Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 22, 1992, Page 7, Image 7

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July 22, 1992...The Portland Observer...Page 7
i Portland Observer
Scripture o f the V fo-i
“Why Did He Have To Die?”
¡based on the text found in / Peter
3 A 4 The Living B ible/
Jesus Chrisl, the Son o f the L ivin g
God, was bom o f the virgin Mary and
became flesh.
As Christ stood speaking to His
disciples, he said “ I am the way, the
truth, and the life: no man cometh unto
the Father, but by me. I f ye had known
me, for who I am, then you would have
known who my Father is. From now on
you know h im -a n d have seen h im !”
“ D on’ t you believe that I am in the
Father ad the Father is in me. The words
I say are not my own but are from my
Father who lives in me. And he does his
w ork through inc. O r else believe it
because o f the m ighty miracles you
have seen me do.” [John 14]
Yes! Christ lived among us and He
suffered human pains. He came to this
earth so that he could better understand
the human side o f man. In doing so, he
also found out the d iffic u lty that man
was having w ith sin. The Cross was
planned destiny. Christ had to make
thatsuprcme sacrifice; if he had not.... we
would all be lost. Christ had to die.
Can you imagine dying for your
friends? That is what Christ did! Christ
suffered for Y O U ! He died once for the
sins o f all us g u ilty sinners, although he
him self was innocent o f any sin at any
time, that he m ight bring us safely home
to God. But though his body died, his
spirit lived on, and it was in the spirit
that he visited the spirits in prison, and
preached to them-— spirits o f those who,
long before in the days o f Noah, waited
patiently for them while Noah wasbuild-
ing the A rk. Yet, only eight persons
were saved from drowning in that ter­
rible Hood. (That, by the way, is what
baptism pictures for us: In baptism we
show that we have been saved from
death and doom by the resurrection o f
Christ; not because our bodies are
washed clean by the water, but because
in being baptized we are turning to God
and asking him to cleanse our hearts
from sin).
Now, C hrist is in heaven, sitting in
the place o f honor next to God the
Father, w ith all the angels and powers
o f heaven bowing before him and obey­
ing him.
Since C hrist suffered and under­
went pain, you must have the same
attitude he did; you must be ready to
suffer, too. For remember, when your
body suffers, sin loses it power, and you
w on ’t be spending the rest o f your life
chasing after e vil desires, but w ill be
anxious to do the w ill o f God. Y ou have
had enough in the past o f the evil things
the godless enjoy: sex sin, lust, getting
drink, w ild parlies, drinking bouts, and
the worship o f idols, and other terrible
O f course, your former friends w ill
be very surprised when you don’t ea­
gerly jo in them any more in the wicked
things they do, and they w ill laugh at
you in that they must face the Judge o f
all, livin g and dead; they w ill be pun­
ished for the way they have lived. That
is why the GOOD NEWS was preached
even to those who were dcad--killed by
the flo o d -s o that although their bodies
were punished w ith death, they could
still live in their spirits as God lives.
The end o f the w orld is coming
soon. Therefore be earnest, thoughtful
& glas V company ;
Public Service
Do you need
child care?
men o f prayer. Most important o f all,
continue to show deep love fo r each
other, for love makes up for many o f
your faults. C heerfully share what you
have w ith those who need a meal or a
place to stay fo r the night.
God has given each o f you some
special abilities; be sure to use them to
help each other, passing on to others
G od’ s many kinds o f blessing.
This suffering is a ll part o f the work
God has given you. Christ, who suffered
for you, is your example. F ollow in his
steps: He never sinned, never told a lie,
never answered back when insulted;
when he suffered he did not threaten to
get even; he left his case in the hands o f
God who always judges fairly. He per­
sonally carried the load o f our sins in his
own body when he died on the cross, so
that we can be finished w ith sin and live
a good life from now on. For his wounds
havehealcdours! P R A IS E TH E LO R D !!
We are a ll like sheep who have
gone astray; but C hrist came to die, so
that we could all be rescued. There is
just one catch, though. God gave to
man--the a bility to choose. Yes, God
created us; but he does not force any o f
us to serve him. He has shown us, by His
life ’s example, that we can make it—
only i f we want to. Everyone must de­
cide whether or not they want C hrist to
dw ell w ithin.
M y dear sisters and brothers, we arc
only visitors here. Since our real home
is in heaven I beg you to keep away from
the e vil pleasures o f this w orld; they are
not fo r you, for they fight against your
very souls.
Pray for the L o rd ’ s work to be done
around the world.
The Celebration Tabernacle Singers
Maranatha Disciples II
Irvington Covenant W orship Singers
M t. Sinai COGIC W orship Singers
4236 NE Eighth Avenue
Sponsored by
The A frican American Pastors fo r the B illy Graham Crusade
{corner of 8th £ Skidmore)
For more information please call Henry Greenidge at 287-5226
Portland, Oregon 97211
(503) 287-0261
Has moved Sunday services to
Stone lower Church,
N.E. Sandy Blvd. & 30th
Worship Services 8:0(1 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Church School 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Bible Study, Wednesdays. 116 N.E. Schuyler
10:30 a.m. and 7:(X) p.m.
Radio Ministry each Sunday. 8:00 a.m. on KBMS
A 'leaching Church With A Reaching Ministry
Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor
Church Office 116 N.E. Schuyler St.
(503) 284-1954
Cleodus Vann
Psalm 34:3
baptist C hurch
Family Owned and Operated
Since 1954
Serving the City of Portland
for over 37 years
In your hour of need
Vann &vann are there to serve
Maranatha Church
4222 NE 12th Avenue & Skidmore
Portland, OR 97211
W ith an Inspirational W ord from
Reverend Gus Romans, Pastor
Z ion Baptist Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Phillip S. Nelson Pastor
S to rm D oo rs a n d W indow s
CME CL upek
Pastor H illary
Visit The Church
o f Your Choice
Sunday, July 26, 1992 at 6:00 p.m.
A lle n le m p le
Palm Lane COGIC
11730 South
Central Avenue
La» Angele»,
All Types of Auto Plate and Window Glass
Jesus Loves You!
July 11, 1992
10:00 a.m.
Portland, Oregon, August 1, 1946 to Mary O.
Allen and Joe Louis. She received her formal
education in the Oregon Educational System.
By profession she was a Social Worker specializ­
ing in working with the mentally handicapped.
Beverly was joined in wedlock to Wallace Alonzo
Nettles in 1964. Of this union Wallace Alonzo
Nettle II was born. Shortly after moving to Los
Angeles in 1978, she joined Palm Lane COGIC.
She was a faithful member until her death.
She leaves to cherish loving memories 3 sisters,
Carol, Cilda and Bemonica and 7 brothers,
Verdell, Jonathan, Joe, Jr., Doug, Kevin, Anthony
and Wayne; 2 grandchildren Michael Jackson
and Brandis Nettles; 1 daughter-in-law, Toni
Nettles; nephew, Leon Heartley; nieces, Andrea
Heartly, Ebony Edwards and Adriana Edwards
and grandniece, Breana Parks and a host of
other relatives and friends.
P h o n e 2 4 9 -5 8 8 6
BeverlyR. Lampkin
North/Northeast Rally Day
For The Billy Graham Crusade
Going Home Celebration
Then, you need to know about A l­
bina Head Start, form erly A M A Head
Start. Albina Head Start provides fu ll
day care for children who are 3 ,4 , and
5 years old.
The Albina Head Start offers free
childcare to low-income fam ilies in the
N „ N.E., and S.E., area o f Portland.
W ith the new school year approaching,
there are openings for your children.
So, i f you’re in a training program,
in school, or i f you are w orking, give
Albina Head Start a call at 282-1975.
Get involved w ith Albina Head Start
and be a part o f your children's educa­
Openings are lim ited so get a head
start and calll no w fo r more information
at 2 8 2 -1 9 7 5 , e xt. 202 (N a n c y
The fam ily o f Dometta “ LaShay”
Dorn would like to express their grati­
tude and sincere appreciation fo r the
many prayers, telephone calls, visits,
cards, flowers, food, and fellow ship at
the time o f our lost.
We thank you, what ever part you
played, thank you fo r being you.
Parents: A rthur & Evelyn Bryant,
Clarence D om , Sr.
4709 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd
Portland, Oregon 97211
St. John Chapter 4
5211 N. W illia m s P o r'/a n d , Or. 97217
M allory Avenue
Christian Church
J ia p tts t (iljn r c lj
8101 N. Fiske Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97203
Church Pho.ta: 2 8 9 -4 147
Sunday Service
Sunday School
9 :3 0
Bible Study
6 :0 0
Evening Service
7 :0 0 P.M.
Study Phon«: 289-1 »11
i s c i p
l e
o f
r i s t
God's Presence promises
Power through Jesus Christ In
Good Times and Bad Times
A/lcttf>eu/ n .P d
"Come to me all you who ore
weary and heavy loden and I
will give you rest"
Sunday School
Morning Worship
Tuesday Bible
Study and Prayer
Inter-racial Congregation
Denise Ft. Bell, Postor
126 N.6. Riberta t Portland, OR 97211 t (503) 288-5173
Pastor. Rev James CF. Faulkner
Themes W h atever you're going to do
fo r th e Lord, do it n o w
I Peter lv.11
For Best Results
Advertise in the Observer
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