• • March 1 1 ,1992...The Portland Observer...Page 7 K » • - •v • IV XJ Jf 2 - :»*»• ‘ A - & & » '•-S.t ‘S- & J&S® »? * » i?*. R iverPlace A P A D owntown 's Waterfront N eighborhood FIRST MONTH FREE RENT* BRAND NEW APARTMENTS WITH RIVER VIEWS, CITY VIEWS, AND GARDEN VIEWS. ‘ First month free rent with 1 year lease 1 BEDROOMS FROM $680 1 BEDROOM + STUDY FROM $805 2 BEDROOMS FROM $975 Secured garage parking included in rent Easy move-in: Credit check and deposit. Open Daily at SW Montgomery and SW Harbor Way Mon Fri, 9 AM to 5 PM Sat & Sun, Noon to 4 PM Cornerstone (503) 228-1800 Residential Public Notice Wholesale to the Public 35% to 50% off 100% Human Hair 16" from $15.95 * 7 /F- TV on Trial Town Hall Celebrates its 500th Broadcast With a «SSiS.rf * .» FOR YOUR Special Examination of its Own Medium Watching television may lead to anti-social behavior, obesity, gender and racial stereotyping and a lack of self esteem. These are the conclusions of a report released February 25th by the American Psychological Associa­ tion. Yet, television is more deeply ingrained in our culture than ever. Na­ tionwide, two-thirds of Americans now depend on television as their primary source of news. Sixty-eight percent of Portland’s homes have two or more TVs and 75% have VCRs. Television is popular, but is it good for you? The average child witnesses thou­ sands of TV murders before finishing elementary school, leading critics to believe TV has desensitized us to vio­ lence. Political observes wonder how well television informs the electorate. They note that the average soundbite of presidential candidates has been short­ ened from 42 seconds in 1968 to 10 seconds in 1988. Others criticize TV’s abundant sexual messages and say TV still needs to improve its portrayal of women and minorities. Defenders of the medium point to its ability to communicate visually and immediately, and its capacity for con­ necting us to unfamiliar people and countries. They say TV is democratic - if people don’t watch, programs won’t last. They say television reflects the interests of society. Is there too much sex and violence on TV? If television is a mirror of our society, do we like what we see? How much of the message is the medium responsible for? What does TV do bet­ ter than other media? What does it do worse? How can viewers sift the best from the rest? Join Jack Faust and his guests for this special 500th broadcast of Town Hall on Sunday, M arch 22, from 6-7 PM. For seat reservations, please call Frank Mungeam, Alison Highberger, Liza McQuade or Lynn MacRitchic at 231 -4620. Guests should arrive at KATU studios (21st & N.E. Sandy Blvd.) between 5-5:15 PM. The public is welcome, but reservations are required. B IR T H D A Y W IS H CALL OUR A D V E R T IS IN G F or the “Pleasures o f L ife,” enjoy these classic styles. stacyadams Shoe tying.. N O W A T B & R . . . q u a lity d re s s a n d c a s u a l s h o e s a t re a s o n a b le p ric e s ! Is it a hassle for you? THE ANSWER IS VELCRO SHOESI Hard to find — but we did find a good one by Etonic, famous for quality golf shoes — I p black or white — for men or women. Great retisi for only Wigs and Beauty Supplies M r s . C ’s W ig s a n d B e a u t y S u p p ly A Star For Winter Olympics 2000 707 N.E. Fremont Portland, Oregon 97212 (503) 281-6525 Open: 11:30 - 6:00 Tues thru Saturday J P S Pass the word fo someone in need of these. (Arthritis, can t bend , etc.) USP Delivery. glaoty. Coni, from front Page and then there arc “power skating les­ sons” and other little amenities all season long. 1 feel honored at the opportunity to cite these twodcdicalcd gentlemen. We need many more to support our youth. Devon Sahir wishes to be another “Wayne Gretzky,” what else. And he has a 12-year-old brother, Ahmed Elijah Saahir, who has a 3.5 grade average a, Ocklcy Green--A defensive end in the Pop Warner League. Good I uck and congratulations to all of these wonderful people. ’ 9 ’- • ■ • • B g R * •. I OPEN 7 DAVS~| N.E. 30th & AI BERTA • PORTLAND. OR à « - \ . ’ k ... ' , • . - ♦ H -• » • ■' ’«Al $0«; 7 ¿4* * *59“ Sales and Promotional items excluded. & $ afe:"- fe. % -a»- - DEPARTM ENT braiding and weaving We will meet or beat anyone’s prices. .-J 281-5819 OPEN: M O N -FR I IO-7 SATURDAYS 10-6 SUN DAYS 12-5 MSXXMXSIlHt AHirWIIKIMI