July 22, 1992...The Portland ()bserver...Page 3 Health Check-Ups For Women Offered Perot may be out, but independent politics is still in The Perot phenomenon was and is a ll about the substantial number o f Americans - white and Black - who are disgusted and dissatisfied w ith two-party politics in America. The response to Ross Perot ’ s presidential candidacy was a measure o f that disgust, not o f his personal popularity. That remains as true today w ith M r. Perot out o f the race as it was yesterday w ith M r. Perot in the race, even as the Democratic and Re­ publican parties move like the vultures that they are to woo Perot’ s supporters. Perot said he pulled out o f the race because he couldn’t w in. But his deci­ sion was obviously prompted by the fact that in order to w in the presidency in November he would have had to reach out to A frican Americans, to Latinos, to lesbians and gays, to w orking people, and to the left liberal w ing o f the Demo­ cratic Party which has been totally de­ serted by the C linton-Gore ticket. M r. Perot decided that he w ould not reach out to that base not because he w ou ldn ’t do w ell to do so, but because he has no sensitivity to those communities. However, M r. Perot’ s insensitivity over again that the while Americans who make up the base o f the Perot movement are w illin g to w ork w ith the Black com m unity, the Latino com m u­ nity, and the gay com m unity. Those bases must be brought together - and I am the presidential candidate who w ill do that. M y appeal is directly to the Perot voter: jo in w ith us to continue to make your statement about the total corrup­ tion o f the two-party system in A m e ri­ can politics. The Republican Party is a party o f the right. The Democratic Party, under the stewardship o f the Democratic Lead­ ership Council and B ill C linton, has become a party o f the center right. A frican Americans, gays, labor, and liberal whites are le ft w ithout represen­ tation. But i f that disenfranchised base joins w ith the Perot base, weean change does not, in my opinion, carry over to his base. As a Black woman running fo r the presidency I have traveled around the country, and I have found over and American politics. The tim ing on M r. Perot’ s decision cannot be separated from the fact that over the last several weeks he has sig­ nifica ntly alienated the Black com m u­ nity at the same time as he has seen the Democratic Party convention render Blacks and other traditional constitu­ ents o f the party powerless. A t a time when it made the most sense for him to embrace that base, he pulled out o f the race. This decision shows his glaring weakness and his unwillingness to build a real independenlcoalition in America. Far more revealing than the fact that M r. Perot did not want gays in his cabinet is the fact that M r. Perot did not want gays, blacks or other disenfran­ chised people in his movement. There must be an honest and seri­ ous debate now over where the Perot voter can go. 1 am calling upon the media to shape that debate in a in c lu ­ sive and honest manner by including me and the independent option I repre­ sent in their coverage o f the presiden­ tial race so that the Perot voter can know all the options that are available. And 1 call on M r. Perot to put up the hundred m illio n dollars he had pledged to spend on his presidential run to fund open and inclusive debates among Democrats, Republicans and indepen­ dents a ll around the country so that the American voter can participate in the real grassroots dem ocratic process which he claimed to support. To speak to Dr. Fulani, call 1 -800- 288-3201, for further inform ation on m ed ia b o o k in g s , c a ll M a d e ly n Chapman atC astilloCom m unications: A health check-up for women w ill be given from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Satur­ day, A ugust 1, at W estern Stales Chiropractic College C lin ic in Port­ land. The $20examination fee w ill cover the cost o f a pelvic exam w ith pap smear, breast exam w ith instructionson self examination and a spinal evalua­ tion. The health screen also includes a urinary lab test and a blood pressure check. The check-ups are administered by fourth-year interns under the super­ vision o f chiropractic physicians. Women are encouraged to call early for appointments at 255-6671 as open­ ings are lim ited. The c lin ic is located in the Parkrose area o f Portland at 2900 NE 132nd Avenue. Western States Chiropractic C o l­ lege C lin ic is a nonprofit organization. how We, on the « h e r hand, can stick yoti w itfi any ladder, fees or put together a manufactured unnecessary costs And, most home loan you can feel good importantly, we’ll make sure every thing conjes(together in the end 5ll!)WashlngtonMuh; »l ( fr Summer is here, watch out for children!! 212-580-7400. For Best Results Advertise in the Observer! Seattle: 461-3000 or 1-800-562-3565 ‘ ; Public Notice Wholesale to the Public 35% to 50% off 100% Human Hair 16” from $15.95 braiding and weaving Wigs and Beauty Supplies We will meet or beat anyone’s prices. Sales and Promotional items excluded. A Brand New Store With Over P/2 Acres o f Fabrics! (73,000 SQUARE FEET) Most Complete Fabric Store In The West GIGANTIC Mrs. C’s Wigs and Beauty Supply 707 N.E. Fremont Portland, Oregon 97212 (503) 281-6525 Open: 11:30 - 6:00 Tues thru Saturday Traffic Advisory T onight at 8 p.m., the on-ramp from southbound M cLoughlin Boule­ vard (99E) to the M ilw aukie Express­ way (Oregon 224) eastbound w ill be closed for construction, it w ill reopen at APPRECIATIO N DAY SALE 5 a.m. The w ork is part o f a $10-m illion fr o m J u l y 2 2 n d th r u A u g u s t 4 th project to widen M cLoughlin Boule­ vard between Clatsop and Harrison streets and rebuild the Highway 224 ramp to M cLoughlin. 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