February 26, 1992...The Portland Observer...Page 3 Carl Taiton Received The 1991 Award Of Excellence Carl Taiton Carl Talton, Pacific Power C o­ lum bia Area manager, received the 1991 Aw ard o f Excellence fo r out­ standing performance from PacifiCorp. The award was given to only 25 in d i­ viduals across PacifiC orp’s seven state service area fo r exceptional perfor­ mance in comm unity service, customer relations and innovation. “ Carl consistently performs be­ yond expectations in com m unity rela­ tions, economic development, sales and management,” said Diana Snowden, vice president o f Pacific Power’ s Or- egon/Califom ia Region. “ As the same time, he maintains high levels o f trust among those he works w ith, both in and out o f the company.” Talton has been instrumental in changing How Pacific, government and other m ajor businesses respond to the needs o f the poor in north and northeast Portland. “ The way to revitalize our part o f Pordand is through economic devel­ opment and the jobs it brings,” said Talton. “ To do that, we need to bring in money for business, fo r upgrading the public infrastructure and for hous- ing. He has twice been appointed to the Portland Development Com m is­ sion and has represented the C ity o f Portland and PDC on business recruit­ ment delegations to Japan. As a com­ missioner w ith PDC, he has helped in its efforts to produce $2.5 m illio n for job training and small business devel­ opment revolving loan funds and suc­ cessfully lobbied at the federal level to get monies fo r the area. “ Pacific Power as a provider o f electric services also plays a large part in the revitalization o f northeast Port­ land,” said Talton. “ We are uniquely poised to provide plenty o f power for growth, the services necessary to en­ sure that the growth is efficient and prices that have actually declined over the past four years.” McMurphy's Appliance Center Washer fit Dryer *199- Refrigerators From *129- Ranges From *129- Packwood Discusses Health Care Differences Oregon Senator Bob Packwood, in an editorial board interview w ith the Salem Statesman-Journal, today dis­ cussed the clear differences between his own Comprehensive Health Insur­ ance Plan (CH IP) and the Russo b ill, supported by Congressman Les A uC oin. AuCoin had pledged his public support fo r the Russo b ill at times during an interview w ith Oregonian columnist Jeff Mapes, and also at a Eugene health care rally in October, 1991. AuCoin and his operatives have been disputing Packwood’s use o f a figure o f a 21 percent payroll tax to fund the Russo plan. AuC oin aide Rachel G orlin has said that the figure was a fig m e nto f the Packwood camp’s im agi­ nation. Packwood apologized today for the 21 percent figure. “ The figure I gave, 21 percent, was in error,” commented Senator Packwood. ‘T h e 21 percent figure I have been using was fo r the 1990costs.TheCongressional Research Service has based a new estimate on 1992 health care costs. Costs now are much higher. I f paid fo r solely by a payroll tax, it would have to be a tax between 24 and 25 percent. To advo­ cate placing this kind o f tax burden on Oregonians is unconscionable.” Earned Income Credit Increases The last part o f the credit allows up to $428 fo r health insurance premiums paid that include coverage o f one or more qualifying children. The credit cannot exceed the actual amount o f the premiums paid and the Schedule A medical deduction ( if applicable) must be reduced by the amount o f the credit. “ Jackson H ew itt uses a computer­ ized software system that allows the Earned Income C redit to be calculated quickly and accurately,” said Susan J. Girouard, D istrict Manager. Health Care Should be An American Birthright; AuCoin Calls For Quality and Affordable Health Care Saying that America stands at a crossroads where the path to economic justice must be the hallmark o f a ll our endeavors, Democratic senatorial can­ didate Les AuC oin proposed a plan for quality and affordable health care fo r a ll Americans. “ F o r too m any A m e ric a n s ,” AuCoin said, “ affordable, quality health care is becoming only a distant dream. The premiums, deductibles, and add­ ons are breaking fam ily budgets--and becoming a distant memory.” In fact. AuCoin added, over $70 b illio n a year is “ wasted on paperwork alone.” AuCoin said the current health care system in Am erica is at a “ crisis,” and that it is time to act to ensure affordable and decent health care fo r a ll Am eri- cans-not ju s t for the 37 m illio n A m e ri­ cans who have no health care at a ll, but for the thousands o f Oregonians and m illions o f Americans who are strug­ gling each and every day to pay fo r health care coverage fo r themselves and their families. AuC oin proposed scrapping the current system and replacing it w ith a single payer system. “ That means re­ placing the 1,500 insurance companies that run up billions o f dollars in over­ head costs, bury us in senseless paper­ work, and w rite their own rules that leave those who really need coverage out in the cold,” he said. Under the single payer plan AuCoin proposed, each state would appoint a separate com m ission-com prised o f consumers, other private citizens and A ID S is preventable Co// f o r more inform ation 342-5088 \/VO0DI*§«RS alterations -, 6800 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. 2SQ -<53-4<5 Professional and Quality Dry Cleaning & Laundry Is Assured By Our Courteous New Manager Marva Mitchell PLEASE SUPPORT YOUR COMMUNITY STORE IT’S A MUST. PLEASE REFRAIN FROM DRINKING ON THE STORE GROUNDS AND ON THE OLD FRED MEYER PARKING LOT IT CAUSES MANY UNNEEDED PROBLEMS. COME BY FOR ALL YOUR SHOPPING NEEDS. WE WORK WITH OLCC. LOCATED AT 726 N.E. KILLINGSWORTH Open From 8 • 6 Mon. • Fri. and 9 * 4 on Saturday We Offer Professional Alterations Drapery Cleaning All Weather Proofing Of Ski-Wear & Rainwear 4 8 Hour Shoe Repair And Specialize In Silk Cleaning & Leather Goods Portland City Auditor Barbara Clark announced today that the No Special Rights Com m ittee’ s petition to amend the Portland C ity Charter to restrict sexual orientation provisions o f C ity law has failed to q ualify fo r the May 19 b a llo t Backers o f the petition needed 17,542 valid signatures to place the initiative on the M ay 19 ballot. A check o f the petition signatures by the Multnomah County Elections O ffice this week indicates that the petition filed w ith the C ity on January 21,1992, contained an estimated 15,909 valid signatures, approximately 1,600 less than required to qualify for the ballot. This result confirmed the results o f an in itia l check o f petition signatures conducted by the Elections Office Janu­ ary 31. “ The second check o f the No Special Rights Petition once again showed that the signatures submitted by petition sponsors contained an un­ usually high percentage o f names o f individuals not registered to vote in Multnomah County or the C ity o f Port­ land. On that basis, the petition has failed and w ill not appear on the M ay 19 b allot,” said C ity A uditor Clark. “ I met w ith County Elections D irector V ic k i E rvin last week to re- view the signature sampling process, and I am satisfied w ith the v a lid ity and accuracy o f the process. The sampling procedure used to check signatures on this petition is statistically valid, and conforms to the requirements o f C ity Code and state law. Checks o f addi­ tional signatures cannot reasonably be expected to change the result, so no further checking w ill be done. The petition has fa ile d,” said Clark. Petition backers submitted 22,934 signatures to the C ity on January 21, 1992 to place the question on the M ay 19 ballot. An in itia l check o f 1,605 signatures by the Elections O ffice last week indicated that petition backers had fallen short o f the 17,543 valid signatures needed to place the measure on the ballot, due in part to a large num berof signatures from unregistered voters, or voters not registered in the C ity o f Portland. C ity Code and state law provides fo r a second sample to be checked i f an initia l sample reveals that a petition may not contain the m in i­ mum number o f valid signatures. The Elections O ffice checked a second sample o f 2,752 signatures this week, which contained only 1,909 valid sig­ natures, or 69.4%. Based on this sample, the fu ll petition contains an estimated 15,909 valid signatures. Jefferson Student Literary Magazine Receives National Award ---- --------------------- ---- -------------- -I Jefferson H igh School lite ra ry magazine, Rites o f Passage, received National Council o f Teachers o f En­ glish (NCTE) highest award. Poems, short stories, essays and illustrations by 42 Jefferson High School students were published in magazine format and submitted as one o f 1,073 entrees in the N C T E com petition. Jefferson was one o f only 35 submis­ sions nationally chosen for this award. High schools, ju n io r high schools and middle schools across the United States, Canada and American schools abroad enter the competition designed to foster literary magazines w ith high standards for w ritin g and publishing. 10% Discounts For Senior Citizens 282-6776 Public Notice LET THE ARMY RESERVE PAY YOUR STUDENT LOAN. \ .. ............... » . .1- I..IV I.I |t.ii.iN iin « « -il.iiii -M il Im . tum . w. i« hilluu: t " l * I p t " ' “ ri 1 ■ pi.ilili«-«l -«»»•♦• ul U rn up V«n . *ml»l iK ... |li |llh b i I *1-* ,.41. I , , \ p . <1-1 * .ill I * |M ll U"« i i m m IK •• ih -.X L. ih I i i i h Milli pill « . . U \|||.||.|I ll.MHIIH' I l lt ll k . i I m HH ll I In n l l l l l l k . i I m h i I n * . I I m - i m j i II 282-2120 or 223-6734 ■I « ( ( T O U C H HI ARMY RESERVE Attorney at Law Wholesale to the Public 35% to 50% off 100% Human Hair 16” from $15.95 Civil & Family Law Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy braiding and weaving Wigs and Beauty Supplies Licensed To: We will meet or beat anyone’s prices. Assist you with your legal concerns Protect your legal rights Convenient Lloyd Center Location Sales and Promotional items excluded 2161 N.E. Broadway Portland. Oregon 97232 282-7285 Mrs. C’s Wigs and Beauty Supply 707 N.E. Fremont Portland, Oregon 97212 (503) 281-6525 Open: 11:30 - 6:00 Tues thru Saturday I need, A uC oin said. C urrently, Americans spend more than $400 b illio n annually on health care premiums, AuC oin said, adding that the current medical industrial com ­ plex likes things just the way they are. In fact, AuC oin added, some people in Oregon advocate mandating that all employers provide health insurance to every employee, then call it a day. “ W ell, it w on’ t w o rk -a n d it ’s not fa ir.” A uC oin said that i t ’s wrong to “ single out a small business in Ashland and force it to bear the burden o f paying fo r a health care quick fix . The last thing small businesses can afford is another mandate from a federal government in ­ tent on avoiding responsibility.” A u C o in also sa id th a t the adm inistration’ s opposition to a sen­ sible fa m ily leave law epitomizes the way this adm inistration thinks about issues that affect w orking men and women throughout the nation. AuC oin said that he w ill help “ lead the fig h t” fo r a national fa m ily leave policy,” legislation which w ill provide forparental leave fo r fam ily crises, preg­ nancy leave and medical leave. AuC oin said that the adm inistra­ tion “ just doesn ’ t get it. Instead o f help­ ing fam ilies make it, they embrace the u ltra -righ t a ge nd a-vetoin g parental leave; fighting child care legislation; waging their never-ending battle to take away the rig ht to choose fo r women. That’ s why today’s historic chance to change the direction o f Am erica is so critica l.” No Special Rights Committee Petition Fails To Qualify For May Ballot W b C a r e A b o u t \to u r im a g e t BOSTON’S MINI MARKET NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT! businesses-to negotiate yearly reason­ able budgets w ith health care providers such as doctors, hospitals, drug compa­ nies and others. And these changes can happen, AuCoin said, “ not by having the gov­ ernment be in the business o f providing health care, but by having the govern­ ment work to control costs and finance a fair, available and affordable health care system.” AuCoin advocated paying for the system, “ not through the peace d iv i- dend-w e need those funds to re-tool America’seconomy. Instead, we should capture the money we ’re already spend­ ing, wastefully, in private premiums, rebate them to consumers and substi­ tute public financing,” saving $70 b il­ lion. AuCoin, speaking at Southern O r­ egon State College in Ashland, said that health care costs are expected to sky­ rocket $700 b illio n in the next nine years alone, and that small businesses are also being squeezed by costs pro­ jected to increase by more than 600 percent during the same period. Currently, Am erica is the only in ­ dustrialized country other than South A frica that doesn ’ t have national health insurance; the United States ranks 19th among industrialized countries in in ­ fant mortality. And through it all appears a frig h t­ ening realization: that under the cur­ rent, chaotic health care system, every American “ is just one pink slip away” from losing the health coverage they — X — to »