Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 15, 1992, Page 3, Image 3

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July 1 5 ,1992...The Portland Observer...Page 3
Northwest UFO Group - NUFOG
Invites you to our monthly meeting!
Sunday, July 19th, 1992
Pensacola, Florida M lIF O N field
investigator, V icki Lyons, w ill present
a spectacular video and slide presenta­
tion on The Five Years o f the G u lf
Breeze, Florida U FO ’ s.
Not only w ill you see some o f Ed
W a lte rs ’ p h o to g ra p h s, yo u w ill
also see photographs that members o f
the G u lf Breeze Research Team
(G BR T) have taken.
The continuous sightingsofU FO ’s
in the sky over G u lf Breeze since 1987
have attracted investigators, research­
ers, and film crews from all over the
world. Such notable researchers as
Bruce Maccabee, PhD (Naval Surface
Weapons Center), C o lin Andrew s
lO D W & E A N E R ß
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6800 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
2 8 9 -6 3 4 6
P rofessional and Quality
D ry C leaning & Laundry
Is Assured By Our
C o u rte o u s New M anager
M a rva M itchell
Volunteers on the Parent Helpline
provide support and resource inform a­
tion to Oregonians who are struggling
w ith the challenges o f parenting. This
24 hour service makes a difference for
families and helps to prevent c hi Id abuse.
I f you have good listening skills,
care about children and parents and can
give four hours a week; you can be a
part o f this important program. C om ­
plete training and ongoing support for
crisis intervention, problem solving and
referral inform ation is provided.
C all Sue for additional inform a­
tion at 238-8819.
The T H IR D annual C itizen’ s Job
Inform ation Fair w ill be held on Satur­
day, July 25 from 10:00 A M to 2:00
PM. The location is at the C ity o f
Portland’ s Maintenance Building, 2929
N Kerby (behind Emanuel Hospital).
The fa ir w ill have exhibitors from the
Port o f Portland, T ri-M e t, C ity Bu­
reaus, M ultnom ah County, M ETRO,
PCC, OHSU, and many other public
employers. The Private Industry Coun­
c il w ill o ffe r resume assistance. W o rk­
shops on w orking together for a better
future through wise career choices w ill
also be provided throughout the day.
This free event is open to the pub­
lic. Women, minorities and people w ith
disabilities are encouraged to attend.
The Clothesline Project demon­
strates the prevalence o f violence against
women, w ith a visual impact sim ilar to
the A ID S q u ilt or the Vietnam M em o­
rial. The project was originated by the
Cape Cod W omen’s Agenda in 1990
and in 1991, Portland women began
their own Clothesline Project to bring
their stories o f violence and suffering
before the public. The Clothesline gives
every woman a voice and a place to he
heard. The project is holding a Portland
E xhibition on Saturday, July 18,1992
from 12 noon u ntil 4 pm. The exhibition
w ill be held at Peninsula Park on North
A lbina & Portland Blvd. The park is
served by T ri-M e t buses #4 and #40.
Tee Shirts can be made at the exhibi­
tion. For more inform ation, donations,
or to volunteer, call Yvonne, 288-8958
3% A
Your Im a & o i
Citizens’ Job
Information Fair
The Portland Women ’ s Crises L ine
is p leased to announce openings fo r its
volunteer Board o f Directors. PW C L is
a fem inist, social change, social service
agency, serving women and children
(and th e ir supportive fa m ilie s and
friends) who are victim s/survivors o f
domestic and sexual violence.
A p p lic a n ts m u st c o m m it to:
com pletion o f a 46 hour training,
fundraising, attendance at Board and
committee meetings and a tw o year
term o f office.
fo r further inform ation and a Board
application, call 232-9751 Women o f
color are encouraged to apply.
„ 4
W e C o re
Public Service
PWCL Needs
'A lteratio
n ^
(Crop Circle Specialist, England), and
Steven Greer, M.D. (C-SET1), have been
to G u lf Breeze to in v e s tig a te
and witness these phenomenon. Please
jo in us for this exciting afternoon o f
adventure and education!
Sunday July 19th, 1992 * 2:00 pm
- 5 pm * M ount Hood C om m unity C o l­
lege * 26000 SE Stark St. * Gresham.
From 1-84 East, take the Wood V il­
lage E xit onto NE 238th (238 becomes
NE 242nd), turn left onto Stark and
follow the signs. M ount Hood Com m u­
nity College is on the right.
For more information call: (503)
699-UFOS, 699-8367. Suggested D o­
nation - $4.
M iriam Robinson is an African-Am erican C linical Social W orker in private
practice in the downtown area, located at 1020 SW Taylor, Portland, Oregon
97205 (503)299-4951. She is a member o f the Academy o f C ertified Social
W orker, (AC SW ); licensed to practice clinical social w ork in the State o f
Oregon, (LC SW ); and is a member o f the Oregon Board o f the N ational
Association o f Social Workers. M iriam Robinson provides therapy to childre n,
adolescents, individuals, and couples. The fees for therapy are reasonable,
Open From 8 • 6 Mon. • Ri.
and 9 - 4 on Saturday
Free parking is available ar.d Tri-M et
Learning to
Help” - Evening
please call (503)299-4951 Monday thru Friday.
W e O ffe r
P ro fe s s io n a l A lte ra tio n s
D ra p e ry C le a n in g
A ll W e a th e r P ro o fin g O f
S ki-W ear & R ainw ear
4 8 H our S hoe R epair
And S p e cia lize In S ilk
C le a n in g & L e a th e r G oods
10% D is c o u n ts For
S e n io r C itize n s
& Northeast Portland
bus numbers 4, 40, and 41 slop one
block east o f Emanuel Hospital.
For m ore in fo rm a tio n contact
Lucinda Tate, A ffirm ative A ction O ut­
reach Recruiter at 823-3530.
Now Available in North
a s
A id s Is N o t A
It Is A T ra g e d y
T h e re Is N o C u re
take the Portland Boulevard exit right,
turn L e ft on A lbina, and R igh t on
Dekum. Refreshments w ill be provided.
Tours w ill be offered by staff and mem­
bers o f the Board o f Directors.
In addition to the long term resi­
dential care, House o f L ig h t is a l i ­
censed Foster Care Provider for c h il­
dren affected w ith H IV and drugs from
birth to seventeen years o f age. House
o f L ig h t offers an extensive education
program for the medical comm unity
and for the comm unity at large. Call
289-3370 for more information.
Professional Maintenance
& Management
& tez
For Best Results
Advertise in the Observer
D o e s it B e tte r fo r L ess
or Pat, 289-2097.
Legal Help Available
Multnomah County Legal A id Ser­
vices is an independent, n o n p ro fit
agency that provides legal assistance to
low -in co m e people in M ultn om ah
County in non-crim inal cases. In A p ril,
Legal A id opened its North/Northeast
Com m unity O ffice at Portland C om ­
m unity College Campus as part o f our
e ffo rt to meet the legal needs o f low -
income people, especially those in the
various m inority communities. Taking
individual cases in areas such as jo b
discrim ination, housing, welfare, and
divorce is the major part o f our work.
Ad Prices Good July 15 through July 21,1992 At Safeway.
- »
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Chuck Steaks
• I
Family Packs of 3 or more steaks. Safeway quality
grain-fed beef with 1/4 inch trim for better flavor and
value. Marinate and grill outdoors.
L b .
H.O.R.S.E.S For The Physically
Challenged is holding its fourth annual
fundraising Trail Ride on Sunday, A u ­
gust 9th, at 9:00 a.m. in Scotts M ills.
This year the event includes, breakfast,
a scenic ride through the forest, poker
and other games, an auction and even a
“ Mad Hatter” hat judging contest for
10-Lb.Charcoal Briquets
N O r th W e S t S W e e t C o m
riders or their horses.
The event is being sponsored by
Silverton Lions C lub and w ill benefit
H.O.R.S.E.S. For the Physically Chal­
lenged,an organization providing horse­
back riding for people w ith disabilities.
Suggested donation is $8.00 for adults
and $4.00 age ten and under.
For more information call: 873-
Look In The This Week
Magazine for your Safeway
Shopping Guide for a complete
list of specials on sale this
week at Safeway!
Safeway r ® s .orw»hMe«qun..2
Golden ripe, a family favorita.
tor $5
10 lor$1
The F astest Way To Send
M oney....A vailable In All
Safew ay sto res in O regon &
S.W. W ashington.
• * V* «-A*
« • » m * •
;■> •
Family Pack
Trail Ride and
To Benefit Disabled
Riding Program
. . e - *
3, & 4 Bedroom Homes
A t House o f Light, however, there
is com fort, love, and quality o f life in a
residential long term medical care fa­
c ility . House o f L ig h t isn’ t where you
come to die; it is where you come to
make the m o s to flife in an environment
which treats your medical and your
emotional needs.
House o f L ig h t is holding an open
house July 15, from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. to
introduce the com m unity to this unique
care fa c ility for those w ith H IV and
AID S . House o f L ig h t is located at 597
N. Dekum in Portland. From 1-5 North,
* a
Clean, well maintained 2,
Sponsored by W oodland Park
Hospital’ s M ental Health and Chem i­
cal Dependency Services.
July 15, 1992 (Wednesday),
7 - 8:00 PM at
W oodland Park Hospital
in the Auditorium .
An opportunity to explore treat­
ment options: psychiatric and chem i­
cal dependency services. As questions,
obtain valuable resource inform ation,
and gain the knowledge and motivation
it takes to take the first steps towards
getting help.
No registration necessary! Ques­
tions? Call the Referral Coordinator at
257-5805. Need directions? Call 257-
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