Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 16, 1992, Page 9, Image 9

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September 16, 1992...The Portland Observer...Page 9
Portland Observer
Request For Statements Of Bidder
Statements of Bidder Experience for the proposed Portland
Ship Repair Yard, Ballast W ater Treatment Plant, Tank T-8
Interior Coating project will be received at the office of the
Manager, contracts and Procurement, The Port of Portland,
700 N.E. Multnomah Street, 15th floor, Portland, Oregon,
(mailing address: Post Office Box 3529, Portland, Oregon,
97208) until, but not after, 5 p.m. September 29, 1992.
The proposed project includes sandblasting and recoating the
interior of a 600,000-gallon water storage tank with a Devoe
Devchem 253 coating system. The Port will furnish the new
coating materials. Issuance of the Notice to Proceed for this
project is anticipated for October 27, 1992.
Please direct technical questions to the Project Engineer, Stan
Snyder: (503) 731-7312.
Statements of Bidder Experience must be submitted on the
form provided by the Port of Portland. Forms are available to
prospective bidders upon request from Contracts and Procure­
ment (address above).
Prospective bidders submitting a Statement of Bidder Experi­
ence will be notified, in writing, as to the result of the Port’s
evaluation of their experience. Only those bidders who the Port
determines are qualified will be invited to bid on this work.
The Port Of Portland
Ron Stempel
Contracts and Procurement
Public Notice
DBE Goals
It is the policy of the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation
District of Oregon (Tri-Met) that Disadvantaged Business Enter­
prises (DBEs) as defined in 49 CFR part 23 shall have the
maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of con­
tracts and subcontracts financed in whole or in part with federal
funds from the U.S. Department of Transportation.
In this regard, Tri-Met has established overall goals for Federal
Fiscal Year 1992-93 of 10% DBE participation in federally
assisted contracts.
A description of the methodology used in establishing the overall
DBE goal is available for inspection from September 14,1992, to
October 7, 1992 at the Tri-M et office: 4012 SE 17th Avenue,
Portland, Oregon, Legal Department, Third Floor, Monday through
Friday (except legal holidays) from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
L ig h t
C o n tra c tin g
O p p o rtu n itie s
Professional Jobs
The Washington State Department
of Community Development,
Community Preservation and
Development Division, has one
opening in the Olympia area for a
Community Program Developer
3 to manage the department’s
business loan programs. Appli­
cations will be screened for a
minimum of: Three (3) Years
Professional Level Private Or
Public Sector Commercial Loan
Portfolio Management, And a BA
Degree with three years experi­
ence in community program de­
velopment. Range 52: $31,788 -
$40,668. Applications must be
postmarked by: September 23,
1992. Submit applications to:
Pegi Lee, P.O. Box 48300, Olym­
pia, WA 98504-8300. For appli­
cation and information contact
Donna Johnston at: (206) 586-
1924. DCD is an EOE and en­
courages women and minorities
to apply.
T r i- M e t,
p a rt
c o n tin u in g
e ffo r t
m in o rity - and w o m e n -o w n e d
businesses informed of co ntra ct­
ing opportunities on the Westside
Light Rail Project, is having an
update meeting on September 24.
The meeting will be held in the
a u d ito riu m at P o rtla n d C o m ­
munity College's Cascade Campus
at 705 N. K illing sw o rth S treet
from 6 :0 0 p.m . to 8:00 p.m .
T ri-M e t's Joe G ild n er w ill p ro ­
vide inform ation on Line Section
5 which includes the tunnel and
zoo station. The Oregon Depart­
m ent o f T ra n s p o rta tio n 's Mike
Eaton w ill p rovide in form ation
on Line Section 6 which includes
work at the Sunset Highway and
Highway 217 interchange.
Tri-M et's M anager of EEO and
C iv il R ig h ts P ro gram s, Ju liu s
E va n s, w ill a n s w e r s p e c ific
Crime Prevention
questions on W estside Light Rail
contacting opportunities, and on
o th e r c o n tra c tin g o p p o rtu n itie s
24 hours per week
$8.90-$10.81 /hour
in general at Tri-M et. If you are
interested in contracting o pp o r­ Participates in crime prevention
programs (School Education,
tu n itie s w ith T ri-M e t, p le ase
Neighborhood W atch, Block
plan to attend.
Mental Health
Clinical Supervisor for a day treat­
ment center and school in north
Portland for adolescents with
emotional and behavioral prob­
lems. Requirements: Master's
degree in social work or related
field; supervisory experience pre­
ferred; minorities encouraged to
apply. Send resume by Septem­
ber 25,1992 to : The Nickerson
Center, 7025 N. Lombard, Port­
land, OR 97203, Attn: Director.
Homes & Operation Identifica­
tion). Requires: One year of col­
lege coursew ork to include
classes in writing, public speak­
ing, and/or law enforcement plus
one year of experience in a crime
prevention program ; or any
equivalent combination of expe­
rience & training that provides
the required knowledge, skills &
abilities. Submit a completed city
application to: City of Springfield,
225 5th St., Springfield, OR
97477. Closes Friday, Sept 25.
Affirmative Action/Equal Oppor­
tunity Employer
* «’
.as beneficiary.
in fa v o r o / Peter D. Bogart
dated February 5. 1989. recorded March 14.13&S
.in the mfrieaee
records of
County. Oregon, in book! reel/volume No. at pane, or
Folkcnberg, Block 10, L ot 5
Invitation For Bids #015-92-216
Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real properly
to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and a notice o f default
has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735 (3); the
default for which the foreclosure is made is grantor's failure to pay when due
the following sums:
for Lamps: Fluorescent, High-Intensity Gas Discharge, Incan­
descent, and Photographic
Bids are solicited to furnish fluorescent, high-intensity gas dis­
charge, incandescent and photographic lamps under a require­
ments contract. Bids will be received by Michael Mlynarczyk,
Purchasing Agent, at 11611 NE Ainsworth Circle, Portland, OR
97220-9017 (PO Box 301039, Portland, OR 97230-9039) (Phone:
503-257-1791) until no later than 4:00 PM, Pacific Daylight
Savings Time (PDST), October 15, 1992, at which time and
address the bids will be publicly opened but will not be read aloud.
Failure to Pay;
Principal and interest due 11/5/91 and a ll subsequent installments o f p rinci­
pal, interest, late charges, and all other charges.
• • • \
$1,1927.80 the amount o f Vacant Land Plus all cost o f foreclosure.
W H E R E F O R E notice hereby is given that the undersigned trustee will on,
October 26, 1992 at the hour o f 10.00 o’ clock A.M ., in accord with the
standard o f time established by ORS 187.110, at the front entrance to the
County Courthouse in the City o/Portland, County o/Multnomah, State
o f Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in
the said described real properly which the grantor had or had power to
convey at the time o f the execution by grantor o f the said trust deed, together
with any interest which the grantor or grantor’s successors in interest
acquired after the execution o f said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing
obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses o f sale, including a
reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given that any person
named in ORS 86.753 has the right, at any time prior to five days before the
date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and
the trust deed reinstated by payment to the beneficiary o f the entire amount
then due (other than such portion o f the principal as would not then be due
had no default occurred) and by curing any other default complained o f
herein that is capable o f being cured by tendering the performance required
under the obligation or trust deed, and in addition to paying said sums or
tendering the performance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs
and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and trust deed,
together with trustee’s and attorney’ s fees not exceeding the amounts
provided by said ORS 86.753.
Specifications may be obtained at the above office. The District
may reject any bid not in compliance with all prescribed public
bidding procedures and requirements, and may reject for good
cause any or all bids upon a finding of the agency it is in the public
interest to do so. No bids will be considered that is received after
the appointed date and time.
The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) Region 1, is
seeking a consultant to prepare a corridor study environmental
impact statement for the section of State Highway 26 between
Rhododendron and State Highway 35 in Clackamas County,
Oregon. ODOT proposes to engage the consultant on a time
and materials basis. The ODOT Region 1 office in Milwaukie,
Oregon, will adm inister the contact.
If you are interested in being considered for this project, a
Request for Proposal (RFP) can be obtained from Donna R.
Robinson, Project Team M anager, Region 1, 9002 S.E.
McLoughlin Boulevard, Milwaukie, Oregon 97222, telephone
(503) 653-3121.
The consultant's response to the RFP will be due at 12 p.m.
(noon) October 2, 1992, and should be mailed or delivered to
Donna R. Robinson, Project Team Manager, at the above
referenced address.
In construing this notice, the singular includes the plural, the word “grantor"
includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other person
owing an obligation, the performance o f which is secured by said trust deed,
and the words “trustee” and “beneficiary" include their respective succes­
sors in interest, if any.
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D A T E D August 17, 1992 Acacia Investments, Inc.
E, Botoaca
Sub-Bids Requested
State or Oregon, County o f
-V/ ;
I, the undersigned, certify that 1 am the attorney or one o f the attorneys for
the above named trustee and that the foregoing is a complete and exact copy
o f the original trustee's notice o f sale.
Lake Oswego Demonstration Street Improvement Project
Lake Oswego, OR
Bid Date: September 18,1992 3:00 pm
Plans At Donald M. Drake Co.
Attorney for said Trustee
SERVE; Estuardo A. Roja
18926 Milmoore Ave.
Carson, CA 90746
Donald M. Drake Company
1740 N.W. Flanders
Portland, OR 97209
(503) 226-3991
Fax #243-1775
CCB #00377
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small
business and small disadvantaged business subcontractors and women and
minority business enterprises.
Mental Health
Hospital Transitional Case Man­
ager to facilitate transition of pa­
tients from State Hospital to the
N/NE Community. Duties include
coordinating discharge place­
ment with hospital and county
personnel, case manage small
number of transitional regular cli­
ents assign to ICM team.
Minimum qualification, Masters
Degree in Mental Health Field,
Three years clinical experience,
Comprehensive salary and ben­
Closing Date:
September 18,1992
Resume to:
Kim Burgess/Program Manager
Garlington Center
4950 N. E. Martin Luther King Jr.
Portland, Oregon 97211
Phone (503) 249-0066
Minorities and the Disabled are
Encouraged to Apply
City Of Portland
Customer Accounts Specialist I - to $2,276/mo after 3 years
Economist I - to $4,104/mo at top of range
Senior Human Resources Analyst - to $44,429/yr at top of range
Training And Development Officer - to $44,429/yr at top of range
For more info/closing dates
call (503) 823-4573 (24 hr job information) No resumes please.
Bureau Of Personnel
1220 S. W. 5th Ave., First FI.
Portland, OR 97204
Apps also available at:
Urban League
10 N. Russell
Minorities, females and disabled encouraged to apply.
West coast National Basketball Association team is seeking an experienced
TV writer/producer to take charge of all aspects of producing a new basketball
oriented kid's series. Candidate should have extensive professional writing/
producing experience and have demonstrated ability to meet the tight
deadline pressure associated with a 26 week series schedule. Creativity and
willingness to contribute in whatever way necessary to ensure the success
of the project will be critical. Previous experience with kid’s oriented program­
ming will be a plus. Please send resume of work experience to: Executive
Producer 707 N E Multnomah, Suite 600, Portland, OR 97232
Equal Opportunity Employer
Anyone over 18—Yes, Anyone’
Application GUARANTEED
(805) 687-0885
By reason o f said default the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the
obligation secured by said trust deed immediately due and payable, said sums
being the following, to-wit:
The successful bidder will not be required to be licensed for
asbestos abatement under section 7 of ORS 468.883.
r 1
’•’L • .«*•
.«■> trustee,
Acacia Investments. Inc.
Multnomah Education Service District
Bob Post
W e s ts id e
,a,v grantor.
asfee/filel instrument! microfilm/receptionNo. ( indicate which).coverine the
following described real property situated in said county and stale, IP-WU.
The public may submit written comments on the goals until
October 31,1992. The written comments will be used for informa­
tional purposes, and should be directed to: Julius L. Evans,
Manager, Civil Rights Programs, Tri-Met, 4012 S.E. 17th Av­
enue, Portland, Oregon, 97202. comments may also be sent
directly to FTA Civil Rights Officer at 915 Second Avenue, Suite
3142, Seattle, W ashington, 98174.
Deputy General Manager
•„ I.-*«
Reference is made to that certain trust deed made bit
A draft of the City of Portland’s annual Grantee Performance
Report for the Housing and Community Development Program is
available for public review. This report covers Community Devel­
opment Block Grant expenditures for the fiscal 1991-92 year.
Interested persons may obtain copies from, and subm it com­
ments by September 28th to, Howard Cutler, Bureau of Com m u­
nity Development, 808 SW 3rd, Rm. 600, Portland, OR 97204, or
call 823-2384 during regular business hours.
Notice Of Intent
Appendix B
Public Notice
The Port Of Portland
Portland Ship Repair Yard
Ballast Water Treatment Plant
Tank T-8 Interior Coating
& Advertising
& Employment
%t Bids/Sub-Bids
Crime Prevention
f e
Multnomah County
Clinical Records Technician;
$11.03 per hour; apply by
September 25.
Fiscal Specialist 2; $13.69 per
hour; apply by September 25.
Clinic Services Manager; $34,055
annually; apply by September 25.
For 24 hour job information, call
248-5035 or visit Multnomah
County Employee Services, 1120
SW 5th Ave., Room 1430, Port­
land, during business hours.
Equal Opportunity Employer
Executive Dean Of
Student Services
Pierce College, Tacoma. Respon­
sible for comprehensive array of
educational support service pro­
grams. Requires Master's in edu­
cational admin, or human rela­
tions field; 5 yrs. administrative
exp. at college-level with 3 yrs. In
student services; teaching exp,
preferably comm, college level.
Pierce has a strong commitment
to the principle of diversity and,
in that spirit, seeks a broad spec­
trum of candidates including
women, people of color and dis­
abled persons. To apply, call the
Job Line at (206) 964-7341.
Screening begins Sept. 28.
Supervises the operations of the
Springfield Police Crime Preven­
tion Unit. Requires: Four year
degree with major coursework in
law enforcement, criminology,
Come Join The
criminal justice, sociology or a
Winning Team Serving
related field; and two years of
The NW Since 1915
progressively responsible expe­
rience in program management, Entry level Baker & Cake Decora­
preferably in the field of crime
tor positions avail in Portland/
prevention; or any equivalent
Metro West areas. Must be avail­
combination of experience and
able weekends & holidays. Exp
education/training that provides
helpful, but not necessary. Start­
the required knowledge, skills,
ing wage $6-$6.25/hr. Please
and abilities. Submit a completed
send resume or summary of job
city application to: City of Spring-
history to: Safeway Training
field, 225 5th St., Springfield, OR
School, PO Box 1185, Tualatin,
97477. Closes Friday, Sept. 25.
OR 97062 or complete registra­
Affirmative Action/Equal Oppor­
tion card at local Safeway store.
tunity Employer
Equal Opportunity Employer
■ ■