August 26, 1992...The Portland Observer...Page 3 Trail lazers Announce 1992-1993 Television Schedule Fans in Oregon and Southw est W ashington will have the opportunity to view 44 Trail Blazers telecasts dur­ ing the 1992-93 National Basketball Association season through broadcasts on KGW-TV, Blazer Cable, NBC and TNT. KGW -TV channel 8, will begin its first year as the flagship station o f the Blazers Television Network in the Port­ land-metropolitan area, while in E u­ gene, KLSR-TV,channel 25, will serve as provider. Fans in virtually all other areas in Oregon and Southwest W ash­ ington are able to pick up the telecasts via local cable or broadcast translators. Viewers should consult their local list­ ings for the station or cable channel in their area. The Blazers Television Network will carry 20 regular season games including Portland's season-opening home game against the Denver Nug­ gets, November 8. O ther highlights on the schedule include the Blazers' first road contest, November 14 against the Golden State W arriors, and a rematch o f last year's NBA Final against the Bulls in C hicago on D ecem ber 4. W eeknight Eastern Conference road games at New York, New Jersey and Detroit will be broadcast on a delayed basis to give more Portland fans an opportunity to view those gam es in their entirety. In addition, the Blazers will present three television specials: "Blazer Trail...The Journey Begins", a season- preview November 8 at 6 P.M. just prior to the Blazers televised home opener; "Blazer Trail...A M idseason Report", January 24 at 3 P.M. im m edi­ ately following the NBC broadcast fea­ turing the Blazers at Utah; and "Blazer Trail...The Second Season", a recap of the regular season and a preview of the playoffs on Monday, April 26 at 8 P.M. Blazer Cable, which is also carried on most cable systems statew ide, will televise 20 Portland home contests, beginning November 10 when the Trail Blazers host the Phoenix Suns. Other N ovem ber m atchups scheduled on Blazer Cable include encounters with the Cleveland Cavaliers and former University of Oregon starTerrell Bran­ don, the New York Knickerbockers, Detroit Pistons, San Antonio Spurs and Los Angeles Lakers. Additional Blazer Cable games include duels with the Boston Celtics, Seattle SuperSonics and Utah Jazz. Portland is slated to appear in at least three nationally-televised games on NBC Sports. The first will be the Blazers' game at Utah on January 24. The network, in its third year o f broad­ casting NBA games, will also televise Portland's home matchup against C hi­ cago on February 7 and the Blazers' road game at Golden State on March 7. NBC may also broadcast Portland's March 28 game at Charlotte and the Blazers’ final regular season outing o f the year, April 25 against the Clippers in Los Angeles. Inaddition,TN TSports will show Portland's game at Sacra­ mento November 20 and the Blazers' February 24 matchup in Miami on na­ tional cable, games not scheduled on the Blazers Television Netw ork or Blazer Cable. The entire Portland Schedule can be heard in 35 markets on the Trail Blazers satellite radio network. For the fourth straight season KEX AM 1190 will serve as the Blazers’ flagship radio station. Temporary Closure of Hawthorne Bridge To Pedestrians And Bicyclists Multnomah County Transportation Division announced, that the Hawthorne Bridge will be closed to pedestrians and bicyclists on Saturday, August 29,1992, and Sunday, A ugust 30,1992, between 7:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. for routine mechanical maintenance. The County suggests the best alter­ nate route for pedestrians is die Morrison Bridge, and for bicyclists is the Bui nside Bridge. The Hawthorne Bridge will remain closed to vehicular traffic through Sep­ tember. VAN GRACK HOOP HYPE!!! The Clinton/Gore campaign an­ nounced today that Amy Chapm an would assume the role of Oregon state director. In addition to overseeing the state cam paign’s operations, Chapman will serve as a key contact between state-wide media and the campaign headquarters. “I am delighted to have Amy Chapman on board with thecam paign,” said governor Bill Clinton. “A m y’s energy and experience will help build a winning campaign in Oregon. O rego­ nians arc tired of a government that has fallen short o f its obligations. People across the country are responding to our call for change. We have a plan to put people first again - to create jobs, to provide adequate health care to all Americans and to ensure the education tion Dikembe M utom bo, Boyz N The Hood director John Singleton, ja z z v ir­ tuoso W ynton M arsalis, rapper Queen Latifah, Take 6, Sounu o» Blackness, I - Zaya, Krowd K uutfol, C om m issioned and Leaders o f the New S c h o o l to name a few. W hile the Fall C o lle tt..n is d e ­ signed to capture the “attitude” o f u r­ ban sh e e t culture, the collection e n ­ com passes the tastes o f die fashion c o n sc io u s in d iv id u a l e v e ry w h e re . W hether dreadlocked, crew cut, A fri­ can American, Asian or Irish, TH E VANGRACK COLLECTION com pli­ ments the individuality o f the wearer. VanGrack from the feet up. 1516 NE Broadway Portland • - ... t :OV,' •*«* *»• V ■ '-■ ■ y Summer is here, waten out for children!! race is sanctioned by the United States Cycling Federation (U SCF) and the proceeds will go tow ards the Cops on Bikes fund, which is used to support the Portland bicycle patrol program with equipment and training "Its our desire that this will be an event that the entire family can enjoy. This is a great opportunity for kids to comes out and learn about bicycle safety and m eet with officers," said Sergeant Dennis Chaney o f C entral P recinct and a m em ber o f the bicycle patrol. Co-sponsors include the Portland Trailblazers, Burger King R estaurants and the W illam ette W eek N ew spaper. For more inform ation, contact L ieu­ tenant Marianne H eisler at (503)796- 3097; or Vicki V andeheyofU S Bank at (503)275-4365. US Bank is a m ember of The Historic Old Town M erchant's Association.. •v '. íiZ'.c- written by Rosemary musical Direction by Janice Scroggins & v< choreography by Sagiraf "the hit, soulful, ' -VM 1 K \ t I-« *;/y~ ‘. . y '. 'APkK'1 : ' - Leontine Guilliard m RED BEANS &RICE Do it your self with our help for one price $49.95. Clear negative credit and add new. The most complete comprehensive credit package available Call immediately for details NCSI 659-4086. .1« VANGRACK The Historic Old Town Merchant's Association (HOT) along with the Port­ land Police Bureau will be sponsoring the first M a y o r's C la ssic B ik e R a ce to be held S u nday, A u g u st 3 0 ,1 9 9 2 , b eg in n in g at 10:00 A .M . to 3:00 P .M ., sta rtin g a t N W 2 n d A ve. and D avis St. This event isexpccted to feature up to lOObicyclists who will participate in a one hour race around a five block area, between NW Couch Street to NW Flanders Street and NW 2nd Avenue to NW 4th Avenue. This event will also include a Police Bicycle Patrol Officer's race between North, Central and East Precincts. There will be a Kid's Bicycle Skills Fair, booths for representatives from bicycle clubs, riding and safety clinics and booths sponsored bicycle shops. There will also be food and beverage concessions available. This featuring Tired of being turned down for credit? W hy pay someone else hundreds to clear negative credit? M ■ Mayor's Classic Bicycle Race NW 2nd Ave. and Davis St. ¿5 Credit Problems? Mi.'/ Q U E STIO N S : 249-7949 REGISTRATION DEADLINE AUGUST 51 1992 -------- r 'IF YOU GOT S K ILLS " TO PLAY 'DA GAME...BE THERE! of our children.” “ I am very pleased to be a part of the Clinton/Gore team,” said Chapman. “In Oregon during the Bush/Reagan years unem ploym ent rose 48% and hospital costs have jum ped 130%. O r­ egonians need change - and Governor Clinton is the person to bring about that change for Oregon and the nation,” concluded Chapman. Chapman can be reached at the Oregon Clinton/Gore headquarters,206 SW Morrison Street, Pordand, Oregon, telephone: 503/224-1992. Others joining the Oregon Clinton/ Gore team include Paddy McGuire, political director, and Amy W eiss-Tobe, press secretary. Both can also be reached at 503/224- 1992 -3 .4 ' í i T4 ‘ REGISTRATION FEE IS J25.OO PER 3 MAN TEAM...DIVISION I 15-1BYRS AND DIVISION II 18-up. REGISTRATION FORMS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE VANGRACK STORE: 1516 NE BROADWAY (BETWEEN KITCHEN KABOODLE 6 STARBUCKS' ) ALL PROCEEDS WILL BENEFIT SELF ENHANCEMENT, INC A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION COMMITTED TO OUR “INNER-CITY" YOUTH..."SPORTS WITHOUT AN EDUCATION IS A LONG SHOT" HOOP HYPE!!! THE VANGRACK 3 ON TO URNAM ENT LABOR DAY MONDAY SEPTEM BER 7, 1992 TIP OFF <§> 12:00PM IRVING PARK Clinton/Gore Campaign Announces Amy Chapman As Oregon State Director Study shows Republicans cost Oregon $2.36 billion Children and families were hit the directly help workers, families and chil­ hardest as federal aid to Oregon was dren,” said Council 75 spokesman Ralph slashed $2.36 billion in the past 10 Groener. “This study also reveals many years, according to a study announced o f the causes behind the nation ’ s dom es­ today by Oregon AFSCM E Council 75. tic problem s.” The Republican Record, com m is­ For exam ple, as m iddle-incom e sioned by AFSCME, is a com prehen­ families faced soaring health care costs, sive, state-by-state, program-by-pro- the study found that President Reagan gram, year-by-year analysis o f federal and Bush eliminated S69 billion from spending on domestic programs. The health care spending. Similarly, in the study documents the loss in funding decade before Los Angeles erupted in from what would have been necessary riots, the Republican adm inistrators simply to keep up with each year’s drained $150 billion from programs inflation and population changes. The aimed at helping children and families, cuts are restated in today’s (1992) dol­ another $18 billion from housing pro­ lars, which would be the amount now grams and helping the homeless and S 10 needed to restore funding to the levels billion from education programs. received by these programs when Presi­ “These sharp reductions in federal dent Carter left office. aid explain much of today’s fiscal prob­ Oregon’s $2.36 billion loss affected lems in Oregon, both in state and local programs ranging from education to governm ent,” said Groener. “Coupled highway services. Programs aimed at with the oncom ing affects o f Ballot helping O regon’s children and families M easure 5, it makes for a bleak picture. were particularly hard hit, suffering a W e need immediate changes in federal $1.54 billion loss in the decade starting policies.” with federal Fiscal Year 1982. The study The Republican Record was pre­ also shows Oregon lost more funds for pared for AFSCME by Fiscal Planning W ork Incentive programs than any other S e rv ic e s, In c ., o f B e th e sd a , M d. state relative to its population-a cut of AFSCM E - the American Federation o f $101 million over the 10-year period. State, County and Municipal Employees “President Reagan and Bush both -represents about 15,000public workers aimed the attack on services that most in Oregon. vnu-nn Sports Inc. was founded in 1987 by Rob Strasscr and Peter Moore, who were formerly Vice President of M ar­ keting and Creative D irector of Nike, Inc. W hile at Nike, Strasser and Moore devclopcdand managed thccom pany’s Launch Group, which was responsible for the conception o f the Air Jordan and Nike Air lines o f footwear and apparel. Sports Inc., an Oregon based com ­ pany, launched the VanGrack line of apparel and footwear in 1988. With a dynam ic, up to the minute senseofthe present,TH E VANGRACK COLLECTION explores the concept thatclothing should challenge tradition w tuleallowing wearers to express them­ selves. Avid wearers of the clodiing include Denver Nugget rookie sensa­ 'w- . -'A AHk’ tuí.. W í:-- rection by W illie Binns inks I comedy' í P & J ’s B e a u ty S B W ; '*¿;S -.•..• ■ ‘‘i 2848 NE Martin Luther Kin Black United Front Saturday School Enrollment Begins 10:00 am - 6:00 pm M cn iL y nini Saturday 11:00 am -5:0 0p..iS .;:day {V. -• > >.< ‘P, ORTLAND CIVIC THEA‘ 1530 SW YAMHILL - 226-4026 Your child has a wonderful oppor­ tunity to learn more about African- American history and heritage, cultural pride and basic education skills. The Black United Front Saturday School is scheduled to begin its fifth year, serving the North and Northeast Portland community. All elementary school-age children arc invited free of charge. Classes run Saturday mornings, from 10:00 am until 12:00 pin, begin­ ning O ctober 17. There will be three eight-week sessions, Fall, Winter, and Spring. All interested student must register or re-register. Parents can enroll their children on Saturday, October 3rd at the YWCA to 5630 NE Marlin Luther King Boulevard. Again, registration is scheduled for October 3rd and classes begin O ctober 17th. Be sure and sign up' ». - V » ND BLACK REPERTI - - -« « • : T w o T ic k e ts fo r th e p ric e o f o n e fo r W e d n e s d a y s o n ly W h e n p u rc h a s e d a t th e c iv ic b o x o ffic e o r J a ’B e ll’s B e a u ty S u p p ly o n ly w h e n y o u p re s e n t th is c o u p o n THIS PRODUCTION IS PRESENTED UNDER AN ACTOR’S EQUITY ASSOCIATION SMALL PROFESSIONAL THEATRE CONTRACT * • • > « . ■ ■ ■ '• • * September 6, 1992 Wednesday., Thursday at 7:00pm Fridays and Saturdays at 8:00pm Sundays at 2pm and 7pm • ■ • ' . - . ... ' ••