Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 08, 1992, Page 11, Image 11

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July 8 , 1992...The Portland Observer...Page
Portland Observer
Forestry Staff
Specialist 2
Northeast Coalition Of
Neighborhoods, Inc.
Youth Gangs Program
Fisheries & W ildlife Specialist
POSITION: Summer Outreach
The Oregon Department of For­
estry currently has an opening in
Temporary - Full Time
Salem for a Forestry Staff Spe­
Forty (40) hour work week. Salary
cialist 2, Fisheries and Wildlife
is $8.50 per hour. Some flexibil­
Specialist. This announcement
ity in hours based on needs of the
is to fill the current vacancy. Sub­
program. No benefits.
mit an application now if you wish
High degree of confidentiality is
to be considered for this job clas­
required for this position. Em­
sification. The Fisheries and
ployee will be working with youth,
Wildlife Specialist assists in plan­
parents, schools, juvenile justice
ning, evaluating, and coordinat­
system, police, community resi­
ing the forest management ac­
dents and agencies involved with
tivities involving threatened and
the Youth Gang Task Force.
endangered fish and wildlife spe­ Applicants should possess the abil­
cies, sensitive bird nesting, roost­
ity to articulate ideas effectively,
ing and watering sites, signifi­
both in written form and orally,
cant wetlands, stream riparian
before groups of citizens, par­
m anagement areas, biological
ents, public entities, schools, and
sites and other specialized for­
community-based organizations.
est resources on private forest
Previous experience in working
lands in Oregon. These activities
with diverse ethnic groups and
require coordination with other
youth serving agencies preferred.
specialists, field Forest Practices
Police security checks will be re­
Foresters and other State agen­
quired of all finalists. Finalists
cies. Q ualifications are: three
must have insured vehicle and
years of experience administer­
valid Oregon Dirvers License.
ing or coordinating parts/subsets
Applications must be retured by:
of a project or program related to
Friday, July 1 7 ,1 9 9 2 ,5 :0 0 p.m.
fish and/or wildlife management
No applications will be mailed. No
as related to forest management.
telephone calls please.
One year of experience must
Apply in person at: Northeast Coa­
have included full responsibility
lition of Neighborhoods
fo r fo re s try p ro g ra m /p ro je ct
4815 NE 7th Avenue - C-25
m onitoring, coordination and
Portland, OR 97211
evaluation. A Bachelor’s degree
EEO Employer
in forestry or Fish and/or Wildlife
Management may be substituted
Employment Specialist
for the one year of specialized
(Req. No. 92095)
Announcement closes August 5,
Northwest Natural Gas Company
1992. Contact Department of for­
seeks qualified candidates for a
estry Personnel Section, 2600
position in the Employment Sec­
State Street, Salem, OR 97310,
tion of the Human Resources
(503) 378-2565 for job announce­
Department based out of the One
ment, test questions, and appli­
Pacific Square downtown loca­
Preferred candidates will possess
experience/training with dem on­
strated success in:
• People and interpersonal con-
Underwriting Manager
tacts/public and customer re­
V ikin g Insurance Co.
lations, ‘ Interviewing/selection
NW Regional O ffice
Salem, Oregon
background in data base
Viking Insurance Co., the leading
/m a na g em en t, w ord
non-standard insurance com ­
processing and spreadsheet,
pany in the Northwest, is seeking
• O rg an iza tio na l and record
a qualified individual to super-
management skills
vise o ne o f its Underwriting units.
EEO Law s and s ta tis tic a l
Our Regional Office is located in
beautiful Salem, Oregon, which
Please submit your application/re-
offers affordable housing, aclean
sume including a letter identify­
environment and easy access to
ing your qualifications based on
a variety of recreational activi­
the above criteria. Salary Range
$2296-2870/month, is dependent
The Territorial Underwriting Man­
on qualifications, and includes
ager is responsible for supervis­
an excellent benefit package.
ing and providing technical guid­
identify this position by Req.
ance to an Underwriting unit. The
when applying by the
individual in this position is also
deadline of July 19,1992:
responsible for developing prof­
Northwest Natural Gas
itable business within the terri­
tory for all classes, promoting
Box 3410
effective agency relations and
providing efficient service to our
Candidates should possess a col­
lege degree or equivalent and
four to six years of either multiple
Personal Lines or automobile
George Fox College is seeking part
underw riting and supervisory
time faculty for Fall (9-2- to 12-
18) & Spring (1-11 to 4-30) Se­
experience. Candidates should
be highly organized, creative, and
mesters, as follows:
• Computer: Introduction (F)
possess e ffective leadership
• Education: Diagnosis & Rem­
edy of Reading Difficulties (S)
Please send resume with cover
Education: Org, Mgt & Cur­
letter to:
riculum of Reading Programs
A dm inistrative Manager
V iking Insurance Co.
• Math: College Algebra/Trig(F)
PO Box 7375
• Sociology: Introduction (F)
Salem, OR 97302
• S p e e ch
C o m m u n ic a tio n :
Equal Opportunity Employer
• Public Relations (S)
Customer Service
Masters Degree required, Doctor­
ate preferred for all the above.
George Fox College is an Equal
O pportunity/Affirm ative Action
Part Tim e On-Call
Employer, to apply: Send re­
C ustom er Service Rep.
sume, references & a statement
Looking for a way to make some
on your commitment to the Chris­
extra money? Interested in learn­
tian faith To: Academic V.P.,
ing aboutthe cable TV business?
George Fox College, Newberg,
A ssist o ur Custom er Service
OR 97132.1-538-8383.
team by providing additional tele­
phone support during special
Administrative Assistant To Direc­
events and promotions. Work
tor Of Development. F/T. Profes­
schedule will vary, Monday thru
sional, energetic, team worker
Friday, also weekends. Previous
with excellent written and oral
Customer Service and computer
communication skills. WP 5.1,
experience preferred. Must be
60 wpm. Data entry/database
able to pass pre-employm ent
management. 5+ years secre­
experience and/or college
Please apply to:
b a c k g ro u n d . S a la ry ra n g e :
Paragon Cable
$11,172-$16,758. A pplication
3075 NE Sandy Blvd
and job description available at
Portland, OR 97232
The Boys & Girls Aid Society of
Equal Opportunity Employer
Oregon, 18 S.W. Boundary Ct.
For more information call 222-
Wanted Seville 1970’s
9661, ext. 721. Application dead­
Must be in good condition. Call
line is 7/20/92. Equal Opportu­
287-1784 and leave message.
nity Employer.
Office manager 2
Office Manager
The Oregon Department of For­
estry currently has an opening in
Molalla for an Office Manager 2.
This announcement is to fill the
current vacancy and develop a
list for future vacancies through­
out the state. Submit an applica­
tion now if you with to be consid­
ered for this job classification.
The Office Manager supervises
the clerical, administrative, and
business support activities of a
district operation. Directly super­
vises a staff performing secre­
tarial, general office, records pro­
cessing, and routine clerical sup­
port tasks and ensures timely,
accurate, and efficient flow of
work between district personnel
and the clerical support staff.
Participates as a member of the
d istrict's m anagem ent team.
Qualifications are: one year of
experience as a Supervisor of
C le rical/S e cre ta rial or O ffice
Support Staff which included re­
sponsibility for hiring, training,
assigning and reviewing work,
doing performance appraisals,
and handling disciplinary actions
and grievances.
Announcem ent closes July 29,
1992. Contact Department of
Forestry Personnel Section, 2600
State Street, Salem, OR 97310,
(503) 378-2565 for job announce­
ment, test questions, and appli­
Accounts Payable
H y s te r-Y a le , an In te rn a tio n a l
manufacturer of material han­
dling equipment, has an immedi­
ate opening for an Accounts Pay­
able Clerk in our Accounting de­
partment at its world headquar­
ters located in the Montgomery
Park building. Successful candi­
dates will have two years of ac­
counts payable exprience, knowl­
edge of both on-line and batch
applications, proficiency with data
entry and ten key and excellent
communication skills. Pansophic
experience is a plus.
Responsibilities will include pro­
cessing of vendor invoices and
check requests for paym ent,
reconciliation of vendor state­
ments and general ledger ac­
counts, data entry, preparation
of journal entries and billings to
other Hyster-Yale locations, and
receiving and investigating ven­
dor queries.
We offer a competitive salary with
a broad range of company paid
b en e fits. H yste r-Y a le has a
smoke-free work environment.
Interested applicants should send
resumes with salary history and
references before 5:00 p.m.,
Monday, July 13,1992 to:
Materials Handling, Inc
Human Resources Department
PO BOX 2902
Portland, OR 97208
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Busy non-profit ecumenical office
needs full-tim e Adm inistrative
Secretary and A dm inistrative
Services Specialist. Must have
hospitable manner, be highly or­
ganized and able to work well
under pressure, duties include
typing, filing, mailings, computer
(WordPerfect, dBase), errands
and related tasks. Macintosh
skills a plus. Benefits include
health, dental, holidays, vaca­
tion & sick leave, unemployment,
disability insurance (after six
m o n th s) and life in su ra n c e
($25,000) afterone year. Admin­
istrative Secretary position also
requires strong knowledge of
computer processing (word pro­
cessing, desktop publishing, da­
tabase m anagem ent and file
maintenance). Salary $14,500
minimum per year to start, A d­
ministrative Services Specialist
position also requires abovecom-
puter experience; a knowledge
of HR desired, with a willingness
to train. Salary $16,000 minimum
per year to start. Pick up position
description & application from:
Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon,
0245 SW Bancroft, Suite B, Port­
land, Oregon 97201. No Re­
sumes Accepted. Position will
remain open until filled, but may
close anytime after 4:00 p.m. on
July 13,1992. Equal Opportunity
tu Employment
Data Processing
Portland Area
$23,700 per year plus benefits,
Postal carriers, sorters, clerks.
For an application and exam in­
formation, call 1-219-736-9807,
ext P-6857.6 am to 6 pm, 7 days.
Development Center Analyst
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting applications
for the position of Development Center Analyst in our Systems &
Programming Dept. The successful candidate will:
• Train students and programming staff
• Develop present and maintain systems training for technical
programming staff.
Bus Drivers
Portland Public Schools
Are you looking for a challenging
and rewarding job. Part time bus
driving positions, excellent wage,
limited benefits provided with
summer off. If you have a good
drivin g record, e njoy young
people, and are able to work split
shift, please apply to Portland
Public School District, Person­
nel Dept. 501 N Dixon, Portland,
OR. Deadline: July 24,1992. Af­
firmative Action/Equal Opportu­
nity Employer
• Participate in projects to study, analyze and document systems
development process, tools, methods and procedures.
Qualified candidates will have 2 yrs experience training systems profes­
sionals to include training development and presentation, specifically in
structured analysis, systems development and maintenance project
management, and project lifecycles. Experience in large IBM mainframe
environment utilizing MVS and TSO is required. Excellent written and
verbal communication skills are required. Health insurance industry
experience is desired A degree in computer science is highly desirable.
(Experience may be substituted for the degree).
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee
benefits package, flex-time work hours and competitive salary. Pre­
employment drug screening required. To assure your resume is pro­
cessed immediately, place ad #054 at the top of your resume or in your
cover letter. Send resume to:
Economic Opportunity
Committee Of Clark
County, Inc.
Human Resources Dept., 3rd fir
100 S.W. Market
Portland, OR 97201
TDD# 225-6780
Equal O pportunity Employer
Administrative Assistant to Execu­
tive Director. Minimum three
years secretarial experience.
Shorthand desired; knowledge
WP5.1 ;typeminim um60w.p.m .,
experience in office m anage­
ment. 40 hrs./wk.; 46 wks./yr.
Beginning $1517/month.
Position requires dependable au­
tomobile, insurance, validdriver’s
license. Obtain job description,
position announcement, and ap­
plication, 9:00 a.m. - 4 p.m., Mon.-
Fri., EOC Office, 10621 N.E.
Coxley Dr., Ste. 207, Vancou­
ver, WA 98662 (206) 896-9912.
Completed application must be
received in EOC Office by 4 p.m .,
July 15, 1992.
Port of Portland
Career Opportunities
Loss Prevention Manager
Human Resources/Risk Department
Closing Date: Ju ly 17,1992
If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland
Employment Office, 700 NE Multnomah, 14th floor. Applicants residing
outside the Portland metropolitan area and physically disabled appli­
cants may request application materials by calling (503) 731-7400.
Preemployment drug screening is required. All applications must be
received by 5 p.m. on the closing date.
Information about career opportunities with the Port can be obtained by
calling the Job Hotline at (503) 731-7480
Port of Portland
The James River Corp., Wauna
Mill is seeking a journey-level
millwright or electrician experi­
enced in vibration analysis. Ex­
perience in hand-held equipment,
real-time analyzers and balanc­
ing equipment required. Pulp and
paper mill experience is pre­
ferred, but not required. Must
apply only at Oregon Employ­
ment Agency, 818 Commercial,
Astoria, OR or Washington Em­
ploym ent Agency, 711 Vine,
Kelso, WA before 5:00 p.m., July
10,1992. Journey rate is $20.915
per hour plus com prehensive
benefits package. Wauna is lo­
cated on Oregon Hwy between
Astoria and Longview. Equal Op­
portunity Employer m/f/d.
The James River Corp., Wauna
Mill is seeking a journey-level
Insualtor interested in challeng­
ing work. Eight years of indus­
trial insulator experience and the
ability to work independently or
in a team environment are re­
quired. Pulp and paper or chem i­
cal industry experience and some
industrial painting experience is
a plus, but not required. Must
apply only at Oregon Employ­
ment Agency, 818 Commercial,
Astoria, OR or Washington Em­
ploym ent Agency, 711 Vine,
Kelso, WA before 5:00 p.m., July
10,1992. Journey rate is $20.915
per hour plus benefits. Wauna is
located on Oregon Highway 30
between Astoria and Longview.
Equal Opportunity Employer m/
Case Manager. FTE. Provide case
management to pregnant and
parenting teens, facilitate groups,
provide outreach and data col­
lection. Some evenings - flexible
hours. Minimum of Bachelors in
appropriate field and 2 years ex­
perience with this specific popu­
lation. Preference to Masters
Degree with experience. Salary
range $15,436$ 19,295 plus ben­
efits. Pick up application at The
Boys and Girls Aid Society, 18
SW Boundary Court, Portland,
Oregon 97201. No phone calls
please. Application deadline is 7/
17/92. Equal Opportunity Em­
'Tho Eyes and Ears of the Community
Office: (503)2^3-0033
Fax #: (503) 288-0015
Credit Problems?
Occupational Therapy
Public S chools
Certified Occupational
Therapy Assistant
8 hr/day, 9.25 m onths
Provides occupational or physical
therapy services to disabled stu­
dents. These services are as­
sessment, direct, individual and
group the ra p y, and in d ire c t
therapy in the form of consulta­
tion and monitoring. Graduation
from an occupational or physical
therapy assistant program is re­
quired. Must hold or be eligible
for an Oregon State Occupational
Therapy Assistant or Physical
Therapy Assistant license. Ex­
perience in a pediatric occupa­
tional therapy/physical therapy
setting desirable. Must possess
a valid Oregon driver's license
and a current First Aid Card.
SALARY $1895-2421/m onth.
Applications will be accepted
through July 15,1992. complete
job description and skill require­
ments are posted at the Person­
nel Service Office, 1309 Ferry
St., SE Salem, OR 97301, Phone
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Tired of being
turned down for
Why pay someone
else hundreds to clear
negative credit?
Do it your self with our help for
one price $49.95.
Clear negative credit
and add new.
The most complete
comprehensive credit
package available
Call immediately for details
NCSI 659-4086.
Bunk Bed & Bass Bed
Brass Bed, Beautiful Queen Size
Head Board, Good Frame with
Firm Orth. Mattress Set, Never
used $375.00.
Bunk Bed with Mattress, Hardwood
informational advertisement
bids w ill
be received u n til
1:00 p.m
on the
Oregon fo r the items lis t e d herein:
Ju ly 21. 1992
H auling
Recyclables From Various B u ild in g s,
1992-93. 1993-94, 1994-95, As
S pecified
Formal announcement, d e ta ile d s p e c ific a tio n s and
bidding documents may be obtained at
e a *
For a d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n.p le a se contact
M J Hutchens. D ir. Purchasing. 249-2000. Ext. 581.
For Best Results
Advertise in the Observer