September 9 , 1992...The PortlandObserver...Page 5 •Portland Observer Scripture o f the ‘Weei RELIGION St. John Chapter 4 •c • ••• RED DELICIO US APPLES Reading Readiness E v e ry S atu rd ay from S e p te m b e r 19 to O cto b er 24-, 11 a.m . to 12 p .m . McMurphy's Appliance Center N ew Crop la rg e s iz e ^ _ 9e>^69‘ Green Thompson Variety Washer & Dryer s199°° The N atural Snack POUND Refrigerators From $ 129“ Grown in The Hood River Valley 28 lb. box ! I I »Q»5 c 69 39 Saturday 10:00am to 2:00pm EACH STALK North Portland Branch Library 512 N. K illingsworth Portland. OB 9 7 2 17 248-5394 w <• # e u v 4011 N6 MLK M U LTN O M A H CO UNTY Æ . « i r POUND We will meet or beat anyone’s prices. Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 287-0261 Sales and Promotional items excluded. large size W h e n y o u w a n t t o a d v e r t is e Stone T o w e r C h u rc h , N .E . S a n d y B lv d . & 3 0 th 6800 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Worship Services 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Church School 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 N.E. Schuyler 10:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Professional and Quality Dry Cleaning & Laundry Is Assured By Our Courteous New Manager Marva Mitchell & C We Offer Professional Alterations Drapery Cleaning All Weather Proofing Of SkFWear & Rainwear 48 Hour Shoe Repair And Specialize In Silk Cleaning & Leather Goods t S ú t í S r t S > J 2 » < 2 i, » ( t± í & £ fîr O ib db NowAvailable in North & Northeast Portland ■ f .« " ? ï NNN $ «CWWMC Xwi-XVÄ X au .w> < Xsw «"SS •> .NV :• S .w X «W A1# 5 .'.w5 S kw nxx nnnv n « o * 8 «« . 5 .' •X r «8MMM* Neighborhoods Ä t :«• . \< 5 X ■ LsJ !» ?. nw w Professional Maintenance ** S xxw xa •: NNN V «MONMe S. ** I $NNNNV.\N < '2S v S C XNNNNNN c?;;. .„ nv ' x «N x •> •.NN- $ S NNN j W X-X n S n S .NNN S X nv X n X-X & Management 1 ^NNN-tvà V. XNNV.NVX XNNNNV.V I N nn Î N n N N NNN Jr. •>. • V* v’*v 653-7088 fsh l A mmm * •v > » y 5 % 2 ÎÎÎ.1 >.NNNNNW X 0 « X- JS?' X- x MANAUF.MKVT CORPORATION PCRI ..... Creed Of The Black Pi ess The Black Press believes that America can best lead the world away from racial and national antagonism s when it accords to every person, regardless o f race, color or creed, full human and legal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to help every person in the firm belief that all are hurt as long as anyone is held back. J Ü a p tts i d f u r e f f 8101 N. Fiske Avenue Portland, O regon 9 72 03 10% Discounts For Senior Citizens D C lo th e s a n d F o o d O n ly W T ie n ? T u e s d a y : C lo th e s • F r id a y : F o o d 1:00 to 3:00 PM i s c i p l e s o f C h r is t G o d ’s Presence prom ises Power through Jesus Christ In G o o d Times and Bod Times Sunday Service 10:45 Sunday School 9:30 Bible Study 6:00 Evening Service 7:00 P.M. Free? Illic it? M allory Avenue Christian Church Study Phon«: 289-1911 Church Pho.ta: 289-0 147 M a llo ry Avenue Church Of Christ Announcement AAottfieu/ 7 7:28 "Come to me all you w ho ore w eary and heavy laden and I w ill give you rest" 9:45am 11:00am 7:30pm Sunday School M orning W orship Tuesday Bible Study ond Prayer '«.’ ¿ ÎÎY a Pastor Pev James C E Faulkner Where? Theanw Whatever you're going to do for the Lord, d o it n o w M allory A v en u e C h u rc h o f C h rist 3 9 0 8 N E M allory Ave. • P o rtla n d , O R 9 7 2 1 1 Peter lv.11 For further information contact: Pat Gamble at 503-288-1092 .............. ~ ~ ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . » . , • t= 2 3, & 4 Bedroom Homes A Teaching Church W ith A Reaching M inistry Dr. James E. M artin, Senior Pastor Church Office 116 N.E. Schuyler St. (503) 284-1954 __ & ¿0 Radio M inistry each Sunday, 8:00 a.m. on KBM S Open From 8 • 6 Mon. - Fri. and 9 - 4 on Saturday h OOSING Clean, well maintained d t M t O livet B aptist C hurch Has moved Sunday services to __ , ♦. .. • -.K • * A FFORDABLE RENTAÍ 707 N.E. Fremont Portland, Oregon 97212 (503) 281-6525 Open: 11:30 - 6:00 Tues thru Saturday 2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 ■ • ■f'--- W mmm S ® K T ’ ' •* JT • ■ ■ ■ ■. MEMBER O? UNITED GROCERS Mrs. C’s W igs and Beauty Supply Ptiitlio S. Nikon Poster ■ ô - '.d SPECIALS EFFECTIVE TUESDAf through SUNDAY ----------------------- . 13,1992 -3 1 9 §2 SEPTEMBER 8 through W igs and Beauty Supplies (corner of 8th £ Skidmore) . 0 THE FRIENDLIEST STORES IN TOWN SINCE 1908 braiding and weaving 4 2 3 6 N E E ig h th A v e n u e . *'.îZ Public Notice Psalm 34:3 ' «.•. ; GREEN PEPPERS s W holesale to the Public 35% to 50% off 100% Human Hair 16" from $15.95 Allen T e m p le CME CL urck ■ . /> * • A A L IB R A R Y ^ Jesus Loves You! * » »»y .. < C n G re a t fo r stuffing or fre e z e for la te r The program is lim ited io 25 children, so please register. L iu’ - •T ’-4' BULK CARROTS * sweet and tender s ■ •k ® ? .- 69 29 large stalks green and crisp * ^€5- * G»’ ''’ .4 ■ POUND Sunday dosed 2 . M e CELERY Open Mon. - Fri. 9:00am to 5:00pm „ J- ? : J-*? 3.4'^ BARTLETT PEARS Ranges From *129“ Y oung children can learn pre-reading concepts like color, num bers. Id le rs and shapes ihrough stories and songs. It's fun and educational! For children 3-5 (not in kindergarten) w ith an adult. Snacks provided. Í, I POUND SEEDLESS GRAPES • )•. ’»-J ?N - ' v '• • ■■ ■ • .................... • V * / • ‘ V * * " 7 J . 8 ED U U “ " Inter-racial Congregation Denise FI. Bell. Pastor 126 N.€. Riberta t Portland, OR 97211 t (503) 288-5173 ’ V EEDRDt * * I •• . . ? '¿ J •••¿A '.?