September 23, 1992...The Portland O bserver-P age 7 Business After Hours Networking Mark Your calendar fo r these events: Thursday: September 24, - 6:PM to ???? Location: “ C lub M ax” - Red Lion -3 1 0 SW Lincoln/D ow ntow n Occasion: Thomas Caddy’s 49th Birthday & O BN Networking Party Special A ll You Can Eat B uffet - Yes I t ’ s Free! (First 200 O nly) Tuesday : September 29, 1992 - 6:31 P M -9 :0 0 PM Location: Travelodge Hotel -1441 NE 2nd Avenue Occasion: O BN Business “ M IX & M in g le " S till O nly $3. M em bers-$5. Non- Members & Guests Come to network w ith some o f Portland’ s business owners and opera­ tors. Bring business cards, sales staff, brochures and your best sales pitch! Also, we w ill be distributing forms for listings in the upcoming 1993 O r­ egon Film & Video D irectory - A great resource for movie and commercial production companies (hat may be look­ ing fo r a m ultitude o f goods and ser­ vices here in our own local area. I f they don’ t know who you are... then they w ill probably buy from your com peti­ tor. Come and pick up your form on September 29. - Deadline fo r up to 3 free listings is Oct. 1,1992. This Invitation From Oregon Busi­ ness N etwork - Portland “ Partners In Progress” For membership or other “ no pressure, no hassle info, call 244- 2689, Ext.22 Kaiser Permanente Offers Health Education Classes In North Portland Several classes open to the public are being offered in North Portland this fa ll through Kaiser Permanente. For registration or further inform ation, call Kaiser Permanente’ s Health Education department at (503) 286-6816. Cholesterol and fat in your diet may increase your risk o f heart disease. “ H ow to L ow er Y o ur Cholesterol” teaches how to plan meals and m odify recipes to cut fat and cholesterol intake. Classes w ill be from 9 to 11 a.m. on Saturdays, Oct. 3 and Oct. 17, at Bess Kaiser Medical Center, 5055 N. Greeley Ave., Portland. Cost is $15 fo r Kaiser Permanente members, $32 for the gen- T i They’ll Say “W O W , H O W ’D YOU DO THAT?” And You’ll Say “W eight W atchers.” Join any class anytime Right now you can join Weight Watchers and get a really incredible deal. You’ll learn how to eat right. Lose weight. Then before you know it, you’re the best you've ever looked. So call Weight Wathchers today. And get prepared to handle a whole lot of compliments. eral public. A spouse or other support person is encouraged to attend at no extra charge. Please register at least 10 days before the class starts. “ Parenting Skills (Ages 5 to 12)” is fo r people wishing to improve their parenting abilities, the eight sessions are from 6:30 to8:30p.m . on Thursdays, Oct. 15 through Dec. 10, at Kaiser Permanente’ s Education & Conference Center (Tow n H all), 3704 N. Interstate Ave., Portland, cost is $72 fo r in d ivid u ­ als or couples who are Kaiser Permanente members, $140 fo r the general public (fee includes textbook). Please register at least 10 days before the class starts. Portland Publifc Schools celebrates National Hispanic Heritage Month Sep­ tember 15 through Qctobcr 15. Stiidents throughout the school d is- trict w ill learn about* achievements o f Hispanic Americans and their contri­ butions to our country, state and city. Understanding Hispanic contribu­ tions is part o f the Portland School D is t r ic t ’ s n a tio n a lly re c o g n iz e d M u ltic u ltu ra l/M u llie th n ic Education program. That program increases stu­ dent understanding and appreciation o f the history,culture and contributions to society o f different ethnic groups and cultures. African-atncrican Baseline Essays, fo r example, provide teachers w ith a general framework from which they can lead students in an examination o f the African/A frican-Am crican experi­ ence from antiquity to the present. H is­ panic Heritage lesson plans are being prepared for distribution throughout Portland Public Schools and American Indian Baseline Essays w ill be intro­ duced this year. A ctor, director and p la yw rig ht Michael Lange recreates m ilitant c iv il rights activist M alcolm X delivering his electrifying speech “ The B allot or the Bullet.” This one-man performance, entitled “ The Legacy o f M alcolm X Revisited: “ The B allot or the B u lle t’ .” takes place Saturday, Oct. 10, at 7:30 p.m. in the Smith Center Ballroom , Room 355 in 1825 S.W. Broadway, on the Portland State University campus. Advance tickets are $6 for general ad­ mission and $5 for students, senior adults and K B O O members. Tickets are $7 at « 10 REWARD $ Free Health Screening Offered Paragon Cable is offering a $10 reward for the return of all Paragon Zenith Cable Converter boxes on our “missing” list with sendee numbers ending in 1,000. Call Paragon or turn them in at your nearest Paragon service office. , The hospitals and health care orga­ nizations o f Legacy Health System in ­ vite area seniors (age 55+) to attend a Free Health Screening. The screening providesnumerous important health test and services, including: blood test (cho­ lesterol, blood sugar, and other), gen­ eral physical assessment by nurses, blood pressure, dental and oral cancer check, vision and glaucoma check, hear­ ing test, lung health check, nutrition counselling, breast cancer self-exam i­ nation instructions, and others. For those desiring the Full blood test, it is suggested you arrive in a fasting state - no food or d rink (except water and medication) for the previous 12 hours. Known diabetics should fo l­ low their regular eating schedule. Screenings are conducted weekly at different locations throughout the Portland M etropolitan area. Please call Carmen Lawson, R.N. at 241-3478 to obtain a schedule o f screening dates and locations. Converters from accounts active within the last 30 days do not qual­ ify. Other restrictions apply. P A R A Cl - o A G O B j ç * r**-» L E •“ » PORTLAND CLACKAMAS Damascus Square 19950 S.E. Hwy. 212 Clackamas, Oregon 97015 658-3052 GRESHAM 720 N.E..181st Portland; Oregon 97230 230-2000 the door. “ The Ballot or the B ullet,” one o f the few speeches which M alcolm X h im ­ self titled, addresses his philosophy o f black nationalism, encouraging African americans to back their personal p o liti­ cal concerns w ith their economic re­ sources. “ His views should not be taken lig h tly ," warns Lange. “ He urged us to take political and economic control o f our communities. We must finish the race he was running.” M alcolm X rose to national prom i­ nence as the leader o f the Black M uslim movement. Once labeled “ the angriest man in American,” his revolutionary rhetoric branded him an advocate o f violence, but he was deeply committed to freedom and self-actualization for blacks. Michael Lange has written several plays and he is a documentary film pro­ ducer. He is currently a drama instructor at M errett College in Oakland, C alif. His brother, Ted Lange, appeared regularly an the television series “ The Love Boat” . His father performed at the Ebony Show­ case Theatre in Los Angeles. But it was Alex Haley, author o f “ Roots” and “ The Autobiography o f M alcolm X ,” who first remarked that Lange’ s appearance and gestures resembled those o f M alcolm X. Since then, Lange has recreated the c iv il September 2 4 - A n experimental program that has succeeded in turning one troubled high school around could provide a model o f change for troubled high schools across the country. This Sunday’ s Parade magazine re­ ports that the program, called “ Security Dads,” begun last year to maintain order in A rlington High School in Indianapo­ lis, a school plagued for years by gangs, guns, knives and fear, has accomplished considerably more than its original goal. “ Security Dads” was started by Linda Wallace, a nurse whose daughter attends A rlington, when she asked her husband Antony to accompany her to a school event to see i f his presence would bring some semblance o f order. “ We had a football jamboree,” Mrs. Wallace recalled, “ and the students were yelling, throwing things from the stands, walking out on the field, and the parents were taking their kids and leaving. Then came a talent show and, again, the kids were so rowdy, it was unbelievable. They hollered and screamed. We couldn’ t handle it. We had to stop the show. The police had to come and get kids out o f As people vary so does individual weight loss. © 1992 Weight Watchers Interna­ tional, Inc., owner of the registered trade­ mark. all rights reserved It Better For Less. T i Golden Ripe Bananas A delicious & nutritious fruit snack for anytime of day. Bonita Brand Bananas. Tillamook Park Bldg. 7:00pm 7:00pm 5:00pm 7:00pm T Temple Baptist Church For Thè 1319 NE 7th Fireside Room Tuesday 12:15pm Maranatha Church 5K and 1 Mile RUN/WALK 4222 NE 12th (Enter Skidmore) Sat 9:30 SUNDAY OCTOBER 1 1 ,1 9 9 2 8 :3 0 AM - N O O N , W A T E R F R O N T PARK . PO R TLA ND , O REG O N A community event with a mission. The Curt & Control Of Breast Cancer. Nationwide Insurance 919 NE 19th Ave Wed 11:30am 12790 SE Stark 9:30am 9:30am 9:30am Sat 9 30am 5-Lb. Bag Sugar Town House Beans or Corn Town House brand quality granulated sugar, for all your baking needs. 16-Oz. Cut or Sliced Green beans, 17-Oz. Whole Kernel or 16.5-Oz. Cream Style Corn. This is an opportunity for women of all ages, sizes, shapes and colors to |om together and make their voices heard for a cause that is truly personal, the 5K has been designated for women only This race is being presented to benefit the Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, which funds breast cancer research and promotes awareness, education and earty detection o, the disease The Race 75% of the proceeds stays in the community to be used for local education 4 Mammography Programs 25% ot the proceeds will help ongoing national breast cancer research grants and the Breast Cancer Hotline 1-800-IM AWARE East Stark Bldg. Tues Wed. Thurs it.” io - :0 ' SAFEWAY Weekdays 8:30 am to 5:00pm Mon. her husband, those are big kids, and no mother can ye ll at them and make them behave. But maybe a father could do something. She bought a T -shirt sport­ ing the school colors w ith “ Security Dad” printed on the back. Her idea succeeded and since then,’ be number o f Security Dads on call to appear at school events has grown to two dozen. A rlington is a school w ith 1650 students, a third o f whom are being raised by single parents, m ostly m oth­ ers. Anthony Wallace talked to the kids “ w ith respect, and they listened,” Linda Wallace recalled. “ He did n ’t yell or cuss. He treated them like they were his own kids. It was fantastic.” It was also clear that a void in the lives o f many youngsters, created by an absence o f fathers, was being filled. “ The kids respect us, and we respect them,” explained Carl Black Sr., one o f the Security Dads. “ What works is that father image,” added Ron Cheney, “ so we don ’ t need to say very much. Just being there is what counts. W ith an officer, they think, ‘ Hey, I must be in trouble." W ith us, they smile and say, *hey, what’ s up?’ And we love Ad Prices Good September 23 Through September 29,1992 At Safeway. Call Collect (503) 297-1021 2108 NE 41st Ave. Mon. Tues Wed. 9:30am Thurs Fri. 9:30am rights leader in more than 50 perfor­ mances, inclu ding performances on Public Broadcasting Service stations. F ollow ing Lange’ s one-man per­ fo rm a n c e , s p e c ia l g ue st K w a m e Somburu, who worked w ith M alcolm X in the Organization o f AFro-Am erican U nity (O A A U ), w ill lead a discussion o f M alcolm 's life and work. Somburu has been active in local, national and inter­ national social and p o litica l issues since 1960. In 1963 he helped found the Free­ dom Now Party, an independent black political party; and he has been an active socialist since 1965. He attended nearly all o f M alcolm X ’ s lectures and he was present at the Audubon Ballroom in New York when M alcolm was assassi­ nated in 1965. Somburu continues to work in many arenas against all fo rm s o f oppression. Portland State U niversity Students for U nity jo in w ith K B O O radio and the Black Educational Center in presenting Michael Lange in his re-creation o f M alcolm X and presenting Kwame Somburu in his post-performance dis­ cussion. Proceeds from the event ben­ e fit KBOO, the Black Educational Cen­ ter and the Somalia R e lie f Fund. For more inform ation, contac*. Dan Shea at 725-5081 or, between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., call Gary B ills at 233-1629. Experimental Program May Provide Model for Troubled Schools there.” In the spring o f 1991 when a second talent show was scheduled, Wallace told ■ - : ' N 3075 N.E. Sandy Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97232 230-2000 ;T , Y O U ’VE G O T IT IN Y O U T O GET IT OFF Y O U .SM Michael Lange Portrays Activist Malcolm X In Benefit Performance Portland Public Schools Celebrates National Hispanic Heritage Month 7:00pm 7 00pm 7:00pm 5:00pm 7:00pm Registration and packet pickup from Sat. Sapt. 26 thru Friday Oct. 9,1992 noon at NORTHWEST FITNESS. PACE SETTER, ATHLETIC EAST, PHIDIPPIDES ( Lake Oawago A Salam), GORDON STONES, EUGENE ATHLETIC, RUN PRO (Eugene), SUPER JACK A JILL (Seattle). llB jj Emanuel Hospital OR CONTACT: Race For The Cure, Greater Portland Chapter, •>’ Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, P.O. Box 1961, Lake Oswego, OR. 97035 (503)295-8226 2600 NE Gantenbein Monday 11:00pm . A *< ♦ ,-•** *4 ► f . *, A 4) ' W E S TE R N U N IO N The Fastest Way To Send Money....Available In All Safeway stores in Oregon & S.W. Washington.