Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 12, 1992, Page 7, Image 7

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    February 12, 1992...The Portland Observer...Page 7
‘Magic’ Johnson Earns MVP Status , Drexler
Shows He Belongs on the Olympic Team
" ■
The N B A A ll-S tar Game proved to
the w orld what we in Portland knew all
along. Clyde D rexler has earned a place
on the U SA O lym pic “ Dream Team.”
He illustrates what the “ O lym pic Tra­
dition” and “ Sportsmanship” has stood
for since the days o f the ancient Greeks.
The last minute o f the game tells
the story better than any stat sheet. It is
too soon to te ll right now but it may go
down in N B A history as one o f the most
memorable last minutes in basketball
history. Clyde had held Michael Jordan
to o nly 18 points fo r the day. Magic
indicated he wanted to try Jordan one-
on-one. Clyde deferred. As the two
basketball legends faced each other for
what w ould be the last time ever, Clyde
just stood aside and clapped his hands
in approval. Fact is, everyone in the
Orlando Arena came to their feet and
clapped w ith approval. Destiny and
circumstance dictated that Jordan’ s shot
would not fa ll. It m ight have been des­
tiny again intervening when Clyde leaped
to the second story to get the rebound.
Looking back, it makes you wonder i f
he wanted to make absolutely certain
he w ould be directly involved in the
event that follow ed. A fte r he pulled
down the rebound, he dished the ball o ff
to Johnson. When D rexler got the ball
back, he seemed determined to get the
ball to Johnson, even though Magic was
being double teamed by Isaiah Thompson
and M ichael Jordan. It has to be re­
membered at that D rexler was in line
for the most singular honor in the N B A .
1 By being in control o f the ball, Clyde
controlled his own destiny. A lo t o f
Portland fans were hoping he would
dribble the ball to run down the clock.
Maybe he would drive to the hoop and
show the w orld there is a need fo r a
“ G lide ” shoe to sit next to the “ A ir ”
shoes on the shelf. Other fans probably
figured D rexler would just dazzle the
crowd w ith a final “ It was great to be
here - Good bye” three pointer.
It is a situation every k id who ever
bounced a ball dreams about. Think
K o he
t h r through
n iin h
to the hole.
Class shows. D rexler’ s class truly
showed on Sunday Feb. 9th. Clyde
“ Did The Right Thing.” He gave Magic
the opportunity to w in the M V P . Then
Magic did what he has done so many
times. Not just making a basket. He
made a memory for everyone in the
basketball world. D rexler and Johnson
were only two o f the people who knew
he would make his last shot in the
N B A . When you look at the N B A stats
years from now, there should be an
asterisk n e x tto " 1992 A ll-S tar M V P .”
It should say “ Sportsmanship Assist -
Clyde D rexler.”
Sportsmanship is what the O lym ­
pic Games is all about. I t ’ s about the
Russian who gave some helpful advice
to Bob Seagren. He showed Seagren a
technique in the shot put that helped
Bob beat him and w in the Decathlon.
It ’ s about the Marathoner who stopped
to aid a competitor who had fallen. The
fallen athlete was leading at the time.
By stopping, the marathoner probably
gave up his shot at a medal. I t ’ s about
Clyde D rexler givin g up his chance to
be remembered as the best o f the best,
so that he could o ffer another man the
opportunity to have onE last shot at
about i t Haven’ t you ever heard your­
self saying the same thing as you played
that solitary game all alone at your
“ personal” court? Y ou know , the court
w ith the lop-sided bent down rim . The
one w ith only a few strings left on the
beat-to-death net. D on’ t you remember
pretending you were Oscar Robertson,
Akeem or Clyde? You called their name
as you held the ball. Clyde holds the
ball!...Tim e is running dow n!...It is the
N B A A ll-S tar Game!...Drexler has the
M V P in his pocket!.....He lets the ball
go and......... Choose: (A .) Sinks a three
w ith nothing but net and wins the M V P
(B.) Throws up an air ball that bounces
o ff Charles B arkley’ s bald head and
then goes in the hole and wins the M VP
OR (C.) Passes the ball.
I f you watched the game or saw the
highlights, that is not how it happened.
I f you really know the kind ol man
Clyde Drexler is, you did n ’ t even have
to watch it on T V . You just knew how
it was going to end. Drexler showed the
kind o f class he had by holding on to the
ball until M agic Johnson was in posi­
tion. Clyde knew he was giving up the
M VP. He had to know that destiny d ic ­
tated that M agic was going to make
PSU Open House for Prospective Students
and Their Families
Students and fam ilies interested in
ploring PSU as a higher education
ition are invited to an open house
iturday, February 29, from 9 a.m. to
15 p.m. in the Smith Center Ballroom
Loom 355, 1825 S.W. Broadway,
uring PSU Preview, administrators,
culty, staff and students w ill talk about
e U niversity from their various per-
Following registration and refresh-
icnts at 8:45 a.m., PSU’ s dynamic
resident, Judith Ramalcy, w ill wel-
ame prospective PSU students and
ieir fam ilies. S taff from the Career
enter w ill discuss career options,
'urrent PSU students w ill provide guided
)urs o f the campus and afford candid
iews o f the university experience,
lousing tours are available later in the
Inform ational sessions take place
111:20 a.m. and 1 p.m. during which
lepartmental representatives w ill be
ivailable. A t the same time, parents
v ill be advised about transitions to a
:ollege environment by Vice Provost
4ancy Tang.
From noon to 1 p.m., students and
'amilies may sit down to a free lunch,
mtertained by members o f the PSU
[azz Ensemble. There w ill be informa-
io n tables available, and representa-
ives from student clubs and organiza­
tions, fraternities and sororities, stu­
it services,
services, the
uie v Career
l u w . Center — hous-
ing and the study abroad program w ill
representatives from the following areas
be on hand to answer questions.
“ A t this open house, we want to
provide students and their fam ilies w ith
inform ation so they can make an edu­
cated decision about where they want
to e nroll,” says Jesse W elch, director
o f admissions at PSU. “ We intend to
showcase some o f the opportunities
available here at PSU and to help people
w ill be available:
Arts and Letters: Applied L in ­
guistics, English, Foreign Languages
and Literature, Speech Com m unica­
feel at home on our campus.”
Those interested in attending PSU
Preview should call the U niversity’ s
O ffice o f Admissions, 725-3511, as
soon as possible to sign up.
The schedule of events follows:
8:45-9:15 a.m. Registration and Re­
E n te rta in m e n t
9:15-9:30 a.m. W elcom ing Remarks,
President Ramaley
P rogram fo r the Day
9:30-10 a.m. Student Panel: “ W hy We
Chose PSU”
10-10:25 a.m. Career Center Stalf: “ How
to Choose a Career’ ’
10:30-11:15 a.m. Campus Tours (guided
by current PSU students)
11:20-1 l:5Ch.m.lnformationScssion I*
12-12:50 p.m. Free lunch and Student
Services Fair
E n te rta in m e n t (PSU Jazz Q u a rte t)
In fo rm a tio n tables
1-1:30 p.m. Inform ation Session II*
1:45-2:15 p.m. Housing Tours (optional)
♦During Inform ation Sessions
her comm unity service representa-
ves w ill announce a grant to improve
ifety for seniors and four community
»rums at a press conference 9:30 a.m.
Wednesday, February 19, at 9:30 a.m.
the Multicultural Senior Center, 5325
Í.E. M artin Luther K ing Jr. Blvd.
Portland/M ultnomah Commission
n Aging, in cooperation w ith Aging
e r ’ices D ivision, received a $30,000
rant from Suite Senior and Disabled
crviccs D ivision to implement a
'om m unity Safety C oalition fo r N/NE
lders. The purpose o f the Coalition is
j bring public and private companies
igether to more effectively address
onccms o f safety for seniors in North
and Northeast Portland.
Are You Concerned?
Share your concerns at a commu­
nity forum. The forums w ill be used to
get ideas about what kind o f projects
and training can be done to make your
com m unity safer. Police C hie f Tom
Potter w ill kick o ff each forum.
Community Forums:
Colum bia V illa
Com m unity Center
8920 N. Woolsey
Tuesday, February 25
9:30 a.m.-12:00 noon
Peace Lutheran Church
2201 N. Portland Blvd.
Friday, February 28
1:00 p.m.-3:3O p.m.
It was M agic’s Show.
Clyde D rexler truly exemplifies
the O lym pic Spirit. It is not just be­
cause we arc from Portland, Oregon.
Clyde is the kind o f man we would like
representing the USA in the Olympics.
Sunday, Clyde D rexler proved he de­
serves to be an O lym piad. You should
write: Dave G avitt, 1750 E. Boulder
St., Colorado Springs, CO 80909, i f
W hen: Saturday, February 22; 10
a.m. t ill noon.
Where: Grand Central B ow ling
Lanes 808 S.E. M orrison, Portland
W h a t: So ju s t what is a B ow lar­
ama? Glad you asked!
A Bowlarama is when friends o f
Tanya Collier get together to raise money
for her campaign by bow ling for
dollars....small change is also good!
Each bow ler asks their friends and
fam ily to sponsor them in this Tourna­
ment o f Tournaments by pledging a
certain amount per pin per game. Even
non-bowlers can jo in the fun. Y o u ’re
guaranteed a m inim um o f 100 pins per
game regardless o f how w ell you bowl.
How: W ant to jo in us! For more
inform ation, call Brenda Short at 293-
6881 or Carol Kelsey at 284-1708.
Note: B ow ling and shoes are free.
Business Administration: Account­
ing, Advertising Management, Finance
Law , General Business, General M an­
agement, Information Systems & Quan­
titative Analysis, M arketing, Opera­
tion & Materials Management.
Education: Elementary Education,
Secondary Education.
Engineering: C iv il Engineering,
Computer Engineering, Computer Sci­
ence, Electrical Engineering, Mechani­
cal Engineering.
Extended Studies
Fine and Performing Arts: A rt,
Dance, M usic, Theatre Arts.
Urban and Public A ffairs: A d ­
m inistration o f Justice, Institute on
Aging, Public Adm inistration.
Financial A id
Honors Program.
M ulticultu ral Senior Center
5325 N.E. M L K Jr. Blvd.
Tuesday, March 10
1:00 p.m .-3:30 p.m.
Dcpt. o f Human Resources
30 N. Webster, Suite C
Thursday, March 12
9:30 a.m.-12:00 noon
Lim ited transportation to the fo ­
rums is available. Please call ahead to
make arrangements:
Red Cross - 284-1234, Ext. 189 - A ll
St. Johns Y W C A - 223-6281, Ext.
3060 - 2/25 and 2/28
U rban League - 248-5470, Ext. 4551 -
3/10 and 3/12
Ex-heavy weight champion M ike
Tyson was found guilty o f raping a
Miss Black Am erica contestant in his
hotel room.
Tyson was the youngest heavy­
w eight champion at age 20, and at 25,
was m aking a bid at becoming the
heavyweight champion again.
The boxer faces a maximum sen­
tence o f sixty years in prison. He was
found g u ilty on all charges, one count
o f rape and tw o o f sexual deviances.
R arh count carries a 20 year maximum
sentence in prison.
F ifty witnesses testified and it took
the ju ry 9 hours to deliver the v e rd ic t
Sentencing is set on March 6. M r.
Tyson is free on bond and w ill have to
Peninsula Little League Sign-Ups
Boys Tee-Ball - 6 to 8 years
Girls Tee-Ball - 6 to 9 years
Girls Softball - 10 to 15 years
Boys Baseball - 6 to 15 years
Saturday February 8,1992 - 1 1 :00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. - Peninsula Park
Saturday February 15,1992 - 11:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. - Peninsula Park
Saturaday, February 22,1992 - 1 1 :00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. - Peninsula Park
Saturday, February 29,1992 - 1 1 DO A.M. to 2:00 P.M. - Peninsula Park
Saturday February 29,1992 - 11:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. -- Peninsula Park
Saturday, March 7,1992 - 11:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. - Irving Park
Saturday, March 14,1992 - 1 1 :00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. - Irving Park
Saturday, March 21,1992 - 11:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. - Peninsula Park
You Must Attend At Least Two (2) Try Outs
Deadline for sign ups is March 28,1992 at 5:00 P.M. -- Late
registrations forms must be delivered to 6204 No. Moore, Portland,
Oregon 97217 284-4805 Keith Edwards, President; 287-7382
Chuck Washington, Vice-President: 289-8306 Corrine Porter, Vice-
President of Softball: 287-4400 Marilyn Britton, Secretary; and 289-
3406 Shirley Beers, Team Player Agent.
Registration Fees: $15:00 per child, $25.00 per family) These
registrations Fees are Donations and Tax Deductible
A Photocopy Of Your Child(ren)’s Birth Certificate Is Required.
you feel the same.
We Need Your Help!!!!
Sojourner Truth Theater Performing Arts Troupe
February 1992
Performance Schedule/Presentations
Sciences: Biology, Chemistry,
Mathematical Sciences, Physics, Pre­
professional Programs.
Social Sciences: Anthropology,
Black Studies, Economics, General
Social Sciences, Geography, History,
International Studies, Political Science,
Psychology, Sociology, Women’s Stud­
Mike Tyson
Found Guilty
relinquish his passport
Community Safety Forums for N/NE Elders
C hie f o f Police Tom Potter and
greatness. One last memory.
“ It was M agic’ s show, and I think
everyone in the building wanted it to
go the way it went. N o one was happier
than m yself,” D rexler said when he
arrived home after the game. “ Every­
body wanted to see the ball in his
hands. This was his last game w ith the
N B A players. “ I made every effort to
get him the b all.” D rexler concluded.
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282-2120 or
Reed C o lle g e ................... 7:00 p.m.
Performing in the Chapel at the M ain Bldg. Contact person:
Cynthia Jacob - 777-7536 - 236-4422 (hm)
M t. Hood Com m unity C ollege............. 12 to 1:00 pm.
26000 S. E. Stark - Gresham, Or. 97032 contact person:
M arcia Graves - 669-6926
Portland Com m unity College (S y lv a n ia )........... 12 to 1.00
pm. contact same as above
George M iddle S c h o o l.................9:00 to 11:30 am.
10000 N. B urr (contact person - A1 Smith - 280-6262
Youngson Elementary (280-6385)........... 9:00 to 11.30 a.m.
2704 S.E. 71st Street - (contact - Barbara Reed)
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