Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 25, 1992, Page 7, Image 7

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    March 25, 1992...Ì he Portland Observer...Page 7
Portland Observer
Scripture o f the
Matthew, Chapter 7
Insight on the Word: Reality Check for Christians: Do You Really Know the Christ?
N ow Jesus had not taught them this
truth d ire ctly. He had used his w orks, his
teaching m in istry,a n d th e witness o f the
S p irit to reveal this central truth to them
Dean of North Portland Bible College
11:9-14). These casual observers o f
Jesus easily bought into the sensational
The B ib le text f o r next week's Sun­
day S chool lesson is M a rk 8 :2 7 through
“ ta b lo id ” rum or, ih a t John the B aptist
had been resurrected; they o n ly wanted
9:1. Please re a d this c ru c ia l passage
to fo llo w the e x c itin g developm ents.
Others were say ing Jesus was E lija h
(note M att 16:17). B ut since they under­
(E lia s in G reek). These people were
aware o f the S criptures, w h ich pre­
dicted E lija h ’ s return (M a l4 :5 -6 ). Jesus
id e n tifie d M a la c h i’ s prophecy w ith the
m in istry o f John the B a p tis t(M a tt 11:14;
goo n and teach them what it meant to be
the C h rist— and what it meant fo r them,
to fo llo w the C hrist.
several times, and m editate on its im p li­
cations f o r y o u r own life.
W hat does it cost you to be a C h ris ­
tian? W o u ld you be w ilin g to g ive your
life fo r w hat you believe? Y o u r friends?
Y o u r jo b security?
T h a i’ s re a lly w hat our text this
w eek is about. It is re a lly the turning
p o in t o f the entire Gospel o f M a rk , and
one o f the m ost im p o rta n t passages we
can study in the w hole N ew Testament.
It teaches us about the re a lity o f Jesus as
the C h rist, the necessity and pow er o f
his death, and the demands (yes, de­
mands) he makes on his fo llo w e rs. I can
o n ly g ive you some dire ctio n in d ig g in g
in to these awesome truths fo r yo u r­
T o begin this episode, the L o rd le ft
Bethsaida, by the Sea o f G a lile e (8:22),
and w ent north w ith his disciples to the
v illa g e s around Caesarea P h ilip p i,
where he knew m ore large crow ds o f
curious, co m m itte d , but maybe even
hostile people w o u ld aw ait. In the rela­
tive p riva cy o f th e ir jo u rn e y, Jesus in i­
tiated an all-im portantconversati on w ith
17:10-13), but surely many were un­
aware o f these teachings.
S till others said Jesus was “ one o f
the prophets.” T h a t’ s safe, and yet s till
For the firs t tim e, Jesus “ began to
teach them, that the Son o f man m ust
suffer many th in g s ... and be k ille d , and
after three days rise again.” (M a rk 8:31).
T h is had to be hard fo r the disciples to
lake. Jesus had called h im s e lf “ Son o f
M an” before, but he had not c la rifie d
w hat authority that entailed. B u t w ith
profound. Y ou see, the prophets had
been silent from the tim e o f M a la c h i, as
even the Pharisees w o u ld have a d m it­
ted. R e lig io u s w rite rs, afraid to speak in
the name o f Y ahw eh (the L o rd ), had
the understanding that Jesus is tru ly the
Messiah, the title “ Son o f M an” had to
refer to the vision o f Daniel (D an 7:9-
taken to w ritin g “ a p o ca lyp tic” prophe­
cies o f im pending doom and ju d g m e n t
14) in w hich the Son o f M an received an
eternal kingdom on the earth, ru lin g
and deliverance. These forgeries were
w ritte n in the name o f great O ld Testa­
ment characters, lik e Enoch, Abraham ,
over every nation and people in the
w orld.
the tw elve s o n so f Israel, o r even Isaiah,
and gained c re d ib ility among the g u ll­
ib le by re te llin g histo ry as prophecy.
Some people w h o heard Jesus believed
that real prophecy had returned, and
G od was fin a lly speaking to them in a
the disciples. He asked them to report
on the opin io n s o f the people th e y’ d
met: “ W h o do people say that I am?”
new prophet.
These latter tw o view s (E lija h , o r a
prophet) revealed some insight, but
Jesus wanted his disciples to declare
Three answers are recorded. Some
themselves: “ W h o do you say that I
am?” Peter gave the answer the w hole
said Jesus was John the B aptist. Herod
the K in g was one o f those (6 :1 4 ), w hich
g ro u p was th in k in g : “ Y o u are the
C hrist,” the Messiah, the Anointed K in g ,
the One predicted in the psalms and
prophets, w h o w ill rule over a ll the
earth in the name o f the L ord.
indicates that m any were unaware o f
John’ s witness to Jesus (1 :7 -9 ), and
Jesus’ testim ony concerning John (M a tt
stood that Jesus was the C h rist, he could
Peter and the other disciples were
th in k in g , “ The Son o f M an is bound fo r
g lo ry , not fo r h u m ilia tio n , rejection and
death.” A nd im petuous Peter trie d to
lake authority o ver the situation, ta kin g
Jesus aside to “ rebuke” h im , even as
Jesus had rebuked e v il spirits in other
cases. Peter’ s m ind was b linded fo r the
mom ent to the spiritual dim ension o f
C h ris t’ s kingdom . O f course, he pre­
ferred g lo ry o ver rejection h im se lf.
Jesus knew w ho was confusing the
disciples, and m oving Peter to reject the
a u th o rity o f the One he had ju s t id e n ti­
fied as the C hrist. He turned and rebuked
Peter, c a llin g him Satan, and saying
“ thou savourest not the things that be o f
G o d ,” that is, “ you d o n ’ t have G o d ’ s
business in m in d at a ll.” It w o u ld take
repeated teaching and the very c ru c ifix ­
ion and resurrection itse lf before they
could com prehend the amazing plan o f
salvation. Some people listen to ser­
mons and read the B ib le a ll th e ir lives
and s till miss it.
N ext the L o rd called the cro w d o f
people around him , and spoke to them
all about the p rice o f discipleship. These
words s till apply today, and form a good
re a lity check fo r anyone w ho wants to
be called a C hristian.
N ow d o n ’ t get me w rong. “ W hoso­
ever w ill” may com e to C hrist Jesus, and
receive the free g ift o f eternal life . B u t
in o u r text (M a rk 8:34-38) there are
three other “ whosoever” statements from
the Lo rd h im se lf, w hich we must accept
i f we want to make him the L o rd o f our
First, the fo llo w e r o f Jesus must
s u rre n d e r. Jesus challenges the w o u ld -
be disciple to “ deny h im s e lf ’— take h im ­
se lf (o r herself) o f f the throne, and put
Jesus in charge o f his life . Then he must
“ take up his cross” — the o n ly person
w ho took up a cross was a convicted,
co n d e m n e d c r im in a l. A s D e itric h
B onhoeffer said, “ W hen Jesus calls a
man, he bids him come and d ie .” The
disciples must a d m it their unworthiness
o f G o d ’ s love and m ercy, and be w illin g
to “ die” to a n yth in g in the o ld life that
co u ld be an id o l. F in a lly the disciple
m ust “ fo llo w m e” — fo r Jesus h im se lf
w o u ld show the w ay to death. M o st o f
the crow d did not know Jesus’ plan to go
and die, but they knew that his demands
were costly and p a in fu l.
So w h y w o u ld anyone choose to
fo llo w Jesus? E specially in our plea-
surc-crazcd society, this surrender to
Jesus seems unrealistic. T h a t’ s w h y we
need a re a lity check! The fo llo w e r o f
Jesus m ust also a d o p t e te rn a l values
fo r his life (8:35-37). Y o u w ant to “ save
your life ” by choosing the things that
make your life seem good? C h ris t says
y o u ’ ll lose e v e ry th in g — in e te rn ity ,
where it counts. A re you w illin g to put
C h rist ahead o f e ve ryth in g , in c lu d in g
life itself? Y o u ’ ,1 have the k in d o f life
that re a lly counts— the jo y o f liv in g
w ith Jesus forever. M a n y o f M a rk ’ s
church fa m ily in Rome had to m ake that
choice, and those w ho d id saw G o d ’ s
pow er in supernatural ways.
A nd this im p lie s that the fo llo w e r
o f Jesus m ust ta ke a p u b lic sta n d fo r his
L o rd (8:38). Jesus called his generation
“ adulterous and s in fu l,” and so is ours!
True C hristians are not surprised when
they are in a m in o rity , when others
rid icu le them in d iv id u a lly o r c o lle c ­
tiv e ly , even when they are persecuted
fo r th e ir beliefs. In countries lik e Saudi
A rabia, Iran, India, o r N epal, persecu­
tio n o f C hristians by adherents o f other
re lig io n s is com m on and state-sanc­
tioned; m eanw hile the M o sle m s, H in ­
dus and Buddhists e n jo y general re li­
gious tolerance in many o ther countries,
in clu d in g ours. B u t fo llo w e rs o f C h rist
shouldn’ t be dism ayed o r discouraged.
Persecution o f o u r fa ith co u ld w e ll come
to A m e rica someday, too.
These somber, heavy truths make
us face the re a lity o f fo llo w in g Jesus.
I t ’ s not easy, and i t ’ s not som ething to
accept lig h tly . B u t i t ’ s w o rth it, both in
the jo y and peace you can have in this
life , and the certainty o f eternal life w ith
(corner of 8th & Skidmore)
A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry
Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor
8101 N. Fiske Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97203
Rev. Cooper
Church Rho.te: 2 8 9 -0 1 4 7
Study Phone: 2 89 *1 91 1
Sunday Service
Sunday School
Bible Study
6 :0 0
Evening Service
7 :0 0 P.M.
Are you sick suffering with bad luck? Hair falling our? Loss of
nature? Someone crossed you? Need help in any problem? My
work is with God. Get rid o, your problems. If I cannot do it, 't
cannot be done. Readings by phone or by mail. Also lucky
numbers Call for appointment or directions.
C hurch of C hrist
i s c i p
i e
o f
r is t
God's Presence promises
Potuer through Jesus Christ In
Good Times and Sad Times
A/1cttf:eu/ 7
"Come to me all you who are
weary and heavy laden and I
will give you rest"
Atfftx Pev James C E Faulkner
Them e: W h atever you're going to do
fo r th e Lord, do it now
M allory Avenue
Christian Church
I Peter lv.1 1
Sunday School
Morning Worship
Tuesday Bible
Study and Prayer
Inter-racial Congregation
Denise FI. Belt. Pastor
126 N.C. Alberto t Portland, OR 9721 1 t (503) 288-51 73
Bible Study
9:30 am.
Morning Worship
10:45 am.
Men’s Training Leadership
Women’s Bible Class
5:00 pm.
Evening Worship
Minister Gregory Fobbs
Church Office 116 N.E. Schuvler St.
(503) 284-1954
^ B a p tis t C iju r c lf
Spiritual Reader & Advisor
Dear Lord
Hear us as we pray!
There are many
who need you this day.
But more than that
our Master and Friend,
Be a shield
around us each day.
Protect us
from the fiery darts
we pray.
In the Holy and
Precious name o f Jesus.
Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00 a.m. on KBMS
Phillip S. Nelson Pastor
Guaranteed R esults in 24 H ours
P rayer
Worship Services 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Church School 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 N.E. Schuyler
10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.
Portland, Oregon 97211
(503) 287-0261
W arren at 283-1524.
Stone Tower Church,
N.E. Sandy Blvd. & 30th
4236 NE Eighth Avenue
M o rn in g s, 9:00 - 12:00
Tuesday O .T . S urvey I I I
banquet reservations, please contact
M in . L o n n ie H osley, o r B ro . Fredric
Has moved Sunday services to
Psalm 34:3
S pring Schedule, 1992
M a rch 30 - June 12
E venings, 6:30 - 9:30
M o n d a y N .T . Survey I I I C ross-cultural M usic and W o rsh ip
Tuesday P.T. S urvey I I I Sermon on the M o u n t
W ednesday In d u c tiv e B ib le S tudy D efending the Faith
T hursday W o rld C h ristia n Outreach I I I M in is try to U rban ch ild re n
fo r the A n n ive rsary A w ards Cerem ony
at Steamers R estaurant, 8303 N .E .
Sandy. The donation is $10.00 and an
advanced tic k e t purchase is required.
Sunday afternoon at 3:00 p.m . is the
clo sin g program and w ill feature the
H eavenBound Gospel M u sic M in is try
in concert! ! ! F or fu rth e r in fo rm a tio n on
m t O livet
baptist C hurch
All en Temple CME Ch urck
T e m p o ra rily lo ca te d at Berean B a p tist C hurch
4822 N . V ancouver A ve., E n tra n ce on W ygant Street.
The Heaven Bound Gospel M usic
M in is try w ill be celebrating th e ir firs t
year anniversary F rid a y, A p r il 3rd,
through Sunday, A p ril 5 th, at the Greater
S olid R ock C O G IC , 1705 N .E . Dekum .
Friday n ig h t A p ril 3rd at 10:00 p.m .,
w ill be the k ic k - o ff late n ig h t M u sica l
and Y o u th Service w h ich w ill feature
our local m usic m inistries as w e ll as
guests fro m W ashington and C a lifo r­
nia. Saturday n ig h t has been set aside
Jesus Loves You!
Spring Term
March 30 - June 12,
North Portland Bible College
Gospel Music Ministry
Celebrates First Year
Family Owned and Operated
Since 1954
Serving the City of Portland
for over 37 years
In your hour of need
Vann &Vann are there to serve
6:00 pm.
Attended nursery for all
Wednesday prayer meeting
and bible study
7:30 pm.
Radio Ministry Each Sunday, 11:00 AM - KBMS
Cleodus Vann
Jesus Christ Is Salvation
Union Avenue Baptist Church
5029 N. E. MLK Jr. Blvd.
Portland, OR 97211
Telephone Number - 287-8344
He that is too good to realize that he need to be saved, cannot be
helped. But he that recognize he has a need, can be helped.
What A Friend We Have In Jesus
Are you a friend of Jesus?
Do you want Jesus to be your friend?
We want to be your friend and would love to have you as our
Everyone is welcome to this church, (the body of Christ).
There is a place and a work here for you.
5211 N. W illia m s P o rtla n d , Or. 97217
Rev. A. G. May, Pastor
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