’A ; \ . ; • te M Ü « The uncounscious, subconscious or reactive mind underlies and enslaves man. e-ï* — • « - '. • Joe Wyatt continued: W hen teaching young people about ballet Joe wants the youth to know that everything in life has a foundation, and the foundation of dance is ballet. It does not matter if you want to be a jazz, tap, ethnic or ballet dancer, but what does matter is for those who desire to move forward in the arts will find out is that ballet is needed. ‘Ballet is the epitom e o f discipline, h a rd work, com m ittm ent, a n d a striving fo r excellence.‘The best tap, jazz, and ethnic dancers comes from ballet. Joe expresses how some people feel that we as a race have exceeded our talents in die arts, therefore, we need more doctors and lawyers. What people essentially miss is the essence of what the arts can do for our children.. The arts can open up doors of opportunities by It’s the source of your nightmares, unreasonable fears, upsets and any insecurity. LEARN TO CONTROL YOUR REACTIVE MIND. teaching discipline, strength, and building character. We need to be careful not to take away an opportunity for talented kids to excell, not only in die arts but all areas of life. I ake the heart of a child who loves die arts and embrace it. Joe is currently thé Director of die School of Oregon Ballet Theatre (OB I ;. L nder Joe s direction he has spearheaded an outreach program for children called Creative Move­ ment. The funds for Creative Movement are raised by OBT, and a significant contribu­ tion was made to the programby the US West Foundation. Instructors from OBT are sent to die All,ma Ministerial Alliance to teach 3 to 5 year olds creative movement The children watch tapes and OBT exposes them to the arts. W hen die DTH comes to Portland OBT takes the children to the show. Of the Creative Movement program Joe says, it is important to me. I feel I have succeeded in many many tilings, and there s always room for improvement I jis program gives me an opportunity to do what Arthur Mitchell did for m e,but inadifferent way. Given the sanies premise Creative Movement gives kids die opportunity to compete, experience somediing that makes them aware of themselves and of their accomplish­ ments; building strong individuals. Buy and read Dianetics: The Moren Science o f Mental Health by L. Ron Hubbard It contains discoveries heralded as greater than the wheel or fire. Available at your local bookstore or Dianetics Center '‘The dream is one of equality of opportunity, of privilege and property widely distributed; a dream of a land where man will not take necessities from the many to give luxuries to die few; a dream of a land where men do not agree diat the color of a man s skin determines die content of his character; a dream of a place where all our gifts and resources are held not for ourselves alone but as instruments of service for the rest of humanity; the dream of a country where every man will respect the dignity and worth of all hum an personality, and men will dare to live together as brothers. .” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 7 ® Yes! I want to learn how to improve my life with Dianetics. Please send me a copy o f the Dianetics book right away. Enclosed is my check/money order for $6.00 to cover my order (including postage and handling to: C e l e b r i t y C e n tr e ® P o r t l a n d HUBBARD DIANETICS FOUNDATION™ 709 S.W. Salmon Portland, Oregon 97205 (503)228-0116 NAME APT# ADDRESS. . STATE C IT Y ______ Z1P_ © 1991 CSI. All Rights Reserved Dianetics. the Dianetics Symbol and Scientology are trademarks and service marks owned by RTC and are used with its permission. Scientology is and applied religious philosophy #1398 - • CC's Mobik C ar WAsh & D eta II P rompt anc I F rîenc H y S ervìce 1 4 Y ears E xperience • S pot I ess on H ie SpoT P in STRipE anc I Body Side MoldiNCj AvAibblE (PRofEssioNAl M echanic S ervice A vai I a EI e ) f * • C ars - B oats - RV s C a II F or A ppointment : • N ■ ■ s f 1 -i 505^285^95 56 or pa ^ fr 299'5 5 68 Pjowc/l Graphic • Oil Painting • Water Color Photography • Glass Etching PO Box 12093 • Portland, Oregon 97212 • 503-281-3748 August 1992 5 MetroMotion tiff >•» » • •- ¿•q > 7 ) Ì-J y’ ’' -, • S v ‘ I , ■! * • . ’41