Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 02, 1992, Page 8, Image 8

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Page 8...The Portland Observer...Septeniber 2, 1992____________ _
Com puter
Information Resource
This position is responsible to con­
duct and assist in preparing re­
ports, surveys and other analyti­
cal studies. Computer experience
is necessary for providing tech­
nical support for student and fi­
nancial inform ation com puter
systems, as well as PC network
support. Qualifications incl: an
appropriate 4 yr bachelor's de­
gree with experience in technical
com puter support, survey re­
search and foreca stin g, and
higher education work exp. Ap­
plicants should submit letter of
a pp lication, resum e and the
names, address and telephone
numbers of 3 references by 9/25/
92 to: Search for Information
Resource Analyst, Office of Bud­
gets and Planning, Oregon State
University, Corvallis, OR 97331 -
2125. Phone (503) 737-4121.
OSU is an Affirmative Action/
Equal Oppty Employer and has a
policy of being responsive to the
needs of dual-career couples.
Needed to work 20 hours per week
for the housing department within
a mental health setting.
Type 60wpm on work perfect 5.1.
Filing, prepare mailing and other
general clerical duties as as­
signed. Prepare reports, type
proposals, initiate AFS service
payments. Must work indepen­
dently, and support program
Minimum Qualification, two years
secretarial experience preferred.
Full medical and dental benefits.
Closing September 11,1992.
Resume To:
Rodney R. Harry/Personnel
Garlington Center
N/NE Mental Health Center, Inc.
4950 NE Martin Luther King Jr.,
Portland, Oregon 97211
Minorities and the Disabled
Encouraged to Apply
Bunk Bed & Bass Bed
Brass Bed, Beautiful Queen Size
Head Board, Good Frame with
Firm Orth. Mattress Set, Never
used $375.00.
Bunk Bed with Mattress, Hardwood
® Ije ^ o rtla n h Observer
G en eral M anager - N o rthern
W asco County Peoples Utility
District is seeking qualified ap­
plicants for General manager.
The General Manager reports to
a 5-member elected board of
Directors and is responsible for
supervising approxim ately 30
employees serving 8500 electric
customers. The district has 1
sm all operating hydroelectric
generating plant and 2 under
Applicants should have a minimum
of 5 years experience as the Di-
re c to r/M a n a g e r o f a p u b lic
agency, private corporation, or
major division of an electric utility
or equivalent; and, should have
broad management and leader­
ship ability including Public Ad­
ministration, Budgeting, Public
Finance, Policy Design, Person­
nel, Governm ental Relations,
and Utility Operations. Applicants
should have the ability to plan,
organize, and execute Board
Send resumeby November 1,1992
to: Dave Huntington, President,
Northern Wasco County PUD,
PO Box 621, The Dalles, OR
97058. 503-296-2226.
Mental Health
Children’s Program
Children’s Treatment or Program
Aid/Secretary for N/N E children’s
psychiatric day treatment pro­
gram. Experience working with
younger children, ages 3 thru 6,
treatment and/ or early childhood
education/experience preferred.
Duties include direct therapy in
treatment group with the team,
and support functions, typing, fil­
ing, clinical record keeping, and
snack preparation.
We offer comprehensive salary and
Resume to:
Mary Dupain/Program Director
Garlington Center Children’s
3802 NE Martin Luther King Blvd
Portland, Oregon 97211
Phone: (503) 249-0066
Closing: September 11,1992
Minorities and the Disabled
Encouraged to Apply
Utility company Jobs. Start $7.80-
15.75/hr, your area. Men and
women needed. No experience
necessary. For information, call
1-900-370-4561, ext. 6857 6am
- 8 p m - 7 d a y s -$ 1 2 .9 5 fee.
1 F
Clerical Refugee
Clerical Refugee Specialist with
refugee, data base and docu­
mentation experience for full-time
position. Requires word process­
ing skills, report preparation, fil­
ing and related office work, abil­
ity to work in multi-cultural set­
ting assisting refugee clients.
Salary to start: $17,500 per
annum. Benefits include one
party medical and dental insur­
ance (additional coverage avail­
able, holidays, vacation and sick
leave, unemployment insurance,
Credit Union, disability insurance
after six months and life insur­
ance ($25,000) after one year.
Application packets available at:
Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon
0245 SW Bancroft St., Suite B
Portland, Oregon 97201
Position may close anytime after
September 3,1992.
No Resumes Accepted
Equal Employment Opportunity
’ The Eyes and Ears ol the CommumtY’
Office: (503)288-0033
F ax#: (503)288-0015
1 E
Clerical Refugee Specialist
Clerical Refugee Specialist with
refugee, data base and docu­
mentation experience for full-time
position. Requires word process­
ing skills, report preparation, fil­
ing and related office work, abil­
ity to work in multi-cultural set­
ting assisting refugee clients.
Salary to start: $17,500 per
annum. Benefits include one
party medical and dental insur­
ance (additional coverage avail­
able, holidays, vacation and sick
leave, unemployment insurance,
Credit Union, disability insurance
after six months and life insur­
ance ($25,000) after one year.
Application packets available at:
Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon
0245 SW Bancroft St., Suite B
Portland, Oregon 97201
(503) 221-1054
Position may close anytime after
September 3,1992.
No Resumes Accepted
Equal Employment Opportunity
Portland Cable Access TV is ac­
cepting applications for a Mu­
nicipal Programming Coordina­
tor. Applicants must be capable
of organizing and executing high
quality TV productions address­
ing the needs of area municipali­
ties. Applicants should possess
excellent written and oral com ­
munications skills and be able to
prepare and deliver presenta­
tions to groups. Starting salary is
Contact Christine Martin at 288-
1515 for application materials.
Deadline for application submis­
sion is 5:00 pm on September
18,1992. Portland Cable Access
is an EEO /Affirm ative Action
Public Utility Analyst
Diversification Analyst
$2,653 - $3,538 Monthly
The Oregon Public Utility Com­
mission is recruiting for an ana­
lyst to provide financial, account­
ing, and economics oriented ana­
lytical expertise in the regulation
of energy and telephone utility
rates. Requires two years expe­
rience in utility auditing or ac­
counting, economic research and
analysis, or engineering, and a
Bachelor's Degree in econom­
ics, accounting, engineering, or
a relevant scientific discipline, or
three more years of relevant ex­
perience. A Master’s Degree in
economics, accounting, engi­
neering, or relevant scientific dis­
cipline can be substituted for one
year of the required experience.
For application information, call
373-7949. An Equal Opportunity/
Affirmative Action Employer
$200 - $500 WEEKLY
Assemble products at home Easy!
No selling. You're paid direct.
Fully Guaranteed. FREE infor­
mation-24 Hour Hotline. 801-
Copyright #OR147DH
Portland Public Schools
T.A.G Center Teacher
math, Science & Language
Arts - Grades 1-5
Provide direct instruction to gifted
stud e nts, co m m u n icate w ith
classroom teacher regarding in­
structional activities and student
performance, part time position
hours determined by enrollment
(max 10 hrs per week). Min quali­
fications: Valid Oregon teaching
certificate (elementary teaching);
math, reading and/or science en­
dorsement preferred. Experi­
ence in gifted education desir­
For more information, call 280-
6198. A pplications accepted
through 5:00 pm Sept. 11. To
apply contact Personnel S er­
vices, Portland Public Schools,
501 N Dixon, Portland, or call
249-2000, ext 529. Equal Oppor­
tunity - Affirmative Action - Drug
Free Workplace Employer.
Copy Editor
For The Office Of Legislative Coun­
sel of The Oregon legislative As­
sembly. Position prepares, proof­
reads and edits legislative publi­
cations, reviewing the material
for conformance with form and
style requirements and for accu­
racy of grammar, spelling, sen­
tence structure and consistency.
Extensive knowledge of gram­
mar, syntax, punctuation and
spelling along with skills in read­
ing com prehension required.
Preference will be given to appli­
cants with four-year degree or
the equivalent in copy editing
experience. Salary is $1,525 per
month. These positions will be
for the legislative session and
will begin December 1, 1992,
and may lastto October 15,1993.
A L eg isla tive A dm in istratio n
C om m ittee application is re­
quired. A pplication m aterials
must be received by 5pm, Sep­
tember 25, 1992. Contact Em­
ployee Services, Legislative Ad­
ministration Committee, S401
State Capitol, Salem, OR 97310
(503) 378-8530. FAX: (503) 378-
3289. TDD: (503) 378-5009. EOE
Need Cash?
If you have sold your home
and are receiving mortgage
payments, we will buy your
contract for cash.
Call (503)285-2845
"Major Radio station looking for
Sales Assistant. Computer skills
necessary,. Send resume to PO
Box 14957, Portland, OR 97214
EEO Employer
Nobody Does it Better for Less
Lahor Day Sale!
Ad Prices Good September 2 through Sept. 8,1 99 2 At Safeway.
Fresh Oregon
Whole Fryers
Or cut 'Economy Pack' fryers.
Plump, tender eating chicken.
Great for outdoor barbecue.
Fresh Oregon
Sweet Corn
Tender sweet corn from Oregon's prime
growing areas' Enjoy this wonderful
tasting vegetable anytime!
Save up to 32c Lb.
Nobody does it fresher.
Hamburger or Hot Dog Buns s et., M rs. w rig h t s 3 for $ 1
Lay’s Potato Chips assorted varieties, 6.25 Io 6.5-Oz............... Ea. 98C
Look In The This Week
Magazine for your Safeway
Shopping Guide for a complete
list of specials on sale this
week at Safeway!
- t 'i
> /* * # * *
/ *
The Fastest Way To Send
Money....Available In All
Safeway stores in Oregon &
S.W. Washington.
Pope & Talbot, Inc., a Portland
based, Pulp, paper & Wood Prod­
ucts Company. Is seeking a full­
time receptionist. The qualified
candidate will possess a mini­
mum of 6 months to 1 year of
recent experience in operating a
SL-1 system. The candidate will
need to demonstrate excellent
interpersonal skills and profes­
Qualified applicants should call the
Corporate Human Resources
Department to request an appli­
cation packet. Completed pack­
ets must be returned prior to the
closing date of September 18,
Corporate Human
Pope & Talbot, Inc.
1500 SW 1st Ave, 200
Portland, OR 97201
(503) 228-9161, Ext. 338
Pope and Talbot offers a competi­
tive employee benefit program
and salary commensurate with
Pope & Talbot, Inc.
Equal Opportunity Employer
Word Processing
For the Office Of Legislative Coun­
sel of the Oregon Legislative As­
sembly. Position functions as a
member of a team and prepares
text using word processing equip­
ment on a production basis.
Three years of experience with
word processing equipment and
some proofreading is required.
P reference w ill be given for
WordPerfect experience. Salary
is $1,462 per month. These posi-
lions are for the Legislative ses-
sion and will begin December 1,
1992, and may last to October
15,1993. A Legislative Adminis­
tration Committee application is
required. Application materials
must be received by 5pm, Sep­
tember 25, 1992. Contact Em­
ployee Services, Legislative Ad­
ministration Committee, S4C1
State Capitol, Salem, OR 97310
(503) 378-8530. FAX: (503) 378-
3289. TDD: (503) 378-5009. EOE
Western Regional Center for
Drug-Free Schools
& Com m unities
Duties: Assist with development of
evaluation designs & instruments
for school & community-based
alcohol & other drug prevention
programs, in gathering, analyz-
¡ng & reporting of demographic,
economic & social indicator data.
Qualifications: Doctorate in edu­
cational evaluation, health pro­
gram evaluation or related field,
or a Masters and exceptional
training & experience, familiarity
with research & evaluation de­
signs. Experience with micro­
computer applications, success­
ful experience assisting state
agencies, local school districts &
communities in evaluating drug
prevention programs, excellent
oral & written communication
skills, able to travel by air & spend
time in the field.
Salary: $38,528 per annum, plus
excellent benefits. Letter of ap­
plication & resume must be re­
ceived by 3:00 p.m. 9/23/92. In
letter specify you are applying for
above position. Apply to:
Personnel Office
Northwest Regional
Educational Laboratory
101 SW Main, Suite 500
Portland, OR 97204
Equal Opportunity Employer
Mental Health
Multicultural Coordinator, supervi­
sor of Foster Care Staff and child
and fa m ily th e ra p is t, w ith
master's degree plus 2 years of
clinical experience, RCSW pre­
ferred, to develop and supervise
multicultural counseling program.
Opportunity to be part of team
and work with multicultural staff
and clients. Bilingual and per­
sons of color encouraged to ap­
ply. Send resume and cover let­
ter to: B. Strate, Lutheran Family
Service, 605 SE 39th Avenue,
Portland, OR 97214.