Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 12, 1992, Page 6, Image 6

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    Page 6...The Portland Observer...February 12, 1992
Portland Observer
OYZ II Men Earn Four Soul Train
and Two Grammy Nods
Take Home American Music Award and Image Award
M otow n’s Boyz II Men recently
captured four Soul Train Awards nom i­
nations, on the heels o f winning an
.American Music Award for Favorite
New Artist/R&B and an NAACP Im­
age Award for Best New Recording
A rtist. Boyz II Men is a contender to
win tw o Grammy Awards (Best New
A rtist and Best R&B Performance).
Soul Train nods include Best New Artist,
Best Single, Song o f the Year and Best
M usic Video.
B oyz II M e n ’s d e b u t L P,
Cooleyhighharmony, which is currently
at 3.7 million and rapidly approaching
the 4 m illion mark in sales, has made
them the m ost successful talent in the
history o f “ new ” Motown. It has been
a fixture in the Top 20 o f Billboard’s
pop album s chart for more than six
solid months. Boyz II M en’s current
smash single, “ Uhh Ahh,” follows their
two Top 10 singles: the biographical
m ega-hit “ M otow nphilly” and the
infectious acappella remakes of “ It’s
So Hard To Say Goodbye to Yester­
day .” “ Please D on’t G o ” will be the
next eagerly anticipated release from
this deep album.
Boyz II Men is at the forefront of
“ new ” M otow n’s successful tradition
o f breaking and developing new artists.
The group’s album sales have surpassed
labelmates Another Bad Creation (2.5
million), Johnny Gill (2.3 m illion) and
The Boys (1.2 million). Shancie Wilson’s
“ Inner C hild’ ’ LP, which landed the #2
pop smash “ I Love Your Smile,” prom­
BOYZ II Men Become the Most Successful Group In “New" Motown's
History as debut "Cooleyhighharmony" LP Surpasses Triple Platinum
Mark Pictured: (top to bottom, l-r) Michael Bivins (top center), Another
Bad Creation co-manager Kevin Wales (top left), M.C. Brains (top right/
hat), Wanya Morris (left, Boyz II Men), Shawn Stockman (2nd from left,
Boyz II Men), Nathan Morris (Boyz II Men), Michael McCary (right, Boyz II
Men), Marc Pugh (ABC, left in front of Wanya), Fled Pugh (ABC, left in
front of Marc), G.A. Austin (ABC, glasses), LiT Dave Shelton (ABC, in
front of G.A.), Chris Sellers (ABC, right of G.A.), Flo Flo Chapman (ABC,
right, in front of McCary).
the pop charts. Their debut effort has
gone multi-platinum with more than 2.5
million sold. “ My W orld” is the new
Live perform ances earned Boyz II
ises to continue the trend.
Another Bad Creation is the young­
est group in history (yes, younger than Men standing ovations at the American
the Jackson 5) to have a top 10 album on Music Awards and Image Awards. Other
Dance Theatre of Harlem Photo Exhibit
Continues at Urban League
“ R etrospective,” an exhibit o f 37
photographs tracing the evolution of
the Dance Theatre o f Harlem, contin­
ues in Portland with exhibitions at the
Urban League o f Portland. From Feb­
ruary 10 through 28 the exhibit will
show in the Urban League of Portland ’ s
W hitney M. Young, Jr. Education and
Cultural Center, 10 N. Russell St. View­
ing hours are Monday to Thursday from
1 to 7 p.m., Fridays from 1 to 5 p.m.
Dance Theatre o f Harlem was
founded in 1969 by former New York
City B alletstar Arthur M itchell follow ­
ing the assassination of Martin Luther
King, Jr. Mr. M itchell’s goal was to
give H arlem ’s disadvantaged youth an
outlet for cultural achievement. From
humble beginnings the company has
grown into a world-renowned ensemble
know n for its blend o f classical and
contem porary w orks. “ Retrospective ”
captures that evolution through photos
o f som e of the com pany’s most famous
productions o f the past three decades.
The exhibit is sponsored by the
School of Oregon Ballet Theatre and
was organized by a local Audience
Development Task Force working to
promote Dance Theatre o f H arlem ’s
upcoming visit to Portland. The cele­
brated dance com pany’s Portland en­
gagement was presented by Oregon
Ballet Theatre and Security Pacific Bank
at the Civic Auditorium February 7-9.
The task force is a community-
based group of volunteers working to
increase the diversity of Dance Theatre
of H arlem ’s audience. “ We arc pleased
to be able to share this positive ex­
ample o f African American cultural
achievem ent with the community dur­
ing Black History M onth,” said task
force co-chair Joe W yatt, a former
m ember o f Dance Theatre of Harlem
and currently director of School of
Oregon Ballet Theatre. The task force’s
outreach campaign focuses on schools,
churches and community groups in the
Portland area.
performances on shows such as the
Arsenio Hall Show, The Tonight Show
and TN T’s Super Bowl Saturday Night
pre-game show earned them additional
Boyz II Men will announce details
o f a major concert tour in the near future.
O bserve R
PBS Special to Spotlight United
Negro College Fund’s Historic New
Move Toward the Year 2000
Program on Nationwide Efforts to Prepare Black Americans fo r
Information Age Will Air During Black History Month
A mini-docum entary about the
United Negro College Fund’s historic
new effort to prepare the growing A fri­
can-American work force for the chal­
lenges of the year 2000 will air on PBS
stations across the country during Feb­
ruary, coinciding with celebrations of
Black History Month.
The 12-minute segment, “ Spot­
light on Education,” reveals how
U N CF’s most ambitious undertaking
in its history, a $250 m illion capital
campaign entitled, Campaign 2000: An
Investm ent in A m erica's Future is at­
tracting extraordinary support from
leading citizens and corporations. It
also offers com pelling evidence from
the Labor Departm ent about the in­
creasingly important role minorities will
play in the 21 st century job market. The
program features commentary by promi­
nent backers o f the cam paign, includ­
ing President George Bush, fonmer House
majority whip and current UNCF Presi­
dent and CEO W illiam H. G ray, III,
Ambassador W alter Anncnberg, G en­
eral Motors Chairm an Robert Stempel,
“ T oday” show host Bryant Gumbel,
and others.
“ Our historically black colleges
and universities have produced m ost of
the African-American leaders in busi­
ness, governm ent, education and every
.All Jazz, All the Time.
The Full Spectrum of Jazz...
...7 Days a Week, 365 Days a Year.
The new Verve Records release by
Portland Pianist/V ocalist Tom Grant
“ In Your W ildest D ream ” will be re­
leased on Tuesday, February 18th. Tom
will be at the 32nd and East Burnside
location o f Music Millennium between
the hours o f 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. to
m eet the public and sign autographs as
an official record release party. Music
Millennium will provide Hors d ’oeuvres
and non-alcoholic beverages to those
who attend.
Public Notice
Wholesale to the Public 35% to 50% off
100% Human Hair 16" from $15.95
braiding and weaving
Wigs and Beauty Supplies
We will meet or beat
anyone s prices.
Sales and Promotional items excluded.
Mrs. C’s Wigs and Beauty Supply
707 N.E. Fremont
Portland, Oregon 97212
(503) 281-6525
Open: 11:30 - 6:00 Tues thru Saturday
February 5 listed the date was T hurs­
day, February 18. This is a confirm a­
tion that his lecture is Tuesday, Febru­
ary 18.
House Of Exodus Bingo
Progressive Realty is strategically located in inner
North/Northeast Portland. W e are your N eighbor­
hood Realtors, we live in the neighborhood, we
know the real estate m arket out there. We are
professionals equipped with tools and Agents to
serve your neighborhood in both buying and sell­
ing real estate.
We contend that it is not necessary for the North/
Northeast neighborhoods to take the neighbor­
hood out o f the neighborhood for buying and
selling Real Estate. There are other great Real
Estate Companies in Portland, but Progressive Realty is located in the neigh­
borhood and can give you better service. W e care about our neighborhoods
and strive to circulate moneys earned at least two to three times in the neigh­
borhood before leaving it.
Why not give Progressive Realty a chance to handle all your Real Estate
needs. Call C.F. (Cliff) Richardson or any o f the Agents in the company.
Portland Community College
as part of Black History Month
Smithsonian Jazz Masterworks Orches­
tra was established by the U.S. C on­
gress in recognition of the significance
of jazz in A merican culture. Jazz fea­
tures the best perform ances from the
O rchestra’s debut 1991 concert series
at the Smithsonian.
“ Much of this music would other­
wise have been lost to perform ers and
listeners forever,” notes producer
W esley H om er. “ These are all pre­
miere performances of critical editions­
exciting moments in the revival and
preservation o f A m erica’s m ost im por­
tant jazz literature.”
Support for the production o f Jazz.
is provided by The John Hammond
Fund for the Performance o f American
Music and the Sm ithsonian’s Educa- •
tional Outreach Fund. Support for broad­
cast o f this program is provided by
NPR member stations and by the NPR
Cultural Program Fund. Contributors
include the Lila Wallace-Readcr’s Digest
Fund and the M cM aster-Carr Supply
Company. NPR programming can be
heard on nearly 440 stations nation­
In celebration o f Black History
Month, National Public Radio (NPR)
listeners will have a rare opportunity to
hear historic, almost lost, jazz com po­
sitions by Duke Ellington, Chick Webb,
Dizzy Gillespie, Count Basie, and oth­
Jazz is a two-hour special program
featuring concert performances by the
Smithsonian Jazz Masterworks Orches­
tra. The newly founded ensemble is
conducted by renowned musicians and
jazz scholars David Baker and Gunther
S c h u lle r. P ro d u ced by R adio
Smithsonian, Jazz will be broadcast
this February by NPR member stations
nationwide. (Call your local public radio
station for broadcast times.)
The Orchestra performs from scores
contained in the Duke Ellington Col­
lection of the National Museum of
American H isto ry -a lifetime accum u­
lation of more than 200,000 pages of
music, most of it unpublished. Also
included are performances o f scores by
A m erica’s most legendary jazz com ­
posers newly transcribed for publica­
tion from historic recordings. The
Academy Award winning actor
Louis Gossett, Jr. will speak at Linfield
College Tuesday, February 18, at 8
p.m. in W ilson Gym. A release dated
317 NE Killingsworth St.
283-4542 Fax 283-2977
“ A Gospel Explo.s..i..o...n
Smithsonian Orchestra Revives Historical Jazz
Pieces -Two Hour Program to Air on National
Public Radio -
Louis Gossett Jr. Speaks at Linfield
Mainstream, BcBop, blues, Fusion, New Age.
Former Portlander, Michael Hall,
is presently a member of Star Dust
Productions located in Amsterdam,
Michael is performing as an actor
and star dancer in the m usical, “ Jo­
sephine Baker Story.” This perform ­
ance prem iered N ovem ber 12, 1991
and will be performing throughout
Europe during 1992.
Michael is the son o f local resi­
dents Alexander and Japhena Hall.
Michael performed locally with
the Jefferson Dancers, under the direc­
tion o f Mary Folberg, and has per­
formed with the Afro-American Ballet
and the A merican Dance Company.
“ In Your Wildest
Progressive Realty, Inc.
imaginable field,” says UNCF Presi­
dent and CEO W illiam Gray. “ It is in
every A m erican’s interest to make sure
our 41 colleges have the financial re­
sources to produce a new generation of
leaders—young adults who will b able
to hold their own in the m arketplace of
the 21st century.”
Through Campaign 2000, UNCF
is strengthening facilities, scholarships,
endow m ents, and faculty and program
developm ent at its 41 private, histori­
cally black colleges and universities.
The campaign has already raised
$114 million in gifts and pledges, in­
cluding a $50 million challenge grant
from Ambassador W alter H. Annen-
berg, a $10 million pledge each from
General Motors and IBM, a $6 million
pledge from Exxon Education Founda­
tion, and a $5 m illion pledge from
Philip Morris Companies, Inc.
“ Spotlight on E ducation,” part of
a series of informative educational spots
connecting regularly scheduled program­
ming, will be aired nationwide at the
discretion o f individual station direc­
tors. Video copies of the show and
additional information about Campaign
2000 are also available and may be
obtained by contacting: United Negro
College Fund, CAM PAIGN 2000, 500
East 62 Street, New York, NY 10021.
Former Portlander
Performs In ‘Josephine
Baker Story’
$75.00 PAYOUTS
Participating choirs and soloists are:
..If It’s Jazz, It’s On KMHD!
St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church
Emanuel Temple Choir
His Song
Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church
Carl and Audre Parker
For Best Results
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