Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 15, 1992, Page 8, Image 8

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    Page »...The Portland Observer...July 15.1992
i Portland Observer
Scripture o f the
“Preacher Reaching
Oppressed People
Expecting Restoration”
What: Yes Jam "92” Gospel Music
Where: Unthank Park, comer of
Kerby & Shaver Plld, OR
When: Saturday July 25.1992 3:30
Purpose: To reach our young people
in the immediate area and offer them
positive alternatives where it concerns
drugs, gang activity, and other feloni­
ous as well as misdemeanor crime.
Further it is our purpose to help young
people in the area of self awareness, self
esteem and to realize opportunities to
excel in educational and moral growth.
Memorial Fund
Established for
Drowned Youth
The Urban League of Portland is
the trustee of a memorial account estab­
lished in the name of Frederick Mitchell,
a thirteen-year-old Portland youth who
drowned at Vancouver Lake on June
23, 1992. Money contributed to the
account will be used by the Mitchell
family to offset burial expenses.
The account has been opened at the
First Interstate Bank branch at Grand
and Broadway in Northeast Portland,
but deposits may be made at any First
Interstate Bank branch.
Frederick Mitchell was a member
of the Urban League’s “Rites of Pas­
sage” program, which helps young men
learn the responsibilities of manhood.
For further information, contact
Herman Lessard, Jr. at the Urban League
at 280-2600.
Making Heavenly Music With Terry
Church Women United Launches
1992-96 Imperative
A three-pronged imperative ex­
tending to 1996 has been issued by the
national common council of Church
Women United (CWU), according to
Nadine Riley, president of the Portland
unit and national board member.
Priority will be given to the areas of
poverty of women and children, con­
tinuing a five-year imperative com­
pleted this year, health care and the
environment, with the following spe­
cific goals:
Poverty of women and children:
Church Women United will work in
coalition with other organizations to
enhance the social and economic power
of women.
Health care: CWU will facilitate a
reflection/action process to discern the
ethical dilemmas of the current health
care crisis and advocate enactment of a
comprehensive health care program.
Environment: By December 1994,
CWU will complete a study with rec­
ommendations on the interrelationship
A d v ertise
of health, environment and women.
The council met recently in Los
Angeles. A specially appointed CWU
team made site v isits to diverse commu­
nities in the greater Los Angeles area,
Riley said. “Based on the experience
gained by these women, Church Women
United will strengthen its emphasis on
support of economic alternatives and
health care priorities, specifically as they
relate to women and children most
deeply affected by the crisis in our urban
cities. We will stress diversity as an
agent of transformation,” Riley ex­
CWU’s common council is made
up of the CWU national board, the presi­
dent of the 50 state units, the District of
Columbia and Puerto Rico, and national
leaders of supporting denominations.
Church Women United is a national
ecumenical movement joining Protes­
tant, Catholic, Orthodox and other Chris­
tian women to work for peace, justice
and equality.
Terence “Terry” Davis
Saturday, July 18,1992
12 - 5 PM
Shades of Color Art Gallery
316 NE Thompson
Portland, OR
Please come and donate with love. This affair is being given by the
Terry Davis, keyboardist/composer/director, will be presenting an
original piece before the Gospel Music Workshop of America, Inc. in
August of 1992 in Chicago, Illinois.
Please bring someone. Also, Black art pieces will be on sale,
for more information, call 288-3779.
“It’s time to go to church," Terry’s
mother called out, one Sunday morn­
ing. “Don’t worry about anything,” she
said assuredly, “the Lord will lead and
guide you.” Terry emerges from his
bedroom fixing his tie, “I know that
God is faithful Mom.”
This little scenario was just one of
many that was common-place in the
Davis’ home; and not just on Sundays.
It is setting the stage for a great an­
n o u n cem en t co n c ern in g o ne o f
Portland’s own young men.
Although the Davis family resides
in Vancouver, Washington, Portland is
Terry’s place of residence, now that he
is 28 years old, and it is their place of
worship, New Hope Missionary Bap­
tist Church.
Terry received Christ in 1976.This
became a pivotal point in his life.
In 1978, Terry "began playing the
piano and/or organ publicly. He has
never had formal training in keyboard
study, voice, or theory. He is truly a
great example of “See what God can
do!” The proper word is “blessed”.
Although this talent came easily, it did
notcomc without a tremendous amount
of influence from his family. Both
are invited to
Hand-In-Hand Festival
The 14th Annual Hand-in-hand Festival
will be held at the
Saint Andrew’s Community Center
un July 18,1992 from Hr0O a.m .lo 3-flOp.m.
The Hand-in-Hand Festival is a day of sharing between people
with alternate physical and mental abilities. The goal of the
Hand-in-Hand Festival is break down the barriers that separate
people with different abilities, and make the day a joyful experi­
ence for all involved. The participants and volunteers will come
from all areas of Portland to enjoy games, live music,
clowning around, food, prizes and other activities.
The Festival is sponsored jointly by the Saint Andrew Commu­
nity Center and Special Pastoral Services of The Archdiocese.
The Festival will be free for all attending.
Volunteers are welcomed!
5935 N Minnesota Ave
Portland, Oregon 97217
Rev. Felton How ard, Pastor
As We Present Our First Annual
Deacon Edward Peterson 111
Superintendent o f Sunday School
Sister Alice Elizonda,
Director O f Vacation Bible School
Time: 5:00 - 7:00 PM
Rev. Percy Davis, Rev. Claybon Larry. Sis. Dyan W atson, Sis. Carrie
W atson, Sis. Cleo Cobbs, Sis. Lorene Peterson, Bro. Charles Howard, Bro.
Otis Gulley, Sis. Doretha Newburn, Sis. Ida Blackman, Sis. Grace Buckley,
All en Temple CME Ck upch
July 25th at Columbia Park
(corner of 8th £ Skidmore)
b/7/jp S. Nelson Pastor
Worship Services 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Church School 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 N.E. Schuyler
10:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00 a.m. on KBMS
A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry
Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor
Church Office 116 N.E. Schuyler St.
(503) 284-1954
Jam Production, a radio program
on KPDQ 800am has a new format that
appeals and targets an audience that
enjoys Urban, Soul, R&B, and a little
bit of Jazz. It features three hours of the
latest contemporary Gospel music, one
hour of Gospel Rap, and the show ends
up with an hour of Gospel Jazz which is
called Jazz for Jesus. The hosts, Ken
Mitchell-Phillips, and Rubyn Warren
start the show at 7:00 pm every Sunday.
The program is two mon ths old and
has received a tremendous response
from the community. It is preparing an
all-day basketball tournament followed
by a musical in the month of August.
Anyone who tunes in to KPDQ 7-12 on
Sunday nights will be hooked. People
can call 282-4236 for more information
or to donate funds to Jam Productions.
Gospel Thought of the W eek - Focuses on a different subject weekly.
Com munity Spotlight - Interview with leader in the community.
Sister Talk - About issues that face women.
B rother Talk - About issues facing men.
Ju st For Teenagers, Teen Perspectives - Answers questions about
youth today from a youth perspective.
Time out for the Family - a couple addresses family issues.
C rackin ‘Up - Comedian Rubyn Warren shows that being a
Christian is fun too.
Gospel News - Tells what’s happening in Gospel Entertainment.
Recipes - A new recipe every Sunday.
there ore many other features all within 5 hours every Sunday 7pm-12pm
And D on’t Forget, It's P IC N IC Time
4236 NE Eighth Avenue
Stone Tower Church,
N.E. Sandy Blvd. & 30th
The New Urban Gospel Radio
Program on KPDQ 800am called “Jam
Sis. D orothy Wilson, Sis. Thelma Edwards.
Psalm 34:3
Portland, Oregon 97211
(503) 287-0261
The Gospel Music Workshop of
America, Inc. vs not a stranger to Terry.
He has been involved in the Oregon
Chapter, with John Gainer as Chapter
Representative, for several years. He
was first acquainted with this organi­
zation in 1982 when he was on tour
with the Total Experience Choir. And
then, in 1987, he spent some time in
Detroit, Michigan. That same year,
Terry was instrumental in the birth and
development of an Oregon Chapter of
Terry is the co-director of the
Greater Northwest Interfaith Choir; he
is the accompanist, lead singer, com­
poser and co-director of the Sermonettes
(an eight-voiced female gospel group
of which his mother is director and lead
vocalist); organist for New Hope Mis­
sionary Baptist Church.
Terry has been greatly influenced
by many musical giants - but, his
greatest of all influences is Minister
Thomas Whitfield from the Michigan
Terry is only one of many young
men on fire for the Lord - in the city of
Portland, Oregon. Yes! There are many
who dare witness for the Lord or dare
to use their talents lor the Lord. And for
this effort, we say “Congratulations!”
“First of all,” Terry admonishes
Portland’s youth, “give your talents
totally over to the Lord. When an op­
portunity comes to play or sing, play or
sing to the glory of God. Not for show!
Pray for God’s anointing and just give
self over to the Lord. Never forget the
pioneers who have paved the way for
us, like the sounds of: R ichard
Smallwood, Com missioned, Daryl
Coley, Stevie Wonder and Jeffery
Terry says that the only way he
advanced was through God’s anoint­
“I give God sole credit for my
abilities. I will praise Him with my life
and with my talents.”
Features include:
Classes are available for all age groups
Has moved Sunday services to
parents, Bobby and Dorothy Davis,
have been singing in church and in the
home for as long as he can remember.
“It was just a blessing from God.”
said Terry. “From an early age, I could
distinguish three-partharmony. Since I
was real little, I could remember listen­
ing to Mom’s old tapes. Listening to
greats, such as: Rev. James Cleveland,
Mattie Moss Clark, The Caravans,
Shirley Ceasar and others.” Recently, a
communication came across my desk
which stated, “The Listening Commit­
tee from die Music Department of the
Gospel Music Workshop of America,
Inc., in Los Angeles, California, has
selected a song entitled When You
Conne JBacJt JP Jv laug.U in lh r .New
Music Seminar. This will take place
August 12, 1992 in Chicago, Illinois.”
The letter continued to say, “This year
we are expecting a large delegation to
attend the workshop, so we are asking
for 525 copies of your song.” The letter
concluded with these words ‘Thank
you for sharing your music with us.”
This letter was addressed to Terence
“Terry” Davis, keyboardist/writer/com-
poser/musical director.
Terry says that he doesn’t really
know exactly when he began compos­
ing. All he knows is that he had a
tremendous desire to write; and, when
something would well-up in his heart,
he would sit down and start composing.
“Just whenever an inspiration hit me,”
he said.
Terry said that the one thing that
became prominent and foremost in his
heart w as-that he really wanted a pur­
pose for his music. He wants people to
■know the love (hat Christ has for man­
kind through listening to or by singing
or by playing his songs. “Yes. I want
this to be shown through my music.”
Terry has always wanted to share
his talent unselfishly with others. If
someone would ask him to play or if he
was somewhere and a musician was
needed, he was ready and willing.
July 20-24, 1992
St. Andrew Catholic Church
806 N. E. Alberta
Portland, Oregon 97211
Jesus Loves You!
St. John Chapter 4
J la u l ¿ H to s in n a r tr
M allory Avenue
Christian Church
J B a p tx a t C tfix r c tf
8101 N. Fiske Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97203
C hurch P ho.te: 2 8 9 -0 1 4 7
Sunday Service
1 0:45
Sunday School
9 :3 0
Bible Study
6 :0 0
Evening Service
7 :0 0
Study P hone: 2 8 9 -1 9 1 1
le s
o f
C h r
God's Presence promises
Power through Jesus Christ In
Good Times and Bad Times
Mcttfteiu /
"Come to me all you who ore
wean/ and heavy laden and I
will give you rest"
Sunday School
Morning Worship
Tuesday Bible
Study and Prayer
Inter-racial Congregation
Dam se Fl. ßell, Pastor
126 N.6. Alberto t Portland, OR 97211 t (505) 288-5175
Pastor. Rev James CE. Faulkner
Them e: W h atever you're going to do
fo r th e Lord, do it now
I Peter lv.11
z For Best Results
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