Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 01, 1992, Page 9, Image 9

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    July 1, 1992...The Portland Observer...Page 9
»Portland Observer
An Open Letter To African American
Pastors And Churches In The Portland Area
The Church Of
God In Christ
Oregon First Ecclesiastical Juris­
From : Pastor Ralph Greenidge,
Leaders in the African American C om ­
m unity and Team M embers o f the P a­
cific N orthwest B illy Graham Crusade.
I ’m sure by now you have received
notices about the Christian Life and
W itness Classes that were held in vari­
ous locations in Portland and the sur­
rounding areas. During the first two
weeks o f classes, attendance far ex­
ceeded any p ro jectio n s-2 4 ,3 6 5 for
Week 1 and 26,012 for Week 2. Never
in the history o f Billy Graham Crusades
has there been such a response. South­
ern California had art attendance of
24,000 in 1985 with a population base
o f 12 million. Our base is only 1.7
m illion!!! How many members of your
congregation attended these meetings?
There are many hurts and many needs
in our comm unities. This training helps
provide insight into how you can take
advantage o f available opportunities
for evangelism.
In my estim ation, there needs to be
a spiritual awakening to the power of
the Gospel in our lives and the nearness
o f C hrist coming for His redeemed
family. One of the ways that Billy
Graham has stated, and I concur, that
we can be prepared is through studying
G od’s Word and becoming effective
witnesses for Him. The Crusade Office
is offering a Christian Life and W itness
C lass for o u r A fric a n A m e ric a n
churches. We simply need to have 400
people sign up for this important train­
Second, I am willing to show the
Operation Andrew film to organize our
churches to pray for unchurched people
in our communities to bring them in
groups to the Crusade when it is here in
Third, there is need for you to be
involved in the ushering and choir in the
Crusade. And, last, for our churches to
pray for B illy Graham and the Crusade,
that there might be a mighty moving of
G od’s Holy Spirit.
To take advantage of t ie opportu­
nities m entioned above, please call the
Crusade O ffice at 232-4992 for an ap­
pointment. If I am not there, please
leave a message and I will return your
call as soon as possible.
4 8 th A n n u a l H o ly C o n v o c a tio n
J u ly 6 -1 2 , 1992.
Services will be held at 1737 N.E.
Alberta St. 7:00 p.m. nightly. Day
Sessions 10:00 a.m. Jurisdictional
Bishop, Bishop A.R. Hopkins,
Special Guest Speakers:
Tuesday, July 7th
Bishop L.H. Ford, International
Presiding Bishop
Church O f God In Christ, Inc.
from Chicago, Illinois.
Wednesday, July 8th
Bishop Charles E. Blake, General
Board Member a renown preacher
with over 6,000 members, from Los
Angeles, California
Friday, July 10th
Bishop T.L. W estbrook, National
Chairman o f the Judiciary Board,
from Tacoma, W ashington
An Open Letter To
Our Community
Dear Neighbors and Friends:
W e’d like to invite you, your
family and friends to join us in a
fun filled, exciting Vacation Bible
School (VBS) program that will be
held June 29 to July 3rd and 4th,
1992. Time 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM.
This year’s them is Go Tell it
on the Mountain (Son Mountain).
W e’re located at Church of Christ;
3908 NE M allory, Portland, O r­
egon, 97211.
Everyone will benefit from at­
tending VBS. Call if more infor­
m ation is needed. T h e re ’s no
charge. Ask for Pat at (503) 281-
from Holy Redeemer Parish, W illiam
Hill from St piers, Luccnda Tate and
Emma Ford will represent St Andrews
as well as Patrick Ford, who is the youth
delegate from the same Parish. Telcthia
Benjim an, Ida Sheppard and Sam Jack-
son Jr. from Im maculate Heart Parish
and Martin L. King from Mt. Angle
Seminary. Diocesan Coordinator is
Sam Jackson from Immaculate Heart.
Congress VII will build upon the
successful accomplishments o f pervi­
ous congresses to focus on the follow ­
ing areas of concent o f the African
American Catholic community: The
Internal Structure o f African American
Life; The African American M ale; aand
The Effects O f Racism on the African
Jesus Loves You!
Model programs to strengthen the
African American family will be pre­
sented at the Congress. Delegates will
also develop action statements to guide
dioceses and parishes in addressing the
needs o f the African American family.
Sponsors o f The National Black
Catholic Congress are: The African
American Bishop in the United States,
the National Black Catholic Clergy
Caucus, the National Black Sisters’
Conference, the Nation Association of
Black Catholic Administration and the
Knights and Ladies Auxiliary of Peter
Delegates and observers will leave
the Congress better equipped to in­
crease their effectiveness in evangeli­
The "Heaven-Bound” Choir m em ­
bers, crutches and bandages, crippled
and lame, broken and in wheel chairs,
gathered at M aranatha Church for the
last Earthly time to say good-bye to
their dear sister Domella LaS hay D orn.
The building was over-run with
well-wishers, family members, class
mates, clergy, and church members.
This was the most beautiful and the
most spiritual ”going-hom e” service,
as it was called. The songs and the
comments, from those who had im ­
pacted her brief life, caused those lis­
tening to rejoice rather than mourn.
Seventeen days prior to her death,
LaShay graduated from Benson High
School. She had planned to take a trip
to Florida to visit her sister, who is in the
military, and logo to college in the fall;
but, that shall never take place. “God,
in His infinite wisdom, has chosen to
pick the most beautiful of roses for His
heavenly garden”, a phrase exclaimed
over and over again by all those who
There wascertainly somethingdif-
ferent about this young lady’s life be­
cause there were at least fifteen clergy
assembled not just to gaze as if w atch­
ing an interesting event; but, to recall
what a wonderful person LaShay was
and how they will all miss her presence.
Rev. Raymon Edwards, pastor of True
Vine Missionary Baptist Church, stated,
“Life is like an airport w ith some people
coming, some going, but none stay-
Rev. and Sister Virgil Allen
The members o f Macedonia B ap­
tist Church will be celebrating their
pastor and wife, Rev. and Sister Virgil
A llen’s 8th year anniversary beginning
July 9th thru 12th 1992.
7:30 p.m. with a musical on Sat.
July 11th 7:30 p.m. climaxing on Sun­
day July 12th3:O O p.m .,com cjoinusin
helping to make this a wonderful event
for two wonderful people that give and
work so hard for the Lord. Theme: For
I Knew In Whom I Believe 2nd Tim o­
thy First chapter, 12th virtu.
W e arc located on 30th and A l­
The Black Press believes that America can best lead the world away from racial
and national antagonism s when it accords to every person, regardless of race,
color or creed, full human and legal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person,
the Black Press strives to help every person in the firm belief that all are hurt
as long as anyone is held back.
Psalm 34:3
4236 NE Eighth Avenue
(corner of 8th Í Skidmore)
Portland, Oregon 97211
(503) 287-0261
Phillip S. Nelson Pastor
baptist C hurch
H a s m o v e d S u n d a y s e r v ic e s to
Stone Tower Church,
N.E. Sandy Blvd. & 30th
Worship Services 8:0() a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Church School 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 N.E. Schuyler
10:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00 a.m. on KBMS
A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry
Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor
Church Office 116 N.E. Schuyler St.
(503) 284-1954
ÿ a u l Æ îtssw w y
^Baptist (Ctfurclf
8101 N. Fiske Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97203
Church Pho.««: 2 8 9 -0 1 4 7
Sunday Service
Sunday School
Bible Study
Evening Service
7:00 P.M.
In all, over 1,000 came to say
Mrs. Evelyn Bryant, L aS h ay ’s
mother, said that LaShay had attended
the funeral service, one year ago at this
some church, of another young person,
she knew. When she got home, she sat
down and planned her own funeral ser­
vice. She was so impressed with the
manner in which the service was handled
that she thought that she should put her
plans together in a timely manner. Who
would have thought that we would be
here, this year, at her funeral? Who
would have thought? Only God knew.
Rev. George M erriweather, NE
Com m unity Fellow ship Foursquare
Church, Portland, was the officiating
pastor and he delivered such a m ean­
ingful eulogy. What impressed me
most was his charge to the youth in the
audience -- “I don’t want to sell you a
religion!” he exclaimed, “I want you to
get acquainted with and to establish a
good relationship with GOD. LaShay
was excited about her relationship with
Jesus Christ. So much so, that she
constantly had her friends calling her at
her home asking her about Jesus. She
took lime out of her schedule to share
the Lord with her peers at school. W eep
only fora little while because LaShay is
happy. One of these days, there will be
a great reunion over in paradise. If you,
who LaShay has been witnessing to,
allow Jesus to come into your lives, you
will see LaShay again. LaShay made
Come Join Us For
The Celebration
Creed Of The Black Press
Allen I emp e CME Church
Matthew y Chapter 7
LaShay Writes Own Obituary
Seventh National Black Catholic
Congress To Convene In
New Orleans, July 9-12,1992
The seventh National Black Catho­
lic Congress(N BCC VII) will be held in
«New Orleans, Louisiana from July 9-
12,1992. An estim ated 3,000 delegates
from Catholic Churches in African
‘ American com m unities throughout the
country will gather to develop strate­
gies for action and programs which will
address the needs of the African A m eri­
can family.
The opening liturgy for the C on­
gress will be at 6:00 PM on Thursday,
July 9, at the New Orleans Convention
Center. The opening plenary session
will be at 8:30 Friday morning, July 10
at the M arriott Hotel on Canal Street.
Portland Oregon will have repre­
sentation from ten different Parishes.
Geraldine M itchell and John Austin
Scripture o f the W M i
Study Phon«: 2 8 9 -1 9 11
"reservations for herself.”
Rev. M erriw eather recalled th
comments from the choir member <
the nineteenth o f June: the day LaSn,.
truly went home. “ When LaShay < •
into the van, she went to sleep,
slept so soundly. At the time we
the van getting in trouble, we tried n.l
tried to wake LaShay up but she n«
woke up.” Rev. M erriw eather said
"..For all we know, LaShay had a lr e ,■ :
gone on home to glory when she "Oi
into that van.”
As the congregation filed past her
soft pink casket, many touched hei
hand or paused for a moment just h •
her pleasant expression. Yes! Even
death, see continued to witness on ho
the sting o f death had been rem oved by
Jesus Christ himself.
As the masses gathered at the grave
side, there was sobbing, praying and
some were singing. The minister com ­
mitted the remains to the earth and
beautiful doves were released into the
air. One young lady, who was among
those at the grave side said, “I was very
moved when I saw the doves. There
were three of them; but, two cam e back
and stood on the flowers on the casket.
Wow! 1 just didn’t know what to say. It
was so beautiful.”
A beautiful home-going for a beauti­
ful young lady.
“Are you bound for glory or are you
destined for hell?” Rev. Merriweather
asked, as he concluded the service.
Don’t Cry for Me!
\ horny ¡Mom
Dometta LaShay Dorn was bom
in Portland, Oregon on January 3,
1974 uoClarenceDom,Sr.,andEvelyn
She united with St. Paul M ission­
ary Baptist Church under the lead
ership o f Rev. James C.E.
LaShay accepted
Christ at the age o f
13 and she was bap
tized September
1983 by R ev .
G e o r g e
M erriweather,
assistant Min­
ister. LaShay
was a mem­
ber o f the
S u n d a y
School Choir
an d
w orked w ith
the M issio n
Dept. and Youth
Dept. and as she
became older she
m oved up to the
Young Adult Choir.
The mission was to
minister in song, she tried to
point souls to Calvary all along the
way, she wanted everyone to know the
Lord that she knew.
LaShay was educated in Port­
land, Oregon, and she had just gradu­
ated from Benson Polytechnic High
School on June 7, 1992.
One of LaShay’s sayings was “Is
My Living in V ain” and she sang that
song in her first singing groups. She
went on to join other singing groups,
the last one being Heavenbound Gospel.
She was a people person and she
always had a half sm ile for some and
a huge for others, she touched so many
lives. God called her home June E
In her homegoing she leaves her
mother, Evelyn Bryant and
Step-father Arthur Bryant
and her father Clarence
D o m ,S r.,allofP ort-
land, Oreg. B roth­
ers: Clarence Jx„
B ra n d o n ,
Shane, Travis,
D o n tra e , &
David Dorn of
Portland: Sis­
ters: Ramona
M cCauley of
H a w a ii,
Patrice Dorn
o f H o u sto n ,
Texas, Jackie |
K e sh a ,
an d
Jamine Dorn of
P o rtla n d . H er
g ra n d m o th e r,
V ersieL. Blackmon
B ellville, T exas,
Aunts: Joyce Blackmon
and Versie M. Blackmon of
ouston, Texas; Uncles: Eugene
Blackmon o f Bellville, Texas, Dennis
Blackmon o f Port Arthur, Texas, E ar­
nest Dorn o f Portland. Great Uncle
Hubert Bolden o f W ealy, Texas, one
very special friend Eric Adam of P o rt­
land, Oregon, Nieces, nephews, cous­
ins, god children, and a host of other
relatives and friends.
W e truly wished that LaShay
could have stayed here, but God wanted
to add another Rose to his garden.
M allory Avenue
Christian Church
i s c i p
l e
r is t
God's Presence promises
Power through Jesus Christ In
Good Times and Bad Times
A/lctttre-u/ f t:2&
"Come to me all you tuho are
weary and heavy laden and I
will give you rest"
Pastor; Rev James CE. Faulkner
Theme: Whatever you're going to do
for the Lord, do it now
I Peter lv .1 1
Sunday School
Morning Worship
Tuesday Bible
Study and Prayer
Inter-racial Congregation
D enise Ft Bell, P astor
126 N.6. Alberta t Portland, OP 97211 + (503) 288-5173