Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 16, 1992, Page 10, Image 10

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Page 10...The P o rtla n d O bserver...S epteniber 16,1992
Portland Observer
Nurse Consultant
O regon State Board Of Nursing
Nurse Investigator/
Nursing Practice
O regon State Classification
$2414.00 to $3211.00 p e r Month
T h e O S B N is recruiting for a N urse
Investigato r. T he purpose of this
p o s itio n is to respond to c o m ­
plaints pertaining to Nursing prac­
tic e and g ive advice about N urs­
ing p ra c tic e standards. M inim um
q u a lific a tio n s are a B achelor’s
D e g re e in N ursing, five years
re c e n t nursing experience and
h a v e o r be able to obtain a cur­
re n t unencu m b ered license to
p ra c tic e nursing in O regon.
C all Betty at 503-731-4745 and
re q u e s t a R ecruiting A nnounce­
m e n t and State of Oregon PD-
100 application.
Y o u r applicatio n m ust be R eceived
by 4:30pm on O ctober 5 ,1 9 9 2 .
Director, Risk
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Corp. Headquarters, Salem
W e are looking for an individual to
m anage and oversee the plan­
ning, developm ent, im plem enta­
tion, and adm inistration of our
corporate risk m anagem entfunc-
T h e successful candidate will have
a bachelo rs degree In health and
safety or a related field, w ith 3-5
years supervisory/m anagem ent
experience risk m anagem ent or
loss control/prevention or equiva­
lent education, training and/or
w ork experience that provides
the know ledge, skills and abili­
ties required. W orkers’ c o m p e n ­
sation or o ther insurance experi­
ence is strongly preferred. An
advanced degree in risk m an­
agem ent and/or professional risk
m anagem ent
d e s ig n a tio n
(C P C U ,A LC M ,A R M ,C S P ) p re ­
A detailed job description is avail­
able by calling 503-373-8040. If,
after a review of the job descrip­
tion you find you are qualified
and interested in this opportu­
nity, please subm it a resum e to
our Personnel D ivision. T his re­
cruitm ent w ill rehiain open until a
sufficient num ber of applications
have been received.
SAIF Corporation
Personnel Division
Post O ffice Box 988
Salem , OR 97308-0988
FAX#(503) 373-8628
Equal O pportunity Em ployer
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The Portland Trail Blazer/Oregon
Arena Corporation are looking
for an Administrative Assistant
to support its director of corpo­
rate communications. Qualified
candidates will have a minimum
of 5 years secretarial experience ;
be able to maintain confidential­
ity; have good telephone and in­
te rp e rs o n a l com m unication
skills; have word processing and
spread sheet experience (Mi­
crosoft Word and Excel pre­
ferred) ; have typing speed of 60
wpm and have recently held an
administrative assistant position
with a high degree of responsibil­
ity. Submit your resume by Sept.
25 to Portland Trail Blazers, 700
N.E. Multnomah, Suite 600, Port­
land, OR 97232, Attention Per­
sonnel Dept. No phone calls
E qual O pportunity em ployer
Mental Health
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R esidential T reatm ent C ounselor
(R TC ) I & II a n d o n -c a ll positions
now available to provide tre a t­
m e n t opportunities for e m otion­
ally disadvantaged boys ages 9-
13. Ideal candidate is an em ­
pathic and professional individual
w h o is com m itted to providing
q uality care to this challenging
population. K now ledge o f a for­
eign language a plus.
R equirem ents: BA/BS in H um an
S ervices Field (plus one year
e x perience in Social Services for
R T C II). V alid O regon d rive r’s
A pply at Kerr Youth and Fam ily
C enter, 722 NE 162nd, Portland
O R 97230 or send for an applica­
tion. No resum es accepted. No
p hone calls please.
E qual O pportunity E m ployer
Salem Office
If you are looking for a new nursing
challenge that offers autonom y,
professionalism , and opportunity
for grow th in a dynam ic corpo­
rate setting, w e ’ve got just the
O ur N urse C onsultants utilize their
nursing know ledge, skills and
abilities in a variety o f ways,
which include acting as a liaison
to the m edical com m unity, facili­
tating hom e health services, par­
ticipating in the claim s m anage­
m ent process and providing on­
going m edical education to col­
Successful candidates will possess
a current Oregon RN license with
at least three years clinical expe­
rience. A valid O regon d river’s
license is required. Preference
will be given to candidates who
possess excellent com m unica­
tion skills, have current clinical
experience and know ledge of
preferred provider organizations
or m anaged care. In addition,
preference will be given to candi­
dates with a BSN.
A detailed job description is a vail­
able by calling the Saif P erson­
nel O ffice at 503-373-8040. A p ­
p lica tio n s w ith a c o v e r letter
should be forw arded to the Per­
sonnel office. T his recruitm ent
may close at any tim e, w hen a
sufficient num ber of applications
have been received.
SAIF Corporation
Personnel O ffice
P.O. Box 988
Salem , OR 97308-0988
FAX (503) 373-8628
Equal O pportunity Em ployer
Opportunity Knocks!
S A F C O Insurance C om pany, a
leader in the industry has three
openings in the Lake O sw ego
branch office. If you are a bright,
highly m otivated individual, then
you are looking in the right place!
Personal Lines Underwriter
• A n a ly z in g a p p lic a tio n s fo r
hom eow ner and auto insurance.
• Tactfully and diplom atically com ­
m unicating accept or reject deci­
sions to in d e p e n d e n t agency
• W o rkin g on sp e cia l p ro je cts,
w orkshops, and sem inars for
agents. Analyzing rates, form s
etc. and agency evaluations.
Claims Adjuster Trainee
• Settling dam ages done to or by
S A F E C O policyholders.
• Large am ount of telephone con­
ta c t w ith body sh o p s , g la ss
shops, rental car com panies etc.
• This position w ould deal prim a­
rily w ith autom otive and property
dam ages.
Qualifications for both trainee
positions Include:
• 4 year college degree
• 1 ye a r of professional level work
• E xcellent oral and w ritten com ­
m unication skills
• Future (not im m ediate) reloca­
tion out of Oregon
Claims clerk
Entry Level
W e also have a need for som eone
w ith a stable w ork history to as­
sist our claim s departm en t with
various job duties such a s ; op e n ­
ing and distributing mail, answ er­
ing telephones, setting up claim s
files, and m iscellaneous term i­
nal w ork.
The requirem ents for this position
include two years of previous
custom er service experience and
som e fam iliarity w ith com puter
In addition to a very com petitive
starting salary, w e provide a profit
sharing cash bonus plan and re­
tirem ent plan, em ployee savings
plan, m ajor m edical and much
more. If you have a com m itm ent
to excellence and a desire to
grow with a leader in the insur­
ance industry, then forw ard your
resum e to:
SA FEC O In su ran ce C om pany
4]0] S W Kruse W ay
Lake O sw ego, O r 97035
Attention: Personnel
Equal O pportunity Em ployer
Self-m otivated applicant m ust have
excellent typing and phone skills;
ability to w ork w ell with clients
and staff. W ordperfect/com puter
experience required. Broadcast
order entry experience preferred
No phone calls. Please send re­
sum e to Dianne M iner. EEO.
$% Advertising
g Employment
n B¡ds/Sub-B¡ds
Specialist II
Child, Family &
Community Program
Duties: C onduct independent li­
brary research, develop d escrip­
tions of exem plary program s &
p ra ctice s, c o n d u c t in te rvie w s
with educators & hum an services
professionals, prepare synthe­
ses of inform ation & d ra ft re­
ports. Q ualifications: BA w ith a
background in education or s o ­
cial sciences & professional in­
terest in early childhood & fam ily
program s, ability to conceptu al­
ize issues & com m unicate them
both orally & in w riting, analytical
skills, experience using a co m ­
puter for w ord processing d esir­
able. Salary $13.22 per hour, this
is a tem porary position. Letters
o f application & resum es m ust
be received in the Personnel O f­
fice by 3:00 p.m ., 9/29/92. In let­
ter o f application, indicate the
position for w hich you are apply­
ing. Send letter of application &
resum e to:
Personnel O ffice
N orthw est Regional
Educational Laboratory
101 S W Main, Suite 500
Portland, OR 97204
Equal O pportunity Em ployer
Community Health
Nurse, Senior
$2480 to $3141 per month
Excellent benefits plus 6% Pers
retirement contribution.
(COLA pending.)
Are you an energetic individual with
experience in com m unity health
nursing? Are you looking for an
opportunity to develop your s u ­
pervisory skills as a lead w orker?
C la c k a m a s C o u n ty ’s P u b lic
Health D ivision is looking for a
qualified, professional nurse to
act as a lead w orker to staff and
to assist supervisory personnel
in the coordination and planning
of a health program or clinic.
C ounty E m ploym ent Application
Required. A pplication m aterials
available at C lackam as C ounty
Personnel, 904 M ain Street, O r­
egon City, O regon 97045. C los­
ing date S eptem ber 23, 1992,
5:00 p.m . An Equal O pportunity
E m ployer.
Forest Unit
Supervisor 1
T he O regon D epartm ent of For­
estry currently has an opening in
Klam ath Falls for a Forest Unit
S upervisor 1. This a n nou nce­
m ent is to fill the current vacancy
and develop a list for future v a ­
cancies th ro u g h o u t the state.
Subm it an application now if you
w ish to be considered for this job
classification. The ForestU nit S u­
pervisor 1 w orks under the d irec­
tion of a Unit Forester, supervis­
ing a forest fire protection unit,
and adm inistering fire protection
program s w ithin the unit, such as
fire prevention, fire preparedness
and fire suppression. Q ualifica­
tions are: a Bachelor's degree in
Forestry or an Associate degree
in Forest M anagem ent, Forest
E ngineering, or W ildland Fire
M anagem ent; and two years of
experience in forest road loca­
tion and design, cruising tim ber,
harvesting tim ber, reforestation,
young grow th m anagem ent or
w ildland fire suppression. (If the
A ssociate’s degree is not in W ild­
land Fire M anagem ent, one of
the tw o years of experience m ust
be in w ildland fire suppression):
or three years of experience in
the above areas with one of the
three years being in wildland fire
A nnouncem ent closes O ctober 8,
1992. C o n ta ct D epartm ent o f
Forestry Personnel Section, 2600
State Street, Salem , OR 97310,
(503) 378-2565 for job announce­
m ent, test questions, and appli­
Merchandise /Vendor
The Portland Trail Blazers are hir­
ing m erchandise vendors for the
upcom ing season, com m ission
pay M ust have retail experience.
P rofessional m anner and atti­
tude. Please subm it your resum e
of experience to: Retail M anager
c/o Portland Trail Blazers, 700
N.E. M ultnom ah, S uite 600, Port­
land, OR 97232. No phone calls
please. Equal O pportunity E m ­
Executive Director
Assoc. Solid Waste
Office Clerk/
Class No. 344-00992-SW
Sold Waste Dept.
1 Full-time Position
Salary: $ 32,07 2- $45,143/Yr.
The Metropolitan Service District
is recruiting for an Associate Solid
W aste Planner to perform the fol­
lowing essential job duties : devel­
oping and assisting in the writing
o, R FP s/B ids, conducting re ­
search on elements affecting solid
waste projects; analyzing data to
determine potential effects of solid
and hazardous waste on the envi­
ronment; assisting in the selec­
tion of contractors and vendors;
collecting and organizing techni­
cal information for computer analy­
sis and report generation; remain­
ing current on public policy, plan­
ning strategies and legislation re­
lated to solid waste issues; coor­
dinating information with techni­
cal staff, contractors, other gov­
ernment agencies and the public.
This position closes on Septem ­
ber 25, 1992. Applications and
supplemental requirements must
be received, or postmarked no
later than 5:00 p.m., Friday, Sep­
tember 25,1992. Applications and
supplemental requirements can
be picked up at:
Class NO. 035-0992-ZO
Metro W ashington Park Zoo
1 Part-time Position
Salary: $9.28 - $10.55/hr
The Metro W ashington Park Zoo
is recruiting for an Office Clerk/
Bookkeeper to perform the fol­
lowing essential job duties:
The Metropolitan Service District
MetroERC and Oregon Convention
Center Administration Offices
MetroERC and Oregon Convention
Center Administration Offices
operate cash office machines to
count incoming cash; prepares
daily bank deposit; prepares in­
put docum ents using cash regis­
ter tapes; perform s com puter
data entry of financial inform a­
tion; prepares and issues cash­
ier change funds; counts, m ain­
tains and reconciles vault and
petty cash funds; perform s cash
pickups and delivers change
throughout the Zoo; operates
teller window for all Zoo employee
cash transactions. Performsgen-
eral office duties. This position
closes on Septem ber 25, 1992.
Applications and supplemental
requirements must be received,
or postm arked no laterthan 5;00
p.m. Friday, S eptem ber25,1992.
Applications and supplemental
requirements can be picked up
The Metropolitan Service District
The Urban League
The Urban League
The N.E. Workforce Center
The N.E. Workforce Center
Metropolitan Service Dist.
2000 s W First Ave
Portland, OR
Metropolitan Service Dist.
2000 S. W. First Ave
¡Portland, OR
Oregon Convention Center
777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr
Portland, OR
Resumes will not be accepted
AA/EEO Employer
Office Assistant
Class No. 012-0992-SW
Solid W aste Department
Temporary (1 Half-time
Salary: $7.03 - $9.90
The Metropolitan Service Dis­
trict is recruiting for one tem po­
rary half-time Office Assistant
position. The person in this posi­
tion will perform the following es­
sential job duties: Performs d e ­
partm ent reception functions
such as screening calls, and visi­
tors, andtaking messages; opens
and routes incoming mail for the
Solid W aste Department; per­
forms general clerical duties in­
cluding typing, filing, copying, and
providing general information to
the public; prepares outgoing
mail. This position closeson Sep­
tem ber 24, 1992. Applications
and supplemental requirements
must be received, or postmarked
no later than 5:00 p.m., Thurs­
day, September 24,1992. Appli­
cations and supplem ental re­
quirem ents can be picked up at:
The Metropolitan Service Dis­
MetroERC and Oregon Convention
Center Administration Offices
The Urban League
The N.E. Workforce Center
Metropolitan Service Dist.
2000 S W First Ave
Portland, OR
Oregon Convention Center
777 NE Martin Luther King. Jr
Portland, OR
Resumes will not be accepted
AA'EEO Employer
Project Researcher/
Project: D eveloping a m odel for a
D e v e lo p m e n ta lly A p p ro p ria te
M entoring Program to m eet the
social, em otional and academ ic
needs o f stu d e n ts to a ssure
com pletion of high school. Appi.
Deadline: 5pm 9/25/92
M ESD applications available M-f,
8 -5 o r se n d s e lf-a d d re s s e d
stam ped legal envelope, indicat­
ing position of interest to M ult­
nom ah ESD, Attn. R ecruitm ent
O ffic e , 11611 NE A in s w o rth
Circle, Portland, Or 97220-9017.
An Equal O pportunity Em ployer
& D rug Free W ork Place
Oregon Convention Center
777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr.
Portland, OR
Resumes will not be accepted.
AA/EEO Employer
Seek experienced professional to
m anage the N orth/lnner N orth­
east YM C A . R equires de m o n ­
strated skills in program d e v e l­
opm ent, m arketing, com m unity
needs assessm ent, fiscal m an­
agem ent, volunteer developm ent
and ability to relate to m ulti-cul­
tural population.
Program s include youth sports and
child care. Strong association and
g re a t b e n e fits . S a la ry ra n g e
$ 2 3 ,3 4 6 -$ 2 9 ,1 75, d e p e n d in g
upon experience. R esum es are
excepted until S eptem be r 30,
1992. M ail all resum es to Dave
K in g , N o rth /ln n e r N o rth e a s t
Y M C A , c/o 2831 S W B arbur
Blvd., Portland, O R 97201.
C om puter
Information Resource
This position is responsible to c o n ­
duct and assist in preparing re­
ports, surveys and o ther a n alyti­
cal studies, com puter experience
is necessary for providing te ch ­
nical support for student and fi­
nan cia l in fo rm a tio n c o m p u te r
system s, as w ell as PC netw ork
support. Q ualifications incl: an
appropriate 4 yr bachelor's d e ­
gree w ith experience in technical
co m p u te r support, survey re ­
se a rc h a nd fo re c a s tin g , and
higher education w ork exp. A p ­
plicants should subm it letter o f
a p p lic a tio n , re s u m e an d th e
names, addresses and telephone
nu m bers o f 3 references by 9/25/
92 to: S earch fo r inform ation
R esource A nalyst, O ffice of B ud­
gets and Planning, O regon State
U niversity, C orvallis, OR 97331-
2125. Phone (503) 737-4121.
OSU is an A ffirm ative A ction/
Equal O ppty E m ployer and has a
policy of being responsive to the
needs o f dual-career couples.
Burgerville U.S.A.
St. Jo h n ’s
Entry Level
Specialist II
Assistant Managers
W e have im m ediate openings for
Entry Level A ssistants.
S a la ry ra n g e s fro m $ 1 4 ,4 0 0 -
$18,600. Fam ily co ve ra g e for
m edical & dental insurance avail­
If you are currently in a crew o r shift
leader position, have excellent
w ork habits, like being respon­
sible for others, & are looking for
a m anagem ent opportunity, then
call Terri H urley (206) 694-1521.
B urger V lleë
Community Program
W ashington S tate D epartm ent of
C o m m u n ity D e ve lo p m e n t has
Tw o openings, O ne in the S po­
kane area and O ne in the Y akim a
area for a C om m unity Program
D eveloper 2 to provide loan pa ck­
aging and technical assistance
services for com m ercial and real
estate d e velop m e nt loans. A p ­
plications w ill be screened for a
M inim um of tw o years e xp e ri­
e nce p a cka g in g o r re vie w in g
loans for private or public sector
program s Or N D C C ertification
And a BA degree and two years
Or an AA degree and 4 years
experience in C om m unity Pro­
g ra m D e v e lo p m e n t. S a la ry
Range: $28,776-$36,840. A pp li­
cations m ust be postm arked by
S eptem ber 30, 1992. S end a p ­
plications to: Pegi Lee, PO Box
4 8300 , O lym p ia , W A 9 8 5 0 4 -
8300. For application and infor­
m ation contact D onna Johnston
at (206) 586-1924. DCD is an
Equal O pportunity Em ployer and
encourages all m inorities to ap­
Rape Victim Advocates
R ape Victim advocates N eeded as
on-call volunteers w ith The M ult­
nom ah County D istrict Attorney's
Victim A ssistance Program .
E vening Training (six sessions)
begins 10/6/92. M ust be 18 yrs.
Old and have transportation. Call
248-3222 for m ore inform ation
and to register.
Child, Family &
Community Program
Duties: C onduct indepe ndent li­
brary research, de ve lo p d e scrip­
tions o f exem plary program s &
practices,conduct interviews with
educators & hum an services pro­
fessionals, prepare syntheses of
inform ation & draft reports. Q uali­
fications: BA w ith a background
in e ducation or social sciences &
p ro fe s s io n a l in te re s t in e a rly
ch ild h o o d & fam ily program s,
ability to conceptu alize issues &
com m unicate them both orally &
in w riting, analytical skills, e xpe­
rience using a com puter fo r w ord
p ro c e s s in g d e s ira b le . S a la ry
$13.22 per hour, this is a tem po­
rary position. Letters o f applica­
tion & resum es m ust be received
in the Personnel O ffice by 3:00
p.m ., 9/29/92. In letter o f applica­
tion, in d ica te th e p o sitio n fo r
w hich you are applying. Send
letter o f application & resum e to:
Personnel O ffice
N orthw est R egional
Educational Laboratory
101 S W M ain, S uite 500
Portland, O R 97204
Equal O pportunity Em ployer
On-Line Editor/
W e stco a st National Basketball A s ­
sociation team needs a “do it all"
e d ito r /v id e o g r a p h e r to h e lp
launch a new basketball oriented
k id ’s show . C andida te should
have a m inim um of three years
on-line experience (preferably on
S o n y 9 0 0 0 , G ra s s 2 0 0 a n d
Am pex AD O ) and be a super
video shooter. F am iliarity with
the g am e of basketball and the
ability to perform as a team player
w ith a m inim um of direct super­
vision w ill be im portant c o n sid e r­
ations. Position offers a good
s a la ry/b e n e fit packa g e and a
stim ulating w ork environm ent.
Send resum e of experience to:
Executive Producer, 700 N. E.
M ultnom ah, Suite 600, Portland,
O R 9 7 2 3 2 . N o p h o n e c a lls
Equal O pportunity Em ployer
R esponsible individual needed, 16-
20 hours w eekly for headstart
program . Class B/C D L required.
Need O R school bus drivers li­
cense. W ill train. G ood D M V
record $7.46/hour. M edical &
dental benefits included. Apply
in person, M on-Fri 9AM -4PM ,
909 NE 52nd Ave.
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