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Taylor will be responsible for the financial assistance programs of the Economic Development Department and will coordinate the various PDC financial resources available to assist business developm ent in Portland. These include the Industrial Develop­ ment Revenue Bonds Program, the Housing and Community Development Block Grant Northeast Loan Fund, and the Economic Development Adminis­ tration Loan Program. He will also coordinate the participation of piivate lenders in PDC financial economic de­ velopment projects. Taylor comes to PDC from the Bank of America (formerly Security Pacific Bank Oregon) where he was Vice President - Account Officer. Prior to that he was the Business Develop­ ment Officer for the Oregon Economic Development Department in Salem. He also spent six years with U.S. National Bank in international marketing and commercial lending. Taylor has a BA in Business/Mar- keting from Linfield College where he also played three years of varsity foot­ ball. He resides in Portland with his wife and two daughters. Summer Jobs Campaign Attracts 700 Youths; Federal Funding Boost Announced After announcing in early June a c o m m u n ity /b u sin ess p a rtn e rsh ip aimed at increasing summer youth employment, over 700 young people have signed up and arc anxious to find work. The campaign begun as a re­ sponse to the recent riots in Los Ange­ les. . The North/Northeast Economic Development Alliance in cooperation with Portland civic and business leader formed the Community Business Part­ nership with three goals: youth em­ ployment, adult employment and eco­ nomic development in N/NE Portland. Alliance Chairman Ron Herndon will announce on Monday, July 6 a new public service campaign created by advertising agency Cole and Weber aimed at area employers. An announcement will also be made that Portland will receive 5 1.4 million in new federal funding for the summer jobs program through the Port­ land Private Industry Council. Speakers will include: Ron Hern­ don; Dennis Cole, President Portland Private Industry Council; and Beckie Black, Executive DircctorOrcgon Out­ reach. For more information,contact: Ron Herndon Albina Head Start, 282-1975. Disabled Citizens Summer Dance Sponsored By Portland Parks And Recreation The Disabled Citizens Recreation program of Portland Parks and Recre­ ation is sponsoring its last monthly dance of the summer for people 16 and I I older with disabilities. The dance is Friday, July 10th, 7:3O-9:3Opm, at Mt. Scott Community Center, 5530 SE 72nd. The cost is 51 per person. New Center Opens In Northeast Portland Portland - Planned Parenthood of grant from Portland’s Collins Founda­ the columbiaAVillamette proudly an­ tion. nounces the July 1 opening of the The center is Planned Parenthood’s agency’s new Northeast Portland Cen­ fifth in the Portland-Vancouver area. ter. Others are in Southeast Portland, Gre­ The 2,200-square-foot building is sham, Beaverton and Vancouver. Ac­ at 4326 NE Killingsworth St. Services, cess to these clinics often is difficult for offered on a Northeast s lid in g -fe e P o rtlan d sca le , w ill resid en t, of the Columbia/Willamette in c lu d e s a i d birth-control P la n n e d counseling and supplies, pregnancy tests Parenthood Executive Director Allie and counseling, annual gynecological Stickney. exams, cancer tests such as Pap smears, “More than l,700residentsof North diagnosis and treatment of sexually and Northeast Portland are already pa­ transmitted diseases, and testing and tients at Planned Parenthood’s South­ counseling for the HIV virus. Walk-in east Portland clinic,” she said. “But it’s pregnancy tests also will be offered. often hard for patients to travel across Partial funding for the center is town for our services. The best way to from a three-year 5325,000 grant from get medical care to people who need it the Meyer Memorial Trust and a 525,000 is to have a clinic where they live.” o Planned Parenthood National Association Of Blacks In Criminal Justice To Hold Nineteenth Annual Training Conference R o y Ja y Limousine At Your Call, received the highest ratings of any of the local limousine services that provided trans­ portation during the NBA Finals and the re c e n t T o u rn am en t O f The America’s held in Portland last week. Oregon Business Network’s Lim­ ousine At Your Call and Celebrity Lim­ ousine And Transportation Services were rated the best for promptness and profcssionlism by both NBC passen­ gers as well as the various NBA stars, both companies, which are operated by local Black business entrepreneur Roy Jay, are the “new kids on the block” in Portland’s highly competitive limou­ sine and personal conccige services. Jay explained that perhaps the rea­ son the operations were favored was primarily due to the persona) service that he requires of his chauffeurs. “By being the only operation to develop a computerized communica­ tions system for reservations and schcd- On July 12-16, 1992, the National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice will hold then- nineteenth annual training conference in Portland, Oregon. The theme for this year’s conference is “Approaching Today’s Problems: Searching fo r Solutions’. The conference will be held at the Red Lion Hotel/Lloyd Center. Workshops to be offered include: Police Sensitivity and Cultural Awareness Management Development for Women and Minorities The Psychodynamics of Rage and Violence in America Successful Community Corrections Programs Partnership with the Media Aids Education and Prevention Male Responsibility: The Rites of Passage Program Young W omen’s Advocacy and Prevention Program A Holistic Approach to Treating the Chemically Dependent Youth ...and several other exciting and contemporary topics presented and staffed by locally and nationally recognized leaders in their respective disciplines. For further information, please contact Lieutenant Vera Pool, Com­ mander, Multnomah County Restitution Center, 248-5141. The Portland Art Museum North­ west Film Center is pleased to announce the appearances in July and August of five film and vidcomakcrs presenting documentariesandcxperinièntal/avant- changes, we are able to respond to customers needs within minutes, than hours, said .’’Jay’s network was con tinuall y put to the test over the past month as NBC and the NBA were making schedule and transportation changes as much as 4 times per hour. “ J a y ’s o p eratio n was quick to let players, their families and others know ab out A frican A m erican and o th er businesses in the city that would appreciate their patronage.” Whether it was se- getting M agic Johnson to dinner or to Cinemas to see M urphy’s new 'movie or filling a pre­ scription, late evening for NBC Present, Dick Ebersol...Oregon Business Network’s Lim ousine-At- Your Call and Celebrity Limousine was handling the project and dem onstrat­ ing the professionalism that any Port­ land business would be proud of. Nearly every NBA Star, A n­ nouncer and coach were passengers of the Black owned operation during the past month. Aside from the pride in personal service, he attributes the surge in business to strategic around the clock marketing networking, promotions and some good public relations. “W e have a healthy respect for our competitors and they now have the same for us, says Jay. We are making limousines afford­ able for nearly everyone whether it’s for an anniversary, concert, wedding or any other event or special occasion. We encourage people to call us and com ­ pare . 636-6113,24 HOURS-A-DAY. Blumenauer to Recommend New Garbage and Recycling Rates Portland Art Museum Film Center Welcomes Visiting Artists gardc works. The Visiting Artist scries will feature Dcbordh Fort (July 16), Pal Baum (July 30), Sharon Genasci (Au­ gust 5), Stephen Roszcll (August 20), and Peter Lipskis (August 23). I a- Black Owned Limo Service Receives Praise During Basketball Tournament City C om m issioner Earl B lu­ menauer will hold a news conference Tuesday, July 7, to announce his rec­ ommendations to the City Council for new residential garbage and recycling rates. Blumenauer will speak at 2:00p.m., Room 321, City Hall, 1220 SW Fifth Avenue. The City Council is scheduled to vote on new garbage and recycling rates on Wednesday, July 8, after it hears public testimony beginning at 9:30 a.m.