r .g » » » , ,/ S ep tem b er 2, 1 9 92...T h e P o rtla n d ()b s e rv e r...P a g e 5 Vancouver Sausage Fest RDI To Hold Second A nnual A lco h o l and Drug Abuse P revention C onference Saturday, September 19, 1992 is the date fo r the second annual Regional Drug Initiative (R D I) com m unity con­ ference on alcohol and drug abuse pre­ vention. The conference theme is "A C aring Com m unity: P a rtn e rs h ip s fo r P reventions",and w ill take place at the Oregon Convention Center from 8:00 A .M . to 4:30 P.M . R D I is a coalition o f leaders from every segment o f the com m unity who are com m itted to one goal - to make our com m unity drug free. This year's conference features two keynote speakers who w ill address d if­ ferent aspects o f drug and alcohol abuse prevention. Dr. Beverly Coleman- M ille r, a physician from Washington, DC and Chair o f the Task Force on Violence Prevention w ill present ‘"A M atter o f Urgency: Youth Violence In Our Communities". P hilip Diaz, an This marks the 21st annual Van­ couver Sausage Fest. The Fcst, which is September 11,12, and 13, is the third largest event in Southwest W ashing­ ton. It was originated by the Boosters Club o f St. Joseph's Church in 1971 to support the school. The Fest is run internationally known lecturer, author and advisor on both prevention and treatment o f alcohol and drug abuse, w ill present "Healing O ur Spirits and Our Communities". The conference also features a youth focus. Y oung people are encour­ aged to attend. A special segment o f the program is entitled "Youth Perspec­ tives". In addition, there are workshops on such topics as "Community Policing at W ork" and "M arketing o f Legal D rugs". C ultural entertainment w ill round out the program. Registration in ad vance o f the event is required. The registration fee is $20 for adults and $ 15 for youth ages 12-18. This fee includes the program and lunch. Deadline for registration is September 15, 1992. R D I can be reached by calling (503)294-7074. completely by volunteers. The fam ily oriented celebration fea­ tures many activities some o f which include: continuous stage entertain­ ment, arts and crates displays, food booths that include the popular Vcrbot sausages, corn on the cob, barbecue chicken, sweet shoppe and elephant ears. Other activities include a raffle, live music and dancing nightly in the Fest Garden, Slo Poks Antique Car show, seniorcitizen fashion show, Volks W alk, a Bavarian sausage dinner and playland shows and rides for children. AIDS is the most pressing issue facing teens, according to a vote by more than 500 teenagers at the N a ­ tio n a l Y o u th L ea de rsh ip C o n fe r­ ence in Los Angeles, sponsored by Camp Fire Inc. Five Portland area representatives o f Teens in A ction, a Camp Fire pro­ gram, took partin the conference. Their vote follow ed a week-long look at is­ sues including A ID S , teen violence, dale rape and discrim ination. As a result o f the conference, Teens in A c ­ tion w ill launch a new, four-year na­ tional education campaign to help teens fight A ID S in their communities. 'W e’re w illin g to become prob­ lem-solvers by fighting A ID S w ith edu­ cation and comm unity outreach," says Jennifer Shy from Cleveland High School, who attended the conference. "Teens in Actions is about empowering teens to take a stand and make a d iffe r­ ence in their com m unities.” Self-Esteem G roup For C hildren Ages 8 To 10 McMurphy's Appliance Center Ulasher fit Dryer *199 0 0 Refrigerators From * 129 Teens To Launch C am paign A g a in st A id s 00 This 11 session group, based on the ‘Superkids' group, uses activities, suc­ cessful peer interactions, peer support and adult support to enhance children s self-esteem. This group is intended for children who are in individual or fam ily therapy but could benefit from a pro­ gram specifically aimed at self-esteem. WHEN Wednesdays 6-7 P.M. Sept. 30 to Dec. 16,1992 WHERE: CONTACT: Lutheran Fam ily Service Conference Room 605 SE 39th Avenue Portland, Oregon Ranges From $129°° Home Grown BARTLETT PEARS TOMATOES C C FEES: Sliding fee scale starting at $20 Based on fam ily income (Insurance bi lied at the standard rate) 39 LB For more inform ation or a screening a ll the Appointment O ffice Monday-Friday, (:30 A .M . to 3:30 P.M . at 231-7480 $J95 $695 A d vertise O bserver LB. ESPRESSO BAR Featuring TORRE FAZIONE Whole Italian Coffee Beans BULK FOODS GROCERY M ie 's RIB-IT BBO SAUCE f J c n I 1 6 0 / Original I Medium Hoi Regular *2 39 «O | U«J I 1 3 /$i00 Reg 49e lb PINTO BEANS ..FOR LBS /$1 Lightly Salted. Reg '3.991b Country Day NATURAL PISTACHIOS $ I Small Join any class anytime HUD HAS A HOME FOR YOU, AVAILABLE NOW! 49 $ BROCCOLI Try Our LB 25 LB. BOX 25 LB. BOX Fresh Sunday Closed Right now you can join Weight Watchers and get a really incredible deal. You'll learn how to eat right. Lose weight. Then before you know it, you're the best you've ever looked. So call Weight Wathchers today And get prepared to handle a whole lot of compliments PORK SPARE RIBS Stone Mill WE HAVE ALL YOUR PICNIC/ BAR-B-QUE NEEDS POTATO OR MACARON! SALADS Pnces gooa Sept I thru Sept T, 1992 Blvd. at Oak • 235-9353 Y O U ’VE G O T IT IN YO U TO GET IT OFF YO U .SM M-8PM SUNDAY 6AM-6PM Call Collect (503) 297-1021 W eekdays 8:30 am to 5:00pm As people vary so does individual weight loss © 1992 Weight Watchers Interna­ tional, Inc., owner of the registered trade­ mark. all rights reserved ^1 Tillamook Park Bldg. 2108 NE 41st Ave Mon. Tues Wed 9:30am Thurs Fri. 9:30am 7:00pm 7:00pm 5:00pm 7:00pm Temple Baptist Church 1319 NE 7th Fireside Room Tuesday 12:15pm regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status or handicap. So to see a HUD home available in your area, call your real estate agent now! Or call the HUD Hotline, 1-800-767-4HUD. Maranatha Church 4222 NE 12th (Enter Skidmore) Sat 9 30 Nationwide Insurance 919 NE 19th Ave Wed 11:30am East Stark Bldg. For your information: Details, conditions, program changes and Express Bid information on the HUD pro­ grams are included in the classified section of your Sunday Oregonian 12790 SE Stark Mon Tues 9 30am Wed 9:30am Thurs 9:30am Sat 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 5:00pm 7 00pm 9 30am A d vertise ( fill Ì 2 Ì I r \J EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY T H E M Be a Tour Guide or a Gift Shop Staffer at the Oregon Convention Center Openings are announced for pro­ spective volunteer position at the new Oregon Convention Center. Tw o train­ ing sessions are currently scheduled for Monday, September l4 ,a t2 :0 0 P M a n d 7 PM. Here is an opportunity to meet people o f a ll ages and literally from all over the world. The volunteer’ s job at the Oregon Convention Center is pleas­ a ntly unpredictable w ith the rapid changesof conventions,expositions and engagements coming to Portland. Hours arc flexible, with both the g ift shop and tours going all days o f the week. W hy not become an Oregon C on­ vention Center Ambassador by becom­ ing an OCC Volunteer? C all Margie Humphreys at 248-4335 for more in fo r­ mation or to sign up for the training session on September 14. Im portant Dates Mark The Beginning Of Fall Term At LCC Lane Com m unity College begins registration for returning students on Sept. 9 and for new students on Sept 18. Registration isconductcd viaClassLinc, the touch-tone telephone system de­ scribed in the class schedule. The sched­ ule was mailed to district homes last week. Classes begin Sept. 28. The college w ill be closed to stu­ dents and the public on Monday, Sept. 21, from 1-5 p.m., for staff in-scrvicc. O regonians Receive H onors In In te rn a tio na l Photo C om p etitio n Ian Murray o f Portland and Erskine W ood o f Eugene, were among 31 pho­ tographers from around the w orld to receive awards in the 35 th annual Inter­ national Exh ib it o f Photography held at the Oregon State Fairgrounds. Wood received a bronze medal for his color photo entitled, "B lue Rocks, Nova Scotia". Wood was also awarded the Ray Atkeson Award for best print o f a landscape, seascape or natural subject for his photo, "Poppies and Lupine". M urray received two honorable menuons, one for his color p rin t en­ titled, "M y G uy", and another fo r his monochrome print, "The Dancers". A ll photographs w ill be on display during the Oregon State Fair, August 27 through September 7. C hildcare Available fo r C hildren of D uck Football Fans Duck Day Adventures is a new ch ild care program available fo r c h il­ dren ages 4-11 whose parents plan to attend home Duck football games this fall. r »/> z ■* * <» < . * • ' • . • • 9 ” • • >1 •7 ? 7 -4 »5 Hood Hiver Patricia E Walsh, Ph.D. S atu rd ay 10 :0 0 a m to 2 :0 0 p m department of mousing ANO URBAN DEVELOPMENT OUR NAME SAYS FRUIT RUT WE’RE SO MUCH MORE! A Produce * Meats * Grocery * Bulk Foods * and More' They’ll Say “WOW, HOW ’D YOU DO THAT?” And You’ll Say “Weight Watchers.” 3 41 Shfidan frail Co... GROUP LEADER: O p e n M o n . - Fri. 9 :0 0 a m to 5 :0 0 p m If you’ve been wanting your v e ry ow n hom e but never th o u g h t you could afford it, HUD has exciting news for you! HUD makes home ownership easier and more affordable than you ever thought possible. You won’t find a better home for the money than a HUD home ... and there’s one in your area that's available right now. HUD properties are offered for sale to q u a lifie d pu rcha sers w ithout Fire also has formed a partnership w ith the Center fro Population Options fo r help in the campaign against A ID S . Foundcdin 19 lOand coeducational since 1977, Camp Fire Inc., serves 6(X),000 boys and girls from kindergar­ ten through high school. Headquar­ tered in Kansas C ity, M issouri, Camp Fire is dedicated to providing opportu­ nities for youth to develop self-esteem, social responsibility and leadership skills. The Portland Area Council o f Camp Fire, one o f the nations's largest coun­ cils, was founded in 1920. Serving youth in Washington and Multnomah Counties, programs include Group Pro­ gram, Hispanic Program, Gang Peace*, Youth at Risk, I'm Peer Proof, Day Camp and Resident Camp. Any Teens interested in the Teens in Action Campaign should call Loriann Thye at 224-7800. Cam pfire member - Others attending the conference were Shea O ' Donnell from Cleveland H igh School; H eidi Dum and E llie Zakrzewski from Aloha High School and Lisa Johnson from Hillsboro High School. Group leaders Linda Dum and Heidi Zakrzewski and Portland Area Council o f Camp Fire staff members Jessie Cox and David Jackson also at­ tended. "M ore than 5,000 children and young adults have died o f AIDS; it is now the sixth leading cause o f death among 15 to 24-year-olds. During the past three years the cumulative number o f 13 to 24-year-olds w ith A ID S can be transmitted from a scratch or mosquito bite. For Camp Fire’s new Teens in A c ­ tion campaign, youth w ill work w ith adult volunteers to design and execute community-based initiatives such as support groups, resource centers, coun­ selling and education forums. Camp f f|l hfaklkA ■ ‘ ' V , á t e