« ir «r •# ■*' < * * 4 9 * / / s * * V ? S «r z ’/ X » * * • • * • » « * ? * •*» July 8 , 1992...The Portland Observer...Page 9 Portland Observer ENTERTAINMENT "Hands Down the Best Movie of the Summer! ___ "Two Thumbs Up!"s.sKeL»EBERr . I I Nwd Rosen W NCN RADIO NEW YORK "Avery funny movie... Moore Little To Represent Wylie Draper, Featured Preformer In Two- Part Miniseries “The Jacksons - An american Dream ” On of the year's most cheerful, most relaxed most easily enjoyable comedies." -Vincent Canby, New Yortt Times "The one film for everyone! Rich with humor, heart and Hometown, USA." -Bill Harris .SHOWTIME "This summer's first terrific movie! A film of sensibility, intelligence, wit and humor. It will tug at your heart." - Jeffrey Lyons, SNEAK PREVIEWS tom * g e e n a D a v is hanks * m adonna OF THEIR OWN imi} ' r’5 »: - »’ 5 * 'i i» « • ’ ' * '.!? i"' in 1M5 9« h ,: thin»*} « i’8-r-tit, i-,».- DC I ■ S ,.» . w ,j 9 » ilW »> r |«,n ii»r »«t ♦ v k lT i- MW UUIV'IO NOW SHOWING LLOYD CINEMAS IQS. * GRESHAM CINEMAS : saavi Visit Baskin BROADWAY METROPLEX I ixn«i| 248 6960 _M. I l l l l WESTGATE ju o n j 1 i IGARD CINEMAS |(0l t I HI* .'¿ t : : si Mt R S T A R T S FRIDAY, JU L Y 10th BEAVERTON DRIVE-IN I MD-M72 J L - l l l l I Pfilewiui jV iafif SPftectof July 8 & 9 O riginal Price $ 10.00 with Coupon $5.00 each Jabett's Beauty & Barur Supply 5834 NE M artin Luther King Blvd. Ponlond O Uarv«r Coupon must «company A r tis t V ie w s : In fo rm a l T o u rs W ith L o c a l A rtis ts A t T h e P o rtla n d A rt M u se u m This summer, gain an artist’s per­ spective on the contem porary art from the Broad Foundation through a special series o f informal tours. These tours involve artists from the community and are schedule during our special Thurs­ day evening hours (open until 9:00 p.m. through A ugust 27th). M eet the artist in the Sculpture Court, and join them in observing and discussing the works on display. Ju ly 16th: Bob Hanson and Laura Ross-Paul Ju ly 30th: Michale Brophy, Judy Cooke and Paul Green A ugust 13th: Steve H aycsandPaul Sutinen A ugust 27th: Anne Griffin John­ son Summer Hours: ONLY AT -.dttfPurchat« For Best Results Advertise in the Observer names together as sm oothly as their voices blend together in song. The platinum success o f forever My Lady is the latestchapterof Jodeci’s remarkable success story, to date, the album has placed three hit single son the charts. “G otta Love,” the first, was a Top Ten R&B single. The romantic ballad, “Forever My Lady” then hit the Number O ne stop on the R&B charts and was a Top 25 pop hit. “ Stay’ is Jodeci’s second Number One R&B hit in a row and a major hit on the pop charts as well. Jodeci’s successes, however, have not been limited to the recording studio and the concert stage. They made their motion picture debut in a cam eo ap ­ pearance, singing in a nightclub, in the film Strictly Business. The group also contributed a previously unreleased song, “L et’s Fly,” to the film ’s MCA Records soundtrack album. Jodeci then contributed two funky versions (“ Hip Hop V ersion” and“ Movie Vet sion”>of the A ssociation’s ‘6 0 ’s hit “Cherish” to the MCA Records soundtrack album to Fried Green Tomatoes. Directed to Uptown Records in MCA ’ s New York offices, Jodeci played their demo tape. After one song, they were told to sing live. They did and sang magnificently. W ithin45 minutes Jodeci had an offer to record with Uptown/ M a jo r W o rk s O n L o a n A t T h e P o rtla n d A rt M use um George Rankins and William Ray are featured in the cast o f the Portland Black Repertory production of, Fraternity, opening July 10 thru August 2, Tuesday thru Sundays at the Portland Civic Theatre Building, 1530 SW A lm o s t p e r f e c t . It has been said that time flies when you’re having fun. It that’s true then Jodeci are having the tim es o f their lives. It has only been one year since U p to w n /M C A R e c o rd s re le a s e d Jodeci ’ s debut album, Forever My Lady, but in those few months, the group has rocketed to the head o f the class o f the new school of m odem ‘9O’sR & B ,pow ­ ered by both popular and critical ac­ claim . Forever My Lady has been awarded platinum sta tu s(l million cop­ ies sold), and Jodeci has charted tw o consecutiveN um berO ne R&B singles: “ Forever My Lady” and “ Stay.” It’s no accident that Jodeci has been hailed as “ the smoothest soul sound around” by Entertainm ent W eekly. Such accolades, how ever, only begin to describe the effect that Jodeci’s sweet, sexy, soulful, gospel-flavored style of R&B has on its listeners. As if platinum sales and critical praise weren ’ t enough, Jodeci has even taken the con­ cert stage by storm. Among their fans, Jodeci’s live performances generate the kind of near-hysterical levels o f excite­ m ent traditionally asso ciated w ith Beatlemania or showtime at H arlem ’s Apollo Theatre. This is truly a group proud o f its family ties. The group’s name, in fact, a combination of JoJO, DeVante and K- Ci, reflects this strong sense o f brother­ hood and harm ony, blending their Through August 27th, the Museum will be open every Thursday night until 9:00 p.m. The Cafe and Museum Shop too. First Thursday arc free from 4-9 p.m. Other Thursdays, regular adm is­ sion applies. Regular Museum hours are: T ues­ day through Saturday: 11 am to 5 pm: Sunday: 1 to 5 pm: and First Thursday: 11 am to 9 pm Admission for adults are S4: stu­ dents, $2; children 6-12, S I; and chil­ dren under 6 arc admitted free. Seniors arc free every Thursday. O re g o n S ta te F a ir S e a rc h e s F o r V o c a lis ts The Oregon State Fair is searching for individuals interested in singing the National Anthem prior to all scheduled concerts at the Oregon State Fair this year. A pplicants must be experienced, and able to sing cither acappclla or with acoustical accom panim ent. The per­ formers will have the chance to dem on­ strate their talent, plus receive free ad ­ mission to the Fair for their participa­ tion. Interested and experienced indi­ viduals should contact Concert Ser­ vices at (503) 364-3123, or send a biog­ raphy and dem o cassette to: Concert Services, 289 Church St., Salem, OR 97301. The Oregon State Fair is August 27-Septcmbcr 7. During July and August, a num ber of m ajor paintings by contemporary artists Ross Blcckner, Malcolm M orley, David Deutsch, Sigmar Poke, Mark Innerst and Susan Rothenberg will be exhibited in the Portland A rt Museum ’ s Sculpture Court and Corridor Gallery. The w orks have recently been ac­ quired by the Eli Broad Family Founda­ tion, which has loaned them to the Museum. Each o f the artists has been shown widely, both nationally and in­ ternationally. Among the works in- phe (1976), R othenberg’s Trum peter (1984), In n erst’s The M arketplace (1990) and sigm ar P olke’s Homme Chantant La M arsaillaise (1989). Also included in the exhibition will be The Seed Protectors (1987), a major painting by N orw egian a rtist O dd Nerdrum whose paintings were also included in the recent exhibition Strange V is ta s , Im a g in e d H is to rie s . T he Nerdrum Painting is on long-term loan to the Museum from Robert Feldman, New York, New York. eluded are Morley s Age ot Catastro- KMHD FM89.1 . .. A ll Jazz, A l l the T im e . T h e F u ll S p e c tru m o f Jazz... M U S IC M IL L E N N IU M 32N D & E BURNSIDE 2 3 1 -0 9 2 6 23R D & N W JOHNSON 2480163 ...7 D a y s a W eek, 365 D a y s a Year. M a in s tre a m , B e B o p , blues, F u s io n , N e w A g e . . . . I f I t ’s Jazz, I t ’s O n K M H D ! ^M»5P »■ «*