Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 22, 1992, Page 9, Image 9

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July 2 2 ,1992...The Portland Observer...Page 9
Portland Observer
Events Coordinator
NIKE Retail has an outstanding
opportunity for an outgoing indi­
vidual to plan and execute spe­
cial events, clinics and services
for assigned N IK E TO W N stores.
This will include coordinating the
a d v e rtis in g /p ro m o tio n b u d g e t
and preparing a m onthly events
calendar. You w ill also develop
and m aintain contacts w ith local
vendor resources and establish
project tracking and budgets for
all events.
To qualify, y o u ’ll need a m inim um
o f two years' experience in events
coordination and public relations
to include a know ledge o f bud­
getary controls, public speaking
and retail. S uperior w riting skills
and a B achelor’s degree in Jour­
nalism or equivalent are also re­
quired. You m ust also be detail
oriented with excellent problem
solving and creative skills with
th e ab ility to h a n d le m u ltip le
NIKE backs every career opportu­
nity w ith a com petitive salary and
benefits package. Please send
yo u r resum e to: E m p lo ym e n t
C enter, N IKE R etail, 3700 SW
M u rra y B lvd, B e a v e rto n , OR
97005. W e are an Equal O ppor­
tunity Em ployer
Instructor, W riting C enter C o ordi­
nator. Full-tim e, 9 m onth fixed
term position. C enter for W riting
and Learning, O regon S tate Uni­
versity. R equires M.A. in English,
or com parable degree. Prefer­
ence to candidates w ho have
taught w riting and/or w orked in a
w riting center at the university
level. S end letter o f application,
vita, three letters of reference by
A ugust 13, 1992 to: Lisa Ede,
D irector, C enter fo r W riting and
Learning, O regon S tate U niver­
sity, C orvallis, O R 97331-6404
(737-2930). O S U is an A ffirm a ­
tive A ctio n /E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity
Em ployer and is responsive to
dual-career needs.
Community & Family
P ro vid e s fa m ily and in d iv id u a l
therapy services to youth living
at residential treatm ent center.
M em ber of interdisciplinary treat­
m ent team in the living unit, M ini­
mum Q ualifications: M aster's in
Social W ork or related behav­
ioral field (preference for c andi­
dates w ith LC SW ), 2 yrs. child
care. exp. in a residential or day
Tx setting O R 2 yrs. as adoles­
cent & fam ily therapist O R 2 yrs.
exp. in any group care setting.
Full tim e position w ith benefits,
w ork evenings and w eekends as
required to m eet resident and
fam ily needs. $2,090 - $2,537/
month. Please subm it com pleted
application, cover letter and w rit­
ten exercise to: C hildren’s Farm
Hom e. PO Box 1028, C orvallis,
O R 97339-1028. Applicants o u t
of C orvallis area phone: (503)
757-1852. C LO S IN G DATE: 7/
27/92. Equal O pportunity Em ­
:or the Inform ation System Unit of
the L e g isla tive A d m in is tra tio n
C om m ittee. P osition p e rform s
c o m p u te r p ro g ra m m in g tasks
required to achieve correct and
e ffic ie n t c o d in g , te s tin g , and
docum entation of c om puter pro­
gram s. M ust have experience in
application d e velop m e nt using
relational data bases on m ain­
fram e com puters, and structured
system design and analysis tech­
niques. Salary ranges $2,005 -
$2,692 per m onth. A Legislative
A dm inistration C om m ittee appli­
cation is required. A pplication
m aterials m ust be received by 5
PM, July 3 1 ,1 9 9 2 . C ontact P er­
sonnel S ervices, Legislative A d­
m in istration C o m m ittee, S401
State C apitol, Salem , O R 97310
(503) 378-8530. Fax (503) 378-
3289. TDD: (503) 378-5009. EOE
Personal, D ebt C onsolidation
H om e & Business Loan
Up to 50K
Community And
Relations Manager
$43,320 - $60,960
T he O regon D epartm ent o f “T rans-
portation seeks a branch m an­
ager. C om m unity and go ve rn ­
m ental R elations provides co m ­
m unications and legislative d i­
rection for the D epartm ent. W e
are looking for individuals w ho
h ave a d e m o n s tra te d p e rfo r­
m ance record directing a public
affairs, com m unications, or gov­
ernm ental relations program or
organization. T o apply, applicants
m ust call o r w rite to O D O T fo r an
application package at (503) 378-
6281, or O D O T, 120 T ransporta­
tion Bldg., Salem , O R 97310. All
com pleted application m aterials
m ust be received by 5 p.m . on
A u g u st7,1992. O D O T is an equal
o p p o rtu n ity /a ffirm a tiv e a c tio n
em ployer com m itted to cultural
Office Assistant
Class No. 012-0792-TR
Planning Dept.
Full-Tim e
$7.03 - $9.90/Hr.
T he M etropolitan S ervice D is­
trict is recruiting for an O ffice
A ssistant to perform a variety
of routine office supports tasks
according to prescribed pro­
cedures. Essential D uties will
in c lu d e re c e p tio n is t d u tie s ,
screening calls and visitors’
typing; filing; m ail routing; d i­
recting visitors; verifying in­
fo rm a tio n ; an d o p e ra tin g a
variety of m odern o ffice equip­
m ent. O ther tasks m ay be as­
signed to this position. This
position closes F riday, July 31,
1 9 9 2 . A p p lic a tio n s a n d
S up p le m e n ta l re q u ire m e n ts
can be picked up at the:
M etropolitan S ervice D istrict
2000 SW F irst A venue
Portland, O R 97201
R esum es w ill not be accepted
A A /E E O Em ployer
Planning Dept.
$ 3 3 ,6 7 9 -$ 4 7 ,3 9 8
T he M etropolitan S ervice D is­
trict is recruiting for a full-tim e
position assigned to the High
C apacity T ra n sit (H C T) P lan­
ning S ection o f M etro’s T rans­
portation S ection in the P lan­
ning D epartm ent. T he S enior
Transportation P lannerw ill co­
ordinate transportation plan­
ning activities fo r a high ca ­
pacity tra n s it stu d y as a s ­
signed. T his position closes
Friday, A ugust 7 ,1 9 9 2 a t 5:00
p.m . A pplications and supple­
m ental requirem ents w ill be
accepted by mail if postm arked
by 5:00 p.m ., by the applica­
tion deadline. Applications and
supplem ental requirem ents (if
living out of state) can be ob­
tained by calling the M etro
Personnel O ffice, (503) 221-
1646, Ext-292. Local residents
m ay pick up A pplications and
s u p p le m e n ta l re q u ire m e n ts
from the:
Metro Personnel Office
2000 S W F irst Avenue
Portland, O R 97201
R esum es w ill not b e accepted
A A /E E O E m ployer
A dm issions A ssistant to aid stu­
dent recruitm ent and enrollm ent
through telem arketing and other
contact. E vening hours required.
B achelor’s d egree and m inim um
experience in telem arketing or
related field re q u ire d . A nnual
salary $15,765 w ith full benefit
package. C ontact H um an Re­
sources at C oncordia C ollege,
2811 NE H olm an, Portland, O R
97211, phone 280-8514. A ppli­
cation deadline 07/27/92.
Portland Area
$23,700 per year plus benefits,
Postal carriers, sorters, clerks.
For an application and exam in ­
form ation, call 1-219-736-9807,
ext P -6 8 5 7 .6 am to 6 pm , 7 days.
Systems Analyst
Clark County, Washington
Closing Date: July 31,1992
O regon C utting System s, an es­
tablished Oregon m anufacturer,
has im m ediate openings in the
Tualatin area for part-tim e pack­
aging w orkers. This 25-30 hour
per w eek job is scheduled to be
ideal for parents with school-age
children. Pay is based on a piece
rate targeted at $8.00 per hour.
No benefits are provided.
The ideal applicant w ill be detail
o riented, able to be part o f a team
dedicated to doing things right
the first time. High school level
m ath and reading skills are re­
quired. Training in quality m eth­
ods will be provided. O ccasional
lifting of 50lbs and packaging of
light but large bulky objects re­
Please contact Todd Brown 657-
2120 a t the Oregon City State
Em ploym ent O ffice or apply in
person at Oregon Cutting Sys­
tems, 4909 SE International Way,
M ilwaukie, O r 97222.
Portland Center for the
Performing Arts
Full-Tim e $9.42/Hr.
T he M etroE R C is recruiting for
a full-tim e secretarial posi­
tion for the Portland C enter
for the Perform ing Arts. This
position is open to in-house
em ployees and T arget Area
residents only. T arget Area
applicants applying for this
position m ust live w ithin the
follow ing boundaries: C olum ­
bia V illa and C hautauqua on
the w est; C olum bia Blvd. on
the north; Banfield Freeway
on the south ; and N E 42nd on
the east. Essential D uties will
consist for a w ide variety of
responsible secretarial and
clerical duties in support of
m a n a g e m e n t, p ro fe ssio n a l
and technical staff; and pro­
vide general inform ation and
a s s is ta n c e to th e p u b lic .
S om e specific duties w ill in­
clude proofreading; respond­
ing to com plaints; m aintain
calendars and schedules of
activities; m aintain payroll re­
ports; prepare billings; per­
form special projects, and
other duties as assigned. This
position closes Tuesday, July
28, 1992. A pplications and
supplem ental requirem ents
m ust be received, or post­
m arked no later than 5:00
p.m ., July 2 8 ,1 9 9 2 . A pplica­
tions and supplem ental re­
quirem ents can be picked up
T he M etropolitan S ervice D is­
M etroE R C & the O regon C on­
vention C enter A dm inistra­
tion O ffices
The Urban League
T he NE W orkforce C enter
Metropolitan Service Dist.
2000 SW First Ave.
Portland, OR
Oregon Convention Center
777 NE Marlin Luther King, Jr. Blvd
Portland, OR
R esum es will not be accepted
A A /E E O Em ployer
Maintenance Worker I
Salem Office
C a n d id a te s m ust have a High
School diplom a or the equivalent
and a valid Lim ited Journeym an
Lim ited Energy license to be con­
sidered. K now ledge and skills to
operate pow er tools safely and a
valid O regon d rive r’s license is
needed. T he physical capacity to
perform the assigned w ork such
as: ability to w ork from ladders at
various heights; lift up to fifty
pounds; and w ork irregular hours
w hen needed.
T he salary range for this position is
$1,418 - $1,762, Send an Appli-
cation/R esum e w ith cover letter
by, Thursday, July 3 0 ,1 9 9 2 to:
SAIF Corporation
Personnel D ivision
PO Box 988
Salem , OR 97308-0988
FAX #(503) 373-8628
Equal O pportunity Em ployer
Accounts Payable
O regon’s fastest grow ing and larg­
est retailer of H om e Furnishings
needs a qualified full tim e A c­
counts P ayable Clerk. S uccess­
ful candidates w ill have had ex­
perience in heavy volum e of pro­
cessing invoices, m atching in­
voices to bills o f ladings, and
re c e iv in g d o cu m e n ts. S hould
have ten key by touch and one
year accounting education. M ust
be able to w ork flexible hours, we
have a rotating schedule. Som e
w eekend w ork is required. W e
have a com petitive benefit and
com pensation package and the
o p p o r tu n ity fo r p ro fe s s io n a l
grow th is offered.
Apply at:
Smith’s Home
C orporate O ffices 25600 SW
Parkw ay C enter Drive
W ilsonville, O R 97070
A pplications w ill be accepted 9am -
5pm M onday, July 20 - Friday,
July 24.
S m ith’s is an Equal O pportunity
Em ployer
R esponsible for perform ing sys­
tems analysis, program m ing, and
m aintenance of the C orrections
D ep a rtm e n t’s m icrocom puters
and local area netw ork.
R equirem ents:
Associate degree with cou rse work
in data processing, com puter
science, m icrocom puters or a re­
lated field.
Tw o (2) years experience w orking
w ith m icrocom puters w hich o p ­
erate under M S-D O S or com pa­
rable system s.
Salary R ange $1,827 - $2,330 per
m onth
(Starting salary depending on ex­
R equires C lark C ounty application
and answ ers to supplem ental
question naire. For application
m aterials contact:
Clark County Human Resources
1013 Franklin Street
P.O. box 5000
Vancouver, W A 98668-5000
(206) 737-6018
TD D : (206) 737-6032
Equal O pportunity Em ployer
24 Hour Job Hot Line 653-4441
An Equal O pportunity Em ployer
10 Event Custodians
Oregon Convention Center
R e q u ire s m inim um of 2 years
AutoC AD experience with exper­
tise in one or m ore of the follow ­
ing: roads, streets, highw ays,
sewers, subdivisions. DCA ex­
perience a Plus.
The O regon C onvention Center
is recruiting for 10 part-tim e
positions to serve as event
custodians for the facility. This
position isopen to T arget Area
residents only. T arget Area ap­
plicants applying for this posi­
tion m ust live w ithin the follow ­
ing boundaries: C olum bia Villa
and C hautaugua on the west;
C olum bia Blvd. on the north,
Banfield Freeway on the south;
and N.E. 42nd on the east.
Essential duties will consist of
c le a n in g of re s tro o m s and
maintaining restroom supplies;
sw eeping and m opping floors;
answ ering questions from the
general public; doing change­
over preparation set-ups for
events, and other duties as
assigned. This position closes
W ednesday, July 29, 1992.
Applications and supplem en­
tal requirem ents m ust be re­
ceived, or postm arked no late
than 5:00 p.m ., July 2 9 ,1 9 9 2 .
Applications and supplem en­
tal requirem ents can be picked
up at:
T he M etropolitan Service Dis­
M etroER C & the O regon C on­
vention C enter A dm inistration
O ffices
The Urban League
The NE W orkforce C enter
Requires 2 years H.V.A.C. design
e xperience , 1 year A utoC A D
C om m ercial and/or industrial pip­
ing on A utoC A D (2 years experi­
ence min).
R equires steel and concrete de­
sign experience on A utoC A D
(min. 2 years experience).
R equires m inim um of 2 years ex­
p e rie n c e , E/M C A D d e s ig n ;
racks, panels, injection m olded
p la stics. M inim um o f 1 ye a r
AutoC AD experience.
1 year AutoC AD experience w ith 2
years experience design fire pro­
tection system s.
For im m ediate consideration fax
your resum e to: 503-297-8030,
or call:
Job Shoppers, Inc.
"Engineering, All Discipline"
5319 SW W estgate Dr. #146
Portland, OR 97221
Equal O pportunity Em ployer
2000 SW First Ave
Portland, OR
Oregon Convention Center
777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd
Portland, OR
R esum es will not be accepted
A A /E E O Em ployer
Economic Opportunity
Committee Of Clark County, Inc.
Family Service
Worker II
A A in H um an Services or related
field w ith 4 yrs. w orking w ith ch il­
dren and fam ilies in a hum an
service capacity.
Position requires acting as fam ily
advocate; know ledge o f Clark
County and its resources. Direct
involvem ent in Head S tart help­
ful. 40-45 w ks./yr.; 40 hrs./wk.
Entry level salary $8.24/hr.
R equires dependable autom obile,
insurance, valid driver's license.
O btain application, position a n ­
nouncem ent and job description
9:00 a.m . - 4:00 p.m., M on-Fri.,
EOC O ffice, 10621 N.E. C oxley
Drive, Suite 207, V ancouver, W A
98662 (206) 896-9912. C o m ­
pleted applications m ust be re ­
ceived in EOC O ffice by 4:00
p.m ., July 29, 1992.
Teacher’s Aide
O ur C lients need your secretarial
skills. Positions throughout the
Portland Metro area. W eekly pay-
checks, no fees. Short and Long
Term assignm ents.
Job Shoppers, Inc.
"Tem porary Services"
5319 SW W estgate Dr. #146
Portland, OR 97221
Equal O pportunity Em ployer
Call: 297-8037
Apply At:
Job Shoppers, Inc.
5319 SW W estgate Dr. #146
(Sylvan Exit off Hwy 26)
Portland, OR 97221
Equal O pportunity Em ployer
TCI C ablevision of O regon, Inc.,
an Equal O pportunity Em ployer,
currently has a full tim e opening
for the follow ing position: U nder­
g round C o n stru ctio n Laborer.
D rug T e s t R equired O f Final
Applicant. Q ualifications: A ble to
lift & C arry 70 lbs, clim b poles, &
good physical condition. V alid
driver's license w ith good record.
High school diplom a or equiva­
lent. Applications A ccepted U n­
til: 7/31/92. Interested parties
m a y s u b m it a p p lic a tio n s /re -
sum es by mail to:
TCI Cablevision of Oregon, Inc.
3500 SW Bond Street
Portland, OR 97201
Attn: Scott W heeler
..•< > ; w
.r -
• '«««T
v '..
■ V.
t e
sr» ;
S. '“Z w *
SL. .Y...
$200 - $500 WEEKLY
A ssem ble products at hom e Easy!
No selling. Y ou’re paid direct.
Fully G uaranteed. FREE in fo r­
m ation-24 H our H otline. 801-
C opyright #OR147D H
Equal Opportunity Employer
. • -
’ .« K . '
W a re h o u s e P o s itio n s : L a rg e
Steel Service C enter has sev­
eral positions for w arehouse per- |
sons. Experience preferred. A p ­
ply in person at 12219 N Burgard,
Portland, OR, Between 8:00 a.m.
and 4:00 p.m. E O E M F/M /H /V
Apply in Person At:
2626 SE 122nd Ave., Portland
All Days & Shifts!
Top Pay!
Weekly Paychecks!
No Fees!
• a -*-- a
S u m m e r is h e re a nd w e a re
SW AM PED w ith good jobs that
need filling NO W I Q uality w o rk­
ers w ith references need to ap­
ply NO W for jobs throughout the
P ortla n d /B e a ve rto n /V a n co u ve r
area. W e have current openings
in Light Industrial, Food P roduc­
tion, M achinery Operation, A s ­
sem bly, Production Line...etc.,
etc., etc.
We currently have positions available for Sears
Telemarketers. Starting rate $6.30/hour. 24-
32 hours per week. We offer many benefits.
. . .
No Bull!
We’re Full!
of Job Orders!
Position available: T e acher’s Aide/
Playground S upervisor gr. 1-5,
Sept.-June. Experience w ithchil-
dren in groups, good o rganiza­
tional skills. R esum e: H arvey
Zendt c/o O ES, 6300 S W Nicol
Road. Portland, O R 97223.
Seeking Program C oordinator for
full day laboratory P reschool,
m inim um q u a lifica tio n s BA in
child developm ent ECE or hu­
m an developm ent 3 yrs teaching
exp. in full day program . Ability
to w ork with diverse population,
good com m unication and o rg a ­
nization skills. Skills 12 m onths
fu ll-tim e pos. B egins S e p t 7.
$23,004 annual salary plus b e n ­
efits send resum e transcripts and
nam es and num bers o f 3 refer­
ences to Ellie Nolan, HG C D C -
PSU, P.O. Box 751, Portland
OR 97207 for info, or pos. d e ­
scription call 725-3092.
Applications review ed beginning
Aug. 14 pos. open until filled PSU
is EO -AA Em ployer
Telephone Sales
Playground Supervisor
' •
Helen Gordon Child
Development Center
Portland State University
Electrical CAD D esigners needed
w ho have a m inim um of 2 years
AutoC AD or Intergraph w ork e x­
perience e.
Metropolitan Service Dist
Oregon Cutting Systems
Division Blount, Inc.
œ Advertising
■ •
- . . ’
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