Page 12...The Portland Observer...February 26, 1992 Portland Observer œ Advertising t® Employment z; Bids/Sub-Bids LEGAL C ity of P o rtlan d IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON Invitation for Proposals P ro p o s a ls d u e 2:0 0 p.m . on V a rio u s D ates Sealed proposals will be received at the Bureau of Purchases and Stores. Room 1313, Portland Building. 1120 S.W. Fifth Ave., Portland. OR 97204 forthe (Commodities), (Equipment), (Projects) detailed below until 2:00 p.m. on the dates indicated. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the above address. For additional information, telephone Buyer at number listed. Unless otherwise stated in the individual proposals listed herein, no proposal or bid will be considered unless accompanied by a bid surety for an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the aggregate amount of the proposal. The City encourages bidding by MBEs and FBEs and will assist such firms to understand and participate in formal bidding pro­ cesses. Non-Discrimination: No proposal or bid will be considered unless bidder is certified as an EEO Affirmative Action Employer as prescribed by Chapter 3.100 of the Code of the City of Portland. Opening Proposal Date Description No. 83 Lents Basin CSO Sumps Phase I. Contact Michele Ackerman, ,796-6854. Prequalifi­ cation required in Category 8, Sewer lines. 3-5-92. 84 North Vancouver CSO Sumps Project #1. Contact Michele Ackerman, 796-6854. Prequalification required in Category 8, Sewer Unes. Lents Basin CSO Sumps Phase IV. Contact Michele Ackerman, ,796-6854. Prequalification required in Category 8, Sewer lines. 85 86 87 88 89 90 98 3-5-92. 3-6-92 (Friday). 13th Avenue Basin CSO Reduction Sump #1. Contact Michele Ackerman. 796-6854. Prequalification required in Category 8, Sewer Lines. 3-6-92 (Friday). Lents Basin CSO Sumps Phase II. Contact Michele Ackerman, ,796-6854. Prequalification required in Category 8, Sewer lines. 3-9-92 (Monday). 13th Avenue Basin CSO Reduction Sump #2. Contact Michele Ackerman, 796-6854. Prequalification required in Category 8, Sewer Lines. 3-9-92 (Monday). North Vancouver CSO Sumps Project #2. Contact Michele Ackerman, 796-6854. Prequalification required in Category 8, Sewer Unes. 3-10-92. Lents Basin CSO Sumps Phase III. Contact Michele Ackerman, ,796-6854. Prequalification required in Category 8, Sewer lines. 3-10-92. Woodland Sanitary Sewer. Contact Michele Ackerman, 796-6854. Prequalification required in Category 8, Sewer Unes. 3-24-92. Request For Qualifications From G e n e ra l C o n tra c to rs For C o m m e rc ia l T e n a n t Im p ro v e m e n ts For D H P P P ro jects In P o rtlan d , O re g o n The Portland Develoment Commission (PDC) acting as Agent on behalf of certain non-profit low-income Downtown Housing Preservation Program (DHPP) housing owners, seeks State­ ments of Qualifications from General Contractors for construc­ tion of commercial tenant improvements projects of up to $75,000 each. The projects are part of the City of Portland Downtown Housing Preservation Program (DHPP). Statements of Q ualifi­ cations will be evaluated by the Agent and several of the most qualified contractors will be placed on a pre-qualified list and invited to subm it cost proposals on these projects as they occur. The pre-qualified list will be in effect for 24 months. The construction work will be performed on a cost-plus-fixed-fee basis within a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) by the lowest bidder. Labor and Materials Payment (Performance) bonds will be required for each project. In order for a contractor to be included on the list of Pre-qualified Contractors, a contractor must be registered and bonded by the State of Oregon Construction Contractor’s Board, must be licensed by the City of Portland, must be certified by the City of Portland as an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) employer and pre-qualified by the City of Portland in Class 19 "Building Construction” or Class 20 "Building Alteration and Repair". The Agent will assist contractors in meeting these requirements. RONALD BRYANT and KENNETH SMITH, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated, Plaintiffs, ) ) ) Civil No. 91-256-MA ) ) NOTICE ) v. ) FRED PEARCE, G. H. BALDWIN,) C. B. TAYLOR, and JOHN DOE 1) through 10, ) Defendants. ) TO: All persons of African-American descent who are or were inmates confined at the Eastern Oregon Correctional Institu­ tion or the Oregon State Correctional Institution. The plaintiffs, Ronald Bryant and Kenneth Smith, charge that since at least March 26, 1984, the defendants, Fred Pearce and other members of the Oregon Department of Corrections, have uncon­ stitutionally assigned inmates of African-American descent to their individual housing units at the Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution (EOCI) and the Oregon State Correctional Institution (OSCI) based upon their race or skin color and as a result those inmates have suffered damages. The defendants admit liability. The Court has ruled that this lawsuit may be temporarily maintained as a claim on behalf of a class consisting of all persons of African- American descent who were assigned to their individual housing units at EOCI and OSCI based upon their race or skin color at anytime during the period between March 26,198 4 and March 26, 1992 unless the class member was finally released from incarcera­ tion prior to March 26, 1989. The Court has also preliminarily approved the Settlement Agreement entered into by the parties. Counsel for plaintiffs and the Class represented by them have investigated the facts and circumstances underlying the issues raised by the pleadings, and the applicable laws, have conducted discovery, and have concluded that it would be in the best interests of the named plaintiffs and the Class they represent to settle the Action upon the terms set forth in the Settlement Agreement and that such terms are fair, adequate and reasonable. SUMMARY OF THE ISSUES AND CONTENTIONS The following description of the action and the proceedings is merely a summary. A complete set of all documents in this action, including the Settlem ent Agreement, is available for inspection and copying at any time from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Mondays through Fridays holidays excepted, at the Office of the Clerk. This case was brought by Ronald Bryant and Kenneth Smith, who are African American prisoners housed at the Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution (EOCI). They allege that at least since March 26,1984, defendants Fred Pearce and other members of the Oregon Department of Corrections have unconstitutionally as­ signed inmates of African-American descent to their individual housing units at the EOCI and the Oregon State Correctional Institution (OSCI) based upon their race and skin color and as a result those inmates have suffered damages. By Order dated February 11,1992, the Court temporarily certified plaintiffs as representatives of a class including "all persons of African-American descent who were inmates at EOCI or OSCI between March 26,1984 and March 26,1991, who were not finally released from incarceration prior to March 26,1989 and who were assigned to their individual housing units based upon their race or skin color.” IF YOU ARE A CLASS MEMBER, THIS NOTICE AFFECTS YOUR RIGHTS. SUMMARY OF SETTLEMENT TERMS The following description of the proposed settlement is a summary only, and reference shall be made to the full text of the Settlement Sealed bids w ill be received u n til 1:00 p.m. on the dates in d ica te d in the Purchasing Department, Multnomah County School D is t r ic t #1J, 501 N. Dixon, P ortland, Oregon fo r the items lis te d herein: BID FILING DATE Mar. 3, 1992 1 If you do not respond to this notice, you may not receive any settlem ent funds and you may be bound by the final judgm ent in this case. * * * If the settlem ent is finally approved and you have not contacted Mr. Neal or Mr. Haber by April 15, 1992, you will not receive any settlem ent funds and you will lose your right to pursue further legal action. DONALD M. CINNAMOND CLERK OF THE COURT UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT In fo rm a tio n a l A d v e rtis e m e n t D e p a rtm e n t of T ra n s p o rta tio n Call for Bids Mar. 10, 1992 Sealed bids will be received until 9 a.m. on March 12,1992, forthe projects listed below: C ounty Lake: Fremont Hwy. Rock Production Proj., Fremont Hwy (O R -3 1 ),S E o f La Pine. Douglas: Boulder Flat-Fish Creek Bridge Sec., North Umpqua Hwy (OR-138), E. of Roseburg. A.C. Pavement & Oiling. Lake: Warner Hwy. Guard Rail Sec., W arner Hwy. (Route OR-140), approx. 2 mi. W. of Adel. Misc. Hwy Appurtenances. Klamath: Lakeview Jct.-Matney Rd. Sec., Klamath Falls- Malin Hwy. (Route OR-39), beg. approx. 5 mi. E. of Klamath Falls. A.C. Pavement & Oiling. W ashington: Hillsboro Signals Sec. (13 locations), Tualatin Valley Hwy. (Route OR-8). Traffic Signals, DBE Goal. Grant: Spray-John Day River (Holmes Cr. Unit) Sec., John Day Hwy. (OR-19), beg. approx. 14 mi. SE of Spray. Earthwork & Drainage. DBE Goal. F ru it Juice For Warehouse Stock M icro fich e Service For 1992-93 Formal announcement, d e ta ile d s p e c ific a tio n s and bidding documents may be obtained a t the above address. For a d d itio n a l inform at io n ,p i ease contact M.J. Hutchens, D ir. Purchasing, 249-2000, Ext. 581. Sub-Bids Requested PORTLAND OBSERVER ‘The Eyes and Ears oi the Comm unit Y' Office: (503)288-0033 Fax#: (503)288-0015 * * * If you wish to be excluded from the class, you must send a letter to Spencer M. Neal or Roy Haber, 815 S.W. 2nd Avenue, Suite 500, Portland, Oregon 97204, by mail post-marked no later than April 15,1992, indicating you wish to be excluded from the class. IF YOU SEND A LETTER INDICATING YOU WISH TO BE EXCLUDED FROM THE CLASS TO MR. NEAL OR MR. HABER, YOU W ILL NOT SHARE IN ANY OF THE SETTLEMENT FUNDS AND W ILL NOT BE BOUND BY THE FINAL JUDGMENT IN THIS CASE. BID TITLE Truck For N u tritio n S ervices, 1992 Make a living making a difference in children's lives. Discovery Toys needs managers and part-time sellers. __ Call 283-4042 ______ CLASS MEMBERS RIGHTS * * * In order to be included within the class and receive funds under this settlement, you must send a letter to Spencer M. Neal or Roy Haber, 815 S.W. 2nd Avenue, Suite 500, Portland, Oregon 97204, by mail post-marked no later than April 15, 1992, indicating you wish to be a member of the class. Please give your correct name and address, the approxim ate dates you were incarcerated at OSCI and EOCI, and your institution number, if available, for identification purposes. IF YOU SEND A LETTER TO MR. NEAL OR MR. HABER AND IF YOU ARE ELIGIBLE, YOU W ILL RECEIVE FUNDS FROM THE SETTLEMENT AND W ILL BE BOUND BY THE FINAL JUDG M ENT IN THIS CASE. CALL FOR BIDS ESB/MBE/WBE contractors that met or can meet the above requirements are encouraged to respond to this Request for Qualifications. The Agent’s goals for Emerging Small Business/ Minority Business Enterprise,W om en’s Business Enterprise (ESB/MBE/W BE) participation in construction projects are 10%, 5% and 2.5% respectively. A copy of the Request for Qualifications is available from Sherry Lenard, at the Office of the PDC, (503) 823-3234 on or after February 24, 1992. If you are a skilled/amateur car­ penter, plumber, electrician or just a weekend handiperson, Northeast Portland seniors need your help with minor home re­ pairs. By volunteering two (2) hours a month, you can make a difference in a senior's life. Call Project Linkage, a division of Metropolitan Family Service, at 249-8215 to volunteer. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Any questions you have concerning the matters contained in this notice (and any corrections or changes of name or address) should NOT be made to the court but should be directed in writing to: Roy S. Haber or Spencer M. Neal, 815 S.W. 2nd Avenue, #500, Portland, Oregon 97204. You may, of course, seek the advice and guidance of your own attorney if you desire. The pleadings and other records in this litigation may be examined and copied at any time during regular office hours at the Office of the Clerk, 516 United States Court­ house, 620 S.W. Main, Portland, Oregon. PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS Rental Of Vehicles & Equip. For Maint. Work Forces (Req. C ontract) Volunteers Needed The amount of the settlem ent that you will receive will depend upon how many other class members seek to participate in the settle­ ment; the fund will be divided equally among all those class members who seek compensation and file claim forms, so long as not more than ten percent (10%) opt out of the class, with the exception that the named plaintiffs will receive an additional share of the fund for their services on behalf of the class. INFORMATIONAL ADVERTISEMENT Contractors must carry Comprehensive General Liability Insur­ ance on an occurrence basis in an amount no less than $500,000. Fun Work & Good Money! Agreement on file with the court and available for inspection in the manner mentioned previously. The parties agree that defendants will pay to the members of the class the sum of $375,000.00 in settlem ent of all claims concerning the housing assignm ents of the class members based on race or skin color during the affected period. The sum of $375,000.00 to be paid to the members of the class is inclusive of attorney fees, costs and expenses incurred by plaintiffs’ and class m em bers’ counsel, in an amount to be determined by the Court. All fees, costs and expenses that are incurred in adm inistering and distributing the Settlem ent Fund and in providing all notices to the Class shall be borne and paid for by defendants. Payment to members of the class will be paid from the Settlem ent Fund on a pro rated basis with the exception that the named plaintiffs will receive an additional share of the fund from their services on behalf of the class, so that all class members included will receive the same amount, with the exception noted. If more than ten percent (10%) of the number of potential class members who file claim form s (opt into the class) opt out of the class, then defendants may have a rebate or refund to them of a proportionate pro rate share of the Settlem ent Fund for those persons over ten percent (10%) who opt out of the class. From All Qualified MBE/WBE/DBE Subcontractors And Suppliers N.E. 192nd, 194th & Glisan Collector Sewer Project Bid Date: February 27,1992 At 10:30 A.M. C & M C o n s tru c tio n , Inc. 2440 N. E. Oregon St. Sherwood, Or 97140 (503) 625-5289 Fax (503) 625-5079 We are an equal opportunity employer Plans, specifications, and bid documents may be obtained in Rm. 10, Transportation Building, Salem, OR 97310. P lans m ay be o rd ered by pho ne at 378-6293. Prime contractors must be prequalified ten days prior to the bid opening day. For additional information, please contact Commission Services, 378-6526. If your business is not certified as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) or a Women Business Enterprise (WBE), Please contact the Office of Minority, Women and Emerging Small Business at 155 Cottage, Salem, OR 97310, Phone: (503) 378- 5651. f » - r