Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 11, 1992, Page 12, Image 12

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    Page 12...The Portland Observer...March 11, 1992
Portland Observer
u Employment
» Bids/Sub-Bids
Advertisement for Bids
Sealed bids for the Educational Building's Roof and Exterior
Restoration Project, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, will
be received by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education at
University of Oregon, Physical Plant Department, Conference
Room 2,1295 Franklin Blvd., Eugene, Oregon until 3 p.m. PDT,
April 14, 1992, and then publicly opened and read aloud by the
Undersigned or his designated representative.
Briefly, the project includes exterior repair work of, but is not
limited to, exterior masonry restoration and sealing, sheet metal
restoration and replacement, exterior wood trim restoration,
exterior window and door restoration, adhered elastic sheet
roofing, asphalt shingle installation, waterproofing, and exterior
Bids will be received on a lump sum basis for the entire project,
as shown on the drawings and as described in the Specifications.
One (1) set of the Project Manual and Drawings may be obtained
from Söderström Architects, P.C., 1200 N.W. Front Ave., Suite
410, Portland, Oregon 97209, 503/228-5617 by bidders only
upon deposit of $50.00. Additional sets may be obtained for the
cost of reproduction.
Deposits will be refunded for documents returned in “good
condition" within two weeks after opening of bids.
The Project Manual may be examined at the University of Oregon
Physical Plant, Eugene; Daily Journal of Commerce Plan Center,
Portland; Construction Data, Portland; Eugene Builder’s Ex­
change, Eugene; Salem contractor’s Exchange, Salem; Con­
struction Data Plan Center, Portland; Oregon Builder’s Ex­
change, Roseburg; and Impact Business Consultants, Portland.
All bidders must comply with the requirements of the prevailing
wage law in ORS 279.350.
No bid will be considered unless fully completed in the manner
provided in the “Instructions to Bidders” upon the Bid Form
provided and accompanied by Bid Security.
A mandatory examination of the site and conditions will be made
at 10:00 a.m.., PST, March 31,1992. Bidders shall meet with the
O wner’s Representative at the Physical Plant Office prior to the
required examination.
Oregon State Board of Higher Education
George P. Pernsteiner
Associate Vice Chancellor
Facilities Division
Eugene, Oregon
Information Advertisement
Department of Transportation
Call for Bids
Sealed bids will be received until 9 a.m. on March 26,1992, for the
projects listed below:
Douglas: Ireland Rd.-Olalla Creek Sec., Coos Bay-Roseburg
Hwy (Route OR-42) W. of Roseburg. A.C. Pavement &
Umatilla: S.W. 2nd-S.E. 8th Sec., Pendleton Hwy (Route OR-7)
in Pendleton. A.C. Pavement & Oiling.
Halls Creek Bridge Sec., Arago-Arago Junction Rd.
(Co. Rd. 146) located N.W. of Myrtle Point. Reinf. Cone.
& Struct. Steel Bridges or Grade Sep. Structure. DBE
Main St.-l-84 Sec., Baker-Copperfield Hwy. (Route OR-
7) in Baker City. A.C. Pavement & Oiling. DBE Goal.
Salisbury Jct.-Baker City Sec., Whitney Hwy (OR-7)
beg. 8.6 mi. S. of Baker City. A.C. Pavement & Oiling.
DBE Goal.
Clear Lake-Old McKenzie Hwy. Sec., Clear Lake-
and Linn: Belknap Springs Hwy. (Route OR-126) Approx. 60 mi.
E. of Eugene. A.C. Pavement & Oiling.
Klamath, Lake and Harney: 1992 Dist. 11 Overlay Projects,
Klamath Falls-Lakeview (Route OR-140), Lake of the
Woods (Route OR-66), and Lakeview-Burns (Route
US-395) Hwys., E. and W. of Klamath Falls, and S. of
Burns. A.C. Pavement & Oiling. DBE Goal.
Plans, specifications, and bid documents may be obtained in Rm.
10, Transportation Building, Salem, OR 97310. Plans may be
ordered by phone al 378-6293. Prime contractors must be
prequalified ten days prior to the bid opening day. For additional
information, please contact Commission Services, 378-6526.
If your business is not certified as a Disadvantaged Business
Enterprise (DBE) or a Women Business Enterprise (WBE), Please
contact the Office of Minority, Women and Emerging Small
Business at 155 Cottage, Salem, OR 97310, Phone: (503) 378-
Request for Proposals #92*018
Cleanup of Parcel 249 at the Holman
Redevelopment Area
The Portland Development Commission is soliciting proposals
from firms interested in Cleanup of Parcel 249 at the Holman
Redevelopment Area. Firms who respond to this Request for
Proposal should have experience in this area of work and be
prepared to include in their proposal evidence thereof. Respon­
dents may be interviewed as called for in this RFP.
The scope of work and submission requirements are described
in greater detail in supporting documents available from:
Christian Steinbrecher at 823-3238
Portland Development Commission
1120 S.W. 5th A ve ..S u ite 1100
Portland, OR 97204
Six copies of proposal must be received by PDC no later
than: 4:00 p.m., March 20, 1992.
The Portland Development Commission encourages participa­
tion of Minority, Women and Emerging Small Business contrac­
tors in its projects.
Contractors must be certified by the City of Portland as an Equal
Employment Opportunity Employer and be licensed to do busi­
ness in the City of Portland.
City of Portland
Bureau of Community Development
Minority Contractor Assistance Program
Proposal Description
The City of Portland Bureau of Community Development is
seeking the services of a qualified consultant or consulting team
to examine the barriers which prevent local minority construction
contractors from successfully bidding on public and non-profit
corporation housing development projects. Key objectives of the
study are to: identify local minority and female construction
contractors; determine the specific barriers that have prevented
minority and female construction contractors from successfully
bidding; identify means and costs of removing these barriers to
successful bidding; and identify changes in public and non-profit
corporation bidding practices which would reduce or remove
these barriers.
Request for Proposal:
Proposals will be received at 1220 S.W. Fifth Avenue, Room 211,
Portland, OR 97204, for detailed below services until 4:30 p.m.,
March 20, 1992.
A full Request for Proposal may be obtained at the above address.
For additional information, telephone (503) 823-3028.
The City may reject any bid not in compliance with all prescribed
public bidding procedures and requirements and may reject for
good cause any or all bids upon a finding of the agency that it is
in the public interest to do so.
The City encourages bidding by MBEs and FBEs and will assist
such firms to understand and participate in form bidding pro­
Non-Discrimination. No proposal or bid will be considered unless
the bidder is certified an EEO Affirmative Action Employer, as
prescribed by Chapter 3.100 of the Code of the City of Portland.
Deschutes County
Request For Proposal
Public Opinion Survey
Proposals Due
March 18, 1992 At 5:00 P.M.
Request For Proposal from vendors interested in submitting a
proposal for the preparation and conducting of a public opinion
survey on rural land use.
For more information, specifications, and proposal documents
interested parties who wish to submit proposals contact Karen H.
Green, Director, Community Development Department, 1130
N.W. Harriman, Bend, Oregon 97701 (503-388-6575). Each
proposal must contain a statement as to whether the proposer is
a resident, as defined in ORS 279.029. The County may reject
any proposal not in compliance with the proposal documents and
procedures and reserves the right to reject all proposals if it is in
the public interest to do so.
Sealed, written submissions of proposal will be received by
Deschutes County Community Development Department until
5:00 p.m., Wednesday, March 18, 1992.
Karen H. Green
Director, Community
Development Department
City of Portland
Portland Office of Transportation
Bureau of Traffic Management
Notice of Request for Proposals
Guardrail Needs Assessment Methodology
Proposals Due 5:00 p.m. Friday, March 27,1992
The City of Portland, Oregon, Department of Transportation has
acquired funds to hire the services of a consultant or consulting
team todevelopaG uardrail NeedsAssessment Methodology as
described in the proposal to provide for the project goal stated
The g oa l of the G uardrail Needs A sse ssm en t M e th o d o lo g y
is to develop an e ffic ie n t and c o s t e ffe ctive syste m fo r
m o n ito rin g , ranking, u p d a tin g and m a in ta in in g g u a rd ra il/
ba rrie r th ro u g h o u t the C ity of P ortland.
The City proposes to contract with a consultant/consultant team
who has demonstrated expertise in guardrail design and in
developing needs assessment methodologies. The City is in
need of a guardrail/barrier management system which would
consist of determining the condition of existing sections of
guardrail, and making a decision to repair, replace, maintain, or
remove. This $30,000 project is targeted to incorporate a lite ra ­
tu re search and review , and the development of a site c o n d i­
tio n form , an e va luatio n m a trix, a m ethod fo r ra n kin g sites
a fte r evaluatio n, and a pilot survey.
The Request fo r P ro p o sa ls will be available for distributing
starting March 6,1992 from the Bureau of Traffic Management,
1120 S.W. Fifth Avenue, Room 730, Portland, Oregon 97204.
The Portland office of Transportation is an Equal Employment
Opportunity Employer and, as such, especially invites and
encourages proposals for professional, technical and expert
services from minority and female owned business enterprises.
Please direct questions concerning this proposal to Jamie
Moorman, (503) 796-5165 or to Rob Burchfield at (503) 796-
Division A
Advertisement for Bids
Sealed bids for the construction of Portland State University,
Science I Building Pipe Replacement, will be received from
interested Contractors by: The Oregon State Board of Higher
Education, at Room 202E, University Services Building, 617
S.W. Montgomery St., Portland State University, Portland, Or­
egon 97207, until 3:00 p.m. prevailing local time on Thursday,
April 2, 1992. Bids will be publicly opened and thereafter read
aloud by the undersigned or his designated representative.
The work is described as the interior renovation of Science I
Building to include water piping replacement, installation of a
distilled water system, and toilet room finishes and accessories.
Science I Building is located on the west campus at 1025 S.W.
Mill Street.
A mandatory Ppre-bid Conference to answer questions about
the project and to discuss compliance with Equal Employment
Opportunity requirements will be held on Thursday, March 19,
1992, at 10:00 a.m., prevailing local time, in University Services
Building, 617 S.W. Montgomery Street, Portland, Oregon.
Two sets of contract documents, including Bid and Agreement
Documents, may be obtained upon receipt of a $100 deposit
made payable to the Architect: Dull Olson W eekes Architects,
115 N.W. First Avenue, Suite 301, Portland, Oregon 97209,
(503) 226-6950. Deposits will be refunded for documents re­
turned in good condition by actual bidders within 2 weeks
following bid opening, and returned to non-bidders only if re­
turned one week prior to bid opening.
Sub-bidders and suppliers may obtain personal sets of docu­
ments and prime bidders additional sets by paying cost of
reproduction, which is not refundable. Reproductions of draw­
ings and specifications may be obtained at Willamette Blueprint,
510 N.W. 15th, Portland, Oregon 97228, (503) 223-5011.
Plan Centers: The Contract Documents are available for review
at the following plan centers: Builder’s Exchange Co-op; CSS
Plan Center; Construction Data West; Corvallis Plan Center;
Daily Journal of Commerce Plan Center; Salem Contractor’s
Exchange; Dodge-Scan; and The Southwest Washington Con­
tractors Assoc.
All bidders must comply with the requirements of prevailing wage
law in ORS 279.350. No bid will be considered unless fully
completed in the manner provided in the “ Instructions to Bidders"
upon the Bid Form provided and accompanied by Bid Security.
Oregon State Board of Higher Education
By: George Pernsteiner, Associate Vice Chancellor
Request for Statement of
Due 2:00 p.m. - March 20,1992
Kane Park Regional Detention Pond Project No. 9004
The City of Gresham plans to retain consulting services to
perform the design of the Kane Park Regional Detention Pond
Project No. 9004. The project will consist of performing pre­
design, geotechnical analysis, final design, construction survey,
and construction inspection forthe pond, outlet and conveyance
structure through Kane Road. A preliminary analysis has been
previously performed as part of the Kelly Creek Basin Storm
Drain Master Plan (1988). Both the Master Plan and associated
computer model (modified TRS20) of the basin are available for
use by the design consultant.
Interested consulting firms may obtain a complete copy of the
Request for Statement of Qualifications from the City of Gresham,
Department of Environmental Services, 1550 N.W. Eastman
Avenue, Suite 175, Gresham, OR 97030, (503) 669-2531.
Multnomah Education Service District
Request for Proposals
For Banking Services
Proposals are solicited to furnish banking services for this agency.
Proposals will be received by Michael Mlynarczyk, Purchasing
Agent, at 11611 N.E. Ainsworth Circle, Portland, OR 97220-9017
(P.O. Box 301039, Portland, OR 97230-9039) (Phone: 503-257-
1791) until no later than 4:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time (PST)
April 1, 1992, at which time and address the proposals will be
publicly opened but will not be read aloud.
The successful bidder will not be required to be licensed for
asbestos abatement under Section 7 of ORS 468.883.
Specifications may be obtained at the above office. The District
may reject any proposal not in compliance with all prescribed
public bidding procedure and requirements, and may reject for
good cause any or all proposals upon a finding of the agency it is
in the public interest to do so. No proposal will be considered that
is received after the appointed date and time.
Sub-Bids Requested
Oregon Department of Transportation
East Marquam Interchange (NB and Banfield Access) Section
Multnomah County, Oregon
Bid Date: March 12,1992 - 9:00 a.m.
Denver Green International, Inc.
8055 E. Tufts Ave. - Suite 700, Denver, CO 80237
800-421-6972 FAX 800-421-6973
Oregon CCB #72879
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from disadvan­
taged, minority, women, and emerging small business enterprises.
Advertisement For Bid
Sealed bids for the Industrial Building Reroofing project will be
received by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education until 2:00
PM. local time, March 31,1992. Bids will be opened and publicly
read aloud at that time. All bidders must be registered with the
Contractor’s Board.
Additional information may be obtained by contacting the OSU
Physical Plant, Adams Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2001 or
telephone 503-737-7694.