t y • • September 16, 1992. .The Portland Observer...Page 3 From The Community For The Community The Whcrehousc Project (WHP) specializes in providing reusable and excess construction materials for the repair and renovation of low-cost hous­ ing on a regional basis in NW Oregon and SW Washington. The deals in lumber, paint, doors, windows, bath­ tubs, sinks, toilets, light fixtures, cabi­ nets, carpeting, hardware, and working appliances. Used and surplus building materi­ als are donated to the by contractors, homeowners, landlords, property man­ agement firms, manufacturers/suppli- ers, nonprofit groups, government agen­ cies, school districts and businesses. The materials are sold to low-income persons and nonprofit organizations at 20% to 40% of retail value. The general public can also purchase the materials provided they are used to repair or improve low-cost housing units. About 90% of the WHP’s inven­ tory would have been buried were it not for its efforts. From April of 1990 to October 1991, the acted as a broker for salvaged items by matching generators with potential users. The obtained 5,000 sqft. of operational warehouse space in October of 1991. During the past two and one-half years, the F has diverted approximately 150 tons of construction materials from The General Secretary Of The World Council Of Churches, Dr. Emilio Castro, To Make Portland Appearances area landfills. In addition, 10,00 square feet of carpeting has been reused on various projects. The F recycled 600 gallons of latex paint from Metro’s Household Hazardous Clean-up Day in 1991 and continues to be a clearing­ house for unused paint donated by con­ Dr. Emilio Castro, General Secre­ tractors. About 3,500 gallons of paint tary of the world Council of Churches, has been directed to worthy causes. plans a series of appearances in Port­ This includes 1,200 gallons for the land, September 20-22, 1992. Toppenish, WA “Best” Team project. Dr. Castro has served as General F’s activities result in: (1) keeping Secretary for a decade. A Methodist tons of reusable or surplus building from Uruguay, Dr. Castro commands materials out of our limited landfills, respect in both northern and southern (2) increasing affordable housing units, hemispheres, in eastern and western (3) creating new jobs, (4) providing sectors. donors with a charitable tax deduction, His spiritual leadership has brought (5) reducing contractor disposal costs, both warmth and vitality to the ecu­ (6) reducing air and noise pollution, menical movement. and (7) improving energy conserva­ Inareportlitled,“ACalltoconver- tion. The F is supported by many indi­ sion” prcsented last month to the World viduals, corporations and public agen­ Council of Churches’ Central Commit­ cies in the Pacific Northwest. tee at its Geneva headquarters, Dr. The WHP warehouse is located at Castro said the experience of conver­ 2808 NE MLK, Jr. Blvd, cross street of sion is a passage into a new relation­ NE Stanton, 3rd gate. The warehouse is ship, a new sphere of influence; it is a open Monday thru Saturday, 10:00 A.M. birth, a new life, a new beginning in to 4:00 P.M. Call (503) 281-3829 to God. purchase or donate items. For addi­ Conversion, he said, is a perma­ tional WHP information and consult­ nent coming back and going forward to ing services, contact Jerry W. Greene, the pristine experience of God’s love in WHP founder, Chairman & CEO at Jesus Christ. (503) 285-0116.(09/01/92). Free? What? Clothes and Food Only When? Tuesday : Clothes • Friday: Food 1:00 to 3:00 PM Where? Mallory Avenue Church of Christ 3908 NE Mallory Ave. • Portland, OR 97211 For further information contact: Pat Gamble at 503-288-1092 Join any class anytime Right now you can join Weight Watchers and get a really incredible deal. You'll learn how to eat right. Lose weight. Then before you know it, you’re the best you've ever looked. So call W eight Wathchers today. And get prepared to handle a whole lot of compliments. YOU’VE GOT IT IN YOU TO GET IT OFF YOU.SM Tri-Met received approval from the Federal Transit Administration for a S75,O(X) grant to maximize disadvan­ tage business enterprise (DBE) partici­ pation in the Westside Light Rail Project. The grant will fund an 18-month project to develop a technical assis­ tance program to help DBEs compete for contracting opportunities with Tri- Mel during construction of Westside MAX, the largest public works project in the state’s history. “We are extremely pleased to re­ ceive this grant,” said Tri-Met Deputy General Manager Bob Post. “The funds will helpTri-Met significantly in meet­ ing our commitment to an aggressive program involving DBE firms in con­ struction of the Westside project. We fully anticipate building on the success we experienced with castside MAX when a 22% participation level was achieved.” Post said Tri-Met will work with a consulting firm to design an outreach and assistance program to increase the expertise and capabilities of DBEs in several areas, such as bonding and in­ surance, marketing , cost estimating, accounting, general management, and evaluation of bids and proposals. Tri- Met will distribute to DBE firms video tapes highlighting Westside MAX con­ tracting opportunities. Workshops will also be presented in the region. Total cost of the new program is some $94,000. The federal grant pro­ vides 80%, with Tri-Met funds cover­ ing the remaining 20%. Westside MAX is a $944 million light rail line from downtown Portland to Washington County. Construction is scheduled to begin early in 1993. Planning: A Community Conference Free Oregon Pink Shrimp Recipes Available In Time For Abundant Harvest As part of its ongoing effort to educate consumer about the good nutri­ tion and value of seafood, National Seafood Educators has developed tasty recipes that feature Oregon pink shrimp: Superb Shrimp, and Tomato Tostada, English Muffin Shrimp Pizza, and Easy Shrimp and Pea Salad. The recipes are printed on 3"x5" recipe cards, and can be obtained (along with a seafood nutri­ tion chart) by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope to: National Seafood Educators, P.O. Box 60006, Richmond Beach, WA 98160. Blue Cross of California, along with two other California-based carri­ ers, has played a key role in organizing support for A 3657. But even before the introduction of this measure last spring. Blue Cross had taken a number of steps to reduce the numberof uninsured work­ ers in small businesses. Last year, for example, we created the Small Group Access program which provides managed health coverage for full-time employees of small businesses. More than 245,000 people from 14,173 businesses are now covered in this pro­ gram-and the number goes up monthly. Small Group Access controls costs through effective managed care prod- ucts-and thus offers more affordable rates. The program broadens access because there are no ineligible indus­ tries, no limitations and no avoidance of traditional high-risk groups. Blue Cross’ track record with the Small Group Access program proves that small businesses can be better served with the right mix of insurance plan options. Most important for the reform movement, Blue Cross’ experience is helping to make the case for why all insurance carriers should be required to end the discriminatory practices that serve to deny coverage to so many small groups. African-American Banking Executive Highlights Continued from front page OAUB Treasurer, at 340-5613. The Oregon Association of Urban Bankers is dedicated to developing and promoting minority professionals in Oregon’s banking and financial ser­ vices industry. OAUB is an affiliate o f the National Association of Urban Bank­ ers (NAUB), which represents over 1,700 minority professional in 30chap­ ters located throughout the United Slates. Camp Fire Boys And Girls Seeks New And Returning Members Parents! You can help your child build self-esteem and have fun too! Camp fire is forming groups now for boys and girls in kindergarten through 12th grade. Outdoor living, creative play, science, drama, community ser­ vice and more are all part of the Camp Fire Program. Camp Fire can make a Difference in your life, all 225-7800 today for a schedule of parent information nights near your home. That’s Camp Fire Boys and Girls, 224- 7800. JJ Blue Cross’ Small Group Access Program Leads The Way M a llo ry A v en u e C hurch Of C hrist A n n o u n ce m en t They’ll Say “W OW , HOW ’D YOU DO THAT?” And You’ll Say “Weight W atchers.” Tri-Met Received Approval From The Federal Transit Administration For a $75,000 Grant For DBE Participation In The Westside Light Rail Project. Child Abuse Prevention Volunteers Help end the tragedy of child abuse as vol unteer telephone counselor on the Child Abuse Hotline. No experience needed; extensive training is provided. Evening and weekend shifts available. Call Sue at 238-8819 for more informa­ tion. Portland Gray Panthers The September 19 meeting o f the Portland Gray Panthers will feature a discussion of the Oregon Health Plan. The meeting, which is open to the pub­ lic, will be held at the Northwest Ser­ vice Center, 1819 N.W. Everett at 10 a.m. Quecnie Samuel, Juanita Watson, and Rev. Bernard Ings preview the schedules for the 2nd annual RDI com­ munity conference on alcohol and drug abuse prevention which will take place Saturday September 19thatthe Oregon Convention Center from 8AM to 4:30PM. Quecnie Samuel is the Chair­ person of this years conference “A Car­ ing Community: Partnerships for pre­ vention.” More than 400 people are expected to attend the conference. Rev. Bernard Ings has been instrumental in the development of the Pre-Conference Forum Friday September 18, which will feature discussion on alcohol and drug abuse treatment issues. All of the community is invited to attend the con­ ference and the pre-conference. There is no cost for the pre-conference Forum. Call the RDI office 294-7074 for regis­ tration information. Caption for photo: Left to right - Qucenie Samuel, Juanita Watson and Rev. Bernard Ings. Dr. Lendon Smith Featured Speaker For La Leche League Noted author, pediatrician and hu­ morist will be the guest speaker for La Leche League’s Oregon Area confer­ ence. With his usual flair and style, Dr. Smith will be discussing childhood nutrition from breastfeeding through adolescence. Dr. Smith will be speak­ ing from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. on Friday, September 18 at the Mt. Hood commu­ nity College Visual Arts Center. Tick­ ets are avai lable to the public for $ 10.00. For more information, call Chris Kester at 771-1372. Seating is limited. Nobody Does It Better For Less. Ad Prices Good September 16 Through September 22,1992 At Safeway. SAFEWAY Oregon Delicious Apples Call Collect (503) 297-1021 Red or Golden Delicious apples... or Empire. New crop! Just in time for school lunches. Weekdays 8:30 am to 5:00pm As people vary so does individual weight loss © 1992 Weight Watchers Interna­ tional, Inc., owner of the registered trade­ mark. all rights reserved Tillamook Park Bldg. 2108 NE 41st Ave Mon. Tues Wed 9:30am Thurs Fri. 9:30am 7:00pm 7:00pm 5:00pm 7:00pm Temple Baptist Church 5K and 1 Mile RUN/WALK 1319 NE 7th Fireside Room Tuesday 12:15pm SUNDAY OCTOBER 1 1 ,1 9 9 2 8:30 AM - NOON, W A T E R F R O N T PARK , PO R TLA N D , OREGO N A community event with a mission. The Cure & Control Of Breast Cancer. Maranatha Church 4222 NE 12th (Enter Skidmore) Sat 9:30 This is an opportunity tor women of all ages, sizes, shapes and colors to join together and make their voices heard tor a cause that is truly personal, the 5K has been designated for women only This race is being presented to benefit the Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, which funds breast cancer research and promotes awareness, education and early detection of the disease The Race 75% of the proceeds stays in the community to be used for local education & Mammography Programs 25% of the proceeds will help ongoing national breast cancer research grants and the Breast Cancer Hotline 1-800-IM AWARE Nationwide Insurance 919 NE 19th Ave Wed 11:30am SE Stark 9:30am 9:30am 9 30am 7:00pm 7 00pm 7 00pm 5:00pm 7:00pm Sat Il 9 30am Lucerne Gallon Milk Cream Of Mushroom Soup Fresh, 1% or 2% lowfat, or Nonfat milk. FIRST 1, Additional at regular price. Campbell’s, 10.5-ounce can. FIRST 4, Additional at regular price. FIRST ONE Registration and packet pickup from Sat. Sept. 26 thru Friday Oct. 9,1992 noon at NORTHWEST FITNESS, PACE SETTER, ATHLETIC EAST, PHIDIPPIDES ( Lake Oswego A Salem), GORDON STONES. EUGENE ATHLETIC, RUN PRO (Eugene), SUPER JACK A JILL (Seattle). East Stark Bldg. 12790 Mon. Tues Wed Thurs ? RACE For The CURE I OR CONTACT: Race For The Cure, Greater Portland Chapter, Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, P.O. Box 1961, Lake Oswego, OR. 97035 (503) 295-8226 W ESTERN U N IO N The Fastest Way To Send Money....Available In All Safeway stores in Oregon & S.W. Washington.