Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 01, 1992, Page 12, Image 12

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Page 12...The Portland Observer...July 1, 1992
Portland Observer
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Advertisement For Bid
Sealed bids for the Clark Lab & Peavy Hall Exterior Repairs project
will be received by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education
until 2 00 PM, local time, July 21, 1992. Bids will be opened and
publicly read aloud at that time. All bidders must be registered with
the Construction Contractor's Board.
Additional information may be obtained by contacting the OSU
Physical Plant, Adams Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2001 or
telephone 503-737-7694.
Sub-Bids Requested
Public Notice
Portland Community College
Learning Resource Center & Forum
Sylvania Campus
Portland, Oregon
Bid Date: Tuesday, July 28,1992 @ 2 P.M.
Bids Due In Our Offfice By 1 P.M.
TRI-County Metropolitan Transportation
District Of Oregon (TRI-MET)
Notice is hereby given that Tri-M et will hold a public hearing
before its Committee on Accessible Transportation (CAT) to
solicit public comment on Tri-M et’s proposed Key Stations Plan
for Accessibility in Existing Light Rail (MAX).
W ednesday July 15, 1992
Andersen Construction Co., Inc.
6712 N. Cutter Circle
Portland, Or 97217
(503) 283-6712
FAX: (503) 283-3607
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from disadvan­
taged, minority, women, and emerging small business enterprises.
.Oregon contractor’s Board Registration #63053
Advertisement For Bid
Sealed bids for the University Theater H VAC Revisions REBID
project will be received by the Oregon State Board of Higher
Education until 2:00 PM, local time, July 28,1992. Bids will be
opened and publicly read aloud on July 29,199 2 at 2:00 local
time. All bidders must be registered with the Construction
Contractor's Board.
Portland Building
1120 SW 5th
Room C, 2nd Floor
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and subsequent
regulations require Tri-M etto submit a plan to make key stations
of the MAX light rail system “readily accessible to and useable
by individuals with disabilities, including individuals who use
The Committee on Accessible Transportation (CAT) is a citi­
zens’ advisory committee to the Tri-Met Board, and, as such,
reviews and evaluates all current and future transportation
service for people who are disabled. The majority of CAT
members are disabled or represent persons with disabilities.
Oregon State University
Kerr Library Room 134 HVAC
(Balancing And Electrical)
Bid Date: July 14,1992, At 2:00 PM
Testimony at the public hearings will be limited depending on
time availability. The meeting room is accessible. A person
requesting a sign language interpreter shall give Tri-Met at least
48 hours notice of the request by contacting Tri-Met at 238-4952
or TDD 238-5811, Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm.
Servco, Inc.
P. O. Box 99,1200 E. Grant St.
Lebanon, OR 97355
(503) 451 -5090 FAX (503) 451 -3603
BB# 40395
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small
business and disadvantaged business sub-contractors and women and
minority business enterprises and emerging small business enterprises.
Tri-met Intent to apply for FY’92-93
Special transportation Program Formula Funds
Notice is hereby given that the Special transportation Fund
Advisory Committee, of the Tri-County Metropolitan Transporta-
tion District of Oregon (Tri-Met), will meet at 10:00am, W ednes­
day, July 15, 1992, at the Portland Building, 1120 SW 5th
Avenue, 2nd floor, room C, for the purpose of considering an
application for FY' 92-93 State formula funding.
Special Transportation Fund assistance totalling $2,129,143 is
being requested in a grant application to be reviewed by the
Advisory Committee on July 15. The funding would be used for
operating assistance to support transportation service for the
elderly and/or disabled.
Credit Problems?
Tired of being
turned down for
Why pay someone
else hundreds to clear
negative credit?
Public comment is invited at the meeting. Persons requiring a
sign language interpreter should contact Tri-Met’s Senior and
Disabled Citizen Information Department(phone 238-4952 or
TDD 238-5811, Monday-Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm) at least 48
hours prior to the meeting.
Clyde A. Earl
Director, Bus Transportation
Wanted Seville 1970's
George Fox College has a one
year interim opening in English
as a Second Language. 16 hrs
weekly teaching writing & oral
skills. MA required. To apply:
send resume, references & a
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V .P., G eorge Fox C ollege,
Newberg, OR 97132.1 -538-8383
Must be In good condition. Call
287-1784 and leave message.
Do it your self with our help for
one price $49.95.
Clear negative credit
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Fun Work & Good
The most complete
P.O. Box 13480
comprehensive credit
Portland, O R< 97213
As I write this article, I have two
relevant statements before me. Michael
Zimmerman, a biology professor at
Oberlin College asks,“If chemicals are
so safe, why are chemists dying?” The
other attention-getter is an institutional
advertisement by The Chemical Manu­
facturers Association, “Our members
have voluntaril) initiated a pollution
prevention code”.
The first statement carries the reader
to a higher level of awareness, and the
second prompts a “huh? Whats’ that?
reaction. Dr. Zimmerman pulls the cov­
ers off some of the companies and
organizations of the type that brought
us “Love Canal”. He deals with two
individuals in particular who in the
final analysis may be responsible for a
number o f deaths resulting from pollu­
tion of ouj air and water. This opinion
is shared by many environmentalists.
Elizabeth Whelan, executive di­
rector of th. American Council on Sci­
ence and F calth~a front organization
and P.R. firm for such major polluters
as the Nai onal Pest control Associa­
tio n - claims that those us who are
concerned about all the cancer-causing
chemicals into our environment need a
Psychiatrist. A favorite o'f the conserva­
tive, right wing republicans she refers
to concerned consumers as “pests”.
Also cited is Dr. Bruce Ames, a
notorious and oft-quoted toxicologist
(poison expert) at U.C. Berkeley, most
remembered for his statement that “pea­
nut butter is significantly more danger­
ous than most pesticide residues found
on foods”. These two are the most
articulate apologists for an American
chemical industry that furnishes 80%
of the chemicals used by the Colombian
Drug Cartel to Process Cocaine!
The answer to Dr. Zimmerman’s
pertinent question, “why arc chemists
dying ?”, is more than adequately pre­
sented by his citations of documented
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heating oils
For Best Results
Advertise in the Observer
we speak of minority or white occu­
pancy. We could say, perhaps, that there­
fore this environmental hazard has no
racial overtoncs-exccpt that replacing
plumbing is a terribly expensive pro­
cess, and guess who is at the bottom of
the economic pyramid.
In that large information flow I
mentioned, there is always a great num­
ber of reports and studies on hazards to
aspects of our environment other than
the w ater supply. A gain, th at
supercarcinogen, lead, is found in the
home. Studies across the country have
revealed that small children will eat the
flaking paint chips from walls coated
long before recognition of this insidious
danger. Long term or permanent brain
and metabolic damage has been shown
to result from this ingestion (Many an­
cient Romans perished, using lead ves­
In the eastern and southern inner-
cities, the black populations have shown
adisproporlionalc susceptibility to these
diseases, living as many do in aged and
dilapidated sections of town not known
for being kept in good repair. Further
exacerbation of this problem comes from
a proximity to freeways and other artc-
rials which flood their homes with the
fumes from “leaded gasoline”. It will be
many a year before the EPA has com­
pletely cleaned up this act.
Going far afield from Portland,
Oregon, we have yet to discuss some
rather startling and threatening trends-
like the siting of hazardous waste dump
sites next to rural settlements of blacks
who find it almost impossible to fight
back. Some southern county officials
are plugging up financial holes in their
administration by inviting in waste haul­
ers from points as faraway as New York.
And, then, there is Africa which Euro­
pean countries would make an interna­
tional dumping ground, bribing weak or
corrupt regimes.
This analysis continued next week.
Best Cash Prices
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• ir
studies which reveal disproportionately
high rates of cancer of the pancreas and
lymph systems, as well as blood-related
cancers and brain tumoi s for the profes­
sion. This information compiled from
year of study by legitimate and respected
science organizations around the world
was advanced to counter the claims of
the apologists that tests of chemicals on
laboratory animals are invalid (“Mice
are not little people).
And another pertinent question may
arise as we consider the title of this
article, how, indeed, may environmen­
tal pollutants and carcinogens be Ethnic
Specific ? Well, as those television pre­
sentations put it in respect to successful
entrepreneurship-”location, location,
location,” This obtains whether you arc
at the bottom of the food chain, the job
chain, the housing chain, the immigra­
tion chain-or however else you wish to
view the socioeconomic consequences
of racial prejudice in this world.
At first blush, some of the environ­
mental hazards that affect inner-city
populations would not seem to be that
much of a hazard in a city like Portland,
relatively uncrowdcd or frenzied when
compared tomajorcastem metropolitan
center-or California. However, from
where I sit as a member of Portland’s
"WaterQuality Advisory committee”, I
am in constant receipt of a technical
information flow in respect to real or
possible pollution of the city’s water
supplies. The most significant threat of
pollution comes form the presence in
the older homes (and schools) of Lead
fittings-installed many years ago be­
fore plumbing codes were modernized
to deal with this hazard (The status of
city-owned wells also arises).
The problem is being dealt with in
the schools forth with and there are
monitoring and correction programs
being put in place for the homes. How­
ever, as we well know, Portland is a city
of many a beloved Older Home whether
Tri-County Metropolitan
Transportation District
of Oregon
Park Woodworth
Director of Paratransit Services
Call immediately for details
NCSI 659-4086.
Make a living making a difference
in children's lives. Discovery Toys
needs managers and part-time
Call 283-4042
African American Views On The Environment
W ritten com m ent may be submitted to: CAT, Public H e a rin g , c/
o Elaine Tourville, 4012 SE 17th Avenue, Portland, Oregon
97202 on or before July 14, 1992.
To make com m ent by phone, please call 238-4988 (TDD 238-
5811) 8:30am to 4:30pm weekdays, on or before July 14,1992.
Dad's Oil Service
package available
Deadline fo r classifieds is Monday 5pm
Fax: 288-0015
Tri-M et’s proposed Key Stations Plan will be available July 1,
1992. To receive a copy (also available in large print or on tape,
upon request), please call 238-4988 (TDD 238-5811) 8:30am to
4:30pm weekdays, and provide your name and address and
Human Resources
Growing MFG Co. is hiring for a
flexible hours P-T Employment
Specialist The duties include
recruitment selection of all inter­
nal and external applicants.
Maintain tracking records for our
Affirmative Action Plan,Conduct
new employee orientation and
general record keeping. Bach­
elor Degree or equivalent in HR
with minimum of two years expe­
rience. Previous Exp. with ad­
ministration f affirmative action
plan is preferred.
Send Resume To:
10:30am to 11:00am
Sub*Bids Requested
Additional information may be obtained by contacting the OSU
Physical Plant, Adams Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2001 or
telephone 503-737-7694.