I t t i f » / ?■ » | î J It » ï J » » I » » V >>>>*■» « W : - r f r . - **• t v * ***** .•> ’ V I W . . W W ■ ' Page 10...The Portland Observer...August 26,1992 — Portland Observer CLASSIFIEDS Information Systems Auditor N IK E , Inc. has an im m ediate op e n ­ ing for an Inform ation System s A u d ito r to perform audits of IS departm en ts and selected co m ­ puterized business inform ation system s. P osition will also act as s u p p o rt c o n c e rn in g c o m p u te r and inform ations system s related issues. Q ualified applicants w ill have a B achelors degree in Inform ation S ystem s A uditing, Inform ation S ystem s or A ccounting w ith 1 -2 years coursew ork or experience in each area, 3-5 years experi­ e nce w ithout degree; 2 years in­ ternal audit experience; 2 years co m m e rcia l b u siness a p p lic a ­ tio n s develop m e nt, preferably w ith IBM O S/M VS, A S /400 or UNIX, DOS and M acintosh help­ ful; CISA, C P A or CIA helpful; excellent oral and w ritten com ­ m unication; and able to w ork under lim ited supervision. P lease forw ard your resum e to N IK E , Inc., O R AC T, 3700 SW M urray Blvd, Beaverton, Oregon 97005. Position subject to close at any tim e. Equal O pportunity Em ployer Reserve Police Officer The City of M ilw aukie Police D e­ partm ent is currently seeking men and w om en for their police re­ serve force. This is a civilian vo l­ unteer operation; m em bers are required to attend monthly m eet­ ings, ride with regular officers and assum e certain patrol d u ­ ties. Applicants m ust be over 21 years of age, have a valid drivers license, and m eet the basic po­ lice requirem ents, including oral board interview , physical agility testing, and background check. To obtain an application, contact City of M ilw aukie Personnel O f­ fice, 10722 SE M ain S tre e t, M ilwaukie, OR 97222; 659-5171 or FAX # 6 5 2 -4 4 3 3 . O pe n in g Date: August 24. C losing Date: Septem ber 9, 4 pm. Self-m otivated applicant m ust have excellenttyping and phone skills; ability to w ork w ell with clients and staff. W ordperfect/com puter experience required. Broadcast electronic process experience preferred. No phone calls. Please send resum e to Dianne Miner, PO Box 49, Portland, OR 97207 EEO Operations Manager Food Services Supervisor (Limited Duration Position) E ugene W ater & Electric Board has need for a Food Services S upervisor for an 18-m onth lim ­ ited duration. There is no expec­ tation of continued em ploym ent upon term inationo f the 18-m onth position. R equirem ents are tw o years' ex­ perience in food services m an­ agem ent including supervision o f personnel and budget m an­ agem ent. Education and/or train­ ing required as a qualification: M a n a g e m e n t tr a in in g , fo o d preparation and accounting. C o m p le tio n o f a s u p p le m e n ta l questionnaire is required w ith ap­ plication for this position. For application packet and question­ naire, please contact: Eugene W ater & Electric Board, PO Box 10148, Eugene, OR 97440, Attn: H um an R esources (503) 484- 2411 e x t., 3 0 1 2 . S a la r y : $ 1 ,2 3 6 .8 0 /b i-w e e k ly . P o sition closes on W ednesday, S eptem ­ ber 9, 1992 at 5:00 p.m . Equal O pportunity Em ployer Conservation Evaluation Analyst E xperience in several o f the follow ­ ing a re a s re q u ire d ; p ro g ra m evaluation, statistics, load m e ­ tering, econom etrics, or e n g i­ neering analysis. D em onstrated w riting and data analysis skills. Electric utility experience. C o m ­ puter background to include sta­ tistical, spreadsheet, and data base developm ent and m anage­ m ent experience. A bachelo r's degree in business ad m in istra ­ tion, econom ics, e n g in e e rin g , physical science, or a related field w ith an em phasis in q u a n ti­ tative m ethods, statistical a naly­ sis and research design. Valid d riv e r’s license. For application packet contact: Eugene W ater & Electric Board, PO Box 10148, Eugene, O R 97440 or (503) 484- 2411 e x t., 3 0 1 2 . S a la r y : $1,442.40 - $1,684.00 bi-w eekly. P o s itio n c lo s e s W e d n e s d a y , S eptem ber 3 0 ,1 9 9 2 at 5:00 p.m. Equal O pportunity Em ployer Help Wanted Jeannette Fegan School Child Care Center 606 NE Fremont 287-5656 Teacher: Infant & Preschool M ust be dedicated, love children, up personality, and com m itted to the w ell being of children. T ra in ­ ing and experience in ECE re­ quired. * POSTAL JOBS* Portland Area $23,700 per year plus benefits, Postal carriers, sorters, clerks. For an application and exam in­ form ation, call 1-219-736-9807, ext P -6 8 5 7 .6 am to 6 pm , 7 days. Private nonprofit seeks dynam ic individual to m anage food distri­ b u tio n o p e ra tio n s . R esp. for transportation, w arehousing, in­ ventory, distribution & facilities/ equip, m aint. Req. 3 yrs supervi­ sory exp. M ust have strong com ­ m unication, interpersonal, plan­ ning & system s de ve lo p m e n t skills. $25,000+ depend, on exp. + exc. ben. C over letter & re­ sum e to O regon Food Bank, 2540 NE R iverside W ay, Port­ land, OR 97211 by 9/17/92. Equal O pportunity Em ployer. V o lu n te e r R e c ru ite r, Full tim e. Recruit, train and coordinate vol­ unteer program s for non-profit. M ust have excellent recruiting experience w ith the ability to de­ v e lo p p ro g ra m . M in im u m of B achelors in appropria te field with 3 years experience. E xcel­ lent benefits. Pick up application at The Boys and Girls A id Soci­ ety, 18 SW Boundary Ct., Port­ land, O regon 97201 or call 222- 9661 ext 114, or 115. Deadline, Sept 1 1 ,1 9 9 2 . Equal O pportu­ nity Em ployer. D evelopm ent Portland State University Director of Annual Giving the Director of Annual G iving at PSU is responsible for adm inis­ tration of program s soliciting an­ nual gifts from alum ni, parents, friends, faculty and staff. The D irector oversees the staff of the telem arketing program , co o rd i­ nates the acknow ledgem ent and recognition of annual fund gifts, and im plem ents direct m ail pro­ gram s. B achelor's d e g re e re­ quired; three to five years expe­ rience in fundraising, adm inis­ tering budgets, and m anaging staff. M ust be self-starter, org a ­ nized, goal and team oriented. Excellent w ritten and oral co m ­ m unication and com puter skills required. S ubm it resum e and th re e pro fe ssio n a l refe re n ce s postm arked no later than Sept. 11, 1992 to: Denise Schm idt, D evelopm en t O ffice, P ortland State U niversity, PO Box 751, Portland, OR 97207. PSU is an E qual O p p o rtu n ity /A ffirm a tiv e A ction Em ployer. Licensed Practical Nurse/Educational Assistant 190 day school year Requires: O regon License Practi­ cal Nurse; six m onths exp e ri­ e n ce w o rk in g w ith s e v e re ly handicapped students Salary: $10.74/hr M ESD applications available M-F, 8-5, or send self a d d re s s e d stam ped legal envelope, indicat­ ing position of interest to M ult­ nom ah ESD, Attn. R ecruitm ent O ffic e , 11611 NE A in s w o rth Circle, Portland, OR 97220-9017 An Equal O pportunity Em ployer & Drug Free W ork Place $$$$ Personal, D ebt C onsolidation and hom e equity loans up to 50K 1-800-926-1141 Security Officer NIKE, Inc. has an im m ediate o p e n ­ ing for a full-tim e Security O fficer to provide protection to NIKE p re­ m ises and personnel in a m an­ ner consistent w ith C orporate p o lic y an d d ir e c tio n ; p a tro l grounds and buildings; and m ain­ ta in a c c u ra te d a ily a c tiv ity records. Prior security-related experience desirable; d e m o n ­ strated verbal and w ritten com ­ m unication; dependable atten­ dance; able to work evenings and w eekends and to be acces­ sible by phone. For consideration, please forw ard resum es to: NIKE, lnc.,O R A D D , 3700 SW M urray Blvd, B eaver­ ton, Oregon 97220. Equal O p ­ portunity Em ployer. Equal O pportunity Em ployer Daycare Home Head Teacher B achelor’s degree in Early C hild­ hood Education or related field; m inim um of 2 yrs. experience in child care/childhood education; 1 yr. supervisory experience. A ssist M anager of E ducation Services in recruiting, planning, im plem enting and supervising E O C s p o n s o re d D a y -C a re Hom es. 40 hrs/w k through June, 1993. Salary: $10.43/hr. Posi­ tion requires dependable auto­ m obile, insurance, valid driver's license. O btain application, posi­ tion announcem ent and job de­ scription 9:00 a.m . - 4:00 p.m ., M on-Fri., EOC Office, (206-896- 9912). C om pleted a p p licatio n package m ust be received in EOC O ffice by 4 p.m ., S eptem ­ ber 3, 1992. EEO C/AA Cook/Housekeeper/ Aide Faculty Communications Specialist- Publications (Tenure-track) The A gricultural C om m unications C enter (ACC) at the University of Idaho is seeking a C om m unica­ tions S pecialist-Publications to assum e m ajor responsibility for o v e rs e e in g th e p u b lic a tio n s , planning, editing, production, d is­ tribution, training, and research activities for the C ollege of A g ri­ culture. M ust have at least a m aster's in com m unication, jo u r­ nalism , English, or closely re­ lated field; extensive experience as an editor/w riter of agricultur­ ally related topics; experience with M acintosh desktop p ublish­ ing; and teaching and research skills. For m ore inform ation, co n ­ ta ct AC C at (208) 885-643 6. Search will be closed w hen a su fficient num ber of qu a lifie d applicants has been identified, but not earlier than August 31, 1992. Affirm ative Action/Equal O pportunity Em ployer Lenora B. Fulani For President Petitioners w anted for independent A frica n -A m e rica n P residentia l ca n d id a te Lenora B. F u la n i's c a m p a ig n . $ 50 a d a y . C a ll 335-8766. Communications Manager $3,267 - $4,604 The Dept. of correction is recruit­ ing for this executive service po­ sition located in the Director's office in Salem . T hree years' m anagem ent experience includ­ ing experience w orking with the news m edia required. Benefits include insurance coverage, re­ tirem ent, vacation & sick leave. Fordetailed announcem ent, con­ tact any local office of the O r­ egon Em ploym ent Division, The Dept. of C orrections Personnel O ffice in Salem , or call (503) 378-2497. Applications m ateri­ als m ust be received by 5:00 p.m., Septem ber 9 ,1 9 9 2 . EEO/ A D A Em ployer Public Utility Analyst (Business diversification Analyst) $2,653 - $3,538 Monthly The Oregon Public Utility C om ­ m ission is recruiting for an ana­ lyst to provide financial, account­ ing, and econom ics oriented ana­ lytical expertise in the regulation of energy and telephone utility rates. Requires tw o years expe­ rience in utility auditing or ac­ counting, econom ic research and analysis, or engineering, AN D a Bachelor's D egree in econom ­ ics, accounting, engineering, or a relevant scientific discipline, or three m ore years of relevant ex­ perience. A M aster’s D egree in e conom ics, accountin g, e n g i­ neering, or relevant scientific dis­ cipline can be substituted for one year of the required experience. For application inform ation, call 373-7949. An EEO/AA Em ployer M ust be agile, good spirited. Like children...and dependable; trust­ w orthy, good w ork ethics. Please call Ms. Sm ith at 287-5656 Mental Health C ase M anager to w ork with chronic m entally ill adults. Provide sup­ portive therapy and full range of c a s e m a n a g e m e n t s e rv ic e s . M ust be able to w ork with a m ulti­ disciplinary team experience re­ quired. M ust have ability to relate to m inorities. M asters degree in m ental health field or bachelors with 2 years experience. C om petitive salary, liberal vaca­ tion, benefits and 6.1% retire­ ments. Resum e to: Sally Sim on G arlington Center N/NE C om m unity M ental Health C enter 4950 NE M artin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Portland, O regon 97211 Phone: (503) 249-0066 C h ild C are, Substitute position. Enhance parent child relation­ ships, work in teen parent sup- p o rtg ro u p nursery, developm en­ tal assessm ents, record keeping and outreach. F lexible hours, som e evenings. Associates D e­ gree in Early C hildhood or Bach­ elors D egree with 2 years expe­ rience. Pick up application at The Boys and G irls Aid Society, 18 SW Boundary Ct., Portland, O r­ egon 97201. No phone calls please. Equal O pportunity Em ­ ployer. B Major Telephone Co. R $7.80 - $15.75/hour N ow hiring. Tech, installers, acct serv. reps, and operators. No exp nec. For info call 1 -219-736- 9807 ext. 6857 6 am - 6 pm 7 days Wastewater Laboratory Technician II City of Eugene Salary Range: $2,102 - 2,584/mo. This position at the Eugene/Spring- field M etro W ater Pollution C on­ trol Facility w ill be responsible for laboratory analysis o f w aste- w ater, groundw ater, sludge, soil, and industrial w aste. Applicants should have experience in w ater or w astew ater analysis; co m p le ­ tion o f at least two years college chem istry (chem istry degree pre­ fe rre d ); o r a c o m b in a tio n of course w ork, experience, and training w hich provide the de­ sired know ledge, skills, and abili­ ties. This position will be filled at th e W a ste w a te r T echnician II level. Prom otion to the W aste- w ater T echnician III level w ill fol­ low satisfactory com pletion of a training program . Closing date: O ctober 1 6 ,1 9 9 2 . O btain appli­ cation packet from City of Eu­ gene, Hum an Resource and Risk Services, 777 Pearl Street, Room 101, Eugene OR. Phone (503) 687-5061. AA/EO E Wanted Seville 1970's M ust be in good condition. Call 287-1784 and leave m essage. For Best Results Advertise in the Observer ■{* > /»A-/*- Advertising tu Employment o Blds/Sub-Bids Gate Attendant Job Code No: 808827 All MetroERC Facilities 8-Part-time Positions Salary: $8.00/Hr. The M etroER C is recruiting for 8 part tim e G ate A ttendants to perform the follow ing essen­ tial duties: G reet the public, read and tear tickets ¡give clear and concise verbal directions to p atrons; guard do o r e n ­ trances as directed; count pa­ tro n s a nd a s s is t th e m as needed. Applications are avail­ able to residents of the First O pportunity T arget A rea. The boundaries of the T arget A rea are the Banfield Freew ay on the South, N.E. 42nd on the east, C olum bia V illa and N. C hautauqua on the west; and N. Colum bia Blvd. on the north. This position closes on A u ­ gust 31, 1992. A pplications and s u p p le m e n ta l re q u ire ­ m ents m ust be received, or postm arked no later than 5:00 p .m ., M o n d a y, A u g u s t 31, 1992. Applications and supple­ m ental requirem ents can be picked up at: T he M etropolitan S ervice D is­ trict M etroER C and O regon C onven­ tion C enter A dm inistration O ffices The Urban League The N.E. W orkforce Center Metropolitan Service Dist. 2000 S. W. First Ave. Portland, OR Oregon Convention Center 777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Portland, OR Resumes will not be accepted. AA/EEO Employer METRO Mental Health P roject D irector for a day tre a t­ m ent center and school in north P ortland for ad o le sce n ts w ith em otional and disciplinary pro b ­ lems. R equirem ents: M aster's degree in social w ork, p sychol­ ogy, or s o c ia l/b e h a v io ra l sci­ ences; supervisory and program m anagem ent experience; expe­ rience w orking with culturally d i­ verse SED youth and their fa m i­ lies. Send resum e by A u g u s t3 1 , 1992 to: Tio N ick’s, 7025 N Lom ­ bard, Portland, OR 97203, Attn: Project D irector. Position Announcement Early Childhood Special Education Specialist This is a training position. T he spe­ cialist w ill co n d u ct w orkshops and provide on site technical as­ sistance to Head S tart program s in Oregon, W ashington, Alaska, and Idaho. Extensive travel is required. A M asters degree in Early C hild­ hood, Special Education, or re­ lated field is required. The appli­ cant m ust have at least three years experience w ith young chil­ dren w ho have disabilities and their fa m ilie s and e xp e rie n ce w orking w ith culturally diverse populations. E xperience prepar­ ing and conducting w orkshops and providing technical assis­ tance is required. T he applicant m ust have strong w riting skills. Salary w ill be based on experience and qualifications. T his is a fixed term appointm ent, available as soon as possible through A ugust 30,199 3. continued em ploym ent is depen dent on federal funding. Send a resum e, letter describing qualifications and professional goals, and list of three reference co ntacts to: T erri C um m ings, Early C hildhood Training C e n ­ ter, School of Extended Studies, Portland S tate U niversity, P.O. Box 1491, P o rtla n d , O regon, 97207. T he cut off date is A ugust 3 1 ,1 9 9 2 . P ortland S tate U niversity is an equal opportunity em ployer. PORTLAND O B SER VER •The Eyes and Ears of the Community Office: (503)288 -0 033 F a x # : (503)288 -0 015 A D V E R T IS E in th e Truck Drivers S U P E R V A LU , form erly W e s tC o a t G rocery Co., is currently seek­ ing professional truck drivers. W e offer a great opportu nity in a solid industry; grocery distribution. W e pay com petitive union w ages and provide excellent m edical, d e n ­ tal, and pension benefits. W e're looking for drivers w ho have the following qualifications: 1 -2 years h e a vy se m i e x p e rie n c e w ith doubles experience preferred, all required licenses and an excel­ lent driving record, good com ­ m unication skills, and w illing to w ork varied days and hours. Persons interested and qualified for this position should subm it a resum e of qualifications and ex­ perience to: S U P E R V A LU , PO Box 12909, Salem , OR 97309 or com plete an application on our second floor at 3601 S tate St., Salem , O regon. Equal O pportu­ nity E m ployer Event Coordinator 1 Job Code No. 808864-OCC Oregon Convention Center 1 full-tim e position Salary: $22,152 (annually) T he M etroE R C is recruiting for an Event C oordinator 1 to m eet w ith facility clients and assist in determ ining event needs; provide inform ation and d irec­ tion to operations and support sta ff in clu d in g a u d io /v is u a l, te le c o m m u n ic a tio n s , set-up custodial, m aintenance, secu­ rity, and adm issions person­ nel; to integrate facility clients w ith outside contractors includ­ ing catering services, con ce s­ sionaires, and other services; prepare w ritten detaiis and re­ quirem ents for each event; pre­ pare floor plans, com m unicate ch a n g e s before and during events, and ensure com pliance w ith applicable fire, building, and safety codes; serve as fa ­ cility representative at events; e nforce facility policies and procedures throughout each e ve n t; id e n tify and re so lve event problem s; prepare w rit­ ten evaluations of the events; calculate prepare and subm it sum m ary billing statem ents. A pplications are available to M etro and M etroE R C em ploy­ ees and to residents of the First O pportunity T arget Area. T he boundaries of the T arget A rea are the Banfield Freeway on the south; N.E. 42nd on the east, C olum bia V illa and N. C h a u ta u g u a the w e s t; and N orth C olum bia Blvd. on the north, this position closes on A ugust 2 7 ,1 9 9 2 . Applications a nd s u p p le m e n ta l re q u ire ­ m ents m ust be received, or postm arked no later than 5:00 p.m ., T hursday, A u g u st 27, 1992. Applications and supple­ m ental requirem ents can be picked up at: T he M etropolitan S ervice D is­ trict M etroE R C and O regon C onven­ tion C enter A dm inistration O f­ fices The Urban League The N.E. Workforce Center Metropolitan Service Dist 2000 SW First Ave. Portland, OR Oregon Convention Center 777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Portland, OR Resumes will not be accepted AA/EEO Employer METRO Customer Service Representative N eed a change? C om e join para­ gon C able's C ustom er Service Team . If you enjoy w orking with p e o p le , are e n th u s ia s tic and m otivated, d o n 't pass up this opportunity. A ssist o ur cu sto m ­ ers on the telephone by explain­ ing our services and products, answ ering billing question, and providing general custom er ser­ vice. W ork schedule w ill vary. P revious C ustom er S ervice e x­ pe rie n ce p re fe rre d . Full tim e, part-tim e and on-call positions available. W e offer a com pre­ hensive benefits package, free parking and free C able TV. Please apply at: Paragon Cable 3075 NE Sandy Blvd. Portland, OR 97232 Equal O pportunity Em ployer