March 4 , 1992...The Portland Observer...Page 5 Back To The Ranch; If It’s Still There BY PROF MCKINLEY BURT As many o f us, black, while and other, spin out o f Black History M onth, we find that some have “ renewed their roots, reinforced their psyche or paid their respects to m inorities for another year.” Others are just glad to get their classrooms and assembly halls “ back to basics.” Now, where is the “ Portland Observer” in this scheme o f things? Where should it be? The establishment media is not going to be o f much help, not w ith its flu rry o f m ixed, misleading and emo­ tional signals. “ Abu Dhabi to settle some BC C I Claim s,” or how about “ C linton tells Black voters H e’ s The M ost Q ualified.” The ones I really like are the updates on President Bush’ s H O M E IN T A X -F R E E T E X A S , Suite 271 in the Houstonian Hotel. Though he only spent three nights there in 1991, the M aine People’ s Alliance says the scam is “ not illegal, but we think i t ’ s sleazy.” Bear w ith me now, somewhere in this potpourri o f a media m ix are the substantive issues that need to be ad­ dressed by A frican Americans. Now several weeks ago I dealt w ith the de­ railm ent o r m odification o f two key national programs designed to place this nation in a lead position in science and technology by the tum o f the cen­ tury: “ Education 2000andW ork Force 2000.” There w ill be much more to come on these. Anticipate some dis- cussion on the fo llo w in g announce­ ment: “ Higher Education B ill Passes; Pell Grants w ill now have a $42,000 maximum fam ily income lim it and in ­ dividual grants w ill top out at $4800." In addition schools whose students have had a serious repayment problem w ill becut from the program. Itoccursm ost imm ediately that there are a number o f constraints other than financial upon a number o f youth who would form erly be considered college bound. There is the declining economic situation o f the state systems o f higher education, as in Oregon where enrollm ent has been capped or reduced. A dditonally, when the cold waves o f reality fin a lly washed over the avid proponents o f Omnibus education and w ork force “ 2000” projects, these mis­ sionaries were abruptly faced w ith the fact that the only technological learn­ ing structure which could deal w ith youth at the math and language literacy level o f our kids was the C O M M U ­ N IT Y C O LLEG E SYSTEM . Even here there is a mountain o f remedial w ork to be done until science and math are sufficiendy integrated into the lower grades (That alone w ill take u ntil the tum o f the century--that magic dale o f 2000 forecast by dreamers or charla­ tans fo r the U.S. to gain international technical leadership). There is much that can be done to further an improved educational pro­ cess, an effort that w ill require several McMurphy's Appliance Center Washer fit Dryer S19 9 - Refrigerators From $ 1 2 9 - decades o f concentrated effort and com- m itm cnl. It is d iffic u lt to understand why we s till have so many educated (and uneducated) who conform to a H oly G rail that everyone must pursue a straitlaced, unbroken educational path from Head Start to Pomp and C ircum ­ stance at about age 22 or 23. And who believe any deviation from the process constitutes a failure o f cither the in d i­ vidual or the system. A concerned American industry (Associated Oregon Industries included) has made it quite clear that they are first concentrating on obtaining a vastly improved H IG H SCHOOL G R A D U A T E and then C om ­ m unity College products w ith Technol­ ogy Certificates (2 years) or who have completed R E TR A IN IN G . In the 1970’s, coming from indus­ try to a teaching poistion at Portland State U niversity, I was able to see the handwriting on the w all quite early on. I was able to quite successfully adopt and m odify the educational time line o f many students, white and black, who were in consequence enabled to survive econom ically and e m o tio n a lly -a n d , eventually, gain their higher degree, all w ithin the context o f R E A L IT Y . As a matter o f fact I am on the Board o f Directors o f a Beaverton Corporation whose CEO is a former student from this period. I w ill continue w ith this important concept next week. Si A long One o f the central tenets o f the struggle for freedom in A frica n-A m eri­ can history was the idea that what was politically necessary also had to be m o ra lly u p liftin g . From Frederick Douglass to Malcolm X , the ends never justified the means. Ethical behavior toward each other was an important feature o f the African-Am erican com­ munity. The violenceof Black vs. Black crime and the peddling o f drugs to innocent children were denounced as socially destructive behaviors which have to be expelled from the Black community, i f it is to survive. However, during the recent rape trial o f former heavyweight champion M ike Tyson, disturbing trends devel­ oped within the national African-Am eri­ can c o m m u n ity . Some com pared Tyson’ s prosecution unfavorably to the acquittal o f W illia m Kennedy Smith in last year’ s controversial rape trial. O th­ ers complained that the behavior and m otivesofTyson’s victim were “ highly questionable.” W hy w ould Desiree Washington, an intelligent woman who had been crudely propositioned by Tyson earlier in the day, w illin g ly go back to his hotel room in the middle o f the night? Black Baptist ministers clus­ tered and prayed fo r the Black pugilist in his hour o f need. W ith Tyson’ s conviction, some o f these sentiments assumed ugly dim en­ sions. A Black student newspaper in New York C ity declared that the young woman raped by Tyson “ w illin g ly went to his hotel room to w in his fame and fortune, but realized that a one night ■ALTERATION: C e re A bout Y o u r Im a g o t We 6800 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Open Mon.-Fri. 9:00 om to 5:00 pm Saturday 10:00 am to 2:00 pm Professional and Quality Dry Cleaning & Laundry Is Assured By Our Courteous New Manager Marva Mitchell Sunday Closed C olor L ine Mike Tyson vs. The Morals Of Our Movement BY DR. MANNING MARABLE For Best Results Advertise in the Observer ^/VOOW^aNERS Ranges From $ 1 2 9 - the stand would not have been enough.” Tyson’ s conviction was “ a grave injus­ tice to the whole Black comm unity,” because the “ loss o f another Black role model means the imprisonment and death o f many o f our Black youth.” A t some Black radio stations, tele­ phone calls ran at least five to one in favor o f Tyson and against the woman he had raped. M any o f the callers sup- portingTyson wereBlack women. Some argued that the woman’ s decision to enter a man ’ s bedroom voided any right she held to claim that she had been sexually violated. The same attitude could be observed on the streets. In Los Angeles several days ago, I witnessed Black young a dulls-m ale and female alike-w earing sweatshirts which pro­ tested the Tyson rape conviction in bold letters. In vulgar, sexist language, the shirts proclaims: “ The b-— set me up!” Enough is enough. On this issue, we must draw a line. To stand w ith M ike Tyson is to stand fo r everything B la ck freedom struggle has been against. No man has a right to rape any woman, no matter what the situation or context. When people argue that the woman shouldn’ t have gone to his hotel room , our response m ust be “ So What?” People who use poor judgement de­ serve to be raped? There are no excuses for crim inal behavior and the evidence indicates that Tyson was indeed guilty o f rape. W ithin the African-American com­ munity, we need to discuss the social destructiveness against the Black male w ithin society. Our young men are bom­ barded by values and images o f v io ­ lence, vulgarity and self-hatred w ithin the popular culture. In rap music, Black women are ro u tin e ly described as “ bitches” and “ ho’s.” On N W A albums, there are titles such as “ Findum, F -u m , and Flee.” Given this social condition­ ing and sexism, is it surprising that too many young males make the connec­ tion between violence and sexuality? We must challenge the glamoriza- tion o f male brutality, the concept that males w ith status, money and power o f whatever race can act in ways w hich are destructive to women. By placing Tyson on a pedestal, by ignoring the evidence and accepting this brutality against one o f our sisters, we are embracing that same violence against our daughters, mothers and ourselves. Instead o f pro­ jecting a vision o f humanity which en­ riches the spirit, we devalue and de­ grade ourselves. No doubt, Black men suffer dis­ proportionately from the violence and discrimination o f the political and crim i­ nal justice system. Racism is alive and w ell, lim itin g Black males’ economic opportunities. But the pain o f oppres­ sion doesn’ t ju s tify violence against another person. Tyson is g uilty, and fo r the sake o f our own hum anity, we must draw the line. Dr. Manning Marable is Professor o f Political Science and H istory, U n i­ versity o f Colorado, Boulder. “ Along the Color L in e ” appears in over 220 publications internationally and a radio version is broadcast by more than 50 stations. .n*,*'- f t 'C Ì »•J** • • • •• • ’■(/ tu,' : < 8 ' . •K* f ¿ < * • • M 'Í íí %« c f? »X t . - ' i r ¿.LV/. ¿V-; y Magazines Seeks information on Black Art Galleries Black Spots, aseven-year-old Black culture magazine, is com piling a direc­ tory o f Black-owned art galleries and seeks information. “ W e’re looking fo r historical and contemporary data about Black-owned art galleries including the firs t one founded, and the oldest continuously operated one,” says publisher Cynthia E. G riffin . G riffin adds that galleries included in the directory can feature the works o f artists o f local, regional, national or international note and must be more than a retail art outlet. “ We want galleries that mount ex­ hibits at least tw o times a year in their own space or at another location. They should also be a place where people can buy or just look” stresses G riffin , add­ ing that the galleries must be at least 50 percent Black owned. Gallery owners interested in being included in the directory should send the name, address, phone number, hours o f operation, the number o f exhibits held each year and a b rie f description o f the works featured, says G riffin . Also include the year the gallery opened. March 15 is the deadline to submit inform ation to: Black Spots at 1283 S. La Brea Ave., Suite 304, Los Angeles, C A 90019. Fax to: (213) 296-5399. For information, call (213) 938-0101. / ? . « • ti** L: ZT'v-nc- t e »? ►L ’è * & ■ t e Open From 8 • 6 Mon. • Fri. and 9 • 4 on Saturday BOSTON’S MINI MARKET NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT! PLEASE SUPPORT YOUR COMMUNITY STORE IT’S A MUST. PLEASE REFRAIN FROM DRINKING ON THE STORE GROUNDS AND ON THE OLD FRED MEYER PARKING LOT. IT CAUSES MANY UNNEEDED PROBLEMS. COME BY FOR ALL YOUR SHOPPING NEEDS. WE WORK WITH OLCC. LOCATED AT 726 N.E. KILLINGS WORTH jl O Z u N 4 O N zAVENUEó ZGLASSTOMPANY; O J __% General Roofing Hot Roofs and Shingles 25 years experience 284-4977 hm. 284*1324 bue. 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