t i February 2 6 , 1992...The Portland Observer...Page 11 Portland Observer CLASSIFIEDS Document 00020 Advertisement for Bids The Port of Portland Portland International Airport Terminal Apron Expansion and Rehabilitation G.A. Taxiway and Taxiway “X** Strengthening Airport Improvement Program (AIP) Project No. 3-41-0048*15 and 19 Sealed bids for the Portland International Airport, Terminal Apron Expansion and Rehabilitation, will be received at the office of the Manager, Contracts and Procurement, of The Port of Portland, 700 N.E. Multnomah Street, 15th Floor, Portland, Oregon (Mail­ ing address: P.O. Box 3529, Portland, OR 97208) until, but not after, 2 p.m. March 19,1992, and thereafter publicly opened and read. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program: Bidders are required to show that small subcontractors, suppliers, or manufacturers which have been certified by the Oregon Executive Department as disadvantaged, minority, or women business enterprises (collectively “ Disadvantaged Business En­ terprise" or "DBEs") will participate in not less than 14 percent of the total dollar amount bid. Description of work: Excavation, grading, and seeding; asphalt concrete apron con­ struction; pavement milling; asphalt concrete paving; pavement marking; and airfield lighting. A prebid conference and bus tour will be held on March 3,1 9 9 2 at 9 a.m. in Conference Room 3002 on the third floor mezzanine in the Terminal Building at Portland International Airport to discuss all phases of the work. The elevator to the third floor mezzanine is located between the Norm Thompson and City Kids shops in the concession lobby. Please direct technical questions to the Project Engineer, Dave Irvine (503) 731-7346. Bids must be on the bid form which will be provided to prospective bidders and must be accompanied by a certified or cashier’s check drawn on a United States bankor a bid bond payable to The Port of Portland in an amount equal to at least 10 percent of the total amount bid. Bidders are required to prequalify in the following category: Asphalt Concrete Paving. Prequalification applications must be submitted not later than 5 business days prior to the bid opening date. The drawings and the contract manual may be examined at Port offices. Copies may be obtained by prospective bidders at no cost from Contracts and Procurement (address above). This is a federal aid contract, and all labor shall be paid no less than the minimum wage rates established by the U.S. Secretary of labor, as included in the contract documents. The labor and civil rights requirements in the Bid and the Supplementary Conditions apply to this work. The proposed Contract is under the subject of Executive Order 11246 on Nondiscrimination Under Federal Contracts, September 24,1965, and as am ended; and 49 CFR Part 23, on Participation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in United States Depart­ ment of Transportation Programs, March 31, 1980, and as amended. Disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full oppor­ tunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in consideration for an award of any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement. Bidders are required to state whether or not the bidder is a resident bidder, as defined in ORS 279.029. (Reference Article 3 of the Instructions to Bidders.) No bid will be received or considered unless the bidder is registered with the State of Oregon Construction Contractors Board, pursuant to ORS 701.055 (1), prior to submitting a bid. (Reference Articles 10,12 and 13 in the Instructions to Bidders.) A license under ORS 468A.720 is required for work involving asbestos. Bids may be rejected if not in compliance with bidding procedures and requirements. Any or all bids may be rejected if in the public interest to do so. The Port of Portland Ron Stempel, Manager Contracts and Procurement State of Oregon Department of Human Resources Vocational Rehabilitation Division 2045 Silverton, N.E. Salem, OR 97310 Request for Proposal The Vocational Rehabilitation Division, an agency within the Oregon Department of Human Resources, is seeking proposals from Accounting and Consulting firms to validate a Rate Study for the Transitional Services Program. Complete proposal requests and Contract Agreements are available from Joey Ovanin, at 378- 3830, Ext. 248. Minority, Female, and small businesses encour­ aged to subm it proposals. Sub-Bids Requested PDX - T.E.N. Project Sub-Bids requested for the following Bid Package: Steel Erection - Ticket Lobby Pre-Qualified Bidders Only Bid Package Documents Available On February 25,1992 Bid Date: March 9,1992.10:00 a.m. Baugh Construction Oregon, Inc. PDX Jobsite - 7267 NE Airport Way - Portland, OR 97218 (503) 335-3655 CCB#62877 Equal Opportunity Employer Baugh Industrial Contractors is bidding this package as a subcontractor 1 Call for Bid ^Advertising ¡Employment * Blds/Sub-Blds City of Salem, Oregon Department of Public Works Department of General Services Multnomah County NOI's due by 4 p.m. on March 6,1992 NOI No. 2P1601 Sealed Notices of Intent will be received until, but not after, 4 p.m., by the Director of Purchasing, 2505 S.E. 11th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97202 for: Notice of Intent Number 2P1601 Multnomah County intends to contract with a qualified organiza­ tion to provide food for senior citizens beginning July 1, 1992 under the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended. A letter describing how your organization or business meets each of the qualification criterion below must be received no later than 4 p.m. Friday, March 6,1992 by: Purchasing Director Multnomah County Purchasing 2505 S.E. 11th Portland, OR 97202 Phone: 248-5111, FAX: 248-3252 The contract will be on a fees for service basis. Organizations must respond to this Notice of Intent in order to respond to the Request for Proposals. Invitation to Bid For the Installation of Traffic Signal Improvements At Various Downtown Locations -1991-92 The City of Salem will receive sealed bids at the office of the City Recorder, City Hall, Room 205, Salem, Oregon, until but not after 11:00 a.m., March 4,1992, at which time said bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the City Council Chambers, Room 240, 555 Liberty Street S.E., Salem, Oregon for the project specified herein. The proposed work consists of: the removal, replacement, and modification of traffic signal equipment in various locations throughout downtown Salem, including, but not limited to the installation of conduits, junction boxes, controllers, cabinets, foundations, traffic signal poles, signal heads, emergency pre­ emption equipment, and wiring, and appurtenant work. Plans, specifications and other bid documents may be inspected and obtained at the office of the City of Salem, Department of Public Works, 555 Liberty Street S.E., Room 325, Salem, Oregon (503) 288-6211). The bidder shall not file the book of “Standard Construction Specifications” with his bid. Bids must be submitted on the proposal forms furnished to the bidders. Proposals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope plainly marked “ Bid on T ra ffic S ignal Im p ro ve m e n ts - B id #4010,” and show the name and business address of the bidder. Qualifications: The provider must have: (1) facilities for purchasing, storing and producing food for 600,000 annual meals. (2) capacity to deliver food to 15 sites in a timely manner, assuring that food is not exposed to temperatures from 45 to 180 degrees Fahrenheit. Any objections to or comments upon the bid specifications must be su b m itte d in w ritin g to the Department of Public Works, Room 325,555 Liberty Street, SE, Salem, OR 97301. They must be received no later than ten (10) w o rk in g days before th e b id o p e n in g date. (3) previous experience in providing similar size and type of food service including the distribution of food from a central kitchen to multiple sites. A surety bond, cashier's check or certified check of the bidder, in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the bid must be attached to each proposal as security. Unsuccessful bidders will have their security refunded to them when the contract has been awarded. (4) general liability and workers' compensation insurance. (5) commitment to menu variety and responsiveness to the ethnic menu needs. No bids, exceeding $10,000, will be received or considered by the City of Salem or any of its officers unless the bid contains a statement by the bidder (by signing his proposal) that the provisions of ORS 279.350 shall be included in this contract. Every contractor or subcontractor is re q u ire d to post the appli­ cable Prevailing Wage Rates (PWR) in a conspicuous and accessible place in or about the work-site for the duration of the job. Contractors and subcontractors who intentionally fail to post the PWR can be made ineligible to receive any public works contract for up to three years. Pertinent Program Data: * Contractor must supply Native American, Chinese and Hispanic ethnic meals. There is a desire on the part of the Aging Services Division to increase the number of ethnic meals and improve the ethnic credibility of those meals. * The meal sites are NOT included in this Notice of Intent. The provider’s responsibility ends when the meals are delivered to the site. * The 1991-92 budgeted meals are 600,904. R e ciprocal Preference Law : In compliance with ORS 279.029, bidders must state on their proposal whether they are a resident or nonresident bidder. P ro p o sa ls th a t fa il to p ro v id e th is in fo rm a tio n w ill be c o n sid e re d n o n re sp o n sive . * In 1990-91, the current provider chose to subsidize the Multnomah County program with approximately $554,951 in cash raised through its corporate and individual site fund raising programs. This does not include any in-kind contributions of food, equipment or volunteer hours. About 52 percent of that subsidy could be allocated to meal preparation/delivery. Subsidy is not required of the contractor. The City of Salem reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive formalities and of postponing the award of the contract for thirty (30) days. Prices quoted shall be firm for a period of 30 days after closing date. * A minimum of 18,000 hot weekend meals are required in the contract. The attention of bidders is directed to the provisions of Chapter 97, Salem Revised Code, concerning unlawful em ployment practices. Violation of such provisions shall be grounds for immediate termination of this contract without recourse by the contractor. * The current per delivered meal price paid by the County is $1.53. Multnomah County reserves the right to reject any or all proposals if not in compliance with Request for Proposals (RFP) procedures and requirements. Vendors shall use recyclable products to the maximum extent economically feasible in the performance of the contract work set forth in this document. Specifications may be obtained at: Multnomah County Purchasing 2525 S.E. 11th Avenue Portland, OR 97202 (503) 248-5111. Lillie M. Walker, Director Purchasing, Contracts and Stores No bid for a construction contract shall be received or considered by the public contracting agency unless the bidder is registered with the Construction Contractors Board or licensed by the State Landscape Contractors Board as required by ORS 671.530. The City of Salem is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirma- tive Action Employer. Inquiries concerning the contents of the bid specifications should be directed to Jerry A. Wymore, Project Manager, at 588-6211. Request for Qualifications Categories of W ork Involved: Traffic Signals. from General Contractors For Commercial Tenant Improvements for DHPP Projects In Portland, Oregon Gary A. Kanz, C.P.M. Bid No. 4010 Bid Closing: March 4,1992,11:00 a.m. The Portland Development Commission (PDC) acting as Agent on behalf of certain non-profit low-income Downtown Housing Preservation Program (DHPP) housing owners, seeks State­ ments of Qualifications from General contractors for construction of commercial tenant improvements projects of up to $75,000 each. The projects are part of the City of Portland Downtown Housing Preservation Program (DHPP). Statements of Q ualifica­ tions will be evaluated by the Agent and several of the most qualified contractors will be placed on a pre-qualified list and invited to submit cost proposals on these projects as they occur. The pre-qualified list will be in effect for 24 months. The construc­ tion work will be performed on a cost-plus-fixed-fee basis within a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) by the lowest bidder. Labor and Materials Payment (Performance) bonds will be required for each project. In order for a contractor to be included on the list of Pre-qualified Contractors, a contractor must be registered and bonded by the State of Oregon Construction Contractor’s Board, must be li­ censed by the City of Portland, must be certified by the City of Portland as an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) em ployer and pre-qualified by the City of Portland in Class 19 “Building Construction" or Class 20 "Building Alteration and Repair.” The Agent will assist contractors in meeting these requirements. Sub-bids Requested Friendship Health Center Odd Fellows Holgate Center Bid Package #4 Portland, Oregon Bid Date: For Building Demo Only: Tuesday, March 10,1992,10 a.m. Bid Date: All Others: Friday, March 20,1992 at 10 a.m. Andersen Construction Co., Inc. 6712 N. Cutter Circle Portland, OR 97217 (503) 283-6712 FAX: (503) 283-3607 Soliciting quotes on all phases of work Except Lt. Gauge Metal Framing, HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, Kitchen Equip­ ment, Landscaping, and site paving. No telephone quotes accepted We are ar, equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from disadvan­ taged, minority, women, and emerging small business enterprises. Oregon Contractor's Board Registration #63053. Contractors must carry Comprehensive General Liability Insur­ ance on an occurrence basis in an amount not less than $500,000. Advertisement for Bid ESB/MBE/WBE contractors that meet or can meet the above requirements are encouraged to respond to this Request for Qualifications. The Agent's goals for Emerging Small Business/ Minority Business Enterprise/Women's Business Enterprise (ESB/ MBE/WBE) participation in construction projects are 10%, 5% and 2.5% respectively. A copy of the Request for Qualifications is available from Sherry Lenard, at the office of the PDC (503) 823-3234 on or after February 24, 1992. Sealed bids for the Sackett Hall Condensate Return Line Repair Pebid project will be received by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education until 2:00 p.m., local time, March 17, 1992. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud at that tim e. All bidders must be registered with the Construction C ontractor’s Board. Additional information may be obtained by contacting the OSU Physical Plant, Adams Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331-2001 or tele­ phone 503-737-7694. >