September 2, 1992...1 he Portland Ü t e e n e r The Portland Saints W omen’s Bas­ ketball (A AU) Team starts season num ­ ber four, beginning November 1, 1992 when they meet Seattle Troup. H ow ­ ever, tryouts for the Saints start Sep­ tember 9, 1992 at 6:00 p.m. at the W hitaker Middle School Gym on N.E. 42nd & Killingsworth. Tryouts will also be held on Friday, September 11, 1992 at 6:00 p.m. In three years the Saints have a record o f 71-22, playing against D ivi­ sion I and 11 and NA1A colleges. The Saints have played in W ashington, Idaho, Utah, M ontana, Nevada, C ali­ fornia and Canada. This season, the Saints make their first airlines trip to play University o f Arizona and Grand Canyon University in Phoenix. The Saints is the only team o f its kind in the United States; so the young women which com prise the Saints are truly blessed to have this team in Port­ land, Oregon. Players returning from last year’s team that finish the season 30-8 arc: Portland Saints Start Fourth Season John P h illip s T h r e e - y e a r te a m c a p ta in D ia n a DeYoung, a 5 ’11" off guard: Miriam Jenkins, a 5’4" point guard; Sandra Howell, a 6 ’2" center; and Shelly hand, a 6 ’2" forward. All have been members of the Samis since it inception. Other returning players arc Vicki Channel a 5 ’8" guard, her sister Lisa, a 5 ’ 11” guard; 6 ’ 1" center Lori Robinctt; and 1991-92 S a in is M V P A lisa Robinson, a 6 ’ 1" center, and the sister of Portland Trail Blazer C liff Robinson. Players trying out for the Saints this year are Portland Slate All-American 5 ’ 11" forward Laurie Northrop, and Jocelyn McIntire, a 5 ’9" guard who hails from the University of W ashing­ ton. Portland Saints Basketball, Inc., is a nonprofit organization, and is sus­ tained by tax-deductible gift donations. If you would like to help support the Saints with a donation, you can write to Portland Saints Basketball, Inc., PO Box 5156, Portland, OR 97208, or call (503) 282-5494 for more information. Portland Collectors Can’t Seem To Get Enough of Their Blazers, Making Them the League’s Runaway Leaders in Regional Premiums School S ta rts September Ô Fabric Depot 7'i • Si OFF EVERYTHIN» September 2-15,1992 Evaluating regional prem ium s re­ mains one of the toughest tasks facing the Beckett Price Guide analysts. Although the Beckett Price Guide is intended to reflect the national mar­ ket, sales based on regional premiums, since they are actual transactions, can’t be dism issed. In the most extreme ex­ ample, a player’s card may move well in his home team ’s city, but you couldn’t give them aw ay anywhere else. But when it com es to regional premiums, the Portland Trail Blazers are the undis­ puted leaders. Still Blazing Portland may have lost in the 1992 NBA Finals to Chicago, but that hardly dampened the phenomenon known as Blazermania. the cardsol Portland start­ e r s , key b a c k u p s and even benchwarmers always are popular lo­ cally, often for eye-popping premiums. Portland’s lone superstar, Clyde Drexler, reached folk hero status long ago in the area. Consequently, he’s becom e a Hot list veteran whose XRC (1983-84 Star #100) and RC (1986-87 fleer #26) demand top premiums in Oregon. It’s important to note, though, that Fabric Depot opens Fall Fashion Season with a 2 5 % OFF Everything Sale! ' ï*"» , ' a teas STL*** i DATE OPPONENT TIME PLACE Fri Fri Fri Fri Sep 11 Sep 18 Sep 25 Oct 2 Oct 8 Oct 16 Oct 23 Oct 31 Nov 6 Lincoln Cleveland Wilson Grant Marshall Benson Madison Roosevelt Franklin 7 30 7:30 7 30 6:00 7:30 6:00 7:30 1:30 7:30 Home Home Away C ivic Home Civic Home Away Home Fri Fri Sat Fri ROOSEY ! I T HIGH SCHOOL “R o u 'O g h R id e r s " ' "A? > « r .'«i Ft x»t b a 11 VV 13 OFF ON THESE PATTERNS store i n 1 Me Call Vogue ’Simplicity Butterick Sale items and special purchase items not included N ----- / 1 g/ / STARK STREET] n \ | I 9 n tl,tm -9 (M )pm s \ I 9 (in .im -0 iH ip m si \ Id ( ill,in i- 0 (»Opin "’((OS I . I22n< l \v e . P o r tla n d . <)R 252-9530 . ftptn • vm., o: if nun - rtprn » v in ., DATE OPPONENT TIME PLACE Fri Fri Sep 11 Sep 18 •Sep 25 Oct 2 Oct 8 Oct 17 Oct 24 Oct 31 Nov 6 Parkrose Centra! Catholic Cleveland Marshall Wilson Lincoln Grant Jefferson Madison 6:00 5 30 4:00 4:00 7:30 1:30 1.30 1 30 7:30 Civic Civic Home Home Away Home Home Home Away Fri Fri Thu Sat Sat Sat Fri GRANT HIGH SCHOOI “G e n e r a ls " Football nam - apm Fabric Depot RETAIL - WHOLESALE Visit Our Complete Bridal and Special Occasion Department Easy access - Plenty of free parking CARS • BUSES • RVs DAY DATE OPPONENT TIME PLACE Fri Fri Fri Fri Sep 11 Sep 18 Sep 25 Oct 2 Oct 8 Oct 16 Oct 24 Oct 30 Nov 6 Benson Madison Franklin Jefferson Lincoln Cleveland Roosevelt Wilson Marshall 8:00 730 7:30 6:00 7:30 8:00 1:30 7:30 8:00 Civic Away Away Civic Away Civic Away Away Civic Thu Fri Sat Fri Fri i t - M * .• - -taa-- DAY '*-V ti HOURS: 1989. Even oft-maligned center Kevin Duckworth has discovered that his RC (1988-89 Flccr#93) moves well locally when he’s playing well. super reserve C liff Robinson may be one of the best young big men in the league, but his playing time is limited by the presence o f Duckworth, Kersey and W illiams. R obinson’s RCs are in DAY Thu ti t it 1 84 while C lyde’s RCs have risen in value nationwide, the percentage markup that Portland dealers can get for them has decreased. That may not seem logical, yet it makes sense that the higherpriced a card is, the more resistance there is to regional premiums. The RCs o f two other standout Blazers starters, Jerome Kersey (1985- 86 Star XRC #107,1987-88 Fleer #60) and Terry Porter (1987-88 Fleer #89), have experienced similar price move­ ment. Buck W illiams, who toiled in ob­ scurity for so long in New Jersey, fi­ nally is getting his due in the Pacific Northwest. His RCs (1983-84 Star XRC #145 and 1986-87 Fleer #123) were greeted by an enthusiastic new audi­ ence after he was traded to Portland in the plentiful 1990-91 sets (Fleer #159, Hoops #250, SkyBox #239), but they still sell in Portland. Popular Pack Robert Pack’s rookie season put­ tered out near the end as the Blazers used the experienced Ennis W hatley for backcourt bench help in the play­ offs. But Pack’s 1991-92 RCs (Fleer Update #345 and Upper Deck High Series #407) attract double or triple book value at Oregon card stores and shows. W hy, even Danny A inge (RC; 1986-87 Fleer #4), after arriving in Portland in 1990 and evolving as a reliable three-point threat and backup guard, commanded Portland prem ium s. So did his 1981 baseball RCs (D onruss #569, Fleer #418 and Topps Traded #737). Now that he’s signed with Phoe­ nix, w e’ll see if Blazer collectors re ­ member him for his contributions in Portland or if the signing kills his sales in the area. Regardless, Ainge already has made an im pact on Pacific N orth­ west basketball. Then again, w hat Blazer hasn’t? - B y Beckett Basketball M onthly ,IEFFFRS<>\ HIGH St IHM >1 “ D e m o c r a ts ” It X it bui I J - - --.Tr ’ r 122nd Ave By Page J w* GY'. • y - BENSON H IG H SCHOOL “Techmen M Football Day Date Opponent Time Place Fri Fri Fri Fri Thu Fri Fri Fri Fri Grant Canby Marshall Wilson Madison Jefferson Lincoln Franklin Cleveland Sep 11 Sep 18 Sep 25 Oct 2 Oct 8 Oct 16 Oct23 Oct 30 Nov 6 8:00 8 00 4:00 8 00 7:30 6 00 7:30 7:30 600 Civic Civic Away Civic Away Civic Away Away Civic Media Alert/Photo O pportunity Terry Porter of the Portland Trail Blazers will be on hand at the Tigard Public Library with a group of young people to officially tip-off National Library Card Sign-up Month. Copies of anew national American Library A sso­ ciation public service announcem ent, featuring Porter as its spokesman, will be available at. Tigard Public Library, 13125 SW Hall Blvd.. (503) 684-6537. September is National Library Card Sign-up M onth, a time when the Ameri­ can Library Association and its 50,000 members rem inds parents (and grand­ parents) that a library card is the most important school supply o f all. The 30-second PS A, featuring Por­ ter, was produced by Blazers Broad­ casting and will be distributed nation­ ally by the American Library Associa­ tion and the National Basketball A sso­ ciation.