■V W R* Marshall Upsets Wilson In PIL BY JOHN PHILLIPS M a rtin d a le scored on a one-yard run fo r a 22-20. S te w a rt’ s run fo r the extra p o in t gave M arshall a 2-0 record. N ext up fo r the M inutem en are the Techm en fro m Benson at m a rsh a ll’ s home fie ld on F rid a y at 4 :0 0 p.m . In o ther P IL action, C leveland be­ h ind D erek Johnson, came back from 14 -0, to beat Jefferson 21 -14 at Jef ferson. L in c o ln , a fte r lo sin g last w eek, got The M a rshall M inutem en handed the W ils o n Trojans their second loss in a ro w w ith a 23-20 upset at M a rs h a ll’ s home fie Id. marshall scored a ll its touch­ downs on short runs. T om S tew art’ s three yards made it 7-0. N e xt, R obby Buen scored on a fo u r-ya rd run as the M in u te m e n w ent up 13-0 after the firs t quarter. The Trojans tied the game by h a lf­ tim e, and took a 20-13 lead in the fourth quarter. B u t w ith 8:20 le ft in the game, by F ra n k lin 19-12 on their hom e fie ld . G rant evened its record at 1-1 w ith a 2 0 - 13 w in o ve r m adison as Greg Dumas ran fo r tw o scores on runs o f 12 and 17 senior linem an Steve G eisler scored a yards. In a nonleague game R oosevelt dropped to 0-2 after losing to C entral safety on James W a rd o f W ils o n to fiv e the em otional edge to m arshall. Then w ith a little m ore than fo u r m inutes to go in the game, ju n io r halfback D am ion C a th o lic 31-25. "Shoot For Hope" Meet New Blazer Tracy Murray BY JOHN PHILLIPS Youth Outreach Last week I began a four-w eek series on P o rtla n d ’ s n e w ly acquired T ra il blazers in w h ich I introduced you to the Rod S trickland. T h is week 1 w o u ld like you to get to kn o w another "S hoot For Hope" a popular youth outreach program aim ed at gang a f­ fected, and a t-ris k youth provides an alternative to gang a c tiv ity , and drug T ra il B lazer -- T ra cy M u rra y. Tracy M u rra y, a tw o -lim e all-P a- c ific 10 C onference p la ye r at U C L A and the 18th selection in this year’ s N B A D ra ft, was acquired by the P ort­ land T ra il Blazers from the M ilw a u ke e Bucks in exchange fo r fo rw a rd Alaa abuse. In 1988, a youth program was in i­ tiated by c o lla b o ra tin g agencies u tiliz ­ ing the gym at the G racc,C ollins M e m o ­ ria l Center. The in te n t was to reach a tg -risk youth and g ive them a co n stru ctive alternative to gang in vo lve m e n t and A bdclnaby. M u rra y, a 6 -fo o t-7 ,2 2 8 -p o u n d fo r­ drugs. A ftc ra p c rio d o f in a c tiv ity fo r seven ward le ft U C L A as a ju n io r after earn­ ing firs t team all-conference honors the past tw o seasons. He surpassed B ill W alton and moved into fifth on U C L A ’ s a ll-tim e scoring lis t w ith 1792 points in m onths, the Grace C o llin s M e m o ria l C enter decided to once again p ro vid e the youth o f o u r co m m u n ity this a c tiv ­ HANDMADE CRAFTS OF A LL KINDS, FROM ARTISTIC TO PRACTICAL ! FROM QUAINT TO ZESTY ! GREAT GIFTS AND UNIQUE ITEMS FOR YOU OR YOUR FRIENDS” COME ONE COME A LL TO THE H ALL THE B.P.O.E. " N 2 SO GENEROUSLY DONATED AND SEE VHAT YE HAVE IN STORE FOR YOU! PROFITS GO DIRECTLY TO THE THE PARTICIPANTS OF THE PRIVATE INDI STRY COUNCIL OLDER YORKER PROGRAM. ity . ju s t three seasons and finished as the second-best three-point shooter in Pac- 10 history w ith 197 (.411). N oted as one o f the n a tio n ’ s best shooters, M u rra y averaged 21.4 points in 33 games this season, shooting .538 from the fie ld , .500 fro m thre e -p o in t range and .800 at The program offe rs a fo rm a t o f in d iv id u a l one on one basketball, and the best out o f 15 freethrow s. Speakers address topics o f drug abuse, gangs, and education. A w ards and prizes are also given. The center provides snacks d u r­ ing interm ission between the co m p e ti­ H A R V EST MOON C R A F T & G IF T FAIR 4121 N.E. H A L SE Y OCT, 1 0 th 9 :3 0 - 4 :3 0 I %-•♦ w *>-? <»v** * tion and speaker. Several area merchants; such as Fred M e ye r, One Slop Records and M cD o n a ld s have con trib u te d m erchan­ the free th ro w line. “ M u rra y is a te r rific p erim eter shooter w ith a very b rig h t future in the N B A , ” s a id B u c k y B u c k w a lte r , P o rtla n d ’ s vice president o f basketball dise fo r prizes. R ecently the House o f U m oja has jo in e d in partnership in the operation o f operations. “ M o st observers feel that T racy w o u ld have been a lo tte ry p ick in the program . "S hoot For H ope" is scheduled fo r next year’ s d ra ft had he not come o u t early this year. He has the potential to be an outstanding player in o u r league once a m onth cu rre n tly . H ow ever, plans are to expand it to tw ice a m onth by fo r m any years to com e.” December. "S hoot F or Hope" is open to a ll -----------------PARTIAL L IS T -------------- YOOD CUTS FOR YARD & HOUSE. STATIONERY, MUSIC BOXES, HANDMADE CHRISTMAS "RNAMENTS AND YRE.ATHS, GOURMET FOOD DRIED FLOYER ARRANGEMENTS, AFGHANS, PLASTIC NEEDLE CRAFT ITEMS, CERAMICS, MARY KAY COSMETICS, SACHETS. MANY H YND KNIT Y.ND CROCHET ITEMS, STI EFED TOYS, DOLLS . JEYELRY YOOD SCULPTURES, BAKED GOODS ORNATE GLASSYARE, COFFEE. TEA, -------YND MUCH MUCH MORE!!--------- PPL Employees Help School Children to e ffo rts o f P acific Pow er employees. F o r the th ird year, local P acific c tn? g * m P ow er em ployees have donated new school supplies in a “ Send Them Back to School W ith the R ig h t T o o ls ” cam ­ paign to help e le m e rta ry school c h il­ dren w h o may not otherw ise be able to gel new supplies. Notebooks, paper, penc ils and other item s necessary fo r a successful school year are a ll included in the donations. The P ortland area cam paign proceeds w ill go to Sabin E lem entary School in s>«« . N ortheast Portland. Several oth e r P a cific Pow er o f­ fices th ro u g h o u t the N orthw est also participate in school supply drives each P o tV \a ^ A ugust. Some also reach out to co m m u ­ n ity mem bers, w ho have responded S»V>,d0>Y °«06ef 3, tfO ______________ 6 /- ^ LI£1M _ Park, Do it alone, or do it with pals 7:30 A.M. against the tw o O re g o n program s. A gainst the U n ive rsity o f Oregon last February 15, he converted six o f eight three-point fie ld goals attempts, one shy o f the U C L A record, en route to a team -high 22 points. H is seven steals against Oregon State on ja n u ary 18 tied a s c h o o l re c o rd h e ld b y P ooh Richardson, Reggie M ille r and Tyus Edney. T h is season, M u rra y scored at least 20 points in 24 o f his 33 games, notched 19 points in tw o others and led U C L A D u rin g his h igh school career at Glendora H igh School, M u rra y amassed 3,053 points, the highest total ever re­ corded by a C a lifo rn ia prepster. A s a senior, he led the nation w ith his 44.3 scoring average and set C a lifo rn ia state records w ith 1,505 points and 125 three- p o in t fie ld goals. He was selected firs t- team a ll-A m e ric a by M c D o n a ld ’ s; sec­ ond-team a ll-A m e ric a by B asketball T im es; earned a third-team berth by H oop Scoop; was selected Gatorade p a cific R egion P layer o f the Year; C al- H i Sports C a lifo rn ia P layer o f the Year; earned all-state firs t team honors fro m in scoring on 19 occasions (in clu d in g ties), and U C L A logged a 35-11 record C a lifo rn ia n B asketball m agazine; was voted C IF D iv is io n I I I P layer o f the year, San G abriel V a lle y P layer o f the in those contests (20-4 last season). A s a sophomore, M u rra y earned Y ear by the Los Angeles T im e s and a ll- Soulhern C a lifo rn ia b y the H e ra ld -E x­ all-Pac 10 firs t team honors after aver­ am iner after his senior season. 7:30 P.M. to 9 P.M. I nstructors Roy Pittman and Fred Carter For more information call Peninsula Park (503)-823-3620 item s were gathered lo r lo ca l children. Do your part to support our private, historically Black colleges and their students. Recruit a team from your place of employment, church, club or organization Portland Observer encourages our readers to write letters to the editor in response to any articles we publish. A d vertise Earn valuable prizes. Contact the United Negro College Fund Walk Starts and G o o d rich (19.0). M u rra y ’ s b rillia n t collegiate ca­ reer in c lu d e d stro n g p e rfo rm a n ce s and th ird in scoring and rebounding. generously w ith donations. F o r ex­ am ple, in Coos B ay, m ore than 700 ANarthwest Natural Gas Registration Opens G oo d rich ). H is career scoring average o f 18.3 points per game ranks fifth in U C L A histo ry, behind A bdul-Jabbar (26.4), M acLean (20.6), W a lto n (20.3) league games. In 1990, M u rra y was named to the Pac 10’ s a ll-fre sh m a n team after aver­ aging 12.3 pointsand5.5 rebounds w hile starting 18 o f 33 games. He led the B ruins in blocked shots w ith 26, ranked second in fie ld goal percentage (.442) Registration for Fall Classes will begin Sept. 21 10:00 A.M. to 5 P.M. at Peninsula Park Community Center Fitness and Aerobic Classes will begin Sept. 21 from M any local students w ill have new supplies to begin the school year, thanks THE U N ITE D N E G R O CO LLEG E F U N D 600 points in tw o seasons (Kareem A b d u l- J a b b a r , B i l l W a lto n , D o n M a cL e a n , R eggie M ille r and G a il .794 at the lin e and .386 fro m three- p o in t distance. T h a t season, he became the second-hightest scoring sophomore in school history behind A bdul-Jabbar’ s 29.0 average in 1967. He fin ish e d the year ranked fifth on the conference scor­ ing lis t and to ta lle d 20 p oints in 14 o f 18 R oy P ittman is back at P eninsula P ark 249-3750. to savea mind fie ld goal percentage, free throw per­ centage and steals (53). A n e a rly entry candidate fo r the 1992 N B A D ra ft, M u r­ ray finished his collegiate career as the sixth player in U C L A h isto ry to total aging 21.2 points and 6.7 rebounds per game and shooting .503 fro m the fie ld , He Is Back ages, both boys and g irls. I f you have any questions regarding "S h oo t F or Hope" contact Dan B e ll at 2 8 1 -6 9 3 0 o r $»onsor«d bv Th« Privi M u rra y led the P acific 10 C o n fe r­ ence in three-point shooting and ranked th ird in scoring last season. He also ranked among the conference’ s top ten in rebounding (7.0), blocked shots (30), (503) 223 8890 for more details. fcOO A.M. Dad's Oil Service HOUSING heating oils Best Cash Prices 104 N E Russell P ortland, OR 97212 282-5111 Speedy Service Friendly Call for Quote! ! N:-:. ¡ÏN.V.WX I •Xv.wXÎ’ X v .-.-.- a v •t-.VAN-X*. . waya « Now Available in North X « '.w ? idiXv. t Ì Ì •y ' 'ÿ ? Ass x w { < ,? w .s v , 5 5. n - a -.N'A nx a ’Ì J Neighborhoods :X-.- a v a $ S v a v w A X- a v a v J -. a - a w ? K a v .- a T iX J tw.VAvS T W » N # y ' «W W «# S.-AW.vj S Open Mon. > Fri. 9:00am to 5:00pm ^•ANW.i Professional Maintenance i US Ì SX -w N X * va v X *v § SKVXV w & Management Sales and Promotional items excluded. 653-7088 Mrs. C’s Wigs and Beauty Supply 707 N.E. Fremont Portland, Oregon 97212 (503) 281-6525 Open: 11:30 - 6:00 Tues thru Saturday •A »wws 1 A& Saturday 10:00am to 2:00pm 5 w > ■XN>X«X- a ?"£*> I m MM if'»*?- PCRI MANAGEMENT CORPORATION K.* • * -• • • • . * * * • * 5 * Refrigerators From $ 129“ Ranges From *129“ & Northeast Portland Wigs and Beauty Supplies Ulasher & D ry e r5199“ i.v.v.Vii ,.o > . £ braiding and weaving We will meet or beat anyone’s prices. XV.V.W> 3. & 4 Bedroom Homes •J Wholesale to the Public 35% to 50% off 100% Human Hair 16" from $15.95 A A AA e « * « ¡^.•ASWA Clean, well maintained 2, fs f? $ ' v* 'SY. :• Public Notice McMurphy's Appliance Center A Ä.V