>'•>>>♦ > r * r > » » v * V * v v' Page 4..The Portland Observer...August 26, 1992 Portland Observer ENTERTAINMENT KBPS AM/FM & Flash Forward Radio Theater Team Up At ArtQuake Portlanders will gel a chance to e x p e rie n c e liv e ra d io th e a te r at A nQ uake, as the Flash Forward Radio Theater company brings audience pat ticipation to its performances on the Cabaret Stage, Saturday, September 5111, at 3:15 P.M. Live actors... live sound effects... live laughs... come see how it s all done, with a lot of imagination, maybe a couple of coconuts, galva­ nized steel and other props, both exolit and ordinary. Elaine G am er, Flash Forw ard's founder and director, was formerly a producer and instructor at KBPS-AM, where she conducted classroom work­ shops for students in sound effects and writing for radio. She also produced stories and dram as written and acted by students groups for on-air broadcast and instructional program series. The Portland Public School students who visit KBPS today could become the Flash Forward members o f tomorrow. ArtQuakc visitors can also stop by the KBPS booth to learn about class­ room workshops, performance oppor­ tunities for students, the broadcasting and communications training program for high school students, the educa­ tional programming of KBPS-AM ind the classical music programming of KBPS-FM. Free program guides .« d bumper stickers will be available, and KBPS mugs, t-shirls and sweatshirts may also be purchased. THETHRIllEROFTHEVEARlSHERE!" Pat C ollins WVVOR T V N t W YORK 4 I “A VERY HOI, HEART-THUMPING HIT... U niversity of Portland Chorus to Begin Rehearsals The University o f Portland's U ni­ versity Chorus begins rehearsals for its 1992-1993 season at 7 P.M. Monday, September 14 in Buckley Center A udi­ torium on the University Campus. The season schedule will include performances at The Grotto and with the University Orchestra and Univer­ sity Singers, said chorus director Ken­ neth Klesynski, an associate professor o f music. No auditions arc required for the chorus composed o f students, Univer­ sity faculty, staff and community m em ­ bers. For more information, contact Klesynski at 283-7294 or 646-6070. The University of Portland is one of the largest private, higher education institutions in the Northwest. It is the only school in Oregon to offer a College o f Arts and Sciences, a Graduate School and nationally accredited schools o f Business, Education, \Engineering and Nursing. The residential four-year Catholic University is affiliated with the Congregation o f Holy Cross, Notre Dame, Ind. I his will be the lilm that catapults both Leigh and Fonda into the stratosphere.. The ending is among the most frightening in recent memory? M Iw ». LK INCHES MMA/ME B R ID G E T FON DA - J E N N IF E R JA S O N L E IG H MUSIC MILLENNIUM West Side FOSTER DRIVE-IN 244 M 7 4 V I 24« 6460 V I NOW SHOWING AT THESE THEATRES J BROADWAY METROPLEX I**»’ 32ND & E BURNSIDE 231-8926 I lll l BEAVERTON DRIVE IN 2M697? V I [I I I TIGARD CINEMAS « *•*] 246-6473 V- I 1 SOUTHGATE LLOYD CINEMAS 24«-6«34 JL 1 82ND AVE 7 74-7731 V !j||| ROSE MOYER GRANO PARKWAY I 23RD & NW JOHNSON 248-0163 Doc’s Hosts Blues & Jazz Jam Sessions D oc’s Bar & Grill, located at 3000 SE Powell Blvtl., will host a series o f Open Jam Sessions on Mondays, Tues­ days, and Sundays beginning August 17th. F e a tu re d p e rfo rm e rs w ill be Sakiusa & Friends (“The South Pacific Blues M an”), The Blues Power Band with Sonny Hess, and The Norman Sylvester Band featuring The Sweet Thangz plus Patrick Lamb. The ses­ sions will be open to all musicians to join in and the public is cordially in­ vited. a k a K h a n Tuesday, Sept. 29 with special guest A ll A g Frank Martin Joins KUPL AM/ FM Sales Staff Continuous Hit Country KUPL 98.5 FM /1330 AM Vice President/General Manager, Edward T. Hardy announced today the addition oPFrank Martin to the KUPL local sales staff as an A c­ count Executive. Martin, who has been in the Port­ land market for over eleven years has an extensive background in m edia includ­ ing, most recently, local sales for KGW- TV, Channel 8 and KPTV, Channel 12. Prior to com ing to O regon, Martin worked for the M ontana Television Network. Martin holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Boston University and attended Boston U niversity’s Graduate School o f Education. He is a member of the Southwest Portland Rotary and the Portland Advertising Federation. In addition to KUPL AM /FM , Scripps Howard Broadcasting owns and operates television stations in Balti­ more, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Detroit, K ansas C ity , M em p h is, P h o en ix , Tampa, Tulsa and W est Palm Beach. It also operates radio stations in Balti­ more and M emphis as well as cable television systems in California, Colo­ rado and Florida with 267,000 basic subscribers. OUTLETS: All Fred Meyer Fastixx outlets in the following Fred Meyer Stores: Beaverton, Stadium, Tigard, Tualatin, Oak Grove, Gresham, Gateway, Hollywood West, East Salem, Mill Plain, Johnson Creek and Walker Road. Music Millennium East & West and the Fox Theater, downtown, also available at the PCPA, Civic Auditorium. For ticket information phone: (5C3) 224-2038 * Fax (503) 227-4418