Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 19, 1992, Page 13, Image 13

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    February 19, 1992...The Portland Observer...Page 13
T h e Port o f Portland
h on ors
D r. M artin Luther K ing, Jr.
by celeb ratin g ou r cultural history in r e c o g ­
nition o f K ing’s struggle for civil rights for all
p eo p le.
T he P ort is
an equal
op p ortu nity
em p loyer,
com m itted to
affirm ative
action .
For m ore inform ation on em p loym en t
op p ortu n ities with the P o rt, call the 2 4 -lio u r
Job H otline at ( 5 0 3 ) 7 3 1 - 7 4 8 0 .
«■* J
HEY weren't getting a good
education, but they were
smart enough to know what was
right. Right was getting up-to-
date textbooks. Right was get­
ting adequate supplies. Right
was not being excluded from
better schools because their
skin was black.
So a group of Kansas children
took their cause beyond the
school boards, beyond the gov­
ernors, beyond the legislatures
to the Supreme Court. And the
nation agreed that the rules
were wrong.
Burger King salutes those
kids. When they heard they
couldn't have the education
they deserved, they replied,
"Oh, yes we can.''
t ■
Port of Portland