Page lö...The Portland Observer...Septeniber 2, 1992 I Portland Observer CLASSIFIEDS Truck Drivers Quality-driven service is the great­ est competitive strength of Auto­ matic Data Processing (ADP) Dealer Services we have become one of North America’s leading sup­ pliers of computing and data com­ munications services and equipment for automotive and truck dealers, by realizing that quality service begins with quality people. If you share our total commitment to excellence, join us now. the following positions offerchallenging projects in PICK/BASIC, or UNIX7PASCAL. S o f t w a r e D e v e lo p m e n t M anager Use all of your project management and software development skills as you lead the development and maintenance of UNIX*- based business applications. You will also schedule work, allocate resources and oversee technical and personnel management. We require a BS in Computer Science, Math and/or equivalent expe­ rience and at least 8 years data processing experience, including 2+ years in managing technical professionals. You must have strong programming, design, systems analysis and project leader­ ship skills. t S y s te m s A n a ly s t You will analyze and research product requirements, develop specifications and detail product design. You will also coordinate development efforts crossing multiple product sets. Requires 4+ years experience in software application development utilizing structured methodologies.. P r o g r a m m e r /A n a ly s t You will be responsible for analyzing, designing, coding, and testing new and existing applications. Requires 3+ years experi­ ence, including development of application software. Experience in structured methodologies, PICK, BASIC, PASCAL or UNIX* is a plus. S o f t w a r e Q u a lit y A s s u r a n c e S p e c ia lis t You will analyze and test application software, publications and training materials to maintain the highest level of quality and conformance to produce specifications. Requires an indepth knowl­ edge of software development and testing methodologies, as well as experience in writing test plans and conducting software tests. Strong communication and analytical skills are essentials. As an ADP Associate, you will be rewarded with an excellent salary and benefits. To apply, send your resume with salary requirements to: Automatic Data Processing Inc., Dealer Services Division, Dept. #CR-830, 2525 SW First Ave., Suite 450, Portland, OR 97201. An equal opportunity employer m/f/d. We encourage minor­ ity and female candidates to apply. WE XEVEK FORGET MIL VI ' S IMPORTANT TO YOI Financial Data Entry Clerk Responsible for data entry, and filing ability to problem solve Type 50 wpm, and familiar with on-line mainframe computer program. Experience in medicare, medicaid and insurance company’s billing for services provided is preferred. M u st be w e ll o rg a n iz e d , hardworking and communicate well with others. Minimum Quali­ fications, high school graduate or equivalent plus two years of­ fice work experience. RESUME TO: Rodney R. Harry/ Personnel Officer Garlington Center N/NE Mental Health Inc. 4950 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97211 Closing: September 04, 1992 Mental Health ‘ UNIX is a trademark of AT&T Bell Labs \ ( )/?, Ì IW’L'S I ( M’ERAi l( EWI A t First Interstate Kink <