• • X X X X X X X Page IO...The Portland ()bserver...July 22, 1992 P A R A G O C A B L E N CABLE INSTALLER Outstanding opportunity available for a responsible, reliable individual to install cable TV in customers' homes and to ex­ plain and demonstrate cable services Requires stable work history, excellent customer relations skills, a valid driver s li­ cense and good driving record. Must be able to work at heights on ladders and poles, and be available to work flex­ ible hours including evenings and weekends. Previous ca­ ble installation experience preferred but not required We re­ quire a preernployment physical examination and drug screening We have an excellent training program and offer competitive salary and benefits Please apply in person to: PARAGON CABLE 3075 NE SANDY BLVD. P A R A G O C A B L E N Direct Sales Representative Come join the Paragon Sales Team as a Residential Sales Representative TODAY' Paragon is one of the largest, fast­ est growing cable companies in Portland and we are looking for you We offer good commissions, whichever is higher, during training, excellent benefits, and an opportunity to be a part of this dynamic industry Qualified applicants need reliable transportation and a good driving record Sales ex perience is helpful, but not required If this sparks an interest in you, come and apply at 3075 NE Sandy Blvd, Portland We offer a drug-free workplace Equal Opportunity Employe» Invitation For Bids City of Eugene Invitation For Bids City of Eugene Airport Improvements Signing Job No. 2830 Eugene Airport-Mahlon Sweet Field Eugene, Oregon A.I.P. NO. 3-41-0018-15 Airport Improvements Job No. 2831 Eugene Airport-Mahlon Sweet Field Eugene, Oregon A.I.P. NO. 3-41-0018-15 Sealed proposals will be received by the office of the Department of Public Works, Engineering Division 858 Pearl Street, Eugene, Oregon, until 10:00 o'clock a.m. local time on the fourth day of August, 1992, at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read. The work contemplated consists of, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Furnishing and installing of approximately 70 lighted airfield signs and 12 unlighted signs. 2. Installing of required electrical cable and duct associ­ ated with the sign installation including 3 new sign circuits from the equipment building to the airfield. Sealed proposals will be received by the office of the Department of Public Works, Engineering Division 858 Pearl Street, Eugene, Oregon, until 10:00 o'clock a.m. local time on the fourth day of August, 1992, at which time the bids will be publicly opened and 3. W o rk in the e q u ip m e n t b u ild in g in c lu d in g : Providing and installing of the 2 new 4 kw constant current regulators and the rewiring of existing regula­ tors. 4. Miscellaneous electrical and pavement marking im­ provements to complete the system. The contract time will be limited to 60 calendar days. Liquidated damages will be charged at the rate of $600 per day should the contractor fail to complete the work within the time limit specified. Sundays and legal holidays shall be excluded in determining days in default. Contract documents may be procured at the Department of Public Works, Engineering Division, 858 Pearl Street, Eugene, or at the office of W&H Pacific, Inc. 8405 SW Nimbus; PO Box 80040, Portland, OR 97280, (503) 626-0455. Payment of a $50.00 non-refundable fee will be required for each set re­ quested. Construction documents for the project may be examined at the following locations; Eugene Builders Exchange......135 Silver Lane Eugene 97404 Salem Contractors Exchange.... PO Box 12065 Salem 97309 Medford Builders Exchange......315 North Bartlett Street Medford 97501 Construction Data & News........l200NWFrontAvenue#180Portiand97209 Central OregonBuildersExchange 707 NW Hill Street Bend 97701 the proposed contract is subject to the following regulations: P A R A G O C A B L E 1. Bidders must submit qualification statements in ac­ cordance with the terms of Subsection 20-02 of these specifications with their Proposal. 2. The proposed contract is under and subject to Execu­ tive Order 11246 of September 24, 1986 and to the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Federal Labor Provisions. All labor on the project shall be paid no less than the minimum wage rates established by the U.S. Secre­ tary of Labor. Each Bidder must supply all information required by the bid documents and specifications. N 3. DIGITAL MUSIC EXPRESS Fortune 500 company introducing innovative CD mu sic system in the Portland market Exclusive ground floor opportunity marketing direct to the consumer. Candidates will demonstrate and install digital music receivers. Knowledge of home audio equipment and previous outside sales experience required Must be able to work evenings and weekends Call Mark for more information at 731 -5873 4. 5. 6. Equal Opportunity I rnptuyer BUS DRIVERS t 7. 8. APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED Between 9am - 2pm 6755 NE Columbia 284-6466 Secure Positions Now Equal O pportunity Employer LAIDLAW TRANSIT, INC. R e ception ist/S ecre tary - Two positions available. Full-time Re­ ceptionist and full-time Secre­ tary/Relief Receptionist. Private, non-profit social services agency. Minimum 1 year heavy phone experience. Secretarial position in the Personnel Department re­ quires 60 wpm typing. Must be courteous and patient. Vehicle necessary. Salary range$10,466 to $16,105 depending upon ex­ perience. Apply at 018 SW Boundary Court, Portland, OR 97201. No phone calls please. Equal Opportunity Employer Clinician Adoptive Family Services Full or Part time position. MSW or Masters in related field preferred. Solid family assessment experi­ ence and knowledge of current practices in adoption necessary. BA with relevant experience may be considered. $18,000 to $21,500 plus excellent benefits. Apply in person or write The Boys and Girls Aid Society. 018 SW Boundary Ct., Portland, OR 97201. Application deadline is August 5. Equal Opportunity Employer Director of Individual Gifts and Vol­ unteer Services, a newly-created position responsible for cultivat­ ing and securing major gifts and coordinating special events. Q ualifications include back­ ground in managing volunteer fund-raising campaigns; proven ability to maximize Income from special events; excellent writing and interpersonal skills. Send resume, references and list of fu n draising cam paigns and events organized to: Develop­ ment Director, Oregon Sym ­ phony, 711 SW Alder, Portland, OR 97205 by August 5. Engineering Electrical P.E. Excellent long term opportunity available for registered Electri­ cal with experience in commer­ cial power and lighting plus power distribution. Drafters/Designers: See our ad under “Drafting/Designers." 297-8037 Job Shoppers, Inc. “Engineering, All Disciplines" 5319 SW Westgate Dr. #146 Portland, OR 97221 NO FEES Equal Opportunity Employer The EEO requirements, labor provisions, and wage rates are included in the specifications and bid docu­ ments. Each Bidder must complete, sign and furnish with his bid a “Certification of Nonsegregated Facilities" and a statement entitled "Bidders Statement of Previous Contracts Subject to EEO Clause," as contained in the Bid Proposal. A Contractor having 50 or more employees and his subcontractors having 50 or more employees and who may be awarded a subcontract of $50,000 or more will be required to maintain an affirmative action program, the standards for which are contained in the FAA special provisions. To be eligible for award each Bidder must comply with the affirmative action requirements which are con­ tained in the specifications. 9. Disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consider­ ation for an award of any contract entered into pursu­ ant to this advertisement. 10. This contract will be funded in part by a grant from the Federal Aviation Administration. In accordance with federal requirements, the City of Eugene has deter­ mined that this contract has subcontracting possibili­ ties and has, therefore, established a goal on this contract of 10.6 percent for the use of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises. All prospective Bidders are directed to the Instruction for Bidders with regard to the procedures the City of Eugene will utilize to achieve this goal. 11. Women will be afforded equal opportunity in all areas of employment. However, the employment of women shall not diminish the standards or requirements for the employment of minorities. Each proposal must be submitted on the prescribed form and accomplished by a certified check or Bid Bond on the form bound within the Contract Documents or one similar, payable to the City of Eugene, in an amount not less than 10 percent (10%) of the amount bid. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish a Performance and Payment Bond, each in the full amount of the contract price. Each prospective Bidder will be requested to attend a pre-bid conference to be held at 10 o'clock a.m., local time on the twenty- eighth day of July at The Eugene Municipal Airport, 28855 Lockheed Drive. At this meeting, all questions concerning the Contract Documents or proposed work will be discussed. A n­ swers and clarifications will be in the form of written addenda to the contract and will be mailed to all prospective Bidders. The Owner reserves the right to waive an informalities or to reject any or all proposals not conforming to the intent and purpose of the contract documents. No Bidder may withdraw his proposal within forty (40) days after the actual date of the opening thereof. The award of the contract is subject to approval of the Federal Aviation Administration and availability of federal funding. The Owner reserves the right to reject all bids if unforeseen difficulties in securing funds should occur. Michael D. Gleason, City Manager read. The work contemplated consists of, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Construction of two, approximately 1000 linear feet by 75 feet, additions to the main parallel taxiway. 2. Construction of new edge lighting for the additions. 3. Reconstruction of approximately 15,000 square feet of general aviation apron. 4. Construction of miscellaneous electrical, drainage, pavement marking and other improvements. The contract time will be limited to 60 calendar days. Liquidated damages will be charged at the rate of $600 per day should the contractor fail to complete the work within the time limit specified. Sundays and legal holidays shall be excluded in determining days in default. Contract documents may be procured at the Department of Public Works, Engineering Division, 858 Pearl Street, Eugene, or at the office of W&H Pacific, Inc. 8405 SW Nimbus; PO Box 80040, Portland, OR 97280. (503) 626-0455. Payment of a $50.00 non-refundable fee will be required for each set re­ quested. Construction documents for the project may be examined at the following locations: Eugene Builders Exchange .... 135 Silver Lane Eugene 97404 Salem Contractors Exchange. PO Box 12065 Salem 97309 Medford Builders Exchange.... 315 North Bartlett Street Medford 97501 Construction Data & News.....925 NW 12th Avenue Portland 97209 Central Oregon Builders Exchange 707 NW Hill Street Bend 97701 The proposed contract is subject to the following regulations: 1. Bidders must subm it qualification statements is ac­ cordance with the terms of Subsection 20-02 of these specifications with their Proposal. 2. The proposed contract in under and subject to Execu­ tive Order 11246 of September 24, 1986 and to the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Federal Labor Provisions. 3. All labor on the project shall be paid no less than the minimum wage rates established by the U.S. Secre­ tary of Labor. 4. Each Bidder must supply all information required by the bid documents and specifications. 5. The EEO requirements, labor provisions, and wage rates are included in the specifications and bid docu­ ments. 6. Each Bidder must complete, sign and furnish with his bid a “Certification of Nonsegregated Facilities” and a statement entitled "Bidders Statem ent of Previous Contracts Subject to EEO Clause,” as contained in the Bid Proposal. 7. A Contractor having 50 or more employees and his subcontractors having 50 or more employees and who may be awarded a subcontract of $50,000 or more will be required to maintain an affirmative action program, the standards for which are contained in the FAA special provisions. 8. To be eligible for award each Bidder must comply with the affirmative action requirements which are con­ tained in the specifications. 9. Disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consider­ ation for an award of any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement. 10. This contract will be funded in part by a grant from the Federal Aviation Administration. In accordance with federal requirements, the City of Eugene has deter­ mined that this contract has subcontracting possibili­ ties and has, therefore, established a goal on this contract of 10.6 percent for the use of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises. All prospective Bidders are directed to the Instruction for Bidders with regard to the procedures the City of Eugene will utilize to achieve this goal. 11. Women will be afforded equal opportunity in all areas of employment. However, the em ployment of women shall not diminish the standards or requirements for the employment of minorities. Each proposal must be submitted on the prescribed form and accomplished by a certified check or Bid Bond on the form bound within the Contract Documents or one similar, payable to the City of Eugene, in an amount not less than 10 percent (10%) of the amount bid. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish a Performance and Payment Bond, each in the full amount of the contract price. Each prospective Bidder will be requested to attend a pre-bid conference to be held at 10 o'clock a.m., local time on the twenty- eighth day of July at The Eugene Municipal Airport, 28855 Lockheed Drive. At this meeting, all questions concerning the Contract Documents or proposed work will be discussed. An­ swers and clarifications will be in the form of written addenda to the contract and will be mailed to all prospective Bidders. The Owner reserves the right to waive any informalities or to reject any or all proposals not conforming to the intent and purpose of the contract documents. No Bidder may withdraw his proposal within forty (40) days after the actual date of the opening thereof. The award of the contract is subject to approval of the Federal Aviation Administration and availability of federal funding. The Owner reserves the right to reject all bids if unforeseen difficulties in securing funds should occur. This 13th day of July, 1992. Michael D. Gleason, City Manager