Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 02, 1992, Page 7, Image 7

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Septem ber 2, 1992...The P o rtla n d ()bserver...Page 7
»Portland Observer
Scripture o f the ‘Wee^
NASCD Selects
New Director
Soon. . .
the Son
will be shining
brighter than ever
in Portland.
St. John Chapter 4
On Saturday, Septem ber 12th from
1:00 to 6:00 P.M., the 2nd annual all
gospel music neighborhood festival will
take place on the lawns o f Emanuel
Hospital at North Russell and North
W illiams. The Eliot Neighborhood
Gospel Music Festival will reflect the
talents and vitality of the community by
featuring ten of Eliot's gospel choirs.
The E liot neighborhood has m ore
churches per capita than any other neigh­
borhood in the City.
Sponsored jointly by the Eliot
Neighborhood Association, the Port­
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E&M Sentry
located at
6800 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
2 8 Q -ô 3 -4 < S
2 8 5 -6 3 5 2
Professional and Quality
Dry Cleaning & Laundry
Is Assured By Our
C ourteous New Manager
M arva M itchell
Cathedrals Quartet in
We O ffe r
P rofe ssion al A lte ra tion s
D rapery C leaning
All W eather Proofing Of
SkLW ear & Rainwear
4 8 Hour Shoe Repair
And S pecialize In S ilk
C leaning & Leather Goods
6100 SW Raab Road
Sylvan Exit off Sunset Highway.
For more inform ation or directions
please phone ch urc h office a t297-6100.
Steve Green in Concert
Saturday, October 24 - 7:00 PM
Portland First Nazarene Church
6100 SW Raab Road
Sylvan Exit off Sunset Highway
T ic k e ts a v a ila b le : G l J o e ’s/
T icketm aster and C hristian Supply
Stores. For more information or direc­
tions please phone church office at 297-
J fe tix l T H t s s t a n m q j
8101 N. Fiske A v e n u e
P o rtla n d , O re g o n 9 7 2 0 3
10% D iscou nts For
S e nio r Citizens
F re e ? I lli c it ?
Clothes and Food Only
IF h e n ?
Tuesday : Clothes • Friday: Food
1:00 to 3:00 I ’ M
I f h e re ?
Mallory’ A venue C h u rc h o f ( ihrist
3 9 0 8 NF. M allory Ave • P o rtla n d . OH 9 7 2 1 1
F o r fu r th e r in fo r m a tio n eontaet: Pat G a m b le a t 508-288-fi)'>2
4 « • ç * « *
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Sunday Service
Sunday School
Bible Study
Evening Service
7:00 P.M.
• r ..
Stone Tower Church,
N.E. Sandy Blvd. & 30th
.. ..
Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00 a.m. on KBMS
A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry'
Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor
Church OtFice 116 N.E Schuyler St.
(503) 284-1954
‘S, : *
Public Notice
W h o le s a le to th e P u b lic 3 5 % to 5 0 % o ff
» ’ *
V «V
W e w ill m eet or beat
a n y o n e ’s prices.
U fe
Sales and Promotional items excluded.
Mrs. C ’s W igs and Beauty Supply
707 N.E. Fremont
Portland, Oregon 97212
(503) 281-6525
Open: 11:30 - 6:00 Tues thru Saturday
• 1 "
M ollery Avenue
Christian Church
i s
i p
l e
A/lottfieuJ / ) :& 3
"Come to me all you who ore
weary and heavy laden and I
will give you rest"
Sunday School
Morning Worship
Tuesday Bible
Study and Prayer
Inter-racial Congregation
Denise FI. Bell. Postor
126 N.C. Rlberta t Portland, OR 97211 + (503) 288-5173
Portland, Oregon 97211
(503) 287-0261
. Ä
r is t
G od's Presence prom ises
Power through Jesus Christ In
G o o d Times and Bad Times
(corner of 8th £ Skidmore)
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... A-:
braiding and weaving
W ig s a n d B e a u ty S u p p lie s
4 2 3 6 N E E ig h th A v e n u e
I Peter hr.11
j .
1 0 0 % H u m a n H a ir 1 6 " fr o m $ 1 5 .9 5
Psalm 34:3
Pastor. Rev James CE. Faulkner
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Jesus Loves You!
A lle n T e m p le C M E C I i u rc h
Them e: W hatever you're going to do
fo r th e Lord, d o it n o w
Has moved Sunday services to
Study Phon«: 2 8 9 -1 9 1 1
Church Pho.tn: 2 8 9 -0 1 4 7
M a llo r y Avenu® C h u rc h O f
C h ris t A n n o u n c e m e n t
. i- *1 F-
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Worship Services 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Church School 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 N.E. Schuyler
10:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
C liff B arrow s w ith the B illy
Graham C rusade w ill be
guest at the P o rtlan d First
Nazarene C h urch - Sunday
m o rn in g , S eptem ber 20
Friday, October 30 - 7:00PM
Portland First Nazarene Church
6100 SW Raab Road
Sylvan Exit off Sunset Highway
T ic k e ts a v a ila b le : GI J o e ’s/
T icketm aster and C hristian Supply
Stores. For more information or direc­
tions please phone church office at 297-
Open From 8 • 6 Mon. - Fri.
and 9 - 4 on Saturday
land Trailblazers, and the Urban League
of Portland, the vent will highlight the
many positive aspects o f the Eliot Neigh­
borhood. Pacific Power, Streimer Sheet
Metal, Inc. and Interprint, Inc. have
also made contributions in support of
the music festival.
The festival is free to the public.
Food, drink, and "Gospel on the Green
T-shirts will be available for purchase.
Everyone is encouraged to come and
join in shining a light on Eliot while
enjoying the movable sounds o f the
"Gospel on the Green."
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mt O livet
baptist church
The National Association for Sickle
Cell Disease, Inc., (NASCD) announced
the appointment of the new Executive
D irecto r, L y n d a K. A nderson by
X ernona C layton, V ice P resid en t,
Turner Broadcasting System and Chair
of the NASCD Board. “We have cho­
sen the right person at the right time.
Our new Director has the stamina and
management skills that will take us into
the 21st century,” said Ms. Clayton.
NASCD is a Los Angeles based
organization with nationwide commu­
nity sickle cell programs which recently
celebrated 20 years o f providing educa­
tion, research and patient services cen­
tering on the sickle cell conditions.
Sickle cell disease is an inherited, in­
curable condition which primarily af­
fects African-Americans.
Ms. Anderson has extensive expe­
rience in administration, public rela­
tions and the nonprofit sector. She has
been vice president for special projects
for the National Black United Fund,
and public relations director for the
Brotherhood Crusade in Los Angeles,
CA. Until recently, she was co-owner
and operator o f a specialty shoe salon in
Culver City, CA. Ms. Anderson brings
to NASCD a v a rie d ‘and determined
“I welcome the challenge to direct
this organization which pioneered an
effort to identify and educate the carri­
ers of a genetic disease. We are on the
brink of the 21st Century, and I want to
help us get to a time when we will no
longer have children bom with sickle
cell anemia because their parents were
unaware that they carried the gene for
this condition,” said Ms. Anderson.
Ms. Anderson succeeds Dorothye
H. Boswell, who retired after leading
the organization since its founding in
Lynda K. Anderson, Executive
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E liot N e ig h b o rh o o d
A s s o c ia tio n P re s e n t G o sp el
M u sic F e stiva l
5. Nelson Pastor