July 8, 1992...The Portland Observer...Page 7 What Is USA Basketball? Team USA captured the Tournament of the America's gold medal, with a 127-80 win over Venezuela. Team captain Magic Johnson, who scored 10 points on Sunday, said he was happy to be playing competitive basketball again, and just being one of the guys. Team USA will take 2 weeks off to rest, then resume practice July 18th in Monaco. Trail Blazers’ Television Ratings Highest In The NBA The Portland Trail Blazers were the highest-rated prim e-tim e television show in the Portland (Oregon) area during the 1991-92 rating period, beat­ ing out the likes of the W inter O lym ­ pics, which nationally was the top- rated prim e-tim e program. For the 15th straight season, the Trail Blazers had the highest local tele­ vision ratings among the 27 teams in the National Basketball Association. During the 1991-92 season, the Blazers averaged a 29 rating and a 49 share - the highest season-long aver­ ages in NBA history. Portland has aver­ aged an NBA high 24 rating and a 39 share for the six years preceding the ‘91-92 campaign. The Blazers’ num bers are nearly double that of any other NBA franchise. The San Antonio Spurs finished the *91-92 campaign with the second best marks - a 15.7 rating and a 23 share. “Having led the league in ratings for the last 15 years is incredible, and then this year to have such a large margin over other NBA teams is un­ precedented,” says Mick Dowers, Blaz­ ers’ vice president o f sales. Portland’s highest rated regular season game came on April 5 at Golden State as the Blazers’ pulled a 34 raung and a 55 share. The Blazers’ highest- rated playoff game aired on May 11 against Phoenix as Portland had a 48 rating and 69 share. N BC’s telecast of the six game series between the Chicago Bulls and Trail Blazers got an average national Nielsen rating of 14.2 with a 27 share, the fifth-highest rated NBA Final ever. And, for the first time ever, each game received a 13.5 rating or belter. Local viewing enthusiasm carried over to the Basketball Tournam ent of the Americas, an O lym pic qualifying tournament, which was played June 27 through July in Portland. Team USA s showdown with Canada on Monday, June 29 drew a 35 rating and a 54 share, while on Tuesday, June 30 against Panama, Team USA had a Nielsen rat­ ing o f 31 and a 50 share. ♦A rating is the percentage o f all TV households in the Portland area, and a share is the percentage o f televisions actually in use at the time. ♦NBC ratings arc based on a na­ tionwide viewing audience. ♦Ratings and rankings provided by Arbitron, Nielsen, and Paul Kagan & Associates. BY JOHN PHILLIPS USA Basketball is the national gov­ erning body for m en’s and women s basketball in the United Stales. As such, USA Basketball is responsible for the selection and training o f USA national teams thatrepresentourcountry in vari­ ous international and national basket­ ball competitions, including: Olympics, W orld Cham pionships, Pan American Games, W orld University Gam es, the U.S. Olympic Festival, and other select national team tours. During the summer of 1991, USA Basketball fielded six teams that com ­ peted in various international com peti­ tions, as well as four m en’s and four women’s teams that participated in the U.S. Olympic Festival. All told, 168 athletes proudly wore the red, white and blue USA uniforms in basketball competitions held around the world last summer, and the USA teams captured three gold medals and two bronze m ed­ als in five of the major com petitions. USA Basketball is actually an a s­ sociation of associations. Current US A Basketball active members include the amateur Athletic Union (AAU), C onti­ nental Basketball Association (CBA), N ational A ssociation of Basketball Coaches (NABC), National A ssocia­ tion of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAI A), N a tio n a l B a sk e tb a ll A s s o c ia tio n (NBA), National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), National Federa­ tion o f State High School Associations (NFSHSA), National Junior College Athletic Association (N JC AA), National W heelchair Basketball A ssociation, United Slates Armed Forces (USAF), Women’s Basketball Coaches A ssocia­ tion (WBCA), and the W orld Basketball League (WBL). USA Basketball was organized in 1974 and was originally known as the Amateur Basketball Association o f the United Stales of America (ABAUSA). The name change from ABAUSA to USA Basketball occurred on October 12,1989, after the International Basket­ ball Federation (F1BA) modified the rules to allow professional basketball players to participate in international competitions. USA Basketball then ad­ mitted the NBA as an active member, necessitating the name change. USA Basketball is governed by its Board o f Directors, which is appointed andelected by active members. David Gavitt, Se­ nior Executive Vice President o f the NBA Boston Celtics and former Com ­ missioner of the 1988-92 term. Serving as USA Basketball for the 1988-92 term. Serving as USA Basketball’s Executive Director since its inception is W illiam L. W all, former college coach, official and administrator. In addition to the selection and train­ ing of m en’s and w om en’s basketball teams that represent the USA in interna­ tional and national competitions, USA Basketball is also involved in coaching clinics, the sanctioning of U.S. team tours of foreign countries, and foreign team s’ tours o f the U.S. City and Trailblazers Shake Hands On New Arena Project Tryouts Scheduled For 1992-93 Blazers Dance Team Tryouts for the 1992-93 Blazers Dance Team will take place on Saturday, July 18 at West Linn High School. Auditions will begin at 8:00 a.m. Dance team applications are available at the Trail Blazers Office, 700 NE Multnomah, Suite 600, Port­ land, OR., 97232. All dancers must be 19 years of age or older by November, 1992. There will be two rounds of judging, featuring a basic routine and two dance combi­ nations. Dancers will judged on dance ability, enthusiasm and appearance. Those selected will return for the next day of final auditions. For more information contact the Trail Blazers at (503)234-9291. After months o f negotiations, it appears the City o f Portland and the Portland Trailblazers are well on their way to building the new sports arena complex. Following an executive ses­ sion of the City Council this week, Mayor Bud Clark and Blazer Vice Presi­ dent Marshall Glickman shook hands on the business deal. “There arc lots more negotiations to take place,” said the Mayor, “but it looks like w e’re still on track. Our basic objectives to have a quality project while protecting the C ity’s general fund appear achievable. This will be a good investment for the City and a real plus for the community.” The project will be build on the east side of Portland, close to the exist­ ing Coliseum. T heC ity’s investm entof a maximum o f S34.5 million will be coupled with over $140 million o f in­ vestment by the Trailblazers. The $34.5 million o f City bonds invested in the project will be repaid by parking fees and ticket taxes generated from the events at the arena and the coliseum. In addition, the City will reap a return on its investment through increased con­ vention business, restaurant business and property taxes. Final documents will be ready for City Council approval later this sum ­ mer. G round breaking is expected shortly thereafter. Dr. Flowers Knocks Off Primo Limo BY JOHN PHILLIPS The Portland Com m unity College Gymnasium (Cascade Cam pus), sum ­ mer host o f both the M cD onald’s W om en’s Summer Basketball League and the Portland Pro-am (m en’s), saw another week of exciting basketball. In the first game of the week, Dr. Flowers behind Jocelyn M cIntire’s 17 points slipped by Primo Lim o 60-55 to start the third w eek o f the M cD onald s W om en’s Summer Basketball League on M onday, June 29. University of Portland ’ s Amy Clayoe led Primo Limo with 12 points. In the second game of thenight, Oregon Nail Distributors beat Tire Headquarters 49-47, on Becky C o n ra d ’s th ree-p o in t shot. A llegra G reen’s 16 points and 12 rebounds led the way for Oregon Nail. Krista Smith again led THI with 16 points. In a game played Tuesday. June 30, Primo Limo led from start to finish with an easy 76-52 victory over Oregon Nail Distributors. Katy Steding tossed in 22 points to make her lead scorer. In the last game o f the evening, Chevy C om er got a big gam e from Angela Hewlett and Kelli Howell as they slipped by Ram Light Truck Salvage 61-54. In Wednesday evening’s action be­ tween Dr. Flowers and Stadium Sports Cards, Portland State’s All American Laurie Northrop tossed in 22 points to lead Dr. Flowers in a 63-50 victory over Stadium Sports Cards. As one of only two high schoolers in the league, Laurie M illigan from Tigard scored 15 points for Dr. Flowers. In the nightcap, Port­ land Saints standout Sandra Howell scored 21 points to lead Tire Headquar­ ters over Foot Action, USA 61-55. In T hursday’s gam es. Stadium Sports Cards won its first game of the summer with a convincing 68-52 whip­ ping o f Ram Light Truck Salvage. Sta­ dium Sports C ards’ high scorer was Sheri Stcmple o f Portland State with a game high of 26. And in the last game o f the night, Player of the Week Allegra Green a Portland Stater, had 24 big points as Oregon Nail Distributors zoomed by Chevy Com er 62-47. Green also had many rebounds to complement her 5 blocked shots. The standing arc as follows: 1) Pnm o Limo 5-1; 2) Dr. Flowers 4-1; 3) Ram Light Truck Salvage 3-3; 3) Tire Champion Introduces The U.S.A. Basketball Collection Headquarters 3-3; 5) Chevy C om er 3-4; 6) Foot Action, US A 2-3; 6) Oregon Nail Distributors 2-3; and 8) Stadium Sports Cards 1-6. Basketball Schedule From 7/8/92 - 7/14/92 M cD onald’s W om en’s Sum m er League Wed., 7/8/92 Ram Light Salvage vs Dr. Flowers at 6:15 p.m. Oregon Nail vs Fool Action, USA at 7:30 p.m. T h„ 7/9/92 Ram Light Truck vs Oregon Nail at 6:15 p.m. Foot Action, USA vs Dr. Flowers at 7:30 p.m. Portland Pro-Am (Men) Sat., 7/11/92 Hawks vs Knicks at 4:30 p.m. Lakers vs Cavs at 6:00 p.m. Celts vs W arriors at 7;30 p.m. Sun., 7/12/92 Hawks vs Spurs at 4:30 p.m. Lakers vs Knicks at 6:00 p.m. W arriors vs Cavs at 7:30 p.m. M cD onald’s W om en’s Sum m er League Mon., 7/13/92 Primo Limo vs Sta­ dium Sports Cards at 6:15 p.m. Chevy Com er vs Tire Headquarters at 7:30 p.m. Tue., 7/14/92 Dr. Flowers vs O r­ egon Nail at 6:15 p.m. Foot Action, US A vs Ram Light Truck at 7:30 p.m. Portland Observer encourages our readers to write letters, to the editor in response tp any articles we publish. ■ i' ’■ - ..................... Summer Swim Teams Portland youth can sharpen their swimming skills this summer through Portland Parks and Recreation Summer Swim Teams. Pools throughout Port­ land are fielding teams of youth through age 17 who can swim the length of the pool, craw lstroke and backstroke, for this com petitive swimming program. Daily coached workouts are offered with Saturday morning dual meets June 27, July 11, July 25, and August 8. The City-W ide Cham pionship M eet is A u­ gust 22 and 23 at W ilson Pool. The registration fee is $30. Call Portland Parks and Recreation Aquatics D epartm ent, 796-5130 for more inform ation,or contact individual pools offering Sum m er Swim Teams are: B uckm an Pool 320 SE 16th, 823-3668 C olum bia Pool 7701 N Chautauqua, 823-3669 C re sto n Pool SE 44th & P ow ell, 823-3672 G ra n t Pool 2300 NE 33rd, 823-3674 M ontavilla Pool 8219 NE G lisan, 823-3675 M t. S c o tt P o o l 5 5 3 0 SE 7 2 n d , 823-3676 PC C /Sylvania Pool 12000 SW 49th, 796-5130 P e n irfsu la P o o l 6 4 0 0 N A lb in a , 823-3677 P ier Pool N Seneca & St. Johns, 823-3678 S ellw ood Pool SE 7th & M iller, 823-3679 W ilso n Pool 1151 SW V erm ont, 823-3680 Team spirit...A m ericans are fa­ m ous for it. W e have some of the best athletes in the world and we back them up with a tremendous sense o f support and pride. It’s no wonder that replica uni­ forms and team shirts have become one of the most important sportswear looks this season. The excitem ent building toward the Summer 1992 Olympics is uniting our country. Champion, the American m anu­ facturer of the actual U.S.A. Basket­ ball uniforms, has created a new col­ lection of U.S.A. Basketball sports­ w ear. T ee s h irts , ta n k s, sh o rts, sweatshirts and replica team shirts are constructed with the same craftsm an­ ship and attention to detail as the or ig i - nais. Champion C.E.O. Susan "Engel explains, “W e have to create uni­ forms and sportsw ear that meet the highest perform ance standards. They have to allow for as much grabbing, pulling and shoving as goes on in basketball. And o f course, we all want to represent the U .S . A. in the best sty le possible.” Special features of the collection include: double ply nylon mesh w ork­ out shorts for extra com fort and dura­ bility, micromesh replica shirts to keep cool in the heat o f summer, and extra heavy reverse weave sweatshirts with em broidered full front appliques. “W e’ve got the best basketball players in the w orld,” says custom er Sharland Blanchard. “ I love showing how 1 feel about the team, and these shirts look great for going out with friends,” Custom er Robert Dcmbitz adds, “ It makes me play better; I feel like a m ember o f the team .” The Cham pion U.S.A. Basketball collection is available at leading de­ partment and sporting goods stores throughout the United Stales. For additional information, please contact J ill Golden at Cham pion Prod­ ucts, Inc., 516 W est 34th Street, New Y ork,N Y 10001,Tel: (212)629-2620. For Best Results Advertise in the Observer 4 • z \ * m * » * m 8* ■' ■ . e * * ‘ • * * m * a v V « ■» - fc K ft > • * > * 4 * h « K X X A À. X ? «X4-. t