Page 12...The Portland Observer..July 15,1992 Portland Observer ' CLASSIFIEDS Document 00020 Addendum No. 1 Springwater Trail Corridor Handicap Accessible Interpretive Stations and Paths Project No. 7049 Bid Opening: Thursday, July 16,1992 11:00 A.M. P.D.T. Owner: City of Gresham. Oregon Landscape Architect: The Office of Robert Perron The following revisions to the Plans and Specifications for the project shall hereby become a part of Part II Special Provisions of the Contract Documents. The bidder shall make reference to this Addendum on page 3 of the Proposal. Item #1 - Change: The last sentence of the text on Sheet L- 12 reads “The tracks were removed in 1991, as part of the development of the Springwater Trail Corridor." Should Read: ‘T he tracks and ties were removed by the railroad company in 1991 to be salvaged for other uses.” Item #2 - Add: The “Johnson Creek CORRIDOR” logo in the upper left corner of each of the 14 signage panels. Locate the logo to the right of the 40 Mile Loop logo. The vegetation shall be colored green; the fish shall be silver; w ater lines superimposed over the fish shall be light blue; the remaining water lines shall be a darker blue; color for “Johnson Creek" and the solid background around "CORRIDOR” will be determined. This copy of the logo is for reference only. A PMT original is available for the contractor's use; the work “CORRI­ DOR” on a solid background will need to be added to the original. Item #3 - Copies of the "SPRINGWATER TRAIL CORRIDOR" and “40 MILE LOOP” logos are enclosed for clarification purposes. Advertisement For Bids The Port Of Portland Rlvergate Industrial district Smith And Bybee Lakes Outfall Control Structure Sealed bids for the Rlvergate Industrial District, Smith and Bybee Lakes, Outfall control structure, will be received at the office of the Manager, contracts and Procurement, of The Port of Portland, 700 N E Multnomah Street, 15th floor, Portland, Oregon, (mail­ ing address: Post Office Box 3529, Portland, Oregon. 97208) until, but not after, 2 p.m. August 5,1992, and thereafter publicly opened and read. Description of Work: Construct lake outfall control structure and slope protec tion. W ork includes steel and concrete fabrication, grad­ ing. rip rap, metal screening, and seeding. A prebid conference will be held on W ednesday, July 22, 1992, at 10 a.m. in Conference Room 15 P in the Port offices, 700 N.E. Multnomah, Portland, Oregon, to dis­ cuss all phases of the work. Please direct technical questions to the Project Engineer, Stan Snyder, (503) 731-7312. Bids must be on the bid form which will be provided to prospective bidders and must be accompanied by a certified or cashier's checkdrawn on a United States bank or a bid bond payable to The Port of Portland in an amount equal to at least 10 percent of the total amount bid. Prequalification is not required for this work. The drawings and the contract manual may be examined at Port offices. Copies may be obtained by prospective bidders at no cost from Contracts and Procurement (address above). No bid will be received or considered unless it contains a statement by the bidder as a part of the bid that the provisions of ORS 279.350 (regarding prevailing wage rates) are to be com­ plied with. No bid will be received or considered unless the bidder is registered with the State of Oregon Construction Contractors Board, pursuant to ORS 701.055 (1), prior to submitting a bid (Reference Articles 10,12, and 13 in the Instructions to Bidders.) A license for asbestos work under ORS 468A.720 is not required By Phillip W. Kidby, Landscape Architect City of Gresham Parks & Recreation Division Date July 13,1992 for this work. Bidders are required to state whether or not the bidder is a resident bidder, as defined in ORS 279.029. (Reference Article 3 in the Instructions to Bidders.) I Bids may be rejected if not in compliance with bidding procedures and requirements. Any or all bids may be rejected if in the public interest to do so. The Port Of Portland Ron Stempel Manager C ontracts and Procurem ent Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods Crime Prevention Specialist The Crime Prevention Specialist develops and implements programs related to crime issues in the twelve (12) inner Northeast Portland neighborhoods. The purpose of the Neighborhood Crime Prevention Program is to increase citizen involvement in crime prevention to reduce crime and the fear of crime. The Crime Prevention Specialist works for the Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods (NECN) and is supervised by the Crime Prevention Coordinator. This position is for forty (40) hours per week with some evening and weekend meetings. Responsibilities • Work with the Crime Prevention Coordinator to develop and maintain interaction between neighborhood associations and crime prevention efforts. • Work with citizen groups to: Develop neighborhood crime preven­ tion goals, objectives and strategies; Access neighborhood crime prevention needs; 'Provide anti-crime education through work­ shops, newsletters, and neighborhood meetings. • • • • Port of Portland Career Opportunities Communications Dispatcher Aviation/PDX Communications Closing Date: July 17,1992 If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland Employment Office, 700 NE Multnomah, 14th floor. Applicants residing outside the Portland metropolitan area ad physically disable applicants may request application materials by calling (503) 731-7400. Preemployment drug screening is required. All applications must be received by 5 p.m. on the closing date. Information about career opportunities with the Port can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline at (503) 731-7480 0 Provide assistance to citizens concerned with drug and gang activity. Provide other crime prevention assistance to citizens as directed by a citizen based Public Safety Action Committee, Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods Board, or the Crime Prevention Coordinator. Port of Portland Career Opportunities Loss Prevention Manager Human Resources/Risk Department Closing Date: July 17,1992 If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland Employment Office, 700 NE Multnomah, 14th floor. Applicants residing outside the Portland metropolitan area and physically disabled appli­ cants may request application materials by calling (503) 731-7400. Preemployment drug screening is required. All applications must be received by 5 p.m. on the closing date. Work in cooperation with city-wide Neighborhood Crime Preven­ tion Programs and the Portland Police Bureau's Community Policing Program. Maintaincrimepreventionrecords, monitor and evaluate projects, , write reports. Knowledge and Skills Required • Demonstrated skills in community crime prevention methods and strategies. • Ability to work with diverse groups of people. • Familiarity of Inner Northeast Neighborhoods. • • Demonstrated skill in community organizing. Skill in volunteer training, including public speaking and materials preparation • Skill in short and long range planning, prioritizing and coordinating of neighborhood projects. • Skill in oral and written communications. • Demonstrated skills in evaluation, monitoring and documentation of neighborhood data and crime statistics. • Ability to work as a team member, both within the organization and in the community. • Computer skills with word processing and data-base manage­ ment Macintosh preferable Port of Portland Information about career opportunities with the Port can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline at (503) 731-7480. 0 Salary: $12.57 per hour. Health benefits available after six (6) months. Security checks will be required of all finalists. Applications due on Monday, July 27,1992, 5:00 p.m., at: Port of Portland I Notice Of Public Hearing Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Tri- County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (Tri-Met) at 3:30 P.M., W ednesday. July 29,1992. at the Portland Building, 1120 SW 5th Avenue, Second Floor, Meeting Room C, for the purpose of considering a project for which federal assistance under Section 3 of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as am ended, is being sought. The project under consideration is the W estside Light Rail Project. A hearing on the original grant application for the project was held on July 31,1991. Since that time the scope of the project has been revised: (1) to include a financial plan which requires $515 million of federal Section 3 assistance, (2) to eliminate of defer some project elements (for inclusion if project savings occur or if additional funding becomes available), (3) to add $13.5M for system-related elements, and (4) to specify low-floor light rail vehicles. Following are descriptions of these scope changes: I I I I b) Ruby Junction Yard and Facility Improvements - this project provides LRV yard storage for addi­ tional LRVs that will layup overnight at Ruby Junction, as well as providing maintenance-of- way and non-revenue vehicle maintenance facili­ ties to support the eastside-westside light rail system. (Total cost: $6,381,000). 3. Low-floor light rail vehicles (LFLRVs) - the original application included 39 westside and eastside high- floor light rail vehicles. In order to provide maximum accessibility for the elderly and disabled, Tri-Met has elected to procure approxim ately 32 LFLRVs. A discussion of displacem ent of persons, families and busi­ nesses is included in the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the original project and in environmental analyses for the revised project and system-related elements. This project is in conformance with comprehensive land use and transportation planning in the area and is program med in the region’s Transportation Improvement Program. The financial plan for the project contem plates a future amend­ ment for final design and construction of the extension from 185th Avenue to Hillsboro upon completion of alternatives analysis, selection of a preferred alternative and completion of all environ­ ment requirements pursuantto the National Environmental Policy Act. A statement of Tri-M et’s charter bus service is available for inspection at the Tri-Met Administration offices. Tri-Met will no be engaging in school bus operations. Private transportation enterprise will not be directly affected by the project. At the hearing, Tri-M et will afford opportunity for interested persons or agencies to be heard with respect to the social, economic and environmental aspect of the project. A copy of the draft grant application for the proposed project, a Final Environmental Impact Statement and environmental analy­ ses for the revised W estside Light Rail Project and system- related elements, and a transit development plan for the area are currently available for public inspection at the W estside Light Rail Project Office, 710 NE Holladay S t., Portland, OR 97232. Contact the W estside Light Rail Project Comm unity Affairs Department at 239-2150 for more information. A person requesting an interpreter for the hearing impaired shall give Tri-Met at least 48 hours notice of the request by contacting Tri-Met 238-4952 or TDD 238-5811, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuck Wilson Project Director Westside Light Rail Project Sub-Contracting Opportunities Cal Trans SOL #15700 Due 8-7-92, Changeable Message Signs for State of California. Sub-Contracting Opportunities Available for Small, Minority, Women and Veteran owned companies as suppliers of the following: Port of Portland Career Opportunities • Electronic Components • Wire Administrative Coor Jinator/Clerk Human Resources Department Closing Date: July 17,1992 If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland Employment Office, 700 NE Multnomah, 14th floor. Applicants resid­ ing outside the Portland metropolitan area and physically disabled applicants may request application materials by calling (503) 731- 7400. Preemployment drug screening is required All applications must be received by 5 p.m. on the closing date. • Freight Hauling Port of Portland I I 1. Project Scope reduction items totalling $37M - these are elements that were included in the August 1991 project definition that are recommended for deferral due to federal funding constraints. The list of deferred items was developed through a lengthy process be­ ginning in 1991 with value engineering and continuing through a series of m eetings with the Technical Advi­ sory Committee and Project Management Group. A complete list and description of these items is avail­ able through the W estside Light Rail Community Affairs Department (see below). 2. System-related elements added to the project de­ scription: a) Double-tracking of eastside Line Section 1 from Ruby Junction to Cleveland Ave. -this project is needed to avoid reduction in light rail transit (LRT) on-time performance, and maintain the current peak-hour LRT service level between Ruby Junc­ tion and Cleveland Terminal when additional light rail vehicles (LRVs) are placed into service on the Banfield LRT and when the W estside line be­ comes operational. (Total cost: $10,513,000) P.C. Boards 0 Must apply in person No telephone calls please. Equal Opportunity Employer Ei Bids/Sub-Bids • Information about career opportunities with the Port can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline at (503) 731-7480. Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods 4815 NE 7th Avenue Portland, OR 97211 z: Advertising w Employment • Silk Screen These materials and services shall be supplied to Signal Control Companies Distributor and the prime contractor, Severina's Aviation and Fuel. Interested parties should con­ tact Melissa at (503) 371-1032 Phone, (503) 364-8938 Fax Sincerely, Clint Phillips Vice President of Manufacturing and Operations Signal Control Company Deadline for classifieds is Friday at 5pm Fax:288-0015