August 26,1992...The Portland Observer...Page 5 BROOKS PRUNES NECTARINES extra large size sweet and 49 I' POUND 59 f la v o r f u l POUND 0 ■ DRESSING & D IP MARIE'S $-169 All Varieties 13 oz JAR EACH f N WHITE MUSHROOMS ’ large size $-169 POUND LEAF LETTUCE Red, G reen, Butter and Romaine 59c TOMATOES CUCUMBERS long green slicers local grown large size slicers 4M $100 ______ THE FRIENDLIEST STORES IN TOWN SINCE 1908 W E R ESERVE « hours SPECIALS EFFECTIVE TUESDAY through SUNDAY AUGUST 25 through 30, 1992 right SUNDAY 9AM ;o 7PM MEMBER OF UNITÉD GROCERS McMurphy's Appliance Center UUasher & Dryer $199°° Refrigerators From $129°° Technology Assistance Center Serves Needs of Disabled The Technology Access for L ife Needs (T A L N ) Center ut Lane C om ­ munity College in Eugene provides assilive technology services services for people in Benton, Coos, Lane L in ­ coln,and Linn counties. Assistive tech­ nology includes products and devices that help to m inimize the effects o f impairments, and provide greater inde­ pendence and capability for people with disabilites. T A L N coordinates an equipment loan bank, sponsors product demon­ s tra tio n s , and o ffe rs e q u ip m e n t evvaluation on training. It also helps find funding fo r individuals who need to purchase assistive te chn olo gy debvices. The center helps businesses de velopc workplace accomodations for employees w ith diabililies and offers training for parents, professional, and others. T A L N is building an intcagency coalition and it advocates laws and policies to provide continued access to assistive technology. LCC T A L N is one o f seven offices statewide. It is funded by a three-year grant from the US Department o f Edu­ cation in response to the Technology Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities A ct o f 1988. For inform ation about assisting technology for people w ith disablities, contact the T A L N Center at LCC at 747-4501 ext. 2149 or T T 726-3952. Frank Martin Joins KUPL AM/ FM Sales Staff Continuous Hit Country KUPL98.5 FM/1330 A M Vice Prcsidcni/Gencral Manager, Edward T. Hardy announced today the addition o f Frank M artin to the KUPL local sales staff as an A c ­ count Executive. Martin, who has been in the Port­ land market forovcrclcvcn years has an extensive background in media includ­ ing, most recently, local sales for KG W- T V , Channel 8 and KPTV, Channel 12. Prior to coming to Oregon, M artin worked for the Montana Television Network. In addition to K U P L A M /F M , Scripps Howard Broadcasting owns and Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks: Converting Ideas And Knowledge To Money BY PROF. MCKINLEY BURT The best kept secret in the world seems to be the fact that over the course o f the last 6,000 years, and against all odds or repression, the black races have proven to be in proportion the most inventive and innovative people ever. And we have this veil despite thorough documentation from “ Napoleon’s E x­ pedition To Egypt” to the 1895 citation in the “ U.S. Congressional Record” ” o f all the “ PA T E N T E D ” inventions o f African Americans shown at the A t lanta Exposition in 1895. This record o f accomplishment in no way lakes into account the thousands o f inventions and innovations contrib­ uted by black slaves who naturally re­ ce ive d no c re d it. (C o tto n G in - M cCormick Reaper). African A m e ri­ cans have no excuse today for not sec ur- ing their property rights in the fruits o f their genius, whether the idea is me­ chanical, written, (a novel or play), artistic (painting, drawing, sculpture, musical composition, photograph, etc.) or lies in several other areas; movies, videos and some computer concepts, also. I briefly discussed these issues on page 2 in my article, “ Perspectives; Real M inority Business; Now or Never.” However, the field is very technical and I recommend that you avail yourself o f the expert advice and resource cited here. Therefore, you should regard this article as an inform ative overview only. Your proper in itia l contact are as fo l­ lows. The basic source o f information on Patents and Trademarks is the Federal Bookstore at 1305 SW First Ave., Port­ land, OR 97201; (221-6217). “ General In fo rm a tio n C oncerning Patents,” $2.00, and “ Basic Facts About Trade­ marks,” S 1.75. A Toll-Free phone call to “ Federal In form ation,” (mention “ copyrights” ) w ill secure an inform a­ tion booklet and three application forms each o f the categories I cited earlier 1- 8(X)-726-4995. The Slate o f Oregon also has a filin g procedure for “ Trade and Service M arks;” State Corporation D ivisio n 1-378-4166 for free informa- Melissa Fern Saturday 10:00am to 2:00pm epf* Sunday Closed I à m ® Seno & W • < # B ervice • Partì w Symphony To Depart On Hollywood bowl Tour August 31 Delta A ir Lines Pians Airport Send-Off Party To Include Tour Sponsors Bank Of America and OEDD; Oregon Gov. Roberts To Attend First Concert Sept. 1 Melissa Fem has been a waitress; a truck driver; has worked at a fast food place. In a foundry job, she knocked molds out of steel frames with a sledgehammer. Thursday, August 27,1992 3-5 P.M. 303-317 N Beech Street Portland, Oregon The Kramer Apartments Project provides permanent housing for the homeless mentally ill. Elmer Kramer, for whom the com ­ plex is named, w ill be honored during ceremonies scheduled for 3:30 P.M. Now retired from the state O ffice o f Mental Health Services as manager o f comm unity programs, Kramer is noted for his efforts in building strong part­ nerships between suite and county men­ ial health programs. He has been a long-time advocate for the psychiatri- cally disabled in the state o f Oregon. Also, Denny West, HAP executive director; Dr. Richard C. Lippincolt, M H D D S D administrator; and Garrett Smith, The M ind Empowered Inc. ex­ ecutive director, w ill speak. The public is invited to tour the four-unit complex, which includes a com m unity room. Through a unique cooperative e f­ fort, three agencies partnered to de­ velop this housing opportunity. HAP just finished an extensive rehab o f the vacant complex that had suffered fire and smoke damage The Housing A uthority w ill also supply the on-going maintenance. The M ind Empowered, Inc. is se­ lecting the residents and w ill provide their support services. To promote independent livin g capability for the four residents, trained staff w ill m ain­ tain constant conuict, providing sup­ port and assisting w ith all daily nccds- -cmotional and physical. Also, M ind Empowered, a consumer-run, non-profit organization, w ill supply a 24-hour c ri­ sis intervention service. Funded through the M HDDSD,The M ind Empowered Ine. operates under tion and forms. The reproduction below o f the Table o f Contents o f the patent publica­ tion w ill give you an idea o f how helpful the basic manuals can be to you. Do not forget that i f you patent an invention (door slop to innovative hair roller), it is not necessary that you manufacture it yoursel f - o r even that you make a w ork­ ing model in order to reap a financial Page .....1 .....1 .... 2 ..... 3 ..... 3 ..... 4 .....5 .....6 .....7 .....8 ...10 ... 12 ...12 . 13 ...13 ...14 . .15 ...16 ...19 A .‘i 5 ► 5 ...20 ...21 ...22 ...23 ...23 .24 ..24 ..25 ..26 ..26 ..28 ..28 ..29 ..29 ..31 ..32 ..33 ..39 benefit. You can assign the rig h t to manufacture to a corporation which w ill then produce the item, paying you an-agree-upon “ royalty” for each item sold. O f course, you may sell your invention outright for whatever price you can negotiate (see my “ M in ority Business” article on page 2 fo r manu­ facturing and marketing yourow n mer­ chandise. Sen. Paul Simon, Job Trainees, AuCoin to discuss New Legislation, Innovative Oregon Efforts Mondayat Training Center in N/NE Portland Now she's going in a different direction -- toward a doctorate in clinical psychology. She Intends to have her own practice and has definite ideas about provid­ ing affordable care. Melissa came to PCC Cascade for the first two years of her bachelor's degree. It gave her a good start. "The instruc­ tors were very supportive," she says. "They were willing to put out extra effort to help me." "I can say I've never been anywhere where so many different kinds of people get along so well." PCC C as cad e The friendly campus in your neighborhood. Senator Paul Simon (D -IL ), chair o f the Senate Employment and Produc­ tiv ity panel, joined Rep. Les AuCoin, participants in an innovative Oregon job training program, and others at a M on ­ day press conference to talk about newly- passed federal employment train ing leg­ islation and its impact on Oregon’ s job skills improvement efforts. In addition to the discussion o f the new b ill and its impact on Oregon, two jo b trainees talked about their personal experiences w ith the North/Northeast Portland Em ploym ent and T raining (NEET) Center’s effective program. W ith its W orkforce Q uality Coun­ cil and creative integration o f work and education, Oregon has led the nation in job training efforts. In August, Congress passed le g is la tio n to re fo rm and strengthen federal jo b training assis­ tance and sent it to the President’ s desk for his signature. This final step, which w ill make the measure the law o f the land, is expected soon. Senator Simon, an Oregon native, is the author o f a 1985 book about the need for a greater federal role in provid­ ing employment opportunities and train­ ing. Together, let's explore what's In your future. 2 4 4 -6 1 1 1 Kramer Apartments Open House Please jo in the Housing A uthority o f Portland (H A P ), the Oregon Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Services Division (M HDDSD),and The M ind Empowered, Inc. in celebrating the opening o f the K ramcr Apartments. An Open House w ill take place on: Functions o f the Patent and Trademark O ffic e ........................ Purpose o f this b o o kle t............................................................... W hat is a patent?......................................................................... Patent L aw s.................................................................................. What can be patented................................................................. Novelty and other conditions for obtaining a p a te n t.............. The United States Patent and Trademark O ffic e .................... Publications o f the Patent and Trademark O ffic e ................... General information and correspondence................................ Library, search room searches................................................... Attorneys and agents................................................................... Disclosure D ocum ent.................................................................. Who may apply for a p a te n t...................................................... Application for p a te n t................................................................ Oath or declaration, signature.................................................... F ilin g F ees.................................................................................... Specification (description and cla im s )......................... y ......... D ra w in g ..................................... ....................................... Models, exhibits, specimens....................................................... Examination of applications and proceedings in the Patent and Trademark O ffic e ................................ Amendments to a pplication........................................................ Time fo r response and abandonment......................................... Appeal to the Board o f Patent Appeals and Interferences and to the C o u rts................................... Interferences................................................................................. Allowances and issue o f patent.................................................. Nature o f patent and patent rig h ts.............................................. Maintenance Fees......................................................................... Correction o f patents................................................................... Assignments and licenses........................................................... Infringement o f p atents............................................................... Patent marking and “ patent pending” ....................................... Design patents............................................................................... Plant patents.................................................................................. Treaties and foreign p ate nts....................................................... Foreign applicants for United States patents............................ . Fees and paym ent.......................................................................... Answers to questions frequently asked...................................... Leading Senate Job Training Advocate: Just-Passed Bill Will Boost Oregon Workforce Efforts Ranges From *129°° Open Mon. - Fri. 9:00am to 5:00pm Patent Manual, Table of Contents contraet w ith Multnomah County. Its ful ly-trained case managers have them- selvcsexpcrienccdmental illness. They bring an insight from making the tran­ sition to independent livin g that pro­ vides valuable in teaching others. M HD D SD applicdforprojcctfund- ing from the Department o f Housing and Urban Development (H U D ) and was awarded $88,379 through the Stewart B. M cKinney Homeless Assis­ tance Act. This provides for dcvelop- meni costs and subsidies for the first five years o f operations. In addition, HAP and the M H D D SD matched funds o f $35,000 each for the building acqui­ sition and rehabilitation costs. In addi­ tion, close to $ 18,000 in energy conser­ vation work on the complex was funded by the Multnomah County Community Action Program. This included instal­ lation o f new doors, windows, and insu­ lation. Architect for the Kramer Apart­ ments Project is W illiam W ilson A rch i­ tects, A IA . and G il Solis Construction, Inc. is the contractor. Black United Front Saturday School Volunteer Recruitment You can help a child lcam more about African-Am erican history and heritage, you can teach a ch ild cultural pride and you can assist children w ith basic skills, like reading and w riting. A ll you need is time, two hours Saturday mornings, as the Black United Front Saturday School begins its fifth year this fall. The school provides c u l­ tural and basic skills education, free o f charge, toclcmcntaryy A tip ic i .31. 1992 Other Restrictions apply. Please cali New York - Washington, D.C........................ 290.00 RT Chicago - Minncap«>lis St. Paid.....................240.00 RT Denvei..........................................................2.30.00 RT C alifornia............................................... 210.00 RT O ther Good fa re s available. Please call. ►