parents with some of those tools.” For more information, please con­ tact Representative G ordly at 287- 6843. Mr. Steve Carlson, Science Spe­ cialist for Portland Public Schools and an educational advisor to Northwest Natural Gas Company helped develop the c o m p a n y ’s a w a rd -w in n in g educator’s workshop on environmental issues. The program, “ Environmental Issu e s A w a re n e ss,” re c e iv e d the american Gas A ssociation’s Award of Merit, Education Category. More than 130 programs were entered in this year’s public relations programs competition. The award was presented at the American Gas Association’s 1992 Com ­ munications Conference in Seattle this summer. Sixteen natural gas com pa­ n ies re c e iv e d C o m m u n ic a tio n s Achievement Awards from the associa­ tion for their public relations programs during 1992. liked our interest rates and the convenience of one-stop banking. S ince then, we've helped them with their time deposits and IRA and financed the remodeling of their home. The Henrys like Washington Mutual. And we like them. B e c a u s e around here, taking care of people -- and not big business - is what we re all about. Sound like your kind of bank? T h e n call Washington Mutual, the friend of the family? at 1-800-562-3565. Merge with Washington Mutual. FDIC Insured Second Annual “Teste Of New Orleans” Reception During The Congressional Black Caucus Weekend In Washington, DC On Septem ber 24,1992, the Greater New Orleans Black Tourism Network will hold it’s second annual “Taste o f New Orleans” reception duri ng the 22nd Annual Congressional Black Caucus Legislative W eekend in W ashington, DC. This event will be hosted by C on­ gressman W illiam “Bill” Jefferson and the G reater New Orleans Black T our­ ism Network, in cooperation with & R Security, al Copeland Enterprises, New Orleans Tribune, and The Praline C on­ nection. This reception will host members o f the National Congressional Black Caucus, as well as many national orga­ nizations attending the legislative con­ ference. This year’s reception will be held in the C om er Stone Lounge at the W ash­ ington, DC Convention Center, 900 W est Ninth Street NW, from 3 - 5PM. Attendees will sam ple authentic New Orleans food, dance to the sounds o f New Orleans music, and toast with authentic New Orleans Hurricanes and Dixie Beer. Equal Housing Lender B Hepatitis B Vaccinations Urged For Oregon Newborns Immunizations Available At County Health Departments Oregon infants bom on or after April 15, 1992, will be eligible to re­ ceive hepatitis B vaccinations from lo­ cal county health departments as part o f a prevention strategy designed to con­ trol the spread of hepatitis b, according to David Fleming, M.D, state epidem i­ ologist at the Oregon Health Division. A reasonable fee may be charged for the immunizations, but no one will be re ­ fused vaccine for an inability to pay. “Early immunization is a vital part o f our efforts tocom bat hepatitis B, said Dr. Fleming. “Early vaccination virtu­ ally elim inates the chance a child will become a carrier and unknowingly pass the disease on to others during adoles­ cence and adulthood. In addition, pre­ venting transmission o f the disease dur­ ing early childhood is important be­ cause o f the high likelihood of chronic infection and chronic liver disease that occurs when young children become infected.” Hepatitis B is a liver disease that is spread primarily through blood and sexual contact. It differs from hepatitis A, which is spread through contam i­ nated food and water No vaccine is available currently for hepatitis A.The Health Division, along with the Oregon Chapter o f the American Academy o f Pediatrics, the Oregon Hospital Asso­ ciation, Kaiser Permanente Northwest, and the Oregon Conference o f Local Health Officials, is recommending that each newborn follov/ a three-stage im ­ munization plan to protect against hepa­ titis B. The plan calls for each baby to receive its first hepatitis B vaccination before leaving the hospital, its second dose at age one to two months, and its third dose at age six months. “The vaccination schedule we are recommending is very cost-effective,” said Dr. Fleming. “Immunizing an in­ fant costs one-fourth as much as immu­ nizing and adult. W hile the hepatitis B vaccine is also considered beneficial for older children and adolescent, our highest priority is infants. W e strongly recommend that parents try to obtain hepatitis B immunization for olderchil- dren through their own health care pro­ viders.” The Health D ivision’s new ef­ fort was prompted by a recent advisory from the Immunization Practices A dvi­ sory Committee of the federal Centers for Disease Control. The committee noted that hepatitis B cases increased 37 percent nationally between 1979 and 1989. In 1991, the Health Division reported 303 hepatitis B cases in O r­ egon, a rate o f 10.3 cases per thousand. “The recom m ended schedule for hepatitis B im m unizations is consistent with our goal o f ensuring all children are adequately immunized by their sec­ ond birthday,” said Dr. Fleming. The Oregon Benchmarks, a series o f m ea­ surable objectives adopted by the 1991 Oregon Legislature, call for increasing the percentage o f Oregon two-year- olds who are adequately immunized against communicable diseases to 78 percent by the year 1995,90 percent by the year 2000, and 98 percent by the year 2010. Health Division officials estimated that only 63 percent o f O r­ egon two-year-olds were adequately immunized in 1990. PoMa/ld Observer CLASSIFIEDS Sub-Bids Requested Notice of Intent University of Oregon Bike Shelter Project Eugene, Oregon Bid Date: October 1,1992 - 4:00 pm The Oregon Department Of Transportation, Environmental Section, is seeking statements of qualifications from qualified consultants to analyze and document archeological, cultural, and/or historic impacts of selected transportation projects. Morris P. Kielty General Contractor Inc. The selected consultant(s) will enter into a flexible services contract, and will be assigned work on a project-by-project basis. If you are interested in being considered, a Request for [Qualifications can be obtained by calling or writing the Program Section, 307 Transportation Building, Salem, OR 97310; telephone (503)378-6563. 301 Monroe Street Eugene, Oregon 97402 (503) 687-2287 Fax (503) 345-2040 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from all qualified MBE43BE/WBE/ESB subcontractors and suppliers Project Researcher/ Writer/Facilitator Project: Developing a model for a D evelopm entally A ppropriate Mentoring Program to meet the social, emotional and academic needs of students to assure completion of high school. Appi. Deadline: 5pm 9/25/92 MESD applications available M-f, 8-5 or send se lf-a d d re s s e d stamped legal envelope, indicat­ ing position of interest to Mult­ nomah ESD, Attn. Recruitment O ffice, 11611 NE Ainsw orth Circle, Portland, Or 97220-9017. An Equal Opportunity Employer & Drug Free Work Place Crime Prevention Technician 24 hours per week $8.90-$10.81 /hour Participates in crime prevention programs (School Education, N eighborhood W atch, Block Homes & Operation Identifica­ tion). Requires: One year of ool- lege c o u rs e w o rk to in clu de classes in writing, public speak­ ing, and/or law enforcement plus one year of experience in a crime prevention program ; or any equivalent combination of expe­ rience & training that provides the require' owledge, skills & abilities. Sui a completed city application ~ity of Springfield, 225 5th St., Springfield, OR 97477. Closes Friday, Sept 25. Affirmative Action/Equal Oppor­ tunity Employer