V. % . • « • • ■ • » » * * * * w w V e » f t s f v e 4 V-iW w M ^e^*^***** Page 6...The Portland Observer...September 2, 1992 September Neighborhood Meetings Hillside Neighborhood Association 7:30 P.M. Hillside Community Center 653 NW Culpepper Terrace Ascension Episcopal Church 1823 SW Spring Concordia Neighborhood Association 7:00 P.M. Englewood Christian Church 3515 NE Killings worth Woodlawn Neighborhood Association 7:00 P.M. Oddfellows Lodge 700 NE Dekum Portsmouth Neighborhood Association 7:00 P.M. Portsmouth Community School 5103 N Willis Sullivan's Gulch Neighborhood Associa­ tion Board & General 6:00 P.M. Peace Lutheran Church 2201 N Portland Blvd. Wyden To Hold Forum On Getting Kids Ready To Learn Agenda: Traffic issues on SW Broadway Drive and SW' Vista Central Northeast Neighbors Board 7:30 P.M. 9509 NE 13th Sellwood-Moreland Improvement League 7:30 P.M. SMILE Station 82 SE 13th Arbor Lodge Neighborhood Associations 7:30 Peace Lutheran Church 2201 N Portland Blvd. Irvington N eighborhood A ssociation Board 7:00 P.M. Augustana Lutheran Church NE 14th and Knott Cathedral Park Neighborhood Associa­ tion 6:300 P.M. Call Doug Ray, 289-9210for location Multnomah Neighborhood Association 7:30 P.M. Multnomah Center Room 4 7688 SW Capitol Hwy. Sunnyside N eighborhood Association Board 7:30 P.M. SE Uplift Fireside Room 3534 SE Main Lents Neighborhood Association 7:00 P.M. New Copper Penny Restaurant 9230 SE Foster Hosford-Abernathy Neighborhood Asso­ ciation 7:00 P.M. Abernathy School 2421 SE Orange Agenda: Discussions on Gabriel Park and Land Division. Goose Hollow Foothills League Board 7:00 P.M. First United Methodist Church 1838 SW Jefferson Room 202 Kenton Neighborhood Association Board 7:00 P.M. Kenton Firehouse Cultural Center 5340 N Interstate Northwest District Association Board 5:30 P.M. NW Service Center-Board Room 1819 NW Everett S t Hollywood Neighborhood A ssociation Board 7:00 P.M. Hollywood Senior Center 340 NE 40th Cully Association of Neighbors (CAN) Board 7:00 P.M. Rigler School Auditorium 5401 NE Prescott Portsmouth Neighborhood Association Board 7:00 P.M. Portsmouth Middle School 5103 N Willis Alameda Community Association Board 7:00 P.M. Madeleine Parish School 3240 NE 23rd Richmond Neighborhood Plan 7:00 P.M. Richmond School 41st & Caruthers Neighborhood Plan King Neighborhood Association 6:30 King Neighborhood Facility 4815 NE7th Sylvan/HeightsNeighborhood Association 7:00 P.M. French American School 1849 SW 58th King Neighborhood Association 6:30 P.M. King Neighborhood Facility 4815 NE 7th Agenda: Mayoral candidates will talk with neighbors. 7:00 P.M. Commissioner Earl Blumenauer followed by State Rep. Vera Katz at 7:30 PM . Southeast Uplift Office 7:00 P.M. 3534 SE Main S t JohnsNelghborhood Association Board & General Membership 6:00 P.M. Wesleyan Church 8550 N St. Louis Beaumont Middle School Cafe 4043 NE Fremont Piedmont Neighborhood Association 7:00 P.M. Holly Redeemer School 127 N Portland Blvd. Vernon Neighborhood Association 7:30 P.M. Vernon School 2044 NE Killingsworth Grant Park Neighborhood Association 7:30 P.M. Femwood Middle School 1915 NE 33rd Boise Neighborhood Association 7:00 P.M. Boise Eliot School , 620 N Fremont H um boldt N eighborhood Association Board 7:30 P.M. Salvation Army 5335 N Williams w n h the new school year near, Rep. Wyden w ill hold an open forum lo discuss how io get Oregon s kids ready to learn. The forum w ill focus on a Wyden proposal which would combat the obstacles pre-school chil­ dren frequently lace at the start ol their education. The Carnegie Foundation, which has done exhaustive research on this topic, maintains that kids ate ill pre­ pared because ot a lack ot emotional security, moral aw areness,proficiency in language, and general knowledge. These obstacles are often worsened by poverty, hunj r, lack ol available health care, and an over-exposure of television show s. In tact, by the time achild begins the first grade, he or she is likely to have w atched over 4,000 hours ot television. 1 he Carnegie Foundation sax s that next to parents, television is the most influential pre­ school teacher. “ I ’m particularly concerned that com m ercial television networks, Visit To Iris Court Block Party Highlights Democratic Senate challenger Les AuCoin visited the State Fair in Salem from 11 a.m. lo 1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 29, then travel to Portland to join his wife,Sue,atablock party thrownbythe residents o f Iris Court. The AuCoins arrived at the party at 2:45 and re­ mained until about 4 p.m. The AuCoins helped ihc Iris Court neighbors celebrate reclaiming their community from the gangs that once dominated the complex. There was music, a barbecue and information booths offering advice on employment, education and health care. 6:00 P.M. Collins Day Care 128 NE Russell Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods Board 7:00 P.M. King Neighborhood Facility 4815 NE7th tion 7:30 P.M. Portland Parks Outdoor Recreation Program is offering a unique opportu­ nity to tour the historic bridges of the Willamette river with Sharon Wood, author o f The Portland Bridge Book. The tour aboard the stemwhceler "Rose " is scheduled for September 20th from 1 to 5 P.M. with boarding beginning at 12:30 P.M. In addition to Sharon Wood telling the little-known stories of Portlands famous bridges, there will be other entertainers and historians on board as well. "The Swingline Cubs" saxophon­ ist Teddy Deane and Tira Rooney will be playing to set the atmo­ sphere for this afternoon riverboat tour. gotwret t < • '. •? - A •H-*' re* • -• •• City_____________________________________ _ r. '■ *»« . *•' • ‘ State .Zip Age: Under 2 1 ____ 21-24 35-49 ____ 50 or o ve r___ If you’re a licensed driver, you could be eligible to win one of these prizes: How did you finance your car? (Check one) Bank_____Through Dealer_____ Credit U nion_____Finance C o .______ Auto Center • One of CarQuest's Driver Elite T-Shirts if you're one of the first 500 to send in this questionnaire I What is the combined income of your household? (Check one) Under $25,000_____$25,000 - 29,000_____ $30,000 - 49,000_____ To be eligible for the CarQuest Sweepstakes drawing simply fill out the questionnaire and mail it to CarQuest '92 Sweepstakes, c/o API, 45 West 45th Street, Suite 201, New York, NY 10036. No purchase required. Winners will be selected at random from enteries received by Sept. 30, 1992. Drawing will be held Nov. 30. Winners will be notified by mail by Dec. 15, 1992. This is a chance for you to tell the automobile industry what you're looking for in a car. The results of our CarQuest '92 survey will be included in our 1993 Car Review and sent to all auto manufacturers. Tell them what you’re looking for in your next car buy. 50,000 or more_ Do you plan to buy a new car in the next six months? Yes____ No_____ How would you rank the following items for their importance in selecting your next car? (Number each from 1 - 8, with 1 being the most important) ___Price ___Make/Model _ Fuel effiency _ Financing from HOOD RIVER Kenton Neighborhood Association 7:00 P.M. Kenton Firehouse 8105 N Brandon “ C ___Style ___Warranty ___Lease available ___Saftey features Dad's Oil Service heating oils W h e n y o u w a n t to a d v e r t is e BARTLETT PEARS 25-34 or lease Do you presently own a car? (Check one or write no) If so, what is the year, make and model? • A rental car for an entire 3-day weekend • One of five portable compact disc players • One of five $100 gift certificate from Sears 2 8 Ö -O O 3 3 NECTARINES Best Cash Prices sw e e t a n d flavorful 104 NE Russell Portland, OR 97212 282-5111 Grown in the N orth w est Speedy Service Friendly Call for Quote! POUND DANISH SQUASH Outer Southeast Coalition 7:00 P.M. Foster School 5205 SE 96th local g row n Ask ab o u t cooking squash in the m icrow ave. University Park Neighborhood Associa­ tion Board & General 6:00 P.M. 25* /S w N j J, fs íl fcreww* PEPSI COLA - DIET PEPSI PEPSI FREE - Dr. PEPPER M OUNTAIN DEW - SLICE (All Flavors) ? .V.S x m PRODUCTS ,2 o i CANS I ■ 29 Ä T KIENO W 'S w «S«v, ___ 111 CfAf/*C 1 Qf\Q THE FRIENDLIEST STORES IN TOWN SINCE 1908 THE RIGHT unii«« Í : j Z S IA w. ■>. S.W.W.-X i Ju d h d b A A * S.v'vks-i S.vwk-.i V Ä m * iw.xxvS kvessss* Professional Maintenance J I I c Neighborhoods .«y»:;. I 5 • ™ L mw I L km « Lm m i V m W w X tm m j & Management ¿ I C 3 T7f\ Q t> 1 §7 is 7 653-7088 0 b #$UNOAY MFMRER OF UNITED GROCERS, PCRI ADVERTISED SPECIALS EFFECTIVE TUESDAY SEPT. 1 through M ONDAY S EPT^/^Jj^Z I ta i ö & Northeast Portland PLUS DEPOSIT bridges. The fee for the tour is $26. For more information or to register for the cruise, call Portland Parks Outdoor Recreation program at 796-5132. • * Lg&I Ö or 5 i -w § Now Available in North reg u la r or su g a r fr e e fla v o rs PACK fs T lied room Homes <£ 4 m Local poet Ed Edmo w ill present the Native American Legend "The Origin o f Willamette F a ll" and the 1872 poem "We’ll See It Yet (A Bridge Across the Willa mette)" written about the contro­ versy over replacing Ihc river's ferries with a bridge. Also on board, w ill be John Labbe, author of Fares, Please!, a history of Portland's early trolley sys­ tems and Multnomah County bridge tendcrFrankEngleswilloffcrhis unique perspective on the river and its historic- i Clean, well maintained 2, f js f t Sabin Community Association 7:00 P.M. Sabin School 4013 NE 18th S’ u n FRESH BROCCOLI I ■ > ARQUEST S W E E P S T A K E S M id-life and older women are in­ vited io the Portland Chapter o f the Older Women's League (OW L) at 2145 NW Overton. The speaker w ill be Anne 1 lughes, owner and manager o f die coffee shop at Powells' Bookstore. The topic w ill be "How To Be In Business And Be A Social Activist." The meeting is open to the public, with no admission charge. No-host . offec available. Ample street parking, wheelchair accessible. Tri-M el available on NW 21 si or NW 23rd. Call 245-4271 for directions or in- formation about OWL. Historic Bridges Riverboat Cruise Offered By Portland Parks & c follow-up phone survey) ___________ ______ Add ress___________ __________ ________ ____ Call Laurel Butman, 289-0862. for location. Portland Heights Neighborhood Associa­ Name Female____Married____ Single___ Male Tel. (Optional - if you want to participate in our YOU’RE INVITED TO COMPETE FOR FABULOUS PRIZES IN THE 1992 API Older Women's League Hold Meetings Potluck starts at 6:00 P.M. Hot dogs pro­ vided. Eliot Neighborhood Association Board which draw millions ot kids to b il­ lions o f hours o f TV programming annually, are offering fewer programs for pre-school learning than they did twenty years ago,” said Wyden. “ In 6 days, many young Orego­ nians are going to walk into class­ rooms for the first time completely unprepared for thechallengc o f learn­ ing,” Wyden said. the forum w ill debate how to ad­ dress the massive gaps in health and social services that plague many com­ munities as well as the role ol televi­ sion. It w ill also discuss how Wyden’ s proposal would give Oregon’s Great Starts Program a leg up in competing nationally for federal funds to im ­ prove its educational programs. Wyden w ill be joined by the Su­ perintendent o f Public Instruction, Norma Paulus, and a panel o f parents, state educators, health professionals, child-care workers, members o f the school board and public broadcasting representatives. . . * » . • • « ' '. . I jmm W M i