V » vW ” -ÿ".‘ •*. ■ » “The Eyes and Ears of th e C om m unity V o lu m n XX II, N u m b er 2 9 r * rVVw VS'W - Q r e 9 ‘- nr ’ ( If * r r t H - v l r < rt» t I lu h 15. 1992 y (Etp ^ n rtía n h (bttsertœr Public Prívate Partnership Several years ago, the C ity o f Port­ land, in one o f the most creative use o f the federal training funds, placed ten A frican-Am erican males at the Waste- water Treatment Plant on Columbia Blvd. This was an affirm ative strategy to integrate this city operated plant. Recently six o f these employees celebrated twenty years o f employment w ith the city. Now, each one cams in excess o f $15.00 per hour. Except for one individual who transferred from another city bureau, these employees before their placements represented the “ hard core” unemployed. W ith the experiment completed, in 1978, the city again entered into a three way partnership w ith Portland Com ­ m unity College and a private employer- W ackerS iltronic.aG erm an High-Tech company. W ith the C ity providing the leadership, funds and motivational train­ ing fo r potential employees, and w ith the college providing the skills train­ ing. Four-hundred-sixty Portland resi­ dents were placed in sixteen occupa­ tions, earning an average o f $5.50 per hour in late 1979. The Wacker payroll represented over $1,000,000 to the lo ­ cal economy. The experiment/strategy worked again. Now in 1992, S till another partner­ ship arrangement has been developed. This partnership is between a private firm - C H Z A and the C ity Council. In February 1990, C H Z A Associ­ ates was awarded the facilities manage­ ment contract for the c ity ’ s tw enty-five decorative fountains. W ith this successful venture w ith a m inority firm , it was comfortable for the city council to enter into an agree­ ment w ith C H Z A for the First Source - a program designed to place disadvan­ tage residents on public works projects at the journeyman level; and the Con­ struction Trades Intern Program - a paid w o rk and edu catio n program fo r Portland’ s socially and economically disadvantaged residents. In M ay 1989, a demonstration was held during the construction o f the O r­ egon Convention Center. W ith over $86,000,000 being spent on this con­ struction in the inner northeast, the C oalition o f Black Men found only five African Americans in the w ork force. The Portland Organizing Project, and the C ity and C oalition o f Black Men organized a Public Works Task Force. This task force then put a pro­ gram o f First Source and the Construc­ tion Trades Intern Program, together and contracted w ith C H Z A fo r the ad­ m inistration. M r. Bruce Watts is the program Adm inistrator. His office is located at 2752 North W illiam s Ave., telephone number is 287-1041. By October 1991, M r. Walts had agreements fo r placements w ith four bureaus - E nvironm ental Services, Water, Parks and Maintenance. C ur­ rently there arc seventeen trainees in the Construction Trades Intern Program. There are three each carpenters, con­ crete masons, electricians, landscape maintenance, two operating engineers, two general mechanics and one welder. Interns are paid $6.41 per hour for a forty hour work week. Each intern must attend school at least four hours per week on their own time. W ith the First Source, M r. Watts explained that eighty-six individuals have applied for the program, eighty- four were verified to be journeymen. Twenty-seven have been referred fo r employm ent and tw enty have been hired. Please call or v is it the office i f you are interested in cither program. Next Week - W ho are the journeymen and construction trades interns. Obo Addy musical troupe to perform at Urban League Summer is here, watch out for children!! NABCJ Portland Chapter Hosts 19th Annual Conference And Training Institute Z z ’’- .»* J» - £ /<«>>/* The National Association o f Blacks in C rim inal Justice held its annual conference and training institute in Portland. The event was organized and hosted by the local chapter members, lead by President Ralph L . Davis, Multnomah County Sheriff’ s Department. The conference is being held at the L lo yd Center Red Lyon from Sunday thru Thursday July 12-16. The event started Sunday w ith a Bar-B-Que and M usic Extravaganza at the L lo yd Center Carousel Courtyard. M any local gospel and other musical groups performed for the more than 500 c rim i­ nal justice professionals and local guests. The “ Portland night,” a social event featuring local flavor and talent in ­ drumming o f the Ga culture as w ell as Western Pop music. Since m oving to Portland in 1979, Addy has been an active promoter of A frican culture, both as a teacher and band leader. His Okropong group performs tra­ ditional music and dance accompanied by a wide variety o f A frican percussion instruments. The co lo rful costumes, complex rhythms and spirited dances transport the audience to another world. Northeast Coalition Of Neighborhoods, Inc. o f Neighborhood Associations, C ity ol Ms. Marsha Palmer has been hired is the Crim e Prcvcnuon Coordinator or the Northeast C oalition o i Ncigh- mrhoods, Inc., effective June 22,1992. 4s. Palm er replaces M s. Sharon 4cCorm ack, who is now the Crime Yevention Coordinator with the O ffice 'a Portland. Ms. Palmer has previously worked in the Crime Prevention O ffice at South­ east U p lift and was the Crime Preven­ tion C oordinator fo r the Southwest Neighborhood O ffice. i On Thursday, M ayor C lark re­ ceived the prestigious Portlandia Award at the annual appreciation breakfast sponsored by the Porlland/Oregon V is i­ to rs A s s o c ia tio n (P O V A ), Sho Dozonom, Outgoing Past President o f P O V A , and President o f C EO o f Azumano Travel made the presenta­ tion. The P ortlandia A w a rd honors M ayo r C la rk ’ s c o n trib u tio n s as a “ ..Charismatic ambassador for Portland, his continuous support o f the region’s visitor industry, and his leadership in in itia tin g the c o n s tru c tio n o f the Oregon Convention Center.” In his re­ marks to the audience, M r. Dozono listed some o f the awards the C ity o f Pordand has received during Mayor C lark's tenure, including several for excellence in financial management and liveability. cluded a “ Casino N ight” and a dance w ith entertainment from the Calvin W alker Group. Many local and nationally known speakers and professionals conducted seminars and held discussions on a variety o f relevant topics. the chapter is seeking to expand its membership and activities in the coming year. For more inform ation contact, Ralph L. Davis. (Pictured Judge Levan Gordon, National President, Vera Poole Founder o f the local chapter, Ralph Davis, C hapter President and Stanley Peterson, chapter member). ... L.I.F.E. Center Dedicates 25th Anniversary Mural July 16 Low Income Fam ilies Emergency (L.I.F .E .) Center members and guests dedicate a 450-square-fool, outdoor mural at 2746 NE M artin Luther K ing B lvd at 5:15 p.m. on July 16. The dedication kicks o ff the 7th annual children’ s clothing drive fo r the A u ­ gust 29 giveaway. Guest speakers at the dedication include M ike Lindberg, C ity C om m is­ sioner in charge o f the M etropolitan Arts Com m ission; and Don Ballinger, Senior V ice President, United Way o f o f the Academic Support Center. Freshmen who have been adm it­ ted to PSU fo r fa ll term 1992 arc in­ vited to participate in activities spec ifi- cally geared to them Saturday, August 1; Monday, August 3; or Wednesday August 5, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.; or Thursday, August 6, from 5 to 9:30 p.m. Transfer students who have been admitted to PSU are invited to attend Tuesday, August 3, from 5 to 9:30 p.m.; or Friday, August 7; or Saturday, August 8 from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. A ctivitie s w ill be centralized on the third flo or o f Smith M em orial Center, 1825 SW Broadway. There is a $15 fee to attend these orientation activities. For inform ation, contact M ary Jo Rutten, 725-4005. The PSU Orientation is sponsored by the Academic Support Center and the O f­ fice o f Student Affairs. Mayor Clark Receives Portlandia Award Portland drummer Obo Addy and his group Okropong w ill present a free concert o f traditional dances and songs from A frica at the Urban League o f Portland’ s W hitney Young Educational & C ultural Center, 10 North Russell Street on Tuesday, July 21 at7p.m .T hc program is sponsored by the National Endowment o f the Arts. Obo Addy was bom in Ghana, West A frica, where he learned the traditional - v -; ' r y •};■' .<>• .- the C olum bia W illam ette. Portland artist Isaka Shamsud- D in spent more than 300 hours de­ signing and painting the tw elve p ly ­ wood panels that are mounted on the b u ild in g ’ s tw o front walls. The mural includes the face o f founding execu­ tive director Gertrude Crowe and it depicts the work-for-assistance pro­ gram developed 25 years ago at the Center. The clothing drive gives away three to four days o f used, clean cloth- PSU New Student Orientation Incom ing freshmen and transfer stu­ dents arc invited to the Portland State U niversity Orientation to be held A u ­ gust 1 through 8. Those attending w ill receive advis­ ing regarding their academic pursuits and course requirements. They’ ll learn about student support services, student organizations,and special programs such as the U niversity Honors Program, the Returning W om en’s M entor Program, ROTC and the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP). Participants w ill be introduced to PSU’ s easy Touchtone Registration System. Tours o f campus w ill be available and staff, administra­ tors, faculty, student advisers and cur­ rent students w ill be on hand to answer questions. “ Through this orientation, we hope to make the transition to Portland State as easy as possible,” says Mary Jo Rutten 250 M ayor Clark was also named a lifetim e member o f PO VA by Charles Ahlers, Executive D irector o f PO VA, who read a proclam ation listing a number o f M ayor C la rk ’ s unique con­ tributions to the C ity. The proclama­ tion recognized that Mayor Clark has traveled thousands o f miles, greeted hundreds o f convention planners, kept his campaign promise to build the O r­ egon Convention Center, promoted Portland as a world-class convention and visitor destination, and through it all been accessible to all the citizens o f Portland. The Annual Appreciation Break­ fast was held in the C onvention Center Ballroom. I l seemed fittin g to honor M ayor Clark for his contribu­ tions to tourism and marketing the region in the fa cility he was so instru­ mental in building. ing and new school supplies to im pov­ erished children in the Portland metro area. The L ow Income Fam ilies Emer­ gency Center is a nonprofit, United Way agency that fills more than 25,000 request fo r food, clothing and house­ hold items each year to impoverished people. Parking is available behind L.I.F.E. Center’ s building. For more inform a­ tion, contact Charles Carter at 284- 6878. Portland Housing Center Celebrates First Year Anniversary Commissioner Gretchen Kafoury w ill jo in Portland residents who re­ ceived home buying assistance at a press conference on Wednesday, July 15, at 1:00 p.m. at 2755 NE Broadway to celebrate the accomplishments o f the Portland Housing Center’ s first year o f operation and to announce upcoming plans for the future. The Portland Housing Center, a program o f Ecumenical M inistries o f Oregon, opened in July, 1991 to pro­ vide inform ation, education and coun­ seling services relating to both home ownership and rental housing opportu­ nities. The services are intended for lower income households o f all cultures and backgrounds, w ith the geographic focus on North, Northeast and South­ east Portland. W ith funding support from local lenders, foundations and government, the Portland Housing center has pro­ vided home ownership counseling, homebuying classes and information and referral services to over 1000 resi­ dents during the past year. “ The Housing Center is a public- private partnership that’ s really w ork­ ing,” Kafoury said. “ W e’re seeing a definite increase in the number o f low and moderate income homebuyers in Portland’ s inner city neighborhoods. The Center is playing a major role in encouraging home ownership and pro­ m oting neighborhood s ta b ility and pride.” The Housing Center is also spon­ soring a H O M E B U Y IN G F A IR and C H IL D R E N ’ S FE S TIV A L on Satur­ day, July 18th from l:0 0 to 4 :0 0 p .m .a t Redeemer Lutheran Church at NE 20th and K illingsw orth. “ The fair w ill be a great time fo r people thinking about buying a house to meet w ith lenders in an inform al setting,” said Peg M alloy, Program Director for the Portland Hous­ ing Center. For more inform ation on this event and other Housing Center services, call 282-7744. Cathedral Park Jazz July 18th & 19th Under the St. Johns in North Portland Outdoor free concert features many musicians and styles of music. V. , '/ , ; a ■ ■ tó îsa 'zÿ- fe -.j w fJ-Z-i-- ísí-í'v. iW v ' f £ « O í