Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 09, 1992, Page 7, Image 7

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September 9, 1992...The Portland ()b.server...Page 7
Portland Observer
Event Security Agent
Office Clerk
Job Code No. 808843-COL
All Facilities
20 Part-time Positions
Salary: $8.32/Hr.
The MetroERC is recruiting for
20 part-time positions. The
Event Security Agent will work
at all of the MetroERC facili­
ties, (e.g. Memorial coliseum,
Civic Stadium, Oregon Con­
v e n tio n
C e n te r, A rle n e
Schnitzer concert Hall & Port­
land Center for the Performing
Arts.) Essential duties will in­
clude: enforcing rules and
regulations set forth by the
MetroERC; writing reports on
incidents as required; provide
crowd control; ensure safe pat­
terns of ingress and egress of
patrons; patrol facilities as di­
rected; provide first aid and
medical assistance in emer­
gency situations; provide se­
curity at trade shows, special
events, and conventions as re­
quired. Applications are avail­
able to First Opportunity Tar­
get Area residents only. To be
eligible to apply you must re­
side within the following bound­
aries: Columbia Villa and N.
C h a uta uq u a on the w est;
columbia Blvd. on the north;
Banfield Freeway on the south;
and N.E. 42nd. on the east.
This position closes on Sep­
tember 15,1992.'Applications
and supplem ental require­
ments must be received, or
postmarked no later than 5:00
p.m., Tuesday, September 15,
Applications can be picked up
Job Code No. 808824-COL
All Facilities
30 Part-time Positions
Salary: $5.54/Hr.
The MetroERC is recruiting for
30 part-time ushers to work at
all M etroE R C fa c ilitie s as
needed. Essential duties will
include: gathering and count­
ing out programs: standing in
an assigned area; greeting, di­
recting and assisting patrons;
escorting patrons to seats;
watching for food and drinks
being brought into the facility;
monitoring the audience; ad­
vising patrons about violations
of MetroERCs Policies regard­
ing smoking and alcoholic bev­
erages; checking lost and
found articles; assisting dis­
abled patrons; checking coats,
bottles and personal belong­
ings. May be assigned other
duties. Applications are avail­
able to First Opportunity Tar­
get Area residents only. To be
eligible to apply you must re­
side within the following bound­
aries: Columbia Villa and N.
Chautauqua on the west; N.
Columbia Blvd., on the north;
Banfield Freeway on the south ;
and N.E. 42nd on the east.
This position closes on Sep­
tember 15,1992. Applications
and supplem ental re q u ire ­
ments must be received, or
postmarked no later than 5:00
p.m., Tuesday, September 15,
1992. Applications and supple­
mental requirements can be
picked up at:
The Metropolitan Service Dis­
The Metropolitan Service
The MetroERC and Oregon
Convention Center Admin.
The Urban League
The N.E. Workforce Center
Metropolitan Service Dist.
2000 S.W. First Ave.
Portland, OR
Oregon Convention Center
777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr.
Portland, OR
Resumes will not be accepted.
AA/EEO Employer
MetroERC and Oregon conven­
tion Center Administration
The Urban League
The N.E. Workforce Center
Metropolitan Service Dist.
2000 S. W. First Ave.
Portland, OR
Oregon Convention Center
777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr.
Portland, OR
Resumes will not be accepted.
AA/EEO Employer
Job Code No. 818892-COL
Memorial Coliseum
1 Full-time Position
Salary: $8.12/Hr.
The MetroERC is recruiting for
one full time Office Clerk to
provide additional clerical sup­
port to the Special Services
Department. Essential job du­
ties will include: picking up,
receiving, sorting and distrib­
uting incoming and outgoing
mail, including bulk mail; de­
livering materials to various
facilities, departments, and or­
g a n iz a tio n s
w ith in
MetroERC area; acting as re­
lief receptionist; will provide
general information concern­
ing MetroERC policies, pro­
cedures and programs as re­
quired; will operate a variety of
office equipment; assist in fil­
ing and assembling materials
for bulk mailings, maintain a
variety of logs and records for
the d ep a rtm e nt. P erform s
other related duties and re­
sponsibilities as required. Ap­
plications are available to First
Opportunity Target Area resi­
dents only. To be eligible to
apply you must reside within
the following boundaries: Co­
lu m b ia
V illa
Chautauqua on the west; Co­
lumbia Blvd., on the north;
Banfield Freeway on the south;
and N.E. 42nd on the east.
This position closes on Sep­
tember 15,1992. Applications
and supplem ental require­
ments must be received, or
postmarked no later than 5:00
p.m., T uesday, September 15,
1992. Applications and supple­
mental requirements can be
picked up at:
Hydrogeologist 2
Site Response
$2,554-$3,404 Monthly
The Oregon Department of Envi­
ronmental Quality (DEQ) is a
growing state agency committed
to protecting the environment.
DEQ is currently seeking aquali-
fied individual who will have ex­
perience preparing written docu­
mentation and communications
for review by diverse groups,
experience conducting and co­
ordinating soil and ground water
investigations and experience
gathering/interpreting data to
determine existing and potential
impact to soils and groundwater
from hazardous substance con­
tam ination. Successful appli­
cants will possess the knowledge
and experience to obtain regis­
tration as a professional geolo­
gist in Oregon. This is a Limited
Duration position funded through
June 30,1993, but may become
permanent pending legislative
approval. Please call our job in­
formation line at (503) 229-5785
by Friday,September 11, 1992,
to request an announcement and
application. Equal Opportunity
Bus Driver I
Responsible for the safe transport
of pre-school aged children. Re­
quires valid driver’s license free
from violation resulting in per­
sonal injury. Willing to obtain
Commercial License class “C"
or better within 90 days of em­
ployment. Able to pass initial and
annual health exams indicating
ability to meet job requirements.
All positions require dependable
automobile and insurance. Ob­
tain job d escrip tio n 9:00am -
4:00pm Tuesday through Friday
9/11 at EOC Office, 10621 N.E.
Coxley Dr., Suite 207, Vancou­
ver, Wa. 98662. (206)896-9912.
Completed application packets
must be received by 4:00pm,
September 11,1992 to be con­
Admin Asst
start date 10/5/92
OPB Foundation, a non-profit or­
ganization, sees admin and cleri­
cal support for membership staff.
Routine correspondence and of­
fice tasks. Demanding role in
pledge preparation and support.
Sense of humor vital. Must have
excellent work processing skills,
experience with spreadsheet
software and be able to speak
and write clear English. Good
phone manner and ability to work
in a multi-task environment es­
sential. Min. 3-5 years clerical
experience. Salary range $16-
21,000 annual, depending on
experience. Excellent benefits.
Resumes and cover letter should
be d ire c te d to M s. Y .M .
Deligiorgis, OPB Foundation, PO
Box 69485, Portland 97201 by 9/
16/92. No Phone calls please.
Equal Opportunity Employer
Park Resources
$2253 to $3329 per month
Salary commensurate with
Excellent benefits plus 6%
Pers retirement contribution
Are you a creative individual with
landscape architefcture and park
facility management experience?
The North Clackamas park and
Recreation district is looking for
a manager to direct all aspects of
the acquisition, design, construc­
tion and maintenance of park
grounds and facilities. Excellent
oral and written communication
skills, the ability to work well with
public agencies and citizens
groups and knowledge of per­
sonnel management desired.
County Employment Application
Required. Application materials
available at Clackamas County
Personnel, 904 Main St. Oregon
City, OR 97045. Closing date
September 15.
1992, 5:00 pm. An Equal Opportu­
nity Employer
Clackamas County
The Metropolitan Service
MetroERC and Oregon Conven­
tion Center Administration
Offices The Urban League
The N.E. Workforce Center
Metropolitan Service Dist.
2000 S. W. First Ave.
Portland, OR
Oregon convention Center
777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr.
Resumes will not be accepted.
AA/EEO Employer
Word Processor/
This position provides document
development and clerical sup­
port to TPIC administrative and
operations staff.
P re fe rred q u a lific a tio n s : High
school diplom a or GED; two
years experience in general of­
fice setting including two years
extensive word processing ex­
perience; excellentgrammar and
spelling skills; accurate typing;
experience with advanced Word
Perfect, Lotus 123, and database
software essential; experience
with multiline phone systems;
demonstrated ability to work with
a variety of people and to meet
multiple deadlines.
Salary Range: $16,131 to $22,739
plus excellent em ployer-paid
benefit package
Closing date: 5pm, Wednesday,
September 16,1992
Required application packet avail­
able at The Private Industry coun­
cil, 720 SW Washington, Suite
250, Portland, OR 97205. 241-
4600. FAX 241 -4622 An Affirma­
tive Action/Equal Employer
McCaw Cellular
Communications, Inc.
Cellular One
#280-0 Accounts
Receivable Representative
Final Accounts
Cellular One is seeking an A c­
counts Receivable Representa­
tive - Final Accounts to perform
daily and monthly collection pro­
cedures for canceled accounts;
skip tracing on canceled and write
off accounts; monitor all accounts
sent to collection agency or at­
torney; perform final collection
procedures on all write off ac­
counts kept in house; provide
manager and supervisor with
monthly reports on bad debt write
off and recovery and work with
outside agencies on accounts
assigned to them.
Requirements include a minimum
of two years experience in an
automated collection environ­
ment; knowledgeable in Fair Debt
Collections Practices Act and
Oregon Unlawful Debt Collec­
tion Practices Act; excellent cus­
tomer services skills; detail ori­
ented with excellent oral and
written communications skills;
and ability to work independently.
Applications are accepted only at
our downtown location, No phone
calls, please. Send your resume
referencing the above number/
title to:
Cellular One
People Development Dept.
Job #280-) Accounts Receivable
Rep. - Final Accounts
1600 SW 4th Avenue
Portland, OR 97201
Cellular One Jobline 789-JOBS
All replies in confidence
An equal opportunity employer
McCaw Cellular
Communications, Inc.
Cellular One
#278-) Accounts
Payable Supervisor
Cellular One is seeking an Ac­
counts payable Supervisor to
provide ongoing training and pro­
fessional development of staff;
review and su pport daily A/P pro­
cessing, and maintain ongoing
relationships with all A/P cus­
This individual will make determi­
nation of month end items to be
accrued, prepare and upload
accrual journal entries, review
and prepare manual checks;
maintain manual check register
and prepare input for data entry,
supervisor will also analyze and
report Network and Technical
Operations variances as appro­
Candidate must have a minimum
of three years experience in op­
erating acomputerized accounts
payable system, demonstrated
effective interpersonal skills, abil­
ity to organize team, analyze fi­
nancial information, formulate
decisions and communicate con­
clusions. Excellent PC skills re­
Applications are accepted only at
our downtown location. No Phone
calls, please. Send your resume
referencing the above number/
title to:
Cellular One
People Development Dept.
Job #278-) Accounts
Payable Supervisor
1600 SW 4th Avenue
Portland, OR 97201
Cellular One Jobline 789-JOBS
All replies in confidence
An equal opportunity employer
Sealed bids w ill be received u n til 1:00 p.m. on the
dates in d ica ted in the Purchasing Department, Multnomah
County Schoo, D is t r ic t #1J, 501 N. Dixon, P ortland,
Oregon fo r the items lis t e d herein:
Sept. 15, 1992
Fuel O il For Various Schools
(Requirement C ontract)
Facial Tissue, T o ile t Tissue And
Paper Towels For Warehouse
Stock, 1992-93
Paper Supplies For Warehouse Stock,
1992-93 (Supplemental)
Forma, announcement, d e ta ile d s p e c ific a tio n s and
bidding documents may be obtained at the above
address. For a d d itio n a l inform ât io n ,p i ease contact
M.J. Hutchens, D ir. Purchasing, 249-2000, Ext. 581.
& Advertising
& Employment
o Blds/Sub-Blds
Information Systems
NIKE, Inc. has an immediateopen-
ing in their innovative and grow­
ing internal Audit Department for
an information Systems Auditor
to Derform all audits of IS depart­
ments, audits of selected com­
puterized business information
systems and to assist external
auditors in IS related areas. Also
act as support for departmental
computers and information sys­
tems related issues.
Qualified applicants must have a
Bachelor's degree in information
Systems Auditing, Information
Systems or Accounting: plus 1 -2
yrs. coursework or equivalent
experience in each area: CISA,
CPA or CIA helpful; at least 2
years experience in commercial
business applications develop­
ment; preferably with IBM OS/
MVS, AS/4000 or UNIX: DOS
Macintosh experience helpful;
excellent oral and written com­
munication skills; self-starter and
able to work effectively with lim­
ited supervision.
Please forward your resume to
M urray Blvd, Beaverton, Or.
97005. This position may close
at any time. Equal Opportunity
Programmer Analyst II
NIKE, line, has an opportunity
available for a Programmer Ana
tyst II. This position will support
systems and users in the devel­
opment, maintenance and en­
hancement of all computer appli­
cations. Duties include respond­
ing to hardware/software ques­
tions, supporting user requests
for ad hoc information and ana­
lyzing, coding, testii ig and install­
ing applications systems.
Requirements include a college
degree in Business or Computer
Science or equivalent work ex­
perience in a related field, 3-5
years computer related exper:
enee; mainframe experience to
include COBOL and SQL; Macin
tosh and PC experience to in­
clude Windows, MS word and
NIKE offers competitive salaries
and excellent benefits. Please
send your resume for consider­
ation to: NIKE, Inc., ORSC, 3700
SW Murray Blvd, Beaverton, OR
97005. This position is subject to
close at any time. NIKE is an
Equal Opportunity Employer.
Public Library
Position re-opened. The Oregon
State Library is recruiting to fill
the position of Public Library
Consultant. Immediate empha­
sis on developing a program of
consulting to enhance the ability
of public libraries to meet com ­
m u n ity needs fo r im p ro ve d
children’s services. The success­
ful candidate will have an ALA-
accredited MLS and three years
of professional library experience
including one year of experience
in children’s services, compen­
sation range is $2,529-$3,370.
Application information is avail­
able from Barbara columbus,
Oregon State Library, State Li­
brary Building, Salem, Oregon,
97310, (503) 378-4243. Applica­
tion deadline is October 12,1992.
The Oregon State Library is an
equal opportunity, affirm ative
action employer committed to
cultural diversity.
We Want To Make
A Difference In
Your Life!
We Have Jobs For Persons
With Disabilities
Jobs available in a variety of fields
for short term and long term as­
St. Vincent dePaul Rehabilitation
Services Offers M edical And
Retirement Benefits. We are An
Employment Service That Spe­
cializes In Placing People With
Disabilities cover a vast spectrum
& may include visual and hearing
im p a irm e n ts ,
p e rs o n s
recovery, etc.
St. Vincent dePaul Rehabilitation
is currently recruiting or:
♦Data Entry
♦Word Processors
New Central Location
For application:
1201 SW 12th
Suite 308, Ptld, 9am-4pm
Other ways to apply:
1.St. Vincent dePaul Rehabilita­
tion, 4867 NE Martin Luther King,
Portland 97211 from 8-4
2. St. Vincent dePaul Rehabilita­
tion, 14780 Osprey Drive, Suite
240, at Murrayhill Shopping Cnt,
Bvtn, 97007-8116 from 8-4pm
3. Mail in a cover letter and resume
to one of the addresses above
MESD applications available m-f,
8-5 or send s e lf-a d d re sse d
stamped legal envelope, indicat­
ing position of interest to Mult­
nomah ESD, Attn: Recruitment
Office, 11611 N.E. Anisworth
Circle, Portland, Or.. 97220-9017
• Augmentative
Communucation Specialist
• Break Assistant - 3 .75 hrs.
• Speech & Language
Pathologist (Teachers)
Must have 55 years minimum too
and die experience. Plastic in
jection molds necessary. Stamp
ing dies needed. Long term.
For immediate consideration on
this and other opportunities Fax
your resume to 503-297-88030
or contact:
“Engineering, All Disciplines”
5319 SW Westgate Dr. #146
Portland, Or. 97221
Police Administrative
City of Lacey seeking professional,
confident service oriented indi­
vidual to manage Crime Mgmt
ComputerSystem .supr. records
& evidence, manage budgets,
perform varied confidential & ad­
m inistrative duties for chief.
Knowledgeable & competent in
prin & practices of Public Admin,
program planning, Financial
mgmt ‘ labor relations. BA Public
or Bus. Admin, or Crim. Justice,
or equiv. education & training,
with 3 yrs. exper. $2401-$3074/
per month DOQ+ generous ben­
efits pkg. Close: 9/25/92 5pm.
Must submit City app, letter of
interest & resume to: City Of
Lacey, Personnel Dept. P.O. Box
B, 420 College St. Lacey, Wa.
98503. Call (206) 491-3113 for
app. packet.
Phone Collector
paragon Cable is recruiting for a
part-time phone collector. Quali­
fied applicant would have a work­
ing knowledge of a computer
keyboard and the ability to per­
form data entry, work collection
reports as requested, explain all
billing situations to customers,
and maintain professional cus­
tomer friendliness at all times,
High school education or GED
required. Previous phone collec­
tion or customer service experi­
ence helpful. Proficient 10-key
skills. Must be able to work M-F
during the aftemoon/evening shift
and Saturday during the mom-
ing/afternoon shift Please apply
at: 3075 N.E. Sandy Blvd, Port­
land, OR 97232.
Equal Opportunity Employer
Major Telephone Co.
Now hiring. Technicians, install­
ers, Acct/Serv Reps, operators.
No experience necessary. For
information, call 1 -219- 736-9807,
ext. F6857 6 am - 6 pm - 7 days.