September 16, 1992...The Portland ()bserver...P;ige 7 — ^— — — Portland Observer Scripture o f tfie. RELIGION Poverbs chapters 18,19 & 2 0 •f BY MATTIE ANN CALLIER-SPEARS On Saturday, the Til th day o f Sep­ tember, 1992, Mr. Bill Council, Vice President of the B oardof Directors with the Foster Parents Association o f O r­ egon, spoke at the monthly Men’s Break­ fast, which is held every first Saturday o f each month, at the Schuyler Street location of Mt. O livet Baptist Church. Mr. C ouncil’s mission was to en ­ courage Black Christian men to play active roles and to becom e more re­ sponsible in the upbringingof all young Black childrcn -cspecially the young Black male. In so many cases, the father is in prison and the mother is on drugs or out prostituting to make ends meet. Mr. Council siiared success and horror stories involving proper place­ ment and improper placement. O ne of the stories involved An eleven year old Black male who had been placed in a home with W hile Foster Parents, a l­ though these persons were willing and very eager to help, they were not quali­ fied to meet the emotional and social needs o f this child. The woman called a friend and asked what could she do to make this child feel good about him ­ self. The response and the action was to take the child to W aves to get his hair processed. The processed hair, the flashy clothes, the big wad of money and the “Cadillac” arc all seen as negative in­ fluences to our young, eager, wanting so much to em u latc-B lack males. Mr. Council was very adam ant concerning the manner in which a young Black male, especially, should be nur­ tured and by whom.He admonished jBL Ç aul (áííltsstiinar^ ^Baptist (fllfurdj 8101 N. Fiske Avenue Portland, Oregon 97203 Study Phone: 2 8 9 -1 9 1 1 Church Pho.te: 2 8 9 -0 1 4 7 Sunday Service 1 0 :4 5 Sunday School 9 :3 0 Bible Study 6 :0 0 E ven ing Service 7 :0 0 P.M. Pastor. Rev. James CE. Faulkner Th em e: W h atever you're going to do fo r th e Lord, do it now I Peter iv .1 1 that more Black men should lake active roles in reaching out to the Black youth of today. Mr Council used him self as an ex­ ample. He and his wife, Catherine, have been foster parents for seven years. “ We have this big, old house with all these empty room s”, Council pon­ dered, “ ...and there arc children out there who are in need o f a place to stay”. He and Mrs. Council have nurtured 12 to 13 Black Children. Until the twenty- eighth day of July, the Council family was increased by six b o y s-fo u r o f the boy s arc brothers from the same parents. The boys ages ranged from five to eleven years. “ I was happy we were able to keep them together. Separation is so often the problem when there are more than one or two children from the same family. This is usually the cause behind so many run aways soon after placem ent.” One of the boys had had some real n o tic e a b le p ro b le m s in a c a d e m ic achievem ent when he firstcam e into the Council home; but, since Mr. & Mrs. C ouncil’s firm and loving tutelage, this child has had honor roll recognition. “ It look a lot o f work and a lot o f love”, says Mr. Council. “We had the two oldest sons o f the late Eldridge Broussard for one full year”, Mr. Council shared. “ I am not going to lie and say that it is going to be easy because it is not. W henever you really want to accomplish something and do a good job, it will take a con­ certed and laborious effort on your part.” There are many Black male foster children who arc just waiting for a good home with love and understanding. Mr. Council said that, “If I could only get them at an early age like three or four years old, they are young enough for me to be instrumental in turning them away form gang involvement. I have found that once the boys reach the age of ten and twelve; it is very hard to deter them. Their minds are already set; and -- they run frequently, unless you arc able to generate and interesting and positive activity that will hold them. Once they reach the age of 10 and 11, it becomes harder to place them .” One of Mr. C ouncil’s concerns is to develop a proposal that will unite a select group of Black men, in the age range o f 50 and over, who will take a few days out o f the month to spend some quality time with a young Black male who is confused and needs to be focused: take him on a trip or help him with his homework or go to his sporting event at school or be a consultant and more. This would make a big differ­ ence in the lives o f so many young Black males. Then - we can be proud to know that we, Black Christian Men, did make a positive difference. Then - - we can hold our heads up high and say, “ Yes! Black Men are useful, produc­ tive resources.” “W ecan make a difference”, Coun­ cil charged! Mr. Council found that the young male child responds very favorably to the grandfather image. This proposal will employ the services o f men who are now retired and just taking-up space in local establishm ents or just sitting at home with nothing better to do. Each man possesses a wealth of knowledge which has been laying dorm ant since retirement. “I’m here to tell you that there is much to be done. Something has to happen before these young Black males reach the age o f sixteen and it’s too late.” Mr. Council said that these young men need a firm male figure in their lives. Someone who will love them and be concerned about them. This subject has been brought up many times in one- on-one interviews. The Foster Parent Association of Oregon held a “G ET Acquainted” Pic­ nic at W ilshire Park on Saturday from 10 am to 6 pm. All persons waiting to leant more about how they can become a foster parent should call 232-8383 and ask for Monique McKinley. f a n t i fies mown die fossi o f diem fo v e d o n e s . o ffe y a ita d fo f/in s ten yea n s o fa y e a n d fien sisten o fo tis /ia d fo ffin s , n in e yeans o fa y e . There is... More To Life ffte cfifd n en arene fa ta fy in y a n e d in a n au/omedtife a ccid e n t d fe fite m fe n 8, 1992 on tfiein ara y to sc/ioof (ffenuices w i f f fe fte fd J ff ednesday dffefitem fen die / 6 d a t òffe y f i ne Q /ffen io n ia f f f ani ferii 2 :0 0 f i n i MT OLIVET B aptist C hurch H as m oved Sunday se rv ite s to Stone Tower Church, N.E. Sandy Blvd. & 30ih God’s Love Is Infinite by as offenduta ffd/ons Worship Services 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m Church School 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 N.E. Schuy1 10:30 a.m.''and 7:00 p.m. M attie A nn C allier -S pears Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00 a.m. on K.BMS 1 shall love thee as my days arc long 1 shall love thee through the words of a song A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry- Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor Church Office 116 N.E. Schuyler St (503) 284-1954 1 shall love thee when all else fails But God shall love thee when evil assails * G od’s love buffets when the chips arc down His love comforts in the midst of many frowns When your friends and loved ones do n ’t seem to care And the burdens you sustain are too much to bear <» *»«•»»* Jesus Loves You! Mien Temple CME Ck urch Psalm 34:3 , 4236 NE Eighth Avenue (corner of 8th £ Skidmore) Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 11 Then, when all hope seems to be g-o-n-c And you’re left standing all alone... (503) 287-0261 Phillio S. Nelson P rio r With Tear-stained cheeks, blurred eyes grim Trying hard to focus but chances arc slim D E N IE C E WILLIAMS Performing Wed..'Sept. 23,7:30 PM look up! D on’t despair th o ’ it may seem odd Just — Stretch out your hand and touch the ioving face of God. K?. f O n ¿55 o N6 ,4 ,. jo W PenD*’’ JOHNNY CASH Ä JUNE CARTER Performing Fri.. Sept. 25,7:30 PM Annual Fall Fashion Luncheon fl '’ «Won» n,, pacific northwest illy G raham C rusa D e Civic Stadium, Portland Sept. 23-27,1992 ALL SEATS ARE FREE The Episcopal Church W omen O f St. Philip The D eacon Parish Will Present Their Annual Fall Fashion Lun­ cheon The Episcopal Church W omen of St. Philip the Deacon parish will present their annual Fall Fashion Luncheon at the Church, 120 NE Knott Street, on Saturday, September 26, from 12 till 3 pm. Phone the church at. 281-5802. Aollery Avenue Zhristinn Church I s c l p l e s o f C h r i s t God's Presence promises Power through Jesus Christ In Good Times and Bad Times A/lottfteuj 1 0 9 8 "Come to me all you uuho orc weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest" 9:45am 11 :C0am 7:30pm Sunday School Morning Worship Tuesday Bible Study and Prayer Inter-racial Congregation Donzse H Bell, Postor 126 N.€. Alberto t Portland, OR 97211 + (503) 288-51 73