i , v ^ Z / v > W V e * » * * v + 1 ’9S h ’y T Page 6...The Portland Observer...Seplember 23,1992 • Portland Observer RELIGION Scripture o f the ‘Weef Matthew 13:3 S p ir itu a l J u s tic e BY MATTIE ANN CALLIER-SPEARS When man was given the opportu­ nity and the o ffice to pass judgement, define and classify g u ilt, he took all kinds o f liberties. Very often, i have heard men and women say that many laws were de­ signed to shield and protect those who created them (and not the general popu­ lous): and - that same intelligent lot dcvisedcrafty methods whereby, w ithin the wording, there would be phrasing called “ loop-holes” that would entrap and/or against anyone who had, by chance, smelled a rat. Man has sought remedies. Prisons, jails,correctional institutions, half-way houses and other programs in the com ­ munities have been operational for many years, decades and centuries; all in hopes-that, i f the perpetrators were removed from the comm unity, the prob­ lem would surely disappear. M an’ s problem is man himself. When w ill man learn that the Great Problem Solver him self is sim ply w a it­ ing fo r man to come to Him? Seek H im Out? C all on His name? “ Whenever i hold back the rain or send locusts to eat up the cops or send an epidemic on my people, i f they pray to me and repent and turn away from the e vil they have been doing, then I w ill hear them in heaven, forgive their sins, and make their land prosperous again.” [ I l Chron. 7:13-14 G N B ] I f mankind could ever get itse lf to the point where h a lf o f this w orld ’ s populous was on its knees calling on the Lord and Savior jesus Christ, God would be so pleased. I feel like, as Christian Believers, we are all named “ Abraham” . Remember how Abraham pleaded with God as he tried to save the people o f Sodom and gomorrah from destruc­ tion? He pleaded w ith God, “ Are you really going to destroy the innocent w ith the guilty? I f there are fifty inno­ cent people in the c ity, w ill you destroy the whole city?” The Lord answered, “ I f I find fifty innocent people in Sodom, I w ill spare the whole c ity for their sake.” [Gen. 18:16-33 G N B ] Abraham continued pleading w ith God until he had gotten down to ten people. T he n-th e Lord went away and Abraham returned home. That same night, the Lord sent tw o angles to the city o f Sodom. Portland, Oregon is liken unto the city o f Sodom. Sin is having a holiday, a festival. A good time! Is there any justice? is God going to destroy everyone just because o f the wrong-doings o f some...? There is so much k illin g and sexual sins and drug abuse defiling the body and bad language and preachers in self- made pulpits who have been appointed by themselves and the lis t goes on and on and on. Is history repeating itself? Is there any spiritual Justice? As Christians, we must get up, go out and com m it ourselves to "rescue the perishing” . Everyday-people are go­ ing to hell on a greased slide w hile we stand idly by and utter these same words, “ D on’t worry. I ’ll pray for you.” Prayer is good but God wants us up on our feet, out there in the trenches and getting our H oly hands d irty as we reach down and pull some poor soul out o f the muck and mire. And pray. Pray that God w ill give you the strength and the endurance to stand w hile you are reaching and pulling and com m itting. And pray that God w ill bind the powers o f Satan, in the H oly Name o f Jesus Christ, and cast him away from thy presence. “ Lord just give me the strength to stand. Oh Jesus!” The god we serve is a just God. He is faithful. He is m erciful. He is good and kind. And He has enough love and understanding fo r everyone who seeks Him. He is an excellent listener. And He pities every groan we make. Is there Justice? I can truly say “ Yes!” There is justice to all who seek Him , turn from their wicked ways, es­ tablish a regular prayer life w ith the Master. T h e n -w e must trust and obey. “ When you were the slaves (pris­ oners) to sin, you were free from rig h ­ teousness. What did you gain from do­ ing the things that you are now ashamed of? The result o f those things is death! But now you have been set free from sin and are the slaves o f God. Your gain is a life fu lly dedicated to him , and the Society Of St. Vincent dePaul Jancie Peister Com m ents On “1000 Points Of Light” Recognition “ We are pleased that the ‘ 1000 Points o f L ig h t’ program has recog­ nized the w ork o f thousands o f our volunteers and our Society’ s staff, and the generosity o f tens-of -thousands Portland area residents, businesses and organizations that have helped us feed needy fam ilies at Christmastime. We accept this honor on behalf o f all those people who have contributed o f their time, talents and resources fo r so many years to help their neighbors who are in need. For Your Inform ation: -t-Our Society has been providing emergency services in the Portland area for 123 years, and the Christmas Food Program has been a part o f that effort fo r the past 53 years. +Through the daily efforts o f some 900 volunteers in 52 parish-based S VDP conferences, we have assisted 89,000 fam ilies so far this year. That is more than double last years’ s total. +4,500 volunteers from through­ out the com m unity joined together last year to bring food boxes to 5,200 fam i­ lies at Christmas. +Poverty is everywhere and in ­ creasing. To help all those in need it takes the cooperation and generosity o f all segments o f our society...social ser­ vice agencies, government organiza­ tions, business and industry, c iv ic , church-related and com m unity organi­ zations and the citizens o f our commu­ nities. Janice Peister is executive director o f St. Vincent de Paul Society’ s Port­ land Council. M t O livet BAPTIST CHURCH • .fi Has moved Sunday services to <• Ì ,. Stone T o w er C h u rc h , N .E . Sandy B lvd . & 30th , t '<• .■ • .7 Worship Services 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Church School 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 N.E. Schuyler 10:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. t ’ Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00 a.m. on KBMS A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor Church Office 116 N.E. Schuyler St. (503) 284-1954 M allory Avenue Christian Church D i s c i p l e s o f C h r is t • i The better you know it, the more it will do for you. Fall term starts September 28 at North Portland Bible College Call 288-2919 for a schedule. Dr. Robert H. King Lutheran Inner C ity M inistries w ill dedicate it ’ s m inistryt center on Sun­ day, September 27th at 3:00 P.M. The Jíaul ¿tMtssinnarg ^Baptist dfurefy 8101 N. Fiske Avenue Portland, Oregon 97203 S tudy Pi Church Pho.tr. 2S9-0147 299^1911 Sunday Service 10:45 Sunday School 9:30 Bible Study 6:00 Evening Service 7:00 P.M. Pastor. Rev. Jam es C .E Faulkner Whatever you're going to do for the Lord, do it now I Potorlv.11 center is located at 4206 N. E. Garfield Avenue. Rev. Rozell Gilmore, D irector and Pastor o f the center stated that all c iti­ zens o f the comm unity are invited to attend the event and see the fa c ility that w ill serve as a temporary meeting and activity center until a new building is erected. The center w ill be open fo r children, youth and adult activities, as w ell as a place for Sunday worship and Sunday School. “ Our guest speaker fo r the dedica­ tion w ill be Dr. Robert H. K ing, second Vice-President o f the Lutheran Church, M issouri Synod. Dr. K ing is an African Am erican w ith a distinguish p ro file as an educator and Churchman. He served as Professor o f Education at Lincoln U niversity from 1970 to 1987. He was re-elected as second vice-president o f the Lutheran Church, M issouri Synod this past July,during the Church B ody’s N ational convention in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. L arry H ilton Larry H ilton is an impressive young man w ith an unusual and unforgettable voice. He is one among the generation o f bright and talented gospel music artists to emerge from the Baltim orc/W ashing- ton area. H ilton is not exactly a newcomer to the gospel music scene. He appeared as one o f the soloists pn the Manna Bible Mass C ho ir’s album The Lord W ill See You Through, produced and directed by Julius E. Brockington. In addition, H ilton has made numerous guest appearances on local radio and television programs since the recording o f the Manna Mass C h o ir’ s album. Driven to pursue his interest in mu­ sic, H ilton attended Catonsville C om ­ m unity College where he studied music and received his certificate. He is in ­ spired by such legends as Sam Cooke, Donnie Hathaway, Marvin Gaye, James Ingram, Stevie Wonder and James Cleveland. Very sincere and confident about his gospel music career, H ilton gives all the glory and honor to God. W ith the release o f his A & M Gospel debut album A Change Is Gonna Come. H ilton is looking forward to perform ­ ing live, and making television ap­ pearances outside the Baltimorc/Wash- ington area. Due to his personal and profound relationship w ith Jesus Christ, H ilton asserts, “ 1 want to witness to people in song that Heaven is the best choice.” H ilton w ill have this chance w ith the release o f A Change Is Gonna Come. The Lord has blessed H ilton in a way where he can touch lives all over the world. M a llo r y A v e n u e C h u rc h O f C h ris t A n n o u n c e m e n t Clothes and Food Only W hen? Tuesday : Clothes • Friday: Food 1:00 to 3 :0 0 PM fto /rn 34:3 W h e re ? 4236 NE Eighth Avenue 3 0 0 8 N E M a llo ry Ave. • P o rtla n d , O B 9 72 11 M a llo ry A venue C h u rc h o f C h ris t Sunday School Morning Worship Tuesday Bible Study and Prayer Inter-racial Congregation Your Bible is like a high-powered computer. Allen Temp le CME CL upch "Come to me all you who ore weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest" 9:45am 11:00am 7:30pm ceasing! G lo rify God and stand against the hypocrites. Teach according to the precepts o f O ur Father who sent you to this earth. And sinners shall be con­ verted unto the God o f our Salvation.” We must be about O ur Father’ s business. Crime is on the up-swing because man has lost sight o f god. Everyone bom into existence was sent her pur­ posefully. a purpose that God had in ­ tended for him/her; but, each person must come freely to fu lfill his/her pur­ pose in life. Not kicking and scream­ ing. God allows us to make the choice. You decide to do rig ht or to do wrong. One day, in the sweet bye and bye, we w ill all stand before the Supreme Judge as He hands sown one sentence after another. W ill you be among those who w ill be told, “ Depart from me ye workers o f in iq u ity !" or w ill you be in that heavenly band a ll dressed in white, singing praises to the King o f Kings. To you He w ill say, “ You have fought a good fig ht, you have finished the course and you have kept the faith. Now move on up a little higher and receive your reward, your name has been written in the Lambs Book o f L ife. You have been judged “ righteous” and you are sentenced to spend eternity w ith the Creator o f us all, the God o f my Salvation, the Prince o f Peace, the Everlasting Father, the Great C om ­ forter— -God. Dedication And Open House Jesus Loves You! M atthew / /. 2 8 r I warn you ¡Take heed! Do not give in to e vil! E v il w ill come to you holding out a gloved hand; and underneath is a sponge fu ll o f caustic acid just waiting fo r you to yield and squeeze. E v il fools you into believing that every thing you see w ith your physical eyes is true. E vil allures. E v il deceives. E v il compels. E v il can and w ill embrace you i f you let iL E v il k ills , tortures, maims and is just dow n-right unhealthy-spiritua lly and physically. Learn how to recognize e vil when it presents its e lf to you. The o nly way you can do this is w ith the help o f the H oly Spirit. That third part o f the God- Head. That omni-present deity. This c ity, this state, this country, and this w orld are a ll experiencing the wide-spread effects o f the presence o f evil. We are liv in g in the last days o f this w o rld ’s existence. W hat we do now is a ll inclusive and important. I f you have not made a comm itment to God before, you had better make it now. The justice system which triescases in and out o f the courts, which govern this land, have no power over spiritual Justice. od laid down the laws to govern our every life ’ s need. And He gave man dom inion over the land. He entrusted everything to man’ s care and maintenance. And man has messed up severely. I say to you today, “ Preach w ithout F re e ? W h a t? God's Presence promises Power through Jesus Christ In Good Times and Bad Times ? result is eternal life. For sin pays its wage— -death; but G od’s free g ift is eternal life in union w ith C hrist Jesus our Lord.” [Romans 6:20-23 G N B ] Where is Justice? Spiritual Justice can be found in the service o f the Lord, man’ s justice is only a bandage that has been placed on the outside. Even though the wound appears to be healed, the sore is s till festering underneath. This is the reason why building more prisons is not the answer to the increase in crimes. God’s justice causes healing at the root o f the problem. From the inside - out. The only judge, the only lawyer and the only doctor that is qualified to handle your case is God A lm ig h ty. He is able to heal, sit high, hand down sentences w ith compassion, and Jesus is the only one to plead your case before the Father (the Judge). Yes. Spiritual Justice is the u lti­ mate justice. M an’ s justice system has run its course and it is fu ll o f holes, faults and injustice. Man should allow the H oly S pirit to hold him in-check, to give him utterance, to direct him , to instruct and guide him , to preserve and keep him , to fig ht his battles, to avenge his wrong doers. man has h itric k bottom. But,closer to home, Portland, Oregon has to “ Rise & shine & give God the G lo ry !” More inclusive - the entire state o f Oregon has to rise. For further information contact: Pat Gamble at 503-288-1092 (corner of 8tfi i Skidmore) Portland, Oregon 97211 Denise FI. Bell, Postor 126 N.C. Alberto t Portland, OP 97211 t (503) 288-5173 For Best Results Advertise in the Observer (503) 287-0261 Phillip S. Htlson Pastor $ ;■ •»' *■. t AZ 1 ' ■ •• •. I V*-; * »*