Page 6...The Portland ()bserver...January 22, 1992 Blazers as Football Players? ALAA ABDELNABY BY BILL BARBER There has been a lot o f specu­ lation about the Portland Trail Blazers buying a Canadian Football league franchise. The biggest problem with an expansion team has always been that you alw ays get the least experienced athletes. M ost of the time the athletic ability o f the new team is the major reason they dw ell in the cellar for the first decade. Portland may not have to wait ten years to have the Cham pionship of the CFL under its Rose City (or Rip C ity) belt. W hat would happen if the Blazers enacted a little used “ personnel serv­ ic e s” clause that is standard in its bas­ ketball players contracts? We have all seen the lousy expansion teams like Tampa Bay and New O rleans as they struggle year after year. It is no fun being razed by your friends from around North America, w ho call to tell you they ju st saw your hom etow n team get beat by the Toronto A rgonauts (103 - 6). Alaa Abdelnaby has some ideas. In an exclusive Portland O b­ server interview Abdelnaby nominated him self as Director of player person­ nel. W e asked him how he would utilize the players’ talents if the Blaz­ ers were pressed into service on the new Portland Lightning Bolts football team. “ First off, I would change the name to the ‘Lazers.’ We would just drop the ‘B ,’ which stands for Basket­ ball in Portland. Besides, it would give Marshall G lickman the opportunity to invent ‘Lazer C able.' “ W hat about tailgate parties? “ That is the second dung on the list!” Alaa said. “ No booze, but the food! It would be the w orld’s most diversified tail gate party. There would be a wide variety o f food. We would have “ Buffalo w ings’ for C liff Robinson (from Buffalo, NY), Chitlins for Buck Williams (from Rocky Mount, NC), lotsa Cajun food for our Cajun contingency, Robert Pack and W ayne Cooper (New O rleans), plenty of Texas beef for Clyde, deep dish Chicago- style pizza for Duck, Virginia ham for Jerome, and some W isconsin Cheese for Terry Porter so he w on’t be hom e­ sick (U. o f Wise. - Stevens Point). At half time I would give out Pita Bread sandwiches with lamb, for the authen­ tic Arabs, or Tuna and Turkey for the neuvel-cuisine eaters in the stadium, because we know how diversified foot­ ball fans are. Fact is, since we do n ’t have physicals until October, so everytime we score w e’ll have a tail­ gate party. W e w on’t score that much so we will stay pretty thin. W e will score so infrequently that not only will we spike the ball, our fans will be allowed to come down on the field and spike the ball. Heck, we will even give them all a ball, if we ever score.” OK Alaa, what positions would you play your team m ates at on the (B)Lazers Football Team? “ Buck W illiams and I would be defensive ends and tight ends too,” Abdelnaby stated. “ Clyde would be a flanker, running deep patterns, because of his speed. Terry Porter would be our Q uarterback, especially on passing downs, because he com pletes so many passes on the basketball court. Danny Ainge would also be a QB because he is always bragging about how good a football player he was in high school. He said he played every position and he was great at all o f them .” (We had to halt the interview until Abdelnaby could stop laughing and regain his com po­ sure.) Alaa w asn’t done yet however. * ‘If everyone was covered, Ainge could throw him self the ball, thereby making CFL history as the first man to com ­ plete a one-man outlet pass.” ( We had to halt the interview again - same rea­ son). “ I ’m going to put Robert Pack in the backfield. They c a n ’t stop him on the basketball floor so they can ’t stop him on the football field cither. Kevin Duckworth would play the entire of­ fensive line on passing d o w n s, because nobody can get to the guy with the ball when Duck sets a pick. Jerome Kersey will be our high Hying receiver. Mark Bryant is our fullback and lead blocker. He is powerful. Lamont Strothers is at center, because they have to have big helmets and facemasks. Ennis Wheatley was going to be our free safety at the start o f the season, but he has been lifting so many weights, that 1 have no choice but to make him a very strong safety now. I have been saying W ayne Cooper for Middle Line Backer, with a few anti-inflam m atory m edications he has got another good ten years in him. ” Rick Adelman would still be the head coach. Since the “ L azers” will be on a very tight budget the first few years the m anagem ent may also have to play. Alaa agreed “ Yes, Marshall Glickman will be on the field. He will have the biggest uniform on the field. N ot be­ cause he the biggest guy, but because, as Marketing Director, he can use the oversized jersey for advertising corpo­ rate sponsors em blem s and logos. Even logos o f the other teams, if the price is right. It was M arshall’s idea to take out the East Wall of the Civic Stadium and replace it with the 40 foot high ‘ ‘Lazer V ision” screen. Alaa says, “ Marshall Glickman, (who takes a lot o f ribbing about his M arketing and advertising strategies) has an idea for the opening ceremonies of the first game. G eoff Petrie, #45, our starting wide receiver, will have his game jersey retired.” There are a lot of advantages to the Blazers playing football accord­ ing to Alaa Abdelnaby. ‘ ‘There is a lot more time to rest between plays...we would establish a new football term, ‘The Pick’, when Mark and Duck were 1992 Team Nautica USA Announced blocking on sw eeps...w e’d be able to play for more than 12,000 fans...W e could slam dunk over the field goal after touchdow ns...cut way down on the dribbling...there are more refs on the field to argue with...and we are already a TEAM o f men who like to play to w in.” They are such a team in fact that there is only one rule change that might prevent the Blazers from be­ coming “ L azers.” The CFL is still de­ ciding if they will let players (Cliff Robinson) wear head bands on the outside o f their helmets. G ood Luck (B)Lazers. porticine) èrail blazer/ - 24 HOUK Seven junior sailors have been named to 1992’s Team Nautica USA after qualifying at the 1991 Orange Bowl International Youth Regatta, held at the U.S. Sailing Center, here, De­ cember 28-30. Named to the team were singlehanded sailors Mike Hare (La Porte, TX) and Danielle Brennan (New York, NY); doublehanded sail­ ors Peter W ells (La Canada, CA) and crew Robbie Dean (Newbury Park, CA ), and Tracy Hayley (Coral Gables, FL) and crew Linda Wcnnerstrom (Key Biscayne, FL); and boardsailor Scott Haladay (Lake Oswego, OR). All of the team members have qualified to represent the United States at the IYRU Nautica W orld Youth Sailing Cham pionship in Vilamoura- Algarve, Portugal, April 9-19, 1992. This year marks the first time Nautica will be the title sponsor o f the W orld Youth Sailing Championship, and the second year that the Nautica Cup will be awarded to the overall national team which has gathered the most combined points in each o f the five class divi­ sions. Classes for the event will be Laser (men’s singlehanded), Europe (women’s singlehanded), International 420 (men’s and women’s doublehanded) and Mis­ tral IMCO (men’s and women’s board). The team will be funded by USSF grants and Nautica International, Inc. ALBERTA STREET MARKET IS A GREAT PLACE TO SHOP 503/ 236-4358 LOCATED AT 915 N.E. ALBERTA 281-6388 AND PRESCOTT CORNER MARKET LOCATED AT 1460 N.E. PRESCOTT IS HERE TO SERVE THE COMMUNITY” TAPED NOTES AND QUOTES POSITIVE PEOPLE TO SERVE YOU AT ALL TIMES! STOP BY AND SEE JACK AND CREW. ALBERTA STREET HOURS 8AM TIL MIDNIGHT, PRESCOTT CORNER MARKET HOURS 8AM TIL 12:30 PM. THANK YOU Boogie Cat Productions would like to thank the Community for its support. With the help of local professional musicians who contributed their time, the "H a ppy Blue Year's" celebration at the Texas II lounge was a total success. A special thanks to Jeff Parks, Owner, Mary Alice Brett, Manager; and the Staff o f the Texas II for their contribution to this event. This event was promoted for the enhancement o f entertainment in the Community. "T he Community that works, plays, and prays together, stays together." "Happy Blue Year" from Boogie Cat Productions Norman A. Sylvester KMHD FM89.1 ...All Jazz, All the Time. KEEP WOODSTOVE FIRES SMALL AND HOT Help clean up our air AMERICAN X LUNG ASSOCIATION* I of Ortgon The Full Spectrum of Jazz... ...7 Days a Week, 365 Days a Year. M U S IC M IL L E N N IU M 32ND S E BURNSIDE 231-8926 Mainstream, BeBop, blues, Fusion, New Age. 23RD & NW JOHNSON 248-0163 ...If It’s Jazz, It’s On KMHD! 4 * Nautica will also provide uniforms for all team members. “ W e are pleased to award, for the second consecutive year, the Nautica Cup -- a symbol o f outstanding per­ formance and excellence — as a dem ­ onstration o f our on-going com m it­ ment to youth sailing,” said David Chu, president and founder o f N autica International, Inc. A training camp will be held April 6-7 at the U.S. Sailing Center in M i­ am i, FL. Coaches for the team have not yet been named. Gay Lynn (Newport, RI), a US Sailing Senior and International Judge, will represent the U.S. as a m em ber o f the International Jury at the W orlds in Portugal. The Orange Bowl International Youth Regatta was chosen as the quali­ fier for Team Nautica USA as the dates of this year’s IYRU Nautica World Youth Sailing Championship are quite early. The US Sailing/Nautica Youth Championship, the event which usu­ ally decides Team Nautica USA, will be held June 19-26,1992, at Alamitos Bay Y acht Club, Long Beach, CA. Applications are available to sailors 19 and under by calling Trish W alcott at the US Sailing office at (401) 849- 5200. The deadline for submission is April 1, 1992. House Of Exodus Bingo OPENS Celebrate Black History Month and St. Valentine’s Day Special Sisterhood Luncheon In celebration o f Black History M onth and St. V alentine’s Day we are hosting a Special Sisterhood Luncheon at the Texas Two Annex, 1625 NE Alberta, on Friday, February 14, 1992 from 11:30-1:00 p.m. This luncheon will be a joint effort between the Sister­ hood Luncheon Com m ittee, The Ur­ ban League Guild and The National Council o f Negro Women. The lunch will consist o f a buffet. The cost is S8.5O per person paid in advance. Please send payment to the Black United Fund no later than Fri­ day, January 24th, 1992. Come out and learn about the different sister organi­ zations in our com m unity, and help us celebrate Black History Month & St. V alentine’s Day. W e look forward to your support o f this worthwhile effort. DECEM BER 6 ,1 9 9 1 FRIDAY EVENING AT DIVISION ST. CORRAL BINGO 17110 S.E. DIVISION PORTLAND, OR 97233 761-8548 DAY TUESDAYS DOORS OPEN 9:00 AM EARLY BIRD 10:00 AM SESSION (2) EVENING TUESDAYS DOORS OPEN 5:00 PM FRIDAYS EARLY BIRD 6:30 PM SATURDAYS $500.00/53# $200.00 CONSOLATION W INNER TA K E ALL G A M E LOTS O F PARKING KXL-AM is Portland Area’s Number-One Morning Radio Station! $75.00 PAYOUTS BONANZA LOTS O F SEATING Public Notice Wholesale to the Public 35% to 50% off 100% Human Hair 16" from $15.95 KXL Ncwsradio 750 is now the num ber one morning radio station in the Portland market, according to the latest Arbitron Ratings. The Fall 1991 Arbitron Book reports KXL Ncwsradio 750 has a 9.8 share of the radio listen­ ing public (12+) from 6:(X) a.m. to 10:00 a.m ., making it Portland’s most listened to radio station during M orn­ ing-Drive. Steve Leader and Diana Jordan com prise the morning team on KXL Ncwsradio 750 from 5:00 a.m. to 9:(X) a.m ., providing listeners with a mix of news, traffic, weather, sports, business news and more! One hour of Morning- Drive includes the Rush Limbaugh Show which is now the Portland area’s num ­ ber two most listened to radio program (12+). braiding and weaving Wigs and Beauty Supplies We will meet or beat anyone’s prices. Sales and Promotional items excluded. Mrs. C’s Wigs and Beauty Supply 707 N.E. Fremont Portland, Oregon 97212 (503) 281-6525 Open: 11:30 - 6:00 Tues thru Saturday I