Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 05, 1992, Page 10, Image 10

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    Page 10...The Portland Observer...February 5, 1992
Ullysses Tucker, Jr. To Interview
Washington Post Columnist
Syndicated Urban A ffairs colum ­
nist W illiam J. Raspberry o f the W ash­
ington Post newspaper will be the fea­
tured guest on Sunday NW in honor of
Black History month. Raspberry, a
mem ber of the Post for 29 years, will be
interviewed by Sunday Northwest pro­
ducer Ullysses Tucker, Jr. Tucker spent
time with Raspberry while he was in
Portland and Corvallis, Oregon recently.
He has been producing the television
program, hosted by Rick Meyers, for
three years. Raspberry will talk about
the state of the Black race, growing up
in the segregated south, his career as a
journalist, racism in America, civil rights,
and mush more.
This special edition o f Sunday
Northwest airs Sunday morning, Feb­
ruary 9, 1992 at 8:30 on KATU Chan­
nel 2.
Ullysses Tucker, Jr.
cuss topics of concern with the present­
ers during the telecast. A one day fol­
low-up clinic will be provided after the
completion o f the four telecasts, with
faculty traveling to designated sites.
Participants will learn pediatric
assessm ent and management, take part
in simulated medical and trauma em er­
gency case studies, and practice pediat­
ric procedures while learning how to
assist Advanced Life Support (ALS)
This course has been approved for
16 hours of continuing education credit
by the Oregon Health Division for all
EMTs and may be applicable toward re­
Portland Community College will
be offering the program at the Sylvania
Campus. For more information or regis­
tration, please call 244-6 111, Ext. 2596.
The cost of the course is $110.
Partial funding for this project has been
provided by a grant from Oregon Health
division and a grant from Oregon ED-
Sub-Bids Requested
D e n ta l A n a ly s ts
Emanuel Hospital & Health Center
Medical Office Building & Parking Structure
Portland, Oregon
Bid Date: February 12,1992 @ 4:30 p.m.
Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Oregon, a major health insurance carrier,
is currently accepting applications for Dental Analysts.
Qualified candidates must have approximately one year experience
working in a dental office or insurance company as a dental analyst,
knowledge of dental terminology, good oral and written communication
skills, and CRT experience. Knowledge of ADA coding desirable. Must
be willing to work overtime as required.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Of Oregon offers an excellent employee
benefits package, flex time work hours, and competitive salary. Pre­
employment drug screening required. To assure your resume is proc­
essed immediately, place ad #14 at the top of your resume or in your
cover letter. Send resume to:
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Of Oregon
Human Resources Dept., 3rd Fir
100 S. W. Market
Portland, OR 97201
TDD #225-6780
Equal Opportunity Employer
Emergency Pediatric Care
Course Offered for the First
Time Through ED-NET
Providing emergency care for the
critically ill or severely-injured infant
or child can be a frightening experi­
e n c e -sc ary for the child and unsettling
for the provider. Even the m ost sea­
soned professional emergency care
personnel often do not provide care to
children often enough to feel com fort­
able with their level of knowledge.
To help emergency medical pro­
viders gain this knowledge, Oregon
Research and Education Foundation and
Portland Community College have
team ed up with the other community
colleges throughout the state to offer an
Em ergency Pediatric Care Course
through ED-NET (the state-wide satel­
lite education network).
“ Emergency Pediatric C are,”
written and taught by experts in pediat­
rics and prehospital care, is designed
forE M T 1 a n d 2 ’s. Beginning February
11, this live interactive telecourse is
scheduled for broadcast on four Tues­
day evenings from 7 to 9 p.m. Students
will be able to ask questions and dis-
Kiewit Construction Company
P. 0 . Box 1769
Vancouver, WA 98668
(206) 693-1478 (503) 285-4687
Fax (206) 693-2510
CCB# 63471
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from disadvan­
taged, minority, women, and emerging small business enterprises.
W o rd P ro c e s s o r/P ro o fre a d e r/S e c re ta ry
The Port of Portland is recruiting for an individual to provide word
processing, proofreading, and secretarial support to Human Re­
sources staff.
Summary of Essential Responsibilities:
• Production word processing using advanced WordPerfect and
basic Lotus 1 -2-3 spreadsheet/graphics applications.
Lo cal In n e r-C ity N on-
P ro fit To Share
P ro g ra m S u cce s s e s
• Proofreading documents generated by Human Resources staff
for correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
• Setting up and maintaining filing system for personnel and de­
partmental records.
• Providing secretary support to Compensation Manager.
Continued fro m fro n t page
W hy: SEI’s expanding programs
have been highly successful in Port­
land and are relevant to other commu­
nities in the region and nationwide.
SEI is a nationally recognized local
program dedicated to helping local inner-
city youth see that “ life has options.”
A source of hope for more than 700
inner-city Pordand youth and their
families, SEI was cited by President
Bush for its outstanding effort in ini-
tating projects which help divert youth
from drugs and crime.
• Providing backup for Human Resources Department reception­
ist and other clerical support staff.
Preferred Education and Experience:
• Excellent proofreading, grammar, spelling, punctuation and ed­
iting skills.
• Demonstrated skill using advanced WordPerfect applications.
\in .iil»\ \iin \ l\\ m t\< turn ii < ««I* I'tiulil
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l l io l ll i I > 1 .\IM M I|,,|
Free Parking
Phone (503) 282-4989
3827 N.E. Martin Luther King, Jr. Bivd.
Hours: Sun 10:00 am • 8:00 pm ■ Mon-Sat 8:30 am - 8:00 pm
r F r e e S o a p ,
Bring in this AD and you will receive
J Free Soap for the month of February •
Your Community Site For All Washing Needs.
• Strong organizational skills.
II'I - .ill lol
\, n
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\lllK l.ll l l . l l i l l l l -
I 111 I l k . l I l I H l I I I
I Ill'll lll lllk
.ilx iu l us. I lie n i a ll.
282-2120 or
B la c k W o m e n ’s
G a th e rin g
T enth A n n u a l
C e le b ra tio n
Volunteers are needed to help plan
the tenth annual celebration of Port­
land’s Black Womens’ Gathering Sched­
uled for May 8 - 9, 1992.
The gathering is a time of celebra­
tion for all African and African A m eri­
can W omen throughout Portland and
surrounding areas. A gala time of net­
working, entertainment, cultural enrich­
ment and sisterhood is being planned.
African American W omen w ish­
ing to assist on one of the committees
should contact Deborah Marshall 236-
9687 or Lucinda Tate 283-3477.
Mr. Lee and Staff
Welcome All
Demonstrated skill using basic Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet/graph
ics applications.
U l l l l l i u I«» ll« l| » , i . t \ <>ll .1
. |t J . llllli 11 ' H u l l I II lo . m
Note: Candidates selected for an interview will be required to complete
an exercise demonstrating skill in proofreading, WordPerfect, and
Lotus 1-2-3.
In addition to a starting salary of $17,030-$19,105, commensurate with
experience, the Port offers a competitive benefits package.
If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland
Employment Office, 700 N.E. Multnomah, 14th floor. Applicants resid­
ing outside the Portland Metropolitan area and physically disabled
applicants may request application materials by calling (503) 731-
7400. Pre-employment drug screening is required. All applications
must be received by 5 p.m., Friday, February 7,1992.
A d m in is tra tiv e C o o rd in a to r
The Port of Portland is recruiting for an Administrative Coordinator
to provide secretarial and clerical support to Human Resources/
Risk Management staff.
Preferred Education and Experience:
• Experience working in a human resources, risk, claims, or
claims/service office environment.
Mark Your Calendar...
Founders Day Celebration
at Benson Hotel
• Two years’ secretarial experience
The Zeta Sigma Omega Chapter of
Alpha Kappa Alpha Soroicty, are busy
finalizing plans for their Founders Day
Celebration, to be held Saturday Febru­
ary 15, 1992, from 8am until 3pm.
The theme for this years activity
is, ‘ ‘The Changing Roles of W omen in
the 9 0 ’s; As we Prepare for the 21st
C entury.” This one day event will be
held at the Benson Hotel, 309 S. W.
Broadway. The public is invited to
their gala luncheon and fashion show
beginning at 1pm. tickets are $20.00.
Fashions are by Just James with music
and other entertainment provided by
local talents.
The Alpha Kappa Alpha Soroiety
Founders Day is a multifaceted event,
conceived to bring members together
from Oregon and W ashington to renew
their com m ittm ent to the ideals of the
soroiety. The Portland Chapter, Zeta
Sigma Om ega was chartered in 1955.
• Basic understanding of insurance and claims procedures.
• Demonstrated skill with WordPerfect and Paradox software
• Demonstrated skill in correct and effective oral and written
In addition to a starting salary of $18,749 to $21,115 commensurate
with experience, the Port offers a competitive benefits package.
Note: Candidates selected for an interview will be required to
complete an in-basket exercise demonstrating organizational skills
and expertise in WordPerfect and Paradox.
If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland,
Employment Office, 700 N.E. Multnomah, 14th Floor. Applicants
residing outside the Portland metropolitan area and physically
disabled applicants may request application materials by calling
(503) 731-7400. Pre-employment drug screening is required. All
applications must be received by 5 p.m., Friday, February 7,1992.
1 »
V '
Port of Portland
B la c k H is to ry P ro g ra m
S et H ere F o r Feb. 20
A program celebrating black his­
tory will be presented on Thursday,
February 20, from 11:30am to 1:00pm
at the Portland Building Auditorium at
1120 SW Fifth Avenue in downtown
Titled “ African roots explore new
worlds - Pre-Columbian to the space
age” , the event features Dr. Darryl
Tukufu, President of the Portland Ur­
ban League. Also included on the
agenda arc Reverend Dorsey M cCull­
ough, pastor of Bethel A.M.E. Church,
his wife Loycc, and the Humboldt Drill
Sharon Mitchell from KGW-TV
will serve as the program host.
Admission is free to the public.
This program is sponsored by the Inter­
nal Revenue Service Black Em ploy­
ment Progam Committee.
Call our 24-Hour JobLine at 280-4727
for a listing of current openings at
Emanuel Hospital & Health Center.
Emanuel Hospital
& Health Center
AI uthwan- Afhluitixf Center of L anng & ExcrUemv
Equal Opportunity Employer, MFH
For Best Results
Advertise in the Observer
.1' '
Port of Portland