-w * V M V -M « W X T 't W Page 4..,The Portland Observer...March 4,1992 HAPPY BIRTHDAY M A R A N A T H A C H U R C H PRESENTS T H E SECO ND A N N U A L P A C IFIC N O R T H W E S T C IT Y W ID E To Our Friends Having B irthdays in March REV I VAL HAPPY BIRTHDAY! TO MY LONG TIME CLOSEST GIRL FRIENDS Happy Sixth Birthday Memory Ann Garnett March 10 From your mom Gary Ann and the staff of The Portland Observer L Mrs. Sandra Johnson (Bell) March 9 Mrs. Linda Carter (Fikes) March 7 And to my Beautiful Little Sister and Friend Nancy Goss Mayfield March 7,1992 featuring Guest Speaker: Evangelist Iona Locke A Birthday Salute & Dedication MARCH 1 8 ,1 9 ,2 0 , 1 9 9 2 • 7 :0 0 P.M. NIG HTLY For all o f your love, support and longtimefriendships thr ough- out the years. I can only say to all o f you “Tears o f Joy,’’ “Blessings from God above" flow from my heart -1 love all o f you fo r the constant support during my “comeback." Happy Birthday Clara Jenkins MARANATHA CHURCH 4222 NORTHEAST 12th PORTLAND, OREGON PASTOR: WENDELL WALLACE for more information call: 288-7241 Sincerely Elizabeth S. Hayes March 6 from family and friends Public Notice Dad's Oil Service Wholesale to the Public 35% to 50% off 100% Human Hair 16" from $15.95 heating oils Best Cash Prices 104 NE Russell Portland, OR 97212 282-5111 Speedy Service Friendly Call for Quote! DON’T GIVE UP!! braiding and weaving Wigs and Beauty Supplies We will meet or beat anyone’s prices. FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY WISH Sales and Promotional items excluded. Guaranteed Results in 24 Hours Rev. Cooper Spiritual Reader & Advisor Are you sick suffering with bad luck? Hair falling our? Loss of nature? Someone crossed you? Need help in any problem? My work is with God. Get rid of your problems. If I cannot do it, it cannot be done. Readings by phone or by mail Also lucky numbers. Call for appointment or directions. Mrs. C’s W igs and Beauty Supply CALL OUR ADVERTISING 707 N.E. Fremont Portland, Oregon 97212 (503) 281-6525 Open: 11:30 - 6:00 Tues thru Saturday DEPARTMENT (215)333-5763 FREE READING BY PHONE PSU New Plays Conference A nnounces A u d itio n s Portland State University’s New Plays Conference is holding open audi­ tions for roles in four plays selected for a period of workshop rehearsals which begin March 20. Fully staged reading performances will be presented April 15-25. Monday, March 9,4 p.m., Director Allen Nause is auditioning for three young men in Room 119 Lincoln Hall; director Joyce Harris is auditioning for three men and one woman in their mid­ thirties in Room 121 Lincoln Hall. Tuesday, March 10, 4-5:30 p.m., in Room 119 Lincoln Hall, directors Victoria Parker and Alana Beth Lipp are auditioning for several men and women to play ages 20-50. For more information contact the Theater Arts Department at Portland State University, 725-4612. Expect the Best at Safeway SAFEWAY Ad Prices Good March 4 through March 10,1992 At Safeway. Fresh Tender Asparagus Young tender spears fo r y o u r enjoym ent. This seasonal d elig h t Is d e licio u s steam ed and served with yo u r fa m ily's fa vo rite main dish. roc DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Commission Meeting Date: March 11,1992 Place: Portland Bldg., 11th FI 1120 SW Fifth Ave. Time: 9:00-11:00 am A t 11:00 a m., follow ing the Commis­ sion Meeting, a joint PDC Commis- sio n/U n ion Station Task Force Public Hearing w ill be held in the 2nd Floor A uditorium . ’ . Commission meetings are open to the public. An agenda is available at PDC, 823-3200 PDC is the City's urban renewal, housing and economic development agency. Look In The This Week Magazine for your Safeway Shopping Guide for a complete list of specials on sale this week at Safeway! W ESTERN U N IO N The Fastest Way To Send Money__Available In All Safeway stores in Oregon & S.W. Washington. I ,< .•1 s < 9 ,‘